Mother Su laughed and said: "We're doing good. The air is better here, the water is clearer, and all of the vegetables are freshly grown

by the villagers. They taste much better than anything you can find in the city. Your dad's health wasn't very good before, but his

cough hasn't acted up even once since we moved here. We've both retired anyway and the retirement money is enough for us.

There's no reason for us to return to the city, so we decided that we'll just settle down here."

Su Yaya thought about it. It didn't matter where they lived, as long as their bodies were healthy. "Okay, then. As long as you're both happy."

As Mother Su promised to take care of herself, the joy in her voice was evident. It had been a long time since she last shared such a normal conversation with Su Yaya. No matter what mistakes Su Yaya had made in the past, she was still her precious daughter. As a mother, Mother Su couldn't help but worry and hope her daughter was living a good life on her own.

"All of our relatives know that you have a powerful boyfriend now. They keep calling me one by one, asking me to help their children

find a job and whatnot. Some even said they want you to help them do some investments. Anyways, it's all a bunch of nonsense. I told them I haven't been in contact with you, so I don't know when you might visit."

Mother Su took a breath and continued, "Opportunities will come to those who have talent and deserve them. We should ignore them.

When our family needed help, none of them lent a hand. When you were being slandered on the internet, so many of them were laughing at us. They think I don't know about it. Despite knowing that those rumors were false, Su Xiaoxuan still came running over to cause trouble. When your dad heard about the rumors from her, his condition almost relapsed! Now that you're doing better, she's acting nice and pretending as if nothing happened."

After hearing what Mother Su had to say, Su Yaya breathed a loud sigh of relief. She smiled and said in a sweet voice, "What you did was right, Mom. Don't mind those people."

"Those are just small things. I just want you to live well. If your relatives come looking for you and asking you for help, you shouldn't promise them anything."

"Mom, I know what to do." Su Yaya replied. Her relatives were indeed shameless. She was not going to give them a good time if they ever came looking for her!

"How is your relationship with your boyfriend?" asked Mother Su.

Su Yaya glanced in the direction of Chen Xiuqi and said: "It's alright."

This response made Mother Su feel a little uneasy. She understood her daughter's temper well and was afraid she would make bad decisions.

"Yaya, love has to be two-sided. Don't be willful. If he treats you well, you should do the same for him. Of course, if he doesn't treat you

well or you realize you're not compatible with him, then you should break up. Remember, when you're in a relationship, you shouldn't deceive each other or be half-hearted."

Su Yaya was stunned and grumbled a little on the inside. Did Mother Su take some of the rumors on the internet to heart? But it was entirely impossible. If she ever cheated on Chen Xiuqi, he would be able to destroy her with the flick of a finger. Su Yaya didn't even dare entertain the idea! After all, she still wanted to live a good, long life!

"Mom, don't worry. None of those things will happen," Su Yaya promised.

Mother Su was relieved but also afraid that her daughter would get angry. She quickly added, "'I'm just mentioning it casually! I believe in you, so don't be angry, okay?"

From her cautious tone, it was easy to tell how strained their mother-daughter relationship was. It was rare for them to have a normal conversation without her daughter getting angry.

Su Yaya also understood the reason well. The original owner had such a good mother, yet she didn't know how to cherish her.

She said, "Mom, I'm not angry. I've grown up and won't act as I did before. If I do anything wrong, you can tell me directly. You're the best, Mom."

It took a moment for Su Yaya's mom to understand those words. When it did, Mother Su was ecstatic. "Okay, okay. My daughter has grown up."

Su Yaya could feel her joy and gently responded with an "mhm."

There was some hoarseness in Mother Su's voice when she asked: "Yaya, when are you going to visit? Your dad and I miss you very much."

Su Yaya thought about her recent work schedule and said to Mother Su: "I am a little busy right now, so I'll visit when my workload is lighter."

Mother Su happily agreed.

The two continued to converse for a while before hanging up.

Chen Xiuqi came over and asked: "Are you busy at work?"

"Hm?" Su Yaya looked up in confusion.

"If you can't go back because of work, you can bring them here to play," he said.

Bring them over to play?

If they came over, wouldn't they have to meet Chen Xiuqi? Then, that would deepen their relationship, making it much more difficult for her to run later on. Mother and Father Su would be implicated too. That wasn't good.

Su Yaya thought for a moment before saying, "It's a good idea, but we're both too busy right now to keep them company. It would be better to wait until I'm free. Then, I'll go visit them where they are. It'll just be a few days, am I right?"

"In that case, let's invite them over here next time," he agreed.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Wait," he suddenly remembered. "Have you been busy with work recently? Isn't it just one variety show that hasn't even started filming yet?"

He made it sound like she was very idle!

Su Yaya pouted at him. "That's right, but since it's a cooking show, I need to practice my cooking skills! Variety shows should also be taken seriously, especially since there will be judges there. I also told Sister Zhou to arrange some other jobs for me, such as shooting for magazines, and advertisements, and going to the company for acting classes. I even had people from Weibo ask if I want to be one of their promoters! I have plenty of things to do!"

Faced with her pouting expression, Chen Xiuqi chuckled and reached out to pinch her cheek. "It sounds like you're very busy."

"Of course." Su Yaya huffed with a somewhat proud look on her beautiful face.

The smile on Chen Xiuqi's face grew wider. "Then, may I ask if my beloved big celebrity is free this evening? Could you spare some time to accompany me to a charity dinner?"

A charity dinner?

A look of surprise flickered across Su Yaya's face. Chen Xiuqi was asking her to accompany him to a charity dinner.

As far as she remembered, in the novel, Chen Xiuqi never brought the original owner to a charity dinner with him. He would usually go alone or with an assistant or secretary. However, after An Yutong returned to the country and the two got together, she would accompany him every time.

When she was reading the novel, she praised An Yutong for her skills and Chen Xiuqi for his over-the-top pampering. His connections were everywhere, no matter what An Yutong needed, Chen Xiuqi could get it for her.

Of course, the way he treated the current Su Yaya was no different. As long as she coaxed him enough and her request wasn't too excessive, he would try to satisfy every one of her wishes. It seemed that he had always been this kind of boyfriend.

Now, he was asking her to accompany him to a charity dinner. The reason Su Yaya came up with that was: the Weibo post. Since their relationship was made public, there was undoubtedly a lot of talk about her in the circle. If he didn't go with her, a lot of gossip and rumors would start circulating!

The subsequent explanation was: Of course, with his identity and status, he wouldn't be affected by such rumors. However, it was better to dispel them in case they cause trouble in the future. It was just a charity dinner anyway, going with a female companion was nothing strange. Going with Su Yaya wasn't only suitable but also convenient.

After thinking it through, Su Yaya responded calmly, "Okay, I'll go get ready."

She needed to stay on Chen Xiuqi's good side, it was best to comply with his wishes.

Chen Xiuqi laughed and pulled her into his arms. "How can you be so cute? We're going to a charity dinner. What do you need to prepare for?"

"Eh?" She looked at him in wide-eyed confusion. "Don't I need to put on makeup, do my hair, and change into a dress or something?"

He laughed even harder and stroked her hair. "I'll take you somewhere first, you'll know."

Su Yaya nodded and asked, "You're taking me out to get ready?"

"Of course. My Yaya is so beautiful, I have to make sure that you outshine everyone else at the event tonight."

Those words made her very happy. She hooked her arms around his neck and smiled. "How do you know I'll outshine everyone at the event tonight? What if someone else outshines me?"

He bowed his head to kiss her lips. "Have confidence in yourself. No one else in the entertainment circle can compete with your beauty. As the first female companion of Chen Xiuqi, there's no doubt you'll be the most beautiful woman there!"

How arrogant of him! As the story's male lead, he had every right to be arrogant and domineering. Whether it was his status or family

background, no matter where he went, no one could look down on him.

Afterward, Chen Xiuqi took her to a modeling studio. She instantly recognized it as a top-tier modeling studio that most popular

artists loved. She even knew a few actresses who frequently got their makeup, hair, and outfit done at this studio.

"A'din, give her something suitable for a dinner party."

Chen Xiuqi was acquainted with the chief makeup artist of the studio and told A'din to do Su Yaya's makeup immediately upon entering.

As A'din led the two into a room, he was hopelessly captivated by the couple. While he was already familiar with Chen Xiuqi's handsome appearance, A'din was shocked by the appearance of the great beauty standing beside him.

Just like a doll, she had a small face embellished by a pair of big, bright eyes. She had a tall nose and a cherry-like mouth. The most stunning thing was her figure. She had curves in all the right places while possessing a slender waist.

Moreover, A'din was somewhat of a leg fanatic. He liked legs that were long, straight, and slender, just like those of cartoon characters. Su Yaya's legs met each one of his requirements.

"Miss Su, you are too beautiful." A'din had seen Chen Xiuqi's Weibo post and knew his girlfriend was Su Yaya. He genuinely thought that she was beautiful, it made him see her in a more favorable light.

"Thank you." Su Yaya responded generously.

Chen Xiuqi swept his gaze over A'din. Everything about A'din's character was good except his love for beauty. Whether it was a man or a woman, as long as they looked good, he would be unable to draw his eyes away from them.

"A'din." Chen Xiuqi couldn't help but remind him, "I'm in a hurry."

A'din finally tore his gaze away from Su Yaya and replied, "I know, I know. I'll start transforming the beautiful Miss Su into an even more beautiful woman. I promise you won't be disappointed."

Su Yaya smiled when she heard those words.

Chen Xiuqi looked at her and knew why she was laughing. "He'll take care of you," he told her.

A'din instructed, "Beautiful Miss Su, please come with me. Let's go pick out a dress first."

"Okay." Su Yaya nodded before following A'din.

There were several dresses. A'din swept his eyes over each one as an assistant lined them up in a row. If he didn't any dresses to

his liking in one batch, he would tell the assistant to bring another one. After half an hour, he settled on a wine-red fishtail dress and a black tube dress.

"Why don't you try on these two and ask Chen Xiuqi which one he thinks looks better?" A'din suggested.

Su Yaya complied and tried on the fishtail dress first. The front was fine and the skirt outlined her figure while the tail seemed to resemble ocean waves.

"Turn around," Chen Xiuqi said.

Su Yaya turned around, revealing her bareback. His expression immediately darkened. The back of the dress was completely open from her neck to her waist, exposing the entire snowy expanse of her back.

Complemented by the fishtail design, it gave off a very seductive vibe.

"This one's no good, change it. What do you need to show off so much of your back for?" he remarked calmly. He was taking her to the charity dinner to play, not to be the object of other people's stares.

She changed into the black tube dress.

"What about this one?" she asked as she spun a full circle for him to see.

Aside from the chest area, this dress covered up everywhere else and should meet his requirements.

However, Chen Xiuqi's expression turned even darker instead. Though the rest of her body was covered, the top part of the dress made it look like her voluptuous white bunnies would fall out at any given second.

He refused to let other people see it. Standing up, he went inside the dressing room and swept his gaze over the rows of hangers.

Finally, he chose and handed her an elegant dress.

"Wear this one!"

Su Yaya gave one glance at the black dress in his hand and secretly rolled her eyes. Like hell, she would be able to outshine anyone in that dress!

Under the barrage of Su Yaya's refusal and A'din's persuasion, Chen Xiuqi finally agreed to pick another dress. They went through nearly a hundred pieces before a black dovetail halter dress was chosen. It revealed her slender shoulders and nothing else. Not her chest, back, or legs.

Fortunately, the dress could still be considered fashionable. Su Yaya was naturally beautiful and could make an ordinary dress look good without much effort. So pulling off a high-end halter dress, even though it was plain, was no problem at all.

Afterward, A'din matched her makeup and hairstyle according to the style of the dress.

Once everything was done, she walked out and stopped directly in front of Chen Xiuqi.

"Do I look good?" she asked as she raised her chin.

"Yes," Chen Xiuqi answered truthfully. She had captured his gaze from the moment she walked out of the dressing room.

Su Yaya smiled. "I think so too."

Chen Xiuqi extended an arm and said softly, "Let's go."

"Okay." She took his arm and left the modeling studio with him. They took a car to the hotel where the charity dinner was being held.

At 8 o'clock, the gates of the Fuheng Peninsula Hotel were filled with cars. Most of the people who came to the charity dinner were either business elites, famous directors, producers, singers, or actresses.

In front of the hotel, there was a 50-meter-long red carpet for the guests to walk down. The reporters who were invited surrounded the carpet with all sorts of cameras and bright flashes.

Soon, a black limousine pulled up and caught the attention of everyone nearby. They peered at the windows, wondering who could be sitting inside.

The chauffeur got out first and went around to open the passenger door.

A pair of long legs and shiny leather shoes came into view and the surrounding people all began to whisper. Which big celebrity could this be?

Chen Xiuqi got out of the car, his expression indifferent in the face of their whispers. When his handsome countenance was revealed, all of the reporters instantly shared the same thought: Wow, it's the president of the Chen Group, Chen Xiuqi! Hurry, I have to get a picture!

And thus, they all began to clamor to take the best picture.

Surrounded by endless flashes and clicking, Chen Xiuqi straightened his suit and looked around expressionlessly. Then, he turned and walked to the other side of the limousine.

Everyone was surprised! What was going on? They all knew that Chen Xiuqi preferred to attend public events alone or with an assistant.

Since he revealed his relationship with Su Yaya on Weibo in the morning, could he be opening the door for Su Yaya?

At the thought of this possibility, everyone's curiosity was raised to its peak. They stared expectantly at the door.

It would be huge news if it was Su Yaya! All of the reporters, who'd waited several hours for the event to begin, suddenly felt that the wait was worth it.

They watched as Chen Xiuqi opened the car door and smiled. He leaned down and said something to the person sitting in the car, then, extended his other hand.

A pair of high heels touched the floor. The woman's legs were covered by her black dress. Under Chen Xiuqi's gaze, Su Yaya came down from the car. Standing side by side, the two painted a beautiful image.

The surrounding reporters were shocked for a second before the cameras began to flash frantically again. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful. They looked too good!

First, Chen Xiuqi disclosed their relationship to the public. Then, he brought her along to a charity dinner. This was a complete acknowledgment of their relationship.

Just the day before, people were saying that Su Yaya was being kept by Chen Xiuqi and that dating and marriage were impossible!

Those rumors were false. Chen Xiuqi's feelings for her were as clear as day. Such a gentle and caring gaze was only possible for a man in love!

Chen Xiuqi took Su Yaya's hand and together, they stepped onto the red carpet. He walked slowly and carefully, mindful of her 4-inch heels and long dress. As they smiled and whispered to each other, the reporters were still crazily snapping pictures.

Afterward, they stared at the pictures they took and sighed, "Is that President Chen I know? Isn't he treating Su Yaya too well?"

Others agreed, nodding like pecking chicks, "Right? I thought I was the only one who thought so. You can see his love just from the way he's looking at her. It can't be fake. If it is, then Chen Xiuqi's acting ability is on the level of an Oscar award winner."

"It has to be real. They're like Cinderella and Prince Charming! I think I'm starting to believe in love again."

The parties involved were oblivious to whatever the others were saying about them, and soon they disappeared into the banquet hall.

The banquet hall was already packed with people. When Chen Xiuqi walked in with Su Yaya, they were instantly recognized. The people who were more familiar with Chen Xiuqi went forward and chatted with him enthusiastically.

While Chen Xiuqi exchanged words with all of them, Su Yaya held onto his arm and stood there quietly with a smile. No trace of impatience could be seen on her face as she listened to their conversations.

Wave after wave of people approached, and it wasn't until quite a while later that he finally finished dealing with all of them.

Su Yaya stood beside him in her 4-inch heels and wore a small smile on her face the entire time.

Chen Xiuqi lowered his voice and whispered in her ear, "Tired? Let's go sit down."

The organizer had arranged two front-row seats for them.

Su Yaya looked at him and wondered how he knew she was tired. She had been patient and careful not to show it.

"I can tell," he laughed.

This person was too sharp.

She could only smile in response. "Let's go then."

"Okay." He led her to the front and sat down. <

Su Yaya had just taken her seat when she felt someone tap on her shoulder. Sister Hui's smiling face greeted her when she turned her head.

"Miss Su, you look so beautiful today!"

Sister Hui was also wearing a black halter dress while a pair of large earrings dangled from her ears. She looked glamorous, quite the opposite of how she usually dressed as a host.

"You look very beautiful too, Sister Hui," Su Yaya complimented.

Sister Hui looked at her and smiled. "Thank you."

They were wearing the same type of dress, only, Su Yaya's dress was from a famous brand. They couldn't be compared.

What Su Yaya said was just a pleasantry.

Everyone's gazes had been stuck on Chen Xiuqi and Su Yaya since they walked in. Sister Hui was no exception.

Chen Xiuqi was handsome, young, and rich. There was no shortage of women who wanted to become Mrs Chen, however, he never

paid attention to any of them. He remained single until his Weibo post revealed his relationship with Su Yaya. Now, countless people were curious to see who exactly this Su Yaya was.

Su Yaya, in her black dovetail halter dress, easily captured the attention of everyone at the banquet hall. The other women present, whether they were the charming, stunning, or alluring type, all paled in comparison to her! She was the most beautiful star at the banquet!

When he heard Su Yaya talking to someone, Chen Xiuqi also turned around to see who it was. Sister Hui hurriedly smiled at him. "It's been a while, President Chen."

He looked at her face and raised an eyebrow. Who was she again? Sister Hui met his gaze and gripped her handbag tighter as her heart began to race. Did he remember her? She had interviewed him just two months ago.

Unfortunately for her, Chen Xiuqi had forgotten. He could tell that she looked a little familiar, but he had no idea where she was from. Luckily, he was used to dealing with things like this. He gave her a polite nod and turned back around.

Did he just turn his back on her like that?

Sister Hui stared at his back with her mouth agape. She had a whole stomach of words ready but was cut off after only one sentence!

She turned to Su Yaya who returned her look with a polite smile. There was no other meaning to it, but in Sister Hui's eyes, it seemed like Su Yaya was mocking her. Unbeknownst to Su Yaya, Sister Hui became a little unhappy with her.

Fortunately, just in time, the host announced the start of the charity dinner. Several donations were made to the auction and the money would go towards treatment for disabled children.

Su Yaya didn't know anything about the auction other than that, but knowing it was for a good cause, she made sure to pay close attention to it.

The first item was a landscape painting by Master Wu. Su Yaya didn't recognize the name and paid attention to the bidders instead.

Some people liked to collect paintings. The bidding went back and forth with the price increasing by 100,000 each time. After a while, a man with a pudgy face finally won the painting for 1.2 million.

Several more items were sold off in succession, including a Shoushan stone carving provided by the Film Emperor and a limited-edition handbag from the Film Empress.

Chen Xiuqi seemed uninterested in everything and didn't bid at all.

When it finally came time for the finale, the last item was revealed to be a 6.25-carat Kashmir sapphire from a mysterious person.

It was shown on the big screen. The sapphire was flawless, dazzling, anyone could tell it was the best of its kind. When Su Yaya saw it, her eyes immediately lit up.

A scene from the novel suddenly flashed in her mind. In it, Chen Xiuqi attended a charity dinner and won a sapphire for several million yuan. Later on, he proposed to An Yutong using a ring cut from that same sapphire. This must be the one!

Chen Xiuqi saw her staring at the sapphire while she was immersed in thinking. Should she try to persuade him to bid for the sapphire?

Chen Xiuqi had noticed her excitement and curiosity during the entire auction. However, he could tell that none of those items had caught her eye. It was only this sapphire that made her eyes light up the moment she saw it. Her taste wasn't bad!

Chen Xiuqi asked her in a whisper, "Do you like that sapphire?"

By now, she had already decided to persuade him. She sincerely wished that he would buy it and use it to propose to An Yutong. Then, the two could live happily ever after.

Su Yaya nodded. "Of course. It's so beautiful, what woman wouldn't like it?"

And An Yutong would love it. Buy it so you can use it to propose to her!

Of course, Chen Xiuqi didn't know what she was thinking. Smiling, he asked her, "Then, should I buy it?"

"Of course!" She nodded and said in a sweet voice.

You have to buy it, it's an important prop for your proposal! You can't let anyone else take it!

"Okay." Chen Xiuqi looked at her longing expression. His smile deepened as he promised, "I'll take it down."

How confident of him!

Su Yaya was very happy. She fisted one hand and encouraged him. "Yeah! Good luck!"

Chen Xiuqi laughed, thinking she was worried he wouldn't be able to win the sapphire. He took her hand and said calmly, "Don't worry, that sapphire will be mine."

She looked at him. She felt more excited than worried. This was the sapphire he bought in the original story. Hurry, hurry! Once he obtained the sapphire, the storyline would be halfway complete.

On the stage, the host announced that the minimum bidding price was 1.6 million, and each bid must be an increase of at least 100,000.

"1.6 million, going once!"

Then someone bid, "1.7 million."

Someone else immediately shouted, "1.8 million."

"1.9 million."

"2 million."

The price rose higher and higher until only two bidders remained.

Chen Xiuqi had been sitting in his seat like an old god. He didn't even blink, let alone bid.

One bidder shouted, "4.2 million."

Su Yaya hurriedly pulled on Chen Xiuqi's sleeve. "Why aren't you bidding?"

He looked at her calmly. "Wait. There's no need to rush."

His words had just fallen when the other bidder shouted another price.

"4.4 million!"

The previous bidder paused. After his female companion said something to him, he gritted his teeth and added another 200,000.

"4.6 million!"

The host called out, "4.6 million, going once!"

The opposing bidder begrudgingly added another 100,000.

"4.7 million!"

The price was already very high. The host took in the situation and began to call.

"4.7 million, going once!"

"4.7 million, twice!"

"Four hundred..."

"4.8 million!" Finally, another 100,000 was added. His opponent decided to give up.

At this point, the audience was sure that the sapphire would be sold for 4.8 million.

However, right when the host was about to start calling...

Chen Xiuqi, who was sitting in the middle of the front row, raised his card. The number was too small to see, but everyone heard him say, "5.2 million!"

5.2 million!

His words stunned the whole audience into silence.

4.8 million was already much higher than what the sapphire was worth, yet Chen Xiuqi raised the bid by a whole 400,000!

The other bidder looked at the domineering Chen Xiuqi and simply gave up.

Chen Xiuqi was the one person nobody could afford to offend. It would be foolish to continue bidding against him.

Seeing that no one else was bidding again, the host smiled and announced, "5.2 million, going once!"

"5.2 million, twice!"

"5.2 million, three times!"

"Sold! This Kashmir sapphire has been won by Mr. Chen Xiuqi for 5.2 million! Congratulations!"

The audience began to whisper as soon as the announcement was made. Some people congratulated Chen Xiuqi while others whispered about his generosity. Of all the people present today, he possessed the most wealth and he spent 5.2 million on a mere sapphire. Some speculated that he was planning to cut a ring out of it and propose to Su Yaya.

Su Yaya heard some of their whispers and laughed on the inside. She wanted to tell them they were wrong. He wasn't going to propose to her. He was going to propose to An Yutong!

Chen Xiuqi spent 5.2 million yuan to purchase the Kashmir blue sapphire at the auction that night and the whole crowd was shocked. Men were amazed by Chen Xiuqi's generosity while the women were envious of Su Yaya. They all felt that the sapphire must be the engagement gift that Chen Xiuqi was going to give to Su Yaya.

In Su Yaya's mind, this was simply nonsense. Don't just look at how well Chen Xiuqi treats her on the surface, she knew herself what position she was inside of his heart. As soon as his past love, An Yutong, returns, she would be beaten back to her original state. She understood herself very well and she had no expectations whatsoever in Chen Xiuqi's marriage proposal to her. She had no expectations of receiving that Kashmir Sapphire either. Her heart was very calm, just like an ancient well with no ripples.

After the Kashmir Sapphire was taken away by Chen Xiuqi from the auction, the entire charity dinner came to an end. Chen Xiuqi didn't feel like staying till the end, so, pulling Su Yaya along, he avoided the rest of the attendees and left from a side exit. After coming out of the hotel, they had a Lincoln limo waiting for them right outside. Holding Su Yaya's hand, they got in the car together.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Chen Xiuqi asked Su Yaya after they had gotten into the car.

Su Yaya put on a pleasant smile and responded, "Mhm."

How could she not? After coming out to see the world and watching him purchase the Kashmir Sapphire for 5.2 million, she witnessed first-hand just how deep his love for An Yutong was. Hopefully, when they get back together in the future he'd still be able to remember how good she was to him!

Chen Xiuqi saw the smile on her face and really believed that she was happy. With a smile, he asked, "Why don't we turn that sapphire into a ring?"

Look, here it comes. Su Yaya thought to herself, if he turned that sapphire into a ring, then he'd be able to propose to An Yutong within that in the future. Sure enough, everything was developing according to the plot so all she needed to do was push it along.

Cheerfully, Su Yaya responded. "Sure, I can't think of anything that would suit better."

Chen Xiuqi was very satisfied with that answer. Sure enough, he received just the answer he thought he would and that made it even better. He was now really looking forward to that fateful day.

Su Yaya secretly peered over at Chen Xiuqi and saw the smile on his face, thinking to herself. He really was happy, wasn't he? Yeah, now that he bought the sapphire, he already had half the deed done. If you had to ask her, then she felt pretty happy herself. She should be able to finish her job there and retire soon enough.

The two of them sat in the car, both with their own thoughts, thinking about their own problems. Their minds were on completely different ends. In fact, they weren't even on the same line.

At this moment, Chen Xiuqi's phone rang. He took out his phone from his suit pocket. It was Assistant Chen calling.

He answered the call. "Yes?"

Assistant Chen spoke on the other side, "President Chen, I've done the investigations as you requested. The first video that was leaked out on the forum was uploaded from a foreign IP address, but I hired a professional to check. He found that the address originated from the United States, the University of California. And, the brother of Sis Hui, the host for 'Gourmet and Beauty', studies there. I followed the trail and found out that her brother was the first to upload the video."

"Sis Hui?" Chen Xiuqi paused for a while before recalling some of the events. That woman seemed to have even greeted Su Yaya tonight and asked her how she was doing. So was that the kind of woman she really was?

"And then?" Chen Xiuqi asked.

Assistant Chen told him, "After posting the video and the forum post, he hired a bunch of people to repost the entire thing with the video. As for the photos revealing your relationship with Miss Su, it was an internet celebrity who posted them. That internet celebrity seems to have some dealings with President Wang of Yongrong Foods Co."

Chen Xiuqi finally remembered. He and Su Yaya went to Yunhu Resort last time and indeed, they met Wang Wenhao there and he brought that celebrity girl with him. It was most likely during that time when she had taken a photo of him with Su Yaya, but she didn't upload that photo before. It was only last night that she posted the photo in order to confirm his and Yaya's relationship. Now, thinking about it in that way, he really didn't feel any ill will towards her.

"President Chen, how should we deal with them?" Assistant Chen asked.

Chen Xiuqi thought about it for a moment before responding. "You go deal with things on Sis Hui's side. If her thoughts are unstable then it's better for her to take some rest for now instead of continuing with the show. As for that celebrity girl...She never did anything bad in the past, she only uploaded that photo to defend me and Yaya. Go see if there's any help she needs, but there's no need to give her too much."

"Understood," Assistant Chen responded.

"Alright. I'll leave you to do your work." After saying that, Chen Xiuqi hung up the call.

Su Yaya who was sitting on the other side of him glanced over at him and asked, "What did Sis Hui and Xiao You do?"

Chen Qiuqi responded to her, "Sis Hui...Something isn't quite right with her. Didn't you feel it when you went to the show that day? Did she target you on purpose?"

Su Yaya pondered on it and it really did seem to be the case. During that time, she found some of the questions a little difficult to answer so she thought that Sis Hui had only done that to achieve a good reaction. Seems like that might not be the case. Moreover, the data she received at the start of the program wasn't right, to begin with. Even the questions were different. Sure enough, Sis Hui had deliberately changed the questions during the recording.

"What about Xiao You?" Su Yaya asked, worried. She had even followed her back on Weibo, this girl wouldn't be plotting something behind her back, would she?

Chen Xiuqi said, "She's fine, she knows her limits. But she was the one who first leaked the photos that exposed our relationship. She had secretly taken a few photos of us back at Yunhu Resort."

Su Yaya frowned. She didn't even realize that had happened. This girl was seriously too unmindful, she didn't even think about what would happen if she posted her pictures with Chen Xiuqi. What would she do if she caused trouble for them?

"What are you planning to do with her?" Su Yaya asked.

Chen Xiuqi smiled and pinched her cheek, saying, "I think that girl is quite protective of you. She even argues with people on the net for your sake. Even though it was wrong of her to post the photos, she had a reason to do so. She doesn't come from a bad place, so I've decided to give her a bit of help, as thanks for speaking out for us."

Hmmm? He actually offered her help, wasn't that too nice of him?!

Su Yaya quickly leaned over and looked up at Chen Xiuqi with a smile, speaking in a sweet voice, "Honey, what about what you promised me last time? You've already promised me for so long, saying that you'd help me arrange it, but it's still not done yet. You wouldn't have forgotten, would you?"

Seriously, she remembered all the resources he'd given others, but he never remembered anything for her. She needed to save up as much money as possible right now. He had already bought the sapphire so it won't be long before the female protagonist appears. She had to earn as much money as possible so she could have an easy way out. She had to get the resources from him as soon as possible.

Of course, Chen Xiuqi remembered what he promised her. Only, thinking that she was going to be acting in a TV series and participating in variety shows recently, he didn't want to tire her out too much. He figured that after all that was done, he could just arrange a few adverts for her and be done with it. He never expected her to actually bring this up now, and there was no way he could say no to her. So, he smiled and said, "I'll arrange it for you tomorrow, alright?"

"Of course!" Su Yaya quickly hugged him. She could hardly wait! She'd be able to get the resources tomorrow, she'd also finish the shoot for the advertisement the day after, and get the pay for that the day after. Then everything would be perfect!

Chen Xiuqi glanced at Su Yaya who was holding onto him and reached out to pinch her cheek. "Do you really have to compete with others? Do I not treat you the best already?"

Su Yaya blinked her eyes. Who and who are you talking about? Who was she competing with? Chen Xiuqi's way of thinking sure was strange! But then, after some thought, she realized it. Chen Xiuqi wouldn't be saying that she was competing with Xiao You, would he? Hahahaha! Su Yaya was amused. But that was good. At the very least, he wouldn't find out what she was really thinking. That way, she would be able to squeeze a lot out of him. Once she managed to save up enough, everything would be perfect.

The two of them returned home and enjoyed a wonderful night together.

Chen Xiuqi was very enthusiastic. Su Yaya was also very enthusiastic. Chen Xiuqi was enthusiastic because Su Yaya really fit his tastes quite well. After spending 5.2 million on that Kashmir sapphire tonight, he had already decided what sort of ring he wanted to make with it. Just thinking about that day made him excited. When that time comes, it would definitely be a very beautiful and exciting night.

On the other hand, Su Yaya's enthusiasm stemmed from Chen Xiuqi's promise of helping her with advert connections. Since our big boss here was so forthright today, she'd have to go the extra mile to service Daddy Longlegs over here, so that she can get even better resources in the future!

That night, the two of them battled each other heartily in bed, completely satisfied!

The result was that Su Yaya woke up late the next morning. She wasn't even able to make breakfast, but Chen Xiuqi didn't ask her to do so either. Moreover, just like he said, he handed her the contracts for two advertisement gigs.

They were very good advertising endorsements, one for a high-end beauty line with an endorsement fee of 5 million yuan and another one was a car endorsement for an 8 million yuan contract. Originally, Su Yaya would never have been able to earn that much money with just her status. It was all thanks to Chen Xiuqi that she was able to receive such a high endorsement fee.

Su Yaya secretly felt pleased in her mind. After she finishes these two gigs, she'd be able to pocket a few million yuan. Simply wonderful!

"Thanks, hubby!" Su Yaya jumped into Chen Xiuqi's arms with a big smile and planted two kisses on his cheek. Her smile was so sweet that it was just like honey.

Chen Xiuqi was enjoying this very much as well. He lowered his head and kissed her on the flips, his expression one of pampering. "As long as you're happy."

Of course, Su Yaya was happy. She quickly contacted Zhou Peiyun and the two of them went to the company to sign the contracts together. They began arranging the shoot the very next day. After spending a few days on the two shoots, the other party was very satisfied. In less than two days, she already had a few million of endorsement money deposited into her account!

Su Yaya counted the string of zeros in her bank account, she was so happy that she could make flowers bloom!
