[69] A Fairytale Wedding

Kamek balanced on a wobbly stool, straining upward to match his master's towering height. 

Despite Bowser's seated position, which diminished his imposing stature, the devoted magician labored to reach the pinnacle of the Koopa King's carefully coiffed hair.

"It's okay if you can't do it, Kamek-."

"No, sire!" Kamek stops Bowser midsentence, knowing full well what he was going to say before he spoke. "Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice." He sighs deeply. "I want to do this on my own; magic can only do so much."

Bowser chuckles and adjusts himself better for him. "Whatever you say." 

It takes a couple more minutes and tries, but Kamek gets the hang of it and styles his master's hairdo better than he did it himself when he tried to marry Princess Peach. "Done!" The magician climbs down from the stool, sets it aside, stands back, and gawks at his work. 

The man gets up, and turns around for Kamek to get a better view of his whole wedding attire. "So? How do I look?"

Kamek's face lit up with a smile and a nod of approval. "Almost near perfect." He muses. "But you're missing one more thing." He walks over to the nearby table, seizing the final accessory needed to complete the Koopa King's look. "May I?" 

Bowser, with a silent nod, takes a knee and inclines his head obediently. 

With utmost care, Kamek places the hat atop the redhead, making the final adjustment with a tender touch. "Now it's perfect." Kamek declares with satisfaction. 

The man then adjusts his head to meet the magician's gaze; the light reveals Kamek's wrinkles of age, adding depth to the moment. Bowser, unable to discern Kamek's eyes clearly behind the thick glasses he always wore, is driven to ponder the enormity of their history together. 

Gratitude wells up within him as he speaks in a rare moment of vulnerability, "Thank you, dad..." The words, loaded with unspoken sentiment, break the long-held silence as Bowser acknowledges Kamek's paternal role, and it momentarily rattles the magician's composure. 

"You're welcome, son..." Kamek's response is kind, a departure from his usual stoicism. "Enough stalling," He says, gently patting Bowser's shoulder, before moving to stand by the door. "A special someone awaits you, sire." 

"Right." He adjusts his tie, loosens up his shoulders, and is escorted out by his most loyal servant through thick and thin. 

~          ~          ~ 

Peach's gentle touch carefully applies a layer of lip gloss, enhancing your natural beauty and adding a touch of radiance to your smile. 

Meanwhile, Daisy's skilled hands work their magic, effortlessly styling your hair into an elaborate and stunning hairdo that perfectly complements your bridal look. 

"Feeling nervous?" Toadette asks, ensuring that your dress is still immaculate and ready to be presented. 

You release a soft chuckle, not wanting to disrupt the princess's dedicated work. "Just a little, but knowing that everything and everyone will be fine is helping," you reply. 

The three girls exchange warm glances and reassuring smiles, creating a sense of calm and joy in the room.

"Princess (F/n), it is with the greatest pleasure that I inform you that we're finished," Peach expresses happily, who's practically overflowing with joy, steps back to take in the sight of you. 

Daisy and Toadette join in to admire the transformation and unleash their delight at the stunning outcome. 

Each detail has been carefully attended to, ensuring that you ooze an air of grace and elegance befitting a princess who's ready to be a queen. 

"Thank you, girls, so much; honestly, I don't how I can ever repay you all..." You choke up. The tears build up and almost spill out. 

"Woah! Don't cry just yet!" Daisy exclaims worryingly.  

"She's right; just hold on a little longer." Peach comes over and checks if you, in fact, released the waterworks, which you thankfully didn't, not yet, at least. "One more thing before you let you go for good." The blonde says through a sad smile, reaches above your head and drapes the veil over your face. "There." 

They all stand back and hold one another tightly, trying to contain a wide range of emotions. 

"Is it just me, or do I almost not want to give her up to the Koopa King?" Toadette comments casually, which causes the bittersweet moment to lighten up. 

"I feel the same way, but this is going to be a good thing for all of us." Peach adds. 

"Or else..." Daisy suggests menacingly, prepared to wreak havoc if Bowser makes even the slightest mistake upon you ever again. 

"I appreciate the sentiments, girls." You chuckle and let out a deep sigh. 

"Ready?" Toadette and the princesses ask in unison. 

You nod confidently. "Ready as I'll ever be." 

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

The girls followed you through the massive hallways, which then led you to the grand ballroom, where Bowser and everyone from all walks of life were waiting patiently for your presence. They opened the doors, revealing the walkway covered in petals; all fell silent, their eyes turning to you, but most importantly, the eyes of the Koopa King. 

Peach, Daisy, and Toadette smoothly parted ways with you and took their seats next to their respective dates. 

The orchestra begins to play a soft, melodious tune, and the guests rise to their feet. 

All the attention on you triggers the release of the nerves you've been suppressing. As a result, your heart races within your chest, your stomach tightens into a knot, and your mind becomes filled with unwelcome doubt.

No, not now! 

You beg; the grasp on your piranha plant bouquet is so tight you nearly snap the poor things in half. 

Calm down, calm down...

As you stand there, you mentally revisit the reasons for this moment. 

The individual you've longed to be with now desires you, and that's why you find yourself here. 

All of a sudden, your eyes come to rest on Bowser. He is shedding tears uncontrollably, yet there is no emotion on his face except for the calm and collected demeanor he has maintained for your sake. 

The sight of your beloved unexpectedly calms your nerves. As you take every step from the entrance to the altar, you do so with an increasing sense of grace, drawing closer with each moment to your new future.

A wide smile decorates your features beneath the veil, and before you even know it, you reach the altar. 

You don't know if it's your mind playing tricks on you, but as you take hold of Bowser's hand, you faintly hear a loud heartbeat pounding rapidly that isn't yours or Kamek's, who's the officiant like before. 

Everyone sits down, and Kamek begins to speak. "Dear beloved..." But the magician's words are almost a distant hum to the two of you. 

All that matters is the promise you're about to make to each other. 

"We'll let the bride go first," Kamek says, snapping you and Bowser out of the stare you two held onto. "Right," You say, taking a deep breath and letting yourself be vulnerable.

"Today, I vow to stand here beside you, ready to provide unwavering support, endless admiration, and unconditional love for as long as I am able. Since day one, my feelings for you have remained steadfast and deep-rooted, enveloping every part of who you are." As you inhale and exhale silently, you strive to maintain composure. "You have shown me what romantic love is and I don't want anything else that's not from you. I love you with everything I am and have and when challenges come our way, we'll be ready." 

When it's Bowser's turn, he takes a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. "(F/n), your kindness, your strength, and your unwavering love and dedication have had a profound impact on me. I have to admit, I'm addicted to you," He confesses without hesitation. "From the day we first met to this very moment, I think about you constantly and marvel at how our relationship has grown stronger. I eagerly anticipate the future we will build together." As the man speaks, his grasp on your hands tightens, conveying both his emotions and his uncertainty about the future. "In the midst of my internal chaos, you have been my anchor, and I hope that never changes."

You two smile at one another faces flushing red, and exchange rings, the symbol of an eternal commitment. 

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," Kamek says, failing to suppress his excitement for you and Bowser. "You may kiss the bride." 

The Koopa King gently cups your face, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that's so sweet, tender, and filled with the words he spoke of forever. The guest erupts into applause and cheers, the sound echoing across the room. As you two pull apart, you turn to face the guests, monarchs, and the Koopa family. 

Holding each other's hands, intertwined fingers, and smiles brighter than the sun. 

Hand in hand, you both walk back down the aisle, cheers and music filling the air.

May this be for the better or worse, either way, you didn't care which.

