8. Finally Free

I had the feeling if we all went back to that hidden away prison, we wouldn't be there long, call it a gut instinct. Fortunately, we managed to get something each in return for- well saving the world. Floyd asked to see his daughter, Croc asked for tv and BET, an espresso machine for Harley and I asked for some art supplies and to keep my cell next to Floyd's.

Right now Floyd and I are in our cells and I'm drawing pictures of us all. As I was drawing, we were talking about funny parts of the mission.

"and how did Boomerang get like seven beers and drink them AND manage to survive the last two fights I will never know".

"Get away with the beers? Nah I wanna know how he got away with flirting with Katana without getting his head chopped off and soul trapped in her sword". 

We were interrupted by a loud explosion and the sound of gunshots. After a few minutes, I see some familiar faces outside my cell.

"Harley? J? Oh my god!" They unlock my cell and I lunge myself at both of them.

The encounter with the witch ended up leaving me stronger and with more abilities than before. So the chances of me getting locked up again were very slim. 

Floyd decided to keep a low profile so he could spend time with his daughter safely, but that didn't stop us from living together. In fact, the suicide squad all got together again for Chato's funeral. From then we started visiting each other and meeting each other more and more. 

A few weeks after the funeral, Boomerang came to visit Floyd and I. He asked for our help with a jewellery store robbery. This made me laugh because that is exactly how he got caught last time, but I realised that he finally had learnt how to work with others. I didn't wanna ruin that for him so I said yes. After calling up Harley and Croc, we ended up doing it, it seemed more like an excuse to reunite.

"Floyd!" I yell from the living room.


"I just had a slightly crazy but great idea," I tell him, smiling mischievously,

"I don't think I wanna know..." he says, turning around to walk away, I hang onto his jacket childishly. 

"C'mon! Please..." I whine.

"I don't know Celia..." Floyd says doubtfully. I roll my eyes and step forward, knocking on the door. The door opens,

"No fucking way" 

"Hey Flag..." I say nervously, realising that this might have been a bad idea.

I sigh in relief when Flag hugs me and shakes Floyd's hand.

"Oh shit, come in before someone sees you," he panics

We meet June officially and talk about everything that went on.

We get back home after visiting Flag and walk into our living room to see Floyd's daughter there watching a movie with Harley. I laugh and walk into the kitchen to find Croc and Boomerang drinking beer. I throw my hands up in disbelief, wondering how they all got into my house. I give up and just get them to leave the kitchen so I can get a drink. I walk back into the living room to see everyone watching some sort of action movie.

"Oh come on, we did way better than that!" Floyd comments, making his daughter next to him look at him in confusion. 

I smile at the thought of us all, together and finally free.

Hope you enjoyed this, it is actually the first story I've written so I'd really appreciate if you showed some support and leave some feedback xxx
