[45] Matrimony Pry

After Bowser takes Princess Peach and leaves the castle, you help everyone to their feet. 

The once regal throne room is now in ruins. 

Despite the chaos, everyone was helping each other and trying to understand what had happened.

You gaze out from the balcony; Daisy approaches you and places a comforting hand on your shoulder. Turning to her, the girl sees tears welling in your eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

You let out a heavy sigh, attempting to keep your emotions in check. The weight of the situation started to sink in, a lump forming in your throat. "This wasn't supposed to happen..." Your voice shakes as you try to hold back the tears. 

The reality of the situation hits you hard.

"Oh, (F/n)... I'm sure Bowser didn't mean any harm-." Daisy begins.

"That's not it," You interrupt intentionally. "What hurts is that he kidnapped my friend and destroyed my home." Your bottom lip trembles in shame. "I don't know if I can continue like this..."

The others look at you sadly, unsure what to say or do.

"I couldn't help the brothers, I couldn't help the kingdoms, and I couldn't even help myself..." You cry silently, using both hands to cover your mouth. Your legs slowly give out and sink to the floor. 

The tears stretch your hands; you flinch in pain. 

Stopping for a second, you stare at your hand that got caught in the crossfire — a first-degree burn, which quickly evolved into a second-degree burn.

It hurts...

You remove your injured hand from your face to avoid the saltiness of your tears from entering your skin. 

One side of the gold coin wants to keep fighting until the end, while the other wants to give up and stop struggling. 

You're caught between a rock and a hard place. 

After calming down, you think things through. "We can't lose," Standing up, you turn to face the group. "Especially not to him." You state aggressively, tightening your fists. 

The individuals notice the fire in your eyes. 

"We'll tend to everyone's wounds, retrieve the toads, and head out to the Dark Lands as soon as possible."

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

You take charge of the absence of Princess Peach. 

Altering your original plan and opting for a less risky approach. 

In doing so, you take the bold step of becoming the main assailant. 

It's a perplexing situation, and you were at a loss to understand why Bowser didn't fight back. Nevertheless, you realized the opportunity and decided to capitalize on it. 

You call the remaining group members and regroup to discuss the next course of action.

"(F/n), what's your plan?" Daisy questions as you tend to your injured hand.

"I don't plan on losing anything more than we already have..." You reply.

"What do you mean?" Daisy asks, puzzled, as you pull out the superstar and hold it up.

"I'm going to try to negotiate with Bowser. The superstar for the Toadstool Princess and the armies," You declare.

"That's a huge risk, even for you, (F/n)!" Toad exclaims in concern.

"I know, but I have a feeling Bowser won't be able to say no to this because it's something he's been hunting for a long time," You say, looking at everyone before taking a deep breath. "I won't force anyone into this crazy plan, but-"

"We're with you, (F/n)," Mario interrupts, causing everyone to turn towards him. "You've been kind to my brother and me since we arrived, and you're way braver than we anticipated."

"What he said!" Luigi adds nervously. "It's been a while since we've felt this needed, and we want to see where it leads!"

You smile at them. "Thank you, guys. We'll make sure your efforts won't be in vain."

"Count me in all the way!" Toad clamors. "Everyone will be free!"

"I'm with you too!" Donkey Kong tags along. "No one messes with the Kong Kingdom!" 

Daisy is the last one to join the plan. She laughs and puts a hand in the middle, encouraging the others to put theirs in. "Let's kick some villain butt!"

You, the brothers, and Toad do so and prepare for the finale. 

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

Bowser made a chilling announcement. 

He revealed that the prisoners, captured before and after the attempted ambush on the Koopa Kingdom, would be ritually sacrificed in honor of Princess Peach in a lake of fiery lava.

Peach could do nothing but wait anxiously for the team's call to action. Hoping you and the group can accomplish great things. Dressed in her white wedding gown, she stood nervously; the only thing sure was uncertainty. "Here goes nothing..."

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

As the Mario brothers and Donkey Kong engage in a fierce battle against parts of the Koopa army, you, Daisy, and Toad are assigned the crucial task of sneaking past the conflict. 

Your keen senses and quick thinking help you guide them through the chaotic battlefield, skillfully avoiding any potential obstacles or threats. Finally, you locate a hidden passageway that leads straight to the ceremony's location, expertly dodging any watchful eyes that might have detected the plan.

Leaning your ear against the doors, you hear a faint voice. 

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for a special occasion,"

"Kamek..." You mumble, realizing the wedding has officially begun. "We have to stop this before it's too late!"

"Then go in and stop it!" Daisy urges eagerly. 

"When should I go?!"

"Whenever, obviously! We're running out of time!" 

"I don't want to mess this up-!"

"Just go already!" Toad blurts. 

"Okay, fine! Stop yelling at me!" You shout, burst through the doors, and interrupt the ceremony. 

Bowser and Peach shift their attention toward the entrance where you stand and stare in disbelief your way. 

"I object!" You declare loudly, walking across the aisle. 

All of Bowser's subjects and allies stare at you with curiosity. 

Kamek closes his book and takes a step back from the altar. 

Junior and the Koopalings look excited to see you again. 

King Boo and King Bob-omb nod in a cocky manner, sensing this is going to get more interesting than the actual ceremony. 

The sudden turn of events takes aback the princess, but a wave of relief washes over her.

On the other hand, the Koopa King is utterly perplexed and at a loss for words, unable to comprehend the situation or decide on an appropriate response.

You shift your attention to him and say, "Deep down, I know this isn't what you truly desire. But I have something you covet more than anything else in the world."

"Woman, you're like a thorn in my side; I don't or will ever-."

"Love me? Alright, I get it." You halt his sentence. "Then, how about this?" You dig into your bag and pull out the item of great power. The last remaining superstar floats on top of your hand, being careful not to touch it not to consume its power.

Bowser is left speechless, his body moving from his spot, pulling him in like a rope, and walks up to you. "You have it..?" 

"Yes, I always have. I found, hid, and kept it safe from hands like yours." You express, taking a step back from him. "And I'm here to offer you another deal." 

The man's eyes knit together, raising a brow. "Which is..?"

Standing tall and confident, you hold the mesmerizing star in your hand, its light glowing brightly. 

Bowser stands before you, unsure of what to do. 

You speak with authority, making your demands clear. "If you want this," You gesture towards the star. "You'll have to let Peach and everyone else go. What you do with it afterward is your problem because we'll be prepared if you use it." 

Bowser's eyes flicker down to the star, then back up to you, uncertain how to proceed. His heart races with uncertainty as he takes in your piercing stare. 

You continue to hold his gaze, unflinching, and he realizes you're a force to be reckoned with. Never imagining you'd be capable of putting him in this position. "What will it be?" You question impatiently, moving the star away from him. "A fake love bound to fail or an overwhelming power to conquer all and be alone for an eternity?" 

The weight of your words throws him into a spiral of disarray.

The memory of his conversation with Princess Peach floods Bowser's mind, overwhelming him with the force of a thousand soldiers. 

Torn between two options: should he give in to your offer or continue to resist and see where it takes him? 

The answer is painfully clear, but Bowser fights against it as he always has. 

Eventually, he had to accept the reality of this magical world and make a choice. 

After much contemplation, Bowser finally made his decision.

"(F/n)... stop." He speaks, raising a hand, noticing your injured hand wrapped in bandages.

You move away, thinking he will grab the star without making his choice first. 

"I can't do this anymore..." He admits. "You weren't supposed to be a part of this and look around."

You do so and frown at the messy circumstances; as your gaze is elsewhere, he gently grips the wrist of your injured hand.

"If you mean what you say," He lets go and holds out both hands. "I'll take the star and let everyone go. Because I can't argue with you any longer."

You take another step back, distancing yourself and the star away from Bowser. "Can I trust you?"

"Have I ever lied to you before?"

He has a point; despite his temper and evil demeanor, he never once lied to you while in his castle. 

"If you're going to use it, use it now." You display. 

The man hesitates as you hold the star carefully. 

Another epiphany strikes him when you say this. 

What happens after I take it? 

I use it and take over all worlds? 

But what occurs after that? 

It's like she said.

No one else to conquer, no Princess Peach, no nothing. 

And worst of all...

Bowser takes a step back, retracting his giant hands. Looking at you sorrowfully, he utters, "I'm sorry, but I can't do this either. The star is yours, and I can't take it away from you." His actions and words left everyone in attendance in a state of shock. The large man stands up straight and directs his attention to Kamek, who's standing far from the scene. "Get everyone out of here and release the prisoners. The wedding is canceled..."

"Yes, sire!" The magician didn't hesitate to obey his orders, and all the guests were escorted out, including the Koopalings. 

And as much as they wanted to reunite with you as you wished with them, you're all unable to now. 

The prisoners' cages inside are lifted up and away from the boiling lava. 

The ones who remain during this process are Bowser, Kamek, Peach, and you.

It was that easy?  

Almost too easy...

What is he planning? 

"And no, I'm not planning something underneath this surrender. I'm too worn out to even think about that right now..." The man detains your thoughts and sits down on one of the guest benches nearby. "This is a disaster..." He mumbles as he puts his hands over his face. 

You put the star away and take the time to make sure Peach was okay. 

"(F/n), that was incredible! You didn't have to use force to stop him!" Her bright grin turns into a small smile. "He does like you..."

You chuckle at her comment. "I wouldn't say that. He just ran out of energy to press forward, and I'm a headache."

Peach shakes her head. "No, you're not. You're a saving grace." She says, glancing over at Bowser. 

"Saving grace?" You repeat her words in confusion. 

"Yes. You heard me. I don't think he has another choice but to admit defeat." She motions her head to him. "Go talk to him. That's what both of you need. We'll make sure everything gets sorted out." Peach goes over to where the cages are controlled.

Glancing down at the floor, you rub your hands together. Closing your eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them and looking back up. 

Your eyes are set on the Koopa King. 

What will I say to him? 

More importantly, what will he say to me?

