Everyone likes people who worked hard, especially when they had the talent. People would like them even more. Director Zhou had been a director for many years so he treasures talented people, like Su Yaya.

Su Yaya was focused on learning from other people's photoshoots that she didn't know about Director Zhou Tongguang's change of thoughts. She waited for everyone to finish their photoshoots and then went to eat with them.

While eating, Chen Yan who was the female lead and the person treating them out, sat in the center. To her left, was Zhou Tongguang, and to the right, was Yu Hui. Then, it was the male lead, Xu Chaoran. Then, it was Su Yaya and then the second male lead, Zhang Yue, co-director, and then the photographer. There were ten of them on the table.

While eating, Chen Yan was great at making the atmosphere more lively. The entire table laughed and chuckled now and then. They drank quite a bit of alcohol. Su Yaya sat by the side, well-behaved. She would drink a few glasses when it was her turn. She didn't dare steal Chen Yan's spotlight but wasn't too quiet either. It was just right for her. Xu Chaoran sat by her side and seeing that she was from the same company as him, he reminded her not to drink too much. When she didn't have to drink, don't drink.

Chen Yan had heard this and pointed at him, saying, "My male lead cares about someone else other than me."

Xu Chaoran said calmly, "Well, she's my junior sister!"

"Nice, nice!" Yu Hui clapped his hands and everyone laughed along.

After they finished, it was almost two hours later. The others had their plans but Su Yaya was free, so she had Xiao Yu drive her home.

When she returned home, Su Yaya went to nap first and then continued to look through the play script after she woke up. Without realizing it, another day had passed. At night, Su Yaya lay on the bed after rinsing and recalled how she hadn't contacted Chen Xiuqi the entire day. She didn't know what he was busy with.

She opened her WeChat to see the message still there. Chen Xiuqi hadn't replied. This wasn't good. She decided to call Chen Xiuqi and ask. That way, he could tell how much she cared for him!

She clicked on Chen Xiuqi's number and called him. Yet, it said that he was busy and the call ended after a few rings.

Su Yaya pursed her lips. She couldn't get ahold of him so she could only send him another text. She sent him a cute "I miss you" picture and then turned her phone off. She went to have her beauty sleep.

The next morning, Su Yaya and Zhou Peiyun went to the Fruit TV Station to find Producer Sun Lei to talk about the specifics of 《Food and Guests》. Everything went by successfully and Su Yaya just needed to cook three specialty dishes of hers for the program and answer some of the questions posed by the host. Of course, the host would go through the questions with her beforehand so she could think about how to answer the question in the program. This episode would be broadcasted next Wednesday and the treatment was pretty good. Su Yaya was very satisfied.

Zhou Peiyun and Sun Lei both flattered each other and they were looking forward to next week's collaboration. They successfully signed the contract then Zhou Peiyun brought Su Yaya along to say goodbye to Sun Lei. Then they left the Fruit TV Station.

On the way back, in the car, Zhou Peiyun reminded Su Yaya, "You will be going to the set tomorrow to film scenes. You have to be smart and don't let others bully you. Xiao Yu will follow you. Call me if you have any problems."

Su Yaya asked, "Sister Zhou isn't following me over?"

Zhou Peiyun said, "There's an urgent matter and I need to handle some things. After I'm done, I'll go over and find you. I will ask the set for the day off for Wednesday in advance so you just need to focus on filming your scenes."

Su Yaya said, "I know."

When the car drove back to the villa, Su Yaya said goodbye to Zhou Peiyun. She got out of the car and walked to the door, punching in the password and walking in. She saw a man's leather shoes by the door and a faint smell of smoke in the air.

Was Chen Xiuqi back?

Su Yaya raised her head and called toward the room, "Hubby, you're back!"

There was a slight movement behind the curtains of the balcony. Su Yaya took off her high heels and ran barefoot over to the balcony without even changing into her slippers.

She pulled the ocean blue curtains over to see Chen Xiuqi sitting on a chair smoking, just as expected. Su Yaya walked over and hugged him. She softly and sweetly said, "Hubby, when did you come back?"

Chen Xiuqi put out the cigarette and placed it in the ashtray. He reached over and pulled Su Yaya to sit on his thigh. He held her waist and rubbed his chin against her neck. "Have you missed me these few days?"

Su Yaya wrapped her hands around his throat and looked at her reflection through his eyes. She pursed her pouting lips and acted cute, saying, "Of course I do. I miss you a lot. I even sent you texts but you didn't respond."

Chen Xiuqi looked at her and pursed his lips. He said gently, "I have been busy these past few days so I didn't see the texts."

"Oh, I guessed that would've been the case." Su Yaya wasn't upset by Chen Xiuqi not responding to her messages. Instead, she asked in concern, "Are you done with your work?"

Chen Xiuqi continued to hold her and hummed in agreement. He pecked her lips and asked, "Why don't you ask what I have been working on?"

Whoa. This question was beyond her capabilities to answer.

Su Yaya had never thought of asking him this question. He was the male lead in the book while she was a cannon fodder. It wasn't up to her to ask about his whereabouts. She knew that very well and understood their relationship as well. She would not overstep her boundaries.

But since Chen Xiuqi had already asked this, if she didn't comply, it wouldn't look good on her. Chen Xiuqi might be upset because of this. It's better to follow along with what he wants so that he will be pleased.

Therefore, Su Yaya took her advice and asked, "Hubby, what have you been busy with? You didn't even respond to my messages."

Unsure whether it was because she had great acting skills or that Chen Xiuqi's attention wasn't on this conversation at all, but he couldn't tell what he had asked before so she didn't have to answer his question. He hugged her tightly and said in a bit of an upset tone, "I went to see my mother over these past few days."

His mother? Lady Chen?!

Su Yaya was shocked. When she was reading the novel, it didn't talk about Lady Chen. She thought it said that Chen Xiuqi's parents had divorced while he was in his teens. Chen Xiuqi and Lady Chen didn't have a good relationship and hadn't seen each other for many years. The novel didn't talk much about Lady Chen.

However, she transmigrated to the beginning of the novel. There was a possibility that the situation right now was different from the original novel. Chen Xiuqi went to visit his sick mother which meant that Chen Xiuqi and Lady Chen's relationship wasn't as poor and bad as described by the novel. At the very least, Chen Xiuqi cared about his mother. After all, it was clear he was worried about picking up the call that morning. His expression couldn't hide his worry.

"Is your mother ok?" After Chen Xiuqi picked up the call that day, his face seemed unwell. Plus, he left in a hurry afterward. Su Yaya guessed that something must've happened to Lady Chen, which was why she was asking right now.

Chen Xiuqi looked at her and revealed a look of displeasing. Su Yaya saw his gaze and her heart pounded. She immediately reacted and changed the way she addressed the question, "I meant how is our mother now?"

This man loves to argue over small things. It was just a sentence but he would glare at her as if she had done something incredibly bad. Was he trying to say that his mother wasn't his mother anymore because of what she was saying? Plus, they were only married by contract. Everyone knew this. Could she change the truth just by changing the way she addressed Lady Chen?

Psh - Immature!

Su Yaya wanted to roll her eyes but taking into account Chen Xiuqi's feelings, she endured this.

Thankfully she did and Chen Xiuqi hadn't seen her either. Otherwise, who knew how angry he could be because Chen Xiuqi was very worried for his mother right now? Although he and his mother had separated for numerous years, blood was thicker than water. It was impossible for him to not be worried.

"She's sick. She suddenly fainted this morning. In the beginning, we thought it was a chronic sickness and that frightened everyone. Thankfully, we brought her to the hospital in time. After having a specialist look over her condition, they were positive it wasn't her chronic sickness acting out but a very serious cold."

Just by recalling this, Chen Xiuqi frightened himself. If his mother didn't just have a serious cold but a chronic sickness or even a more serious illness, he really couldn't forgive himself if he arrived there a moment too late and couldn't see his mother. He couldn't forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Actually when she divorced my father, I hated her. At that time, I had just finished taking my college entrance exam and got the highest score for the sciences. I thought that since I had such great scores, she would be very happy for me. What a pity that she wasn't. She just said that I was outstanding, then moved out of the Chen Family household."

"Back then, I knew she and my father didn't have a great relationship, but I didn't want to face this fact. I lied to myself and hoped that their relationship would improve like in the past and we would all be together. But looking back, I realized that it was just a one-sided wish."

"They quickly finished handling the divorce procedure and my mom left without saying anything. She hasn't visited me once all these years and I hated her a lot at that time. I always thought that she was coldhearted and ruthless, abandoning me. Was I, not her son?"

"Up until recently, we never saw each other. She has grown older but was still as beautiful as before. She was also very concerned for me. I finally realized that the hatred and resentment I held for her in the past meant nothing now. I just want her to live a good life."

Su Yaya silently listened to him and then patted his hand. She comforted him saying, "Don't worry. Thankfully there aren't any major problems. She just needs to take her medicine and be put on an IV and she'll be fine in a few days. She won't feel good if you keep on worrying about her. Your mother should be fine now, right?"

Chen Xiuqi controlled his emotions and nodded. "The doctor said she was fine, which is why I came back." Also because there were urgent matters that she needed to handle. Otherwise, she would've stayed there an extra two days.

Su Yaya said, "When are you planning to take me to see her? I haven't seen her!"

Chen Xiuqi's parents divorced a decade or so ago. The two haven't contacted each other for many years. To inherit his grandfather's millions worth of inheritance, Chen Xiuqi found Su Yaya's parents and decided to marry the original host through a contract. Chen Xiuqi only brought her back to see his grandfather, Second Uncle, and Second Aunt. His father was still enjoying his time abroad at that time, having the time of his life with women. Therefore, Su Yaya hadn't seen his parents before.

Chen Xiuqi paused then said, "Ok. I'll find a chance and I'll bring you to see her."

Su Yaya hummed and kissed him on the face. She smiled and said, "Hubby, you're so good to me."

Seeing her like this, she was like a buffoon. She was always smiling and free from worries. He felt better whenever he was with her.

Chen Xiuqi kissed her and his Adam's apple bobbed. He said hoarsely, "I'm hungry."

Su Yaya's eyes looked around and asked, "I'll cook for you. What do you want to eat?"

Chen Xiuqi kissed her again and there was a dangerous glint in his deep eyes, like a hungry wolf. "I just want to eat you."

"Ah! -"

Chen Xiuqi carried her princess style and Su Yaya wasn't prepared at all. She screamed in shock, scared that she might fall out of his arms. She hurriedly wrapped her arms around his neck, making Chen Xiuqi chuckle at her. He carried her into the room.

"Go, go upstairs..."

Su Yaya was pressed against the sofa by Chen Xiuqi, trying to struggle.

However, Chen Xiuqi had pressed her down and his warm breath on her neck. "I can't wait."

When it was over, Su Yaya was like a puddle of water. She cuddled in Chen Xiuqi's arms, feeling like her body was about to fall apart. She was too lazy to even move her fingers. Her eyes were red from the bullying and her throat was hoarse.

"Water..." Su Yaya said this tiredly and softly, without strength.

Chen Xiuqi knew that he had overdone it. He reached over to caress her face. There was a smile in his eyes and he gently said, "Lay here for a while. I'll go pour water for you."

Su Yaya was too lazy to even respond. She just opened her eyes and then closed it, indicating she knew.

Look at her fragile body. Sigh!

Chen Xiuqi sighed. He had provoked her so he would have to take care of her. He accepted this task and stood up to pour water for Su Yaya.

Chen Xiuqi came back with a glass of water and personally fed her water. Su Yaya squinted her eyes like a kitten, enjoying Chen Xiuqi's care.

Heh. She was always the one serving him in the past. Now that the roles had changed, why did she feel so happy? Heh...

Chen Xiuqi looked at her smiling and he reached over to pat her head. He didn't know why but he just wanted to keep pampering her. As long as she was happy.

The two cuddled on the sofa for a while and Su Yaya slowly recovered. She laid on Chen Xiuqi's body and she couldn't bear to leave him. "I will be going to the set tomorrow morning. I don't want to leave you!"

Chen Xiuqi was very pleased with her words. Seeing the kitten-like woman cuddled up in his arms, his heart softened and was on the verge of melting.

He lowered his head to kiss her face. He said gently, "How about you don't go?"

Su Yaya's eyes widened when she heard this. She was like a kitten before but she immediately changed now. She said seriously, "How could I? I already signed the contract and I can't ruin it. I have integrity for my profession." Hm. She would have to pay money if she ruined the contract. She hadn't earned anything yet and it was far from her goal. She can't fall into Chen Xiuqi's trap.

Does she have integrity in her profession?

Chen Xiuqi raised his eyebrows and laughed. He pinched her face and said, "Whatever you want."

"Mhm." Su Yaya hurriedly nodded, sighing in her heart. She was already scared that Chen Xiuqi might not let her go in the spur of the moment. Then she would suffer a huge loss.

Chen Xiuqi thought about it and said, "Do you want me to bring you there tomorrow?"

Su Yaya shook her head and said, "No, it's ok. My assistant will come and pick me up."

"You have an assistant?" Chen Xiuqi chuckled.

Su Yaya said proudly, "Of course. Why can't I have one? After all, I am the second female lead of the drama. The company would have to give me an assistant no matter what since I'm going to the set to film now."

That seemed reasonable. Chen Xiuqi nodded. Recalling her silly and naive personality, he was a bit worried. He reminded her, "When you're at the set, remember to be wise and quick-witted. Don't let yourself be bullied. Call me if there are any problems."

"Am I that easily bullied?" Su Yaya pouted and thought. Why was everyone saying this to her? Did she look so naive?

"You look like the type to be easily bullied!" In Chen Xiuqi's eyes, she was cute. She fits the type. If he wasn't protecting her, who knew how bad her life would be?

Su Yaya was speechless.

Good thing Su Yaya wasn't someone who allowed herself to be confused for a long period. She tossed this thought to the back of her mind and held onto Chen Xiuqi's arms. She leaned her head against his shoulder and said, "I will miss you once I'm gone."

Chen Xiuqi looked down at her and considered her words. Did she want him to visit her? His lips curled into a smile and said, "Do you want me to visit you then?"

Su Yaya blinked her eyes. This was a pretty good suggestion!

In the past, she said that she missed Chen Xiuqi because she wanted to please him. She wanted to give him the feeling as if she was infatuated with him. But if Chen Xiuqi could come and visit her, it would be different. It was a great idea.

"Will you come?" Su Yaya looked up at Chen Xiuqi and her eyes were sparkling bright like diamonds.

Chen Xiuqi didn't immediately agree but he said, "I need to have Assistant Chen take a look. If my work allows me to, I will come when I have time."

"Ok." Su Yaya smiled and said, "If you come, give me a call and notify me first. If you can't come, that's fine too. I'll just come back to visit you whenever I have a break."

Although Chen Xiuqi mentioned this first, Su Yaya didn't hold much hope. Of course, it would be best if he could come. If he couldn't, it was no big deal either. If she didn't have expectations, she wouldn't be disappointed. She just needed to face this calmly.

Chen Xiuqi liked how sensible she was. He smiled and said, "Then this is settled."

Su Yaya said "ok".

That night, Su Yaya took out her suitcase and packed everything she needed to bring to the set: clothes, makeup products, skin products, bags...etc. The more she tried to pack, the messier it became. A huge pile of things was on the bed and she still wasn't done yet.

Chen Xiuqi looked at it and shook his head. She walked over and said, "Why are women so problematic when leaving the house? Just bring a card with you. You can buy whatever you're missing over there."

Su Yaya stared at him and pouted miserably. "I need to bring makeup and skin products, clothes, and all of that. Otherwise, what should I do when I'm there?"

The original host took care of her body so she needed to do the same too. She should bring whatever was needed. Otherwise, she would have to say goodbye to her beautiful face and figure!

Chen Xiuqi was unable to understand why this woman was so stubborn. He sighed and asked, "Do you want me to help you pack?"

Su Yaya blinked her eyes. "Can I?"

Chen Xiuqi wanted to say no but after looking at her big and pure eyes, he couldn't reject her. Whatever. She was his woman anyway. He might as well pamper her.

"Ok, I'll help you pack." Chen Xiuqi said.

Su Yaya happily pecked Chen Xiuqi's face. She had crescent-like eyes, and there were two cute dimples on her cheeks. "Thank you, hubby, you're the best. I love you!"

She was getting better and better at making Chen Xiuqi do what she wanted. She talked smoothly, not feeling awkward or embarrassed at all.

Thankfully, Chen Xiuqi was willing to do as she pleased. He looked at her with a pampering gaze and helped to pack her suitcase.

By the time it was completely done, it was already 10 pm. Su Yaya had to wake up early the next day and the two were already exhausted. They went to their respective bathrooms to rinse and then quietly lay in bed to sleep.

It was rare for them to lay in bed and for nothing to happen. Su Yaya didn't even need to be crushed into a pancake. She slept soundly tonight.

In the morning, Duan Xiao Yu came to the villa to take Su Yaya to the airport and meet up with the cast. She was afraid of being late so she especially came twenty minutes earlier.

When the doorbell rang, Chen Xiuqi woke up first. He turned to his side to see Su Yaya who had buried her head in the blankets. She slept soundly and he couldn't bear to wake her up. He moved the blankets to the side and walked out to open the door.

The door opened and Chen Xiuqi stared at Duan Xiao Yu. He said expressionlessly, "You are Yaya's assistant?"

Duan Xiao Yu would've never thought it was Chen Xiuqi who would open the door. Facing Chen Xiqui's dominant imposing manner, she nervously gulped and stuttered while talking. "Y-yes. I-I am Sister Yaya's assistant. I am Duan Xiao Yu."

Chen Xiuqi nodded and stepped to the side. He said to Duan Xiao Yu, "You can come in. I'm going to go get Yaya."

Duan Xiao Yu said "Oh" and walked into the room, unable to react.

In private, she had heard gossip about Su Yaya and Chen Xiuqi. Everyone said that Chen Xiuqi was Su Yaya's sugar daddy but they didn't get to see him. Therefore, some believed it and some didn't. Until she became Su Yaya's assistant and Zhou Peiyun kept on mentioning for her to keep to herself, no matter what she heard or saw. If the public asked about it, she had to say she didn't know. She then realized that Su Yaya was probably different from what she thought.

Right now, everything in front of her confirmed her thoughts. Chen Xiuqi was Su Yaya's sugar daddy and they lived together.

Ahhh. It seems like she found something impressive!

Thankfully, Su Yaya didn't know what Duan Xiao Yu was thinking. But even if she did, she probably would've nodded her head. From her perspective, Chen Xiuqi was her sugar daddy and they did live with each other. There was nothing wrong with this. Heh!

Chen Xiuqi returned to the room to get Su Yaya. "Your assistant is here and waiting for you outside. Quickly get up otherwise you will be late to the airport."

Su Yaya sat up on the bed and had a look of pity. "I had a great dream and you just ruined it."

"You!" Chen Xiuqi chuckled and pinched her face. It was smooth and soft. He was touched for a second and asked, "What did you dream of? Me?"

Su Yaya hastily nodded. "Yes, yes. You were quite handsome in the dream."

"Is that so?" Chen Xiuqi was interested in her response. "How handsome?"

"The most handsome!" Su Yaya answered quickly.

Chen Xiuqi was speechless.

"Hahah!" Su Yaya chuckled proudly and pounced in Chen Xiuqi's arms. She pecked his face and said, "Good morning kiss."

Chen Xiuqi stared at her smiling face. Fine. He won't argue with her. He was indeed handsome anyway!

"Go rinse." Chen Xiuqi patted her butt. What a minx.

Su Yaya giggled and got off Chen Xiuqi. Then she ran to the bathroom and rinsed.

Once Su Yaya was done packing, time was almost up. Duan Xiao Yu thought she made a smart decision to come twenty minutes earlier.

"We're leaving now. Goodbye." Su Yaya said goodbye at the door.

Chen Xiuqi kissed her forehead and gently reminded her, "Be careful on the way to the airport. Call me if anything happens."

Su Yaya nodded, well-behaved. "I know."

Chen Xiuqi turned around to say to Duan Xiao Yu who was carrying the suitcase. "I'm leaving you to take care of Yaya."

"Don't worry, President Chen. I will take good care of Yaya." Duan Xiao Yu answered, feeling like she was fed too much dog food this early in the morning. She couldn't digest it!

She waited for Su Yaya and Chen Xiuqi to finally finish cuddling one another. Once they were in the car heading to the airport, Duan Xiao Yu sighed. She looked down at her phone and opened Weibo. She forwarded a picture of Koi seeking marriage. She silently swore that she would find a guy this year. Being single was too miserable. Wahh...

The car quickly arrived at the airport. Su Yaya wore her sunglasses and then got out of the car. Duan Xiao Yu was in charge of carrying the suitcase. The two walked to the airport lobby and saw the staff for the set. The two walked over to meet up with them and quickly finished handling the different procedures for the plane ride. Then they walked through security and rested inside the VIP airport departure terminal.

Su Yaya arrived first and sat down by a seat in the corner. She took out her phone and scrolled through her Weibo. Then the show's male lead, Xu Chaoran, came. He wore a black and white casual outfit, with a baseball hat and sunglasses. He walked into the VIP airport departure terminal and saw Su Yaya sitting on the side. He took off his sunglasses and greeted Su Yaya.

"When did you get here?"

Su Yaya raised her head and smiled at him. "I just got here."

Xu Chaoran looked at the seat beside her and asked, "Can I sit here?"

Su Yaya didn't care. "Sure, there's no one anyway."

Xu Chaoran gently laughed and sat next to her. He took out his phone and unlocked it, saying to Su Yaya, "Let's follow each other on Weibo."

Su Yaya blinked her eyes. She was just an invisible actress in Starlit Entertainment while Xu Chaoran was the Elder Brother and also the male lead of 《Flourishing Palace》. If they followed each other, it felt like she was the one taking advantage of him. Was this ok? Would she be attacked by his fans, saying that she was using him for fame? She was a bit worried.

Xu Chaoran stared at her hesitant face and he seemed to guess her worry. He smiled and said, "Don't worry. We're just following each other on Weibo. Nothing will happen. If you don't believe me, ask your manager. Plus, you're from the same company as my junior sister and I. I am supposed to take care of you anyway, right?"

What he said seemed reasonable. Su Yaya was speechless.

Since Xu Chaoran had said all of this, if Su Yaya continued to reject him, she wasn't giving him face. After all, he was the company's Elder Brother. Even the boss had to give him a face, not to mention a newbie like her.

"Then I'm going to trouble senior brother." Su Yaya smoothly opened her Weibo and followed Xu Chaoran.

Seeing Su Yaya appearing in his list of followers, Xu Chaoran subconsciously smiled. Then he posted something.

Xu Chaoran.v: Hi, junior sister! Su Yaya smiling.jpg

After he sent this, Xu Chaoran turned around to look at Su Yaya. "Forward this."


Xu Chaoran pointed at her phone.

Su Yaya looked down to see the new post.

Su Yaya was speechless.

Under Xu Chaoran's gaze, Su Yaya had no choice but to forward his post.

Su Yaya: Senior brother, hi! Xu Chaoran smiling.jpg.

Seeing that she posted something, Xu Chaoran was extremely happy. He pointed at his phone and said, "Look at how understanding we are with each other."

Su Yaya was dumbstruck.

So this was how Starlit Entertainment's Elder Brother, Xu Chaoran, acts!

After the two posted their respective posts, after a while, the female lead, Chen Yan, and the second male lead, Zhang Yue arrived too. Then Director Zhou Tongguang and Producer Yu Hui as well as other photographers arrived too.

At this time, it was time to board so everyone got on the plane.

After Su Yaya got on the plane, she shut her phone off. The entire plane ride was almost three hours long. She spent two hours sleeping so she had no idea what was going on the internet.

At first, Xu Chaoran's fans noticed that Xu Chaoran finally updated his Weibo after half a month. They were incredibly excited and all went to his Weibo to see the content. Then they saw the post where Xu Chaoran called Su Yaya his junior sister. Right after, Su Yaya forwarded the post and commented on the same thing. She called Xu Chaoran her senior brother!

When did Su Yaya become Xu Chaoran's junior sister? When was their relationship that good? Xu Chaoran's 3,000,000 worth of fans were all confused!

However, the fans had very strong powers. They were extremely valiant at exploiting all the information!

Quickly, Xu Chaoran's fans found traces of information.

Firstly, Xu Chaoran and Su Yaya were both Starlit Entertainment's actors. Xu Chaoran was the Elder Brother of the company, without a doubt. Su Yaya entered the company later than Xu Chaoran so it made sense why she called him senior brother.

Secondly, Xu Chaoran and Su Yaya were both part of the cast for 《Flourishing Palace 》. One was the male lead and the other was the second female lead. Xu Chanran was the Emperor and Su Yaya was Imperial Concubine Shu. In the beginning, the Emperor pampers Imperial Concubine Shu a lot. They had a lot of scenes together.

In addition, someone else exposed an inside story. On the day when the actors went to take their makeup photos, Xu Chaoran took care of Su Yaya and reminded her to not drink too much alcohol while they were having lunch together. Chen Yan even made a joke saying that Xu Chaoran only cared about Su Yaya and not her. He calmly said that Su Yaya was his junior sister and it was his responsibility to take care of her.

From the information above, this was the origin of Xu Chaoran and Su Yaya's relationship.

Xu Chaoran's fans who genuinely liked them were happy for him. After Xu Chaoran accepted Su Yaya as his junior sister, the fans all accepted this too. They started to make all sorts of jokes. It was bustling with comments all of a sudden.

Wind: Junior sister and senior brother are so lovely with each other! Heart.jpg.

Why not love each other: Senior brother, hello! @Why not think about each other?

Why not think about each other: Junior sister, hello! @Why not love each other...

Ahhh: Hello senior brother. I love you! @Heheh...

Heheheh: Hello junior sister, I love you too! @Ahh...

Gentle kitten: Scram, the people above with their PDA!

Transparent Autumn: +10086

Immortal Moon God: +ID number.

Xu Chaoran's fans had fun. A bunch of couples confessed their love for one another and a lot of people started topics like #Senior brother Xu Chaoran and junior sister Su Yaya. Besides fans, other strangers found this fun. They started to participate in this too.

For a moment, hundreds and thousands of comments were on Xu Chaoran's Weibo. The number of forwards and likes went to tens of thousands in the blink of an eye. Su Yaya became even more famous because of this. One could see the rapid increase of fans and she received numerous likes and comments. Her Weibo exploded with comments.

However, as celebrities, one would have true fans and anti-fans. True fans would be happy over celebrities' happiness. They sincerely liked the celebrities. It was the opposite for anti-fans. They enjoyed inciting disharmony and making the smallest things a big deal. They would make up all sorts of nonsense, wanting the celebrities to fall to their misfortune.

Of course, while Xu Chaoran's sincere fans were joking around, the anti-fans started doing their things too. They started to comment under #Senior brother Xu Chaoran and junior sister Su Yaya and liked comments that incited a quarrel.

For example:

Moon likes to eat fish: You fools. I don't know what you guys are happy about. When are there so many senior brothers and junior sisters nowadays? They're confessing to each other. The senior brother is the hubby and the junior sister is the wife!

Being single is not an issue: I agree with the person above. Xu Chaoran found an online celebrity as his girlfriend. This is dropping this status. I'm his anti-fan now, anti-fan.

Little thing: What right does Su Yaya have, an online celebrity who made her way up by relying on her sugar daddy, to be Chaoran's girlfriend? We don't accept this!

Love Chaoran: Wahhh. Brother Chaoran is running off with a slut. I'm going to unfollow him, unfollow him.

These comments were the more gentle ones. There were others that were even more degrading and ugly. It was like they could spew poop out of their mouths. They even referred back to the gossip that Su Yaya clarified before. They did all they could to comment below #Senior Brother Xu Chaoran and junior sister Su Yaya.

The battles of the fans were endless and it was as messy as smoke coming out of a battlefield. Quickly, #Senior brother Xu Chaoran and junior sister Su Yaya made it on hot search.

It was a good thing that Xu Chaoran's fans were valiant. They attacked and retorted to all sorts of anti-fans comments. They successfully beat up the anti-fans, not giving them a chance to hurt Xu Chaoran at all. Under this topic of #Senior brother Xu Chaoran and junior sister Su Yaya, one could only see comments that were beneficial to Xu Chaoran and Su Yaya.

The moment Su Yaya and the others got off the plane, Su Yaya turned her phone on to see Zhou Peiyun calling her.

Her first sentence was, "Su Yaya, do you know you got on the hot search again?"

Her second sentence was, "What's the matter between you and Xu Chaoran? When did you guys become senior brothers and junior sisters?"

Su Yaya responded, "I don't know anything about the hot search. I just got off the plane and turned my phone on, when you called me. I can't explain what happened between me and Xu Chaoran, but he was the one who suggested following each other on Weibo. He was the one who called me junior sister first as well. He was standing by my side and watching me before. He wanted me to forward the Weibo and I had no choice but to do so."

Zhou Peiyun said, "That simple?"

Su Yaya retorted, "Do you think I would lie?"

Zhou Peiyun paused and said, "Overall, this isn't bad. You and Xu Chaoran both made it on hot search and his fans are very protective of him. But they don't dislike you either. If it was someone else who used him for fame, who knows how much they would've been scolded. You guys are both Starlit Entertainment's actors and he is willing to take care of you. Therefore, you need to maintain a good relationship with him. Since he is willing to treat you as his junior sister, you are not losing anything by calling him senior brother."

Su Yaya agreed and said, "If there's nothing else, I'm going to hang up now."

"Ok." Zhou Peiyun hung up.

Su Yaya placed her phone in her bag when it rang again. She thought that Zhou Peiyun had something to say and that she had forgotten. She mumbled something and took her phone out again.

She looked at the screen to see Chen Xiuqi's name jumping. It was Chen Xiuqi calling. Su Yaya's heart thumped rapidly. Zhou Peiyun just called her to say that she and Xu Chaoran made it on a hot search. Right after, Chen Xiuqi called her too. Could he be asking about the hot search too?

Su Yaya quickly pondered over this. If Chen Xiuqi asked about her and Xu Chaoran, how should she respond? After preparing a draft, she then picked up the phone. She said sweetly, "Xiuqi, I just got off the plane when you called. I'm so happy!"


Chen Xiuqi was slightly stunned. Whenever Su Yaya tried to act cute with him, she liked to call him hubby. If there were strangers, she would pay attention to her words and properly call them President Chen. Regarding Xiuqi as an address, she never called him that before. It was the first time.

Maybe it was because this was the first time, Chen Xiuqi felt a strange feeling rising in his heart. This address made them sound intimate. It made him feel like she had lingering feelings for him and couldn't bear to part with him.

"You got off the plane?" Chen Xiuqi asked.

"Mhm." Su Yaya said. "I'm walking out of the airport now. I have to take a car later on."

Chen Xiuqi asked, "Are you with people from the set?"

"Yes." Su Yaya nodded and then realized that Chen Xiuqi couldn't see her at all. She was used to being well-behaved.

"Stay away from Xu Chaoran." Chen Xiuqi immediately said.

He called to warn her after seeing her and Xu Chaoran on a hot search. Su Yaya wanted to ask why since nothing was going on between her and Xu Chaoran. They didn't do anything overboard either. But when she thought about it, she remembered that Chen Xiuqi was the book's dominant male lead, her sugar daddy. If he had her walk to the east, she couldn't go west. Otherwise, she might offend Chen Xiuqi and land herself with tragic consequences. It wasn't something she could endure. Being cannon fodder, it was better to treasure her life and make her relationship with Chen Xiuqi better.

"I know." Su Yaya obediently agreed.

Su Yaya felt like she agreed reluctantly. She recalled how miserable she would look at him, her eyes full of water and about to cry. She was fragile like a little kitten. His hardened heart couldn't help but soften. He said gently, "Yaya, stay away from Xu Chaoran. You don't understand some things. I'm scared that you might suffer, do you understand?"

Su Yaya said oh and thought about Chen Xiuqi's words. She understood his words on the surface but there seemed to be a hidden meaning beneath it. She didn't understand that part but she decided to follow Chen Xiuqi's instructions. She smiled and said, "I know. Don't worry. I will always listen to you."

Receiving a certain response, Chen Xiuqi was slightly comforted. He said to Su Yaya, "Film your scenes and I'll come and visit you in a few days."

"Ok!" Su Yaya answered quickly, her voice full of sweet happiness. She just entered the set and didn't even start filming yet, when Chen Xiuqi said he would make time to come and visit her. Just thinking about it made her happy. They made a promise just like that.

However, no one knew that before Chen Xiuqi could even make time to visit her, Su Yaya was in trouble within the set.

That day was the day Su Yaya's first joined the crew and began filming, and she only had one scene with the male lead, Xu Chaoran. Currently, her role as the supporting female lead is only a fair consort. To obtain the favor of the emperor that was played by Xu Chaoran, she bribed all of the eunuchs by his side. After learning of the emperor's tracks, she secretly ran to the lotus pond, took off her shoes and socks, and sat down on the stones beside it, playing with the water.

She had a beautiful and delicate pair of feet that looked pure white like jade, especially when submerged under the dazzling water. After the emperor walked by and saw the scene, he was captivated by her beautiful feet in an instant. They were absolutely beautiful to him. As if he was being led by the devil, he felt the need to touch her feet.

Based on the plot written down in the script, the emperor will successfully touch the feet of the consort and fall in love with them instantly. Then, he will carry this consort away with him back to the Ganyuan Palace. After a passionate night together, he will name her as his favored woman.

However, an accident happened during the shooting. Dressed in a heavy historical costume, Su Yaya took off her shoes and sat on the stone by the lotus pond and played with the water. The sun shone down through the gaps of the leaves on top of Su Yaya's body and the surface of the water like a fine layer of gold, creating a dazzlingly beautiful scene.

Xu Chaoran who was dressed in the emperor's costume appeared at this moment, and he saw Su Yaya's feet. Fair and beautiful, they attracted his gaze in an instant. He couldn't help but come towards her and reached out his hand, hoping to touch her feet while he spoke his lines, "My dear, how beautiful..."

And this was where the accident happened. According to the script, Su Yaya should try to evade his touch bashfully. But who knew that she would accidentally slip while attempting to do so, and landed her entire person inside the pond?

With a splash, Su Yaya fell in.

Originally, Su Yaya could swim. Even though she wasn't good at it, she still wouldn't drown. However, she was wearing the historical costumes today which consisted of layers upon layers of fabric. Every piece of her clothing was wide, and they wrapped around her hands and feet after they had gotten wet, stopping her from freeing herself. It was ridiculously heavy as if something was pulling her down. Seeing that she was going to be pulled underwater, she accidentally choked on a few mouthfuls of water during her panic.

Xu Chaoran was the closest to Su Yaya when it happened. He froze for a moment when he saw Su Yaya fall into the lotus pond but he quickly came back to his senses. This was not what it said in the script. Su Yaya had fallen into the water. Then, without even thinking, he quickly took off his loose robes and jumped in to save Su Yaya.

After Xu Chaoran jumped in, the other crew members also realized that an accident had happened. They quickly ran over to help them.

Xu Chaoran jumped into the water and quickly swam his way to Su Yaya. He grabbed her from behind and took her to the shore. Holding her wet body, he brought her up.

"Brother Chao, Brother Chao, are you okay?" One of the crew members ran over and asked him anxiously.

Xu Chaoran responded, "I'm fine." Then, he looked down at Su Yaya in his arms. When he saw how pale her face was, he asked in worry, "How do you feel?"

"I...I'm okay." Su Yaya forced down the discomfort in her body and answered.

"You don't look so good. I think you should see a doctor," Xu Chaoran suggested.

"I don't think that's necessary..."

"Listen to me. If you get sick, then you'll also delay the filming for the rest of the crew," Xu Chaoran said to her with a serious face that accepted no refusals.

Su Yaya, "..."

Yu Hui had also rushed over. He said, "I think Chaoran is right. It'll be for the best to have a check."

He knew very well that Su Yaya was Chen Xiuqi's woman. If anything were to happen to her in the crew, then things would still be fine if Chen Xiuqi didn't care. If he got angry because of this, then the entire crew would be in deep trouble. And, according to the rumors, Chen Xiuqi seemed very concerned about Su Yaya. It's hard to guarantee anything, and he didn't dare to take the gamble. Whether she was fine or not, she should still be sent to the hospital for a check-up just in case.

"Hurry up and help Chaoran and Xiao Su change their wet clothes, then quickly send her to the hospital." After Yu Hui finished speaking, everyone finally realized that Xu Chaoran was still holding Su Yaya. However, in this current situation, everyone's minds were filled with getting her to a hospital and they didn't think much of it.

After Duan Xiaoyu returned from buying coffee for Su Yaya, the first thing she saw was Su Yaya wet from head to toe with a terrifying complexion. She was completely shocked and couldn't even bother with the coffee anymore. She quickly brought Su Yaya to the changing room to get changed. On the other hand, Xu Chaoran was also taken away by his assistant to the men's changing room to get changed.

While changing clothes, Su Yaya could see Duan Xiaoyu's hands shaking. Pulling up a smile on her pale face, she said, "I'm really fine. I just ended up like this because I'm on my period. I'll be okay after I drink some red date tea when I'm home. Don't worry."

"How could I not worry? What will I do if anything happens to you? Women should be even more careful when they're on their period. You can't touch cold water or catch a cold, and you fell into the water. That's no good at all! It's still better to get a check-up just in case." Not taking any no for an answer, Duan Xiaoyu dragged Su Yaya into the car and brought her to the hospital.

After the check-up, the doctor diagnosed Su Yaya with a small cold. And, as she was on her period, her ovaries were weak to begin with and she even fell into the water. If she doesn't take care of herself now, she'll have hell to suffer through when she gets older!

Once he was done nagging Su Yaya, he prescribed a large pile of medicines for Su Yaya to take home and eat.

Su Yaya didn't like to eat medicine so she didn't want to go get them. She complained to Duan Xiaoyu, "I said I didn't need to see the doctor but you wouldn't take no for an answer. And look, they gave me so much medicine, this is injustice! Who likes taking medicine in this day and age? I'm not a masochist!"

But Duan Xiaoyu remembered how Chen Xiuqi had asked her to take good care of Su Yaya before heading out. Regardless of what Su Yaya says, they still have to go and get the medicine. She also said to Su Yaya, "I'll have to supervise you when you take your medicine. Otherwise, I'll tell Sis Zhou and President Chen."

Su Yaya glared at her and pouted, "You're my assistant so you should be on my side. It's no good if you report me to them like that, you know?"

Holding the medicine in hand, Duan Xiaoyu insisted, "But you can't be so reckless with your body. If something happens to you, then Sis Zhou and President Chen will blame me for not taking care of you too."

Su Yaya sighed. She felt like she didn't just get a new assistant, she got a new mother!

"Fine, forget it. Let's go back." Since she can't get through to Duan Xiaoyu, Su Yaya gave up.

After driving back to the hotel where she was staying, Su Yaya immediately went for a hot shower. After falling into the water and getting wet, then going to the hospital for a check, she had only changed into a new set of clothes and hadn't had the time to clean herself, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Now that she can finally have a nice warm shower, she finally felt relaxed.

After she came out, Duan Xiaoyu gave her medicine again and said with concern, "Sis Yaya, you should take a nap after you eat your medicine. It's good to have some rest."

Su Yaya responded with a hum and climbed into bed. She pulled the blanket over herself and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

Duan Xiaoyu stayed beside her and waited until she fell asleep before heading out in light steps. She took out her phone to call Zhou Peiyun and report to her that Su Yaya fell into the water on the set today.

Before she could even find her number, another call came. It was one of the members of the crew, calling to say that Su Yaya's handbag had been left at the set, and asking her to come to pick it up.

Only then did Duan Xiaoyu remember that Su Yaya had left her phone in her handbag and handed it to her before filming. She asked Su Yaya to go buy her coffee and she returned just in time to see Su Yaya fished out of the water. In a hurry, she helped her change her clothes before bringing her to the hospital and completely forgot to take Su Yaya's bag.

"I'll come right now," Duan Xiaoyu thanked the crew member. Then, she looked at the bed. Su Yaya was laying there, sleeping soundly. She was unlikely to be waking up anytime soon. So, she quickly set out to get Su Yaya's bag.

When Duan Xiaoyu arrived at the set, the crew member who called her brought Su Yaya's bag from the staff room to her. This Chanel handbag costs at least a few hundred thousand yuan. There were also some of Su Yaya's personal belongings in there. She couldn't afford to lose it.

"Check and see if anything is missing," the crew member reminded her with a good heart.

"Okay, thank you." Duan Xiaoyu knew there wasn't much in Su Yaya's bags. There were just tissues, compact powder, lip tint, a small mirror, and whatnot. The only important thing in there was her phone. With today's technology, smartphones are increasingly useful, but they also touch upon a person's privacy. Especially as Su Yaya was an artist, things would not be good if anything leaked out. So, she quickly opened the handbag to check. It was still there. Su Yaya's Apple smartphone was still there. Su Yaya was the one who set the password herself so even she didn't know it. Everything should be fine.

After checking her bag and making sure that nothing was missing, Duan Xiaoyu thanked the crew member. The crew member replied in jest and said if she wanted to thank her, then she should invite her for a drink.

Seeing that she had helped her out, it should only be proper for Duan Xiaoyu to buy her a cup of milk tea. So, she smiled and said, "Sure. Let's go together."

Since the crew member was also free at this time, the two of them headed for a milk tea shop.

Halfway through her sleep, Su Yaya was woken up by her cramps. This was the first time she had had her period since she transmigrated over. She never expected it to be so painful as she had never experienced cramps to such a degree before. Even if it hurts, it was just a dull throb, which was still tolerable.

But this body was different from her own, even the pain tolerance was different. Also, her current condition was very bad. Her flow was extremely heavy, almost like it was an open faucet down there. A constant stream of heat was flowing outwards and her headache was causing her to see stars. The cold sweat lining her forehead almost gave her the illusion that she was going to die.

She suddenly remembered that the female doctor told her in the hospital. "Your ovaries were weak to begin with and you even fell into the water. If you don't take care of yourself now, she'll have hell to suffer through..."

Thinking about this now made her a little scared. She quickly called out to Xiaoyu, but nobody responded to her.

She got up and looked around. Nobody was in the room. So, she could only get up herself and find her phone to make a call. Unfortunately, she couldn't find her phone either.

While she was still in a flutter, she heard a knock on the door. Su Yaya thought that Xiaoyu had returned, so she endured the pain in her stomach and went over to open the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Xu Chaoran standing outside. Before waiting for her to speak, he quickly stated the intentions of his visit. "Are you doing okay? You fell into the water this afternoon, so I've come to visit."

"I..." Su Yaya was just about to say that she was fine. But as soon as she opened her mouth, she felt the heat flowing out from below and her vision went dark. Uncontrollably, she toppled forward.

"Su Yaya!!!"

Xu Chaoran reached out to catch her. After looking down, he realized that her face was as white as a sheet. Her forehead was also covered in cold sweat and her entire body was shaking.

"What happened to you?" Su Yaya's appearance frightened Xu Chaoran. Worry could be seen on his handsome face as he asked her anxiously.

Bouts of pain came one after another in Su Yaya's stomach. Her vision was growing dark and she was sweating profusely. She felt extremely weak. "It hurts...I feel bad..."

The author has something to say: I just told you all that Xu Chaoran could be a supporting male lead, but nobody believed me, lalalala~~~
