7. The Witch's Heart

We walk past lots of solid, black, dangerous looking spikes to where the witch was. Killer Croc had gone with some other soldiers to set a bomb underground. We get to where the witch is and hide behind some pillars. Her magic was strong, she was strong, I started to feel more and more worried. Not for me, I was scared that she would hurt the others and I was prepared to do anything to protect them. 

"Hey everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff, right?" Harley whispers 

"Yeah why?" 

"I'm off my meds" 

Suddenly the witch starts talking to us all, 

"I've been waiting for you all night. Step out the shadows, I won't bite" we hear her say loudly in a strange echoing voice.

"Why is she rhyming?" I laugh,

"Why are you here? Because the soldier led you? And all for Waller?" This part made me angry, we weren't doing this for Waller anymore. But I carried on listening, curious of what she was had to say.

"Why do you serve those who cage you? I am you're ally. And I know what you want. Exactly what you want." 

As she said this, I see a alternative life in front of me. I still have my powers and everyone else still has theirs. We're all free and happy. I see Floyd and I working together to take down gangs or drug dealers and taking their money. I see us all there, the whole suicide squad, celebrating Harley's pregnancy. I see us working together but free.

I seemed to snap out of this mind manipulative trance .

"It's not real!" I shout, I turn to see Chato had also snapped out of it. His vision must've been of his wife and kids. I give a quick hug, squeezing his hand.

I help him break the others out of their trance. We march over to the witch.

"Brother, make them bow to me" I hear her say

"We will never bow down to you" I yell, she looks at me shocked.

"You can understand her?" Flag asks me

"You can't?" I say, confused.

"You, Celia, are more like me than you think. I can unlock you're full abilities, I can make you so much stronger. Join me and you will never be mistreated, caged or threatened again."

"They are my people, I'm not leaving them" I shout

I didn't have time to say anything else her as her brother I'm guessing, starts trying to attack us. He was tall with a fire like aura surrounding him and had these fiery root like things that shot out of his hands. 

"We need to get him in that corner where the explosive is" Flag tells us

"I'll do it" Chato says firmly, we protested, not wanting him to get hurt.

"I've already lost one family, I ain't gonna lose another." he shouts. His words impacted me immensely, I had never had a family before. This helped fuel my determination to protect these people.

I tried to help Chato fight him but after he got thrown back he turned into some fire demon, making it obvious that this was his fight. I stood nearby with Floyd just incase we were needed. Chato managed to get the brother to the corner, he however couldn't get away. 

"DO IT!" he yells, trying to get Flag to set off the bomb anyway.

"NO!" I scream, trying to run over and get Chato away. Floyd holds me back as I sob and watch the ground explode, killing the brother and Chato. My sobs turn into anger, never had I felt such anger. 

3rd person POV

Deadshot hadn't seen her like this before, her once hazel eyes glazed over and turned to a dark blue. Her hair seemed to float up and blue flames shot up covering her body. A ball of blue flames formed in front of her getting larger and larger. The witch and everyone else were stood still watching this happen. Suddenly, the ball shot forward towards the witch, it broke apart but the blue flames lingered around her making the witch crumble down in pain. 

Celia's POV

Everything else was sort of a daze after I shot some fireball at the witch. She seemed obviously weaker after that but her teleportation made her difficult to fight. Bullets didn't seem to harm her much either.

"Enough" she says, our weapons being thrown from our hands, "Of all that have faced me, you have earned mercy. For the last time, join me or die."

I get an idea. I reconnect the telepathic connection with Harley.

"Pretend to join her and cut out her heart" I say quickly, knowing we didn't have long, I would've done it but I made it clear to her that these were my people and I wouldn't leave them.

Harley puts on an act, asking the witch if she could bring back 'her puddin'. 

"I like what your sellin' lady" she starts, the witch inches away from her, this was the perfect, "There's just one teeny problem" she continues, lowering to the ground to pretend to bow.

"You messed with my friends" she growls, picking up my knife from the ground and slashing the witch across the chest. She grabs the witch's heart, leaving the witch weak. From there we had to act quick or she might escape.

Floyd grabs a gun while Croc throws Flag's last explosive into the witches portal. Floyd shoots and it all explodes throwing us backwards and destroying everything the witch had created.

The witch was still alive, barely. Flag marches over, holding the witch's heart.

"You bring June back. BRING HER BACK!" he yells

"She's not coming back"

He becomes emotional, threatening to crush her heart. The witch only mocked him, so he destroyed her heart. I stay beside him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly as he cried. After a minute or so I help him get up and we start to walk away.

"Hey Flag" Floyd calls, making us look back. There June was gasping for breath after tearing away the skin of the Witch. I grin as he runs over and they have a sappy romantic reunion. 

I walk over to stand next to Floyd, he wraps an arm around me as we watch them.

"That angry blue flame magic shit earlier was pretty hot" he mutters making me laugh.

"Really?" I ask, looking up at him as he pulls me closer, "You blowing up the witch was pretty hot too"

"Oh really?" he asks, eyebrows raised, I nod. He leans down and kisses me. I smile against his lips and he pulls me closer. After a few seconds I pull away.

"Let's leave before-" 

Amanda Waller was standing there, phone of doom prepared in her hand.

"How are you not dead?" 

Next chapter is the last xx
