
Guys, since you know I do talk about these depression phases and suicidal topics, if you read the comments at the starting of the book, you will see people making fun of Sophia that she cries over everything, they laugh at her making fun of her for having panic attacks, they make fun of her when she tries to commit suicide............this is why I am putting this thing here as this is so important and please read this all. Please please please never make fun of a person who is either suicidal or having panic attacks, you don't say that he/she is dramatic or overreacting. No. You don't know a person's life, you don't know their struggles, you literally don't know anything. You lie with your own self, you think people tell you what really their mental health condition is?

And yes, boys included. Boys also are humans, they also have a heart, a mind, a body, a soul. If women can suffer, so can boys. Stop telling them to bottle it up or to be a man. That shit is toxic as fuck sorry to say. Boys can feel things, they CAN cry, then CAN complain and they CAN tell others that they are not feeling it. What do they need? A person to ask them. Believe me, that's it. They just need someone to ask them as to how are they doing. So please, if you have any male friends, do ask them time to time, if they are doing okay mentally or not.

So, coming back to the topic. When you read a book and you start are not fully involved with the characters and hence you don't feel their pain but being inconsiderate towards them? In my opinion, never the solution. Now Ashton lost 2 daughters, lost Sophia for some time, lost his niece, his mother, his sister, you know his past and sufferings etc etc. At this point, many people cried for him, many said that he has suffered a lot............that is because you know his life now, you literally read it all and became familiar with it and hence you felt his emotions. When I started the book, many people didn't understand this and honestly, you don't bash a person for literally cutting their wrist. It just doesn't happen like in a minute, there are events of life which make a person go through this for them to come at a point where they are ready to take their own life away. Event after event after event reaches you here. You don't reach the third floor in one step, you go floor by floor. Even if by the elevator :)

If today I ask any of you to abandon all social media, stop having fun, work your ass off almost all of the day for all days of the week,  and you don't get to eat your proper meals, don't get to wear your new clothes, don't get to rest or hang out or fulfill your dreams and all.................if today I give you a baby to take care of with no money, no one's support to a point you have to raise him or her abandoning your will you act? How will you react? Will you be happy? Will you be at ease? No. You would never be at ease because suddenly you have such a big responsibility. Mental health isn't funny, isn't a joke and please don't take it as that.

I used to get hurt when I read people bashing Sophia but now not like before because I got to know people's mentality. I got to know their sick mentality and it is the bitter truth. Just because you make fun of them, just because YOU aren't afraid of heights doesn't mean everyone also isn't. Just because YOU have gone on a plane before doesn't mean EVERYONE has gone. If today, I throw you in a dark room, in some place you have no idea off, with a man you have no idea off, with guns you have never touched before knowing they are scaring you, knowing you cannot escape and they put you in a plane on which you have never gone before knowing you are shit scared of heights maybe due to any past trauma knowing you have a child with you and this all is happening so suddenly right after someone literally kidnaps you from your home ....................the fuck are you going to do? And imagine during your breakdown a person laughs at you and calls you a bitch or some bad, foul word and tells you to shut up and to just go die somewhere.........................Think about it.

Imagine yourself in someone's shoes if you cannot feel the pain. Don't make fun of others as this is literally one of the reasons suicide rate is increasing so horribly, people stop talking because. Because of judgement. Stupid, fucking judgement. You never know when someone is about to end their life, when someone is literally holding onto life by a thin string, when someone just needs someone to tell them to die for them to actually give up.

Buddy, if you aren't today in this position? You can be someday. You don't know the future. So before making fun of someone, think what would you want if you were in their position. Imagine not knowing how to swim and drowning and actually wanting help, where you can feel your lungs filling up with water, where you can feel the tightness and the chest ache, you are kicking your legs but nothing is helping, you are feeling tears in your eyes and your life flashes before your eyes, your favourite pet or family member or anything .................and people laughing at you and walking away telling you to stop being a whore or a bitch whereas you are not pretending at all and genuinely in need of help.

On my discord, many people are silent readers, some are vocal and I still say the same ............speak up. Don't remain silent, don't think that you are annoying anybody especially me. Just. Please. Speak. Up. Tell anybody that you need help, if nobody is there, you know what I am saying since you are literally reading what I wrote then please come to me, talk to me. I will help you no matter what the religion, no matter what age, what gender, whatever. I literally don't give a flying fuck. What I believe in is that you are a human with feelings and need love, care and attention. That is fucking it.

Many people made fun of Ashton for being bipolar and having anger issues.............bro these are some serious issues. Very serious issues.(Even I have this and it's actually worse like hell.) You need to understand that people are going through phases. You need to understand that such high temper issues aren't JUST there, something leads to something and then another and then another. A glass doesn't fill in quickly, it fills till the brim layer by layer until it is full. So please try to understand. If a person suddenly becomes rude with you..............DON'T say that look how fucking rude he/she is, don't say that didn't your parents teach you manners? With all due respect, YOU are the one with no manners since you literally couldn't read the body language living in this year. If you know how to bully, if you know how to taunt others, then I sure as hell know that you know these body languages.

Think before you say something, if today you are happy, tomorrow you can also be holding life by a thread, you wouldn't want people to leave you and never help you stop the suffocation.

Ashton and Sophia's relationship was toxic at the start. YES. But think about it. Had they ever been in a relationship before? Had Ashton ever been soft with anyone? Had Ashton ever talked sweetly with someone? Had he ever talked to anyone about his feelings? What was his past? Why was he like this? So many questions I can't even list all. And Sophia? Did you think about how she is totally in a new world, a new place, with new men who she has no clue off with munchkin with her etc etc. What went in her mind when men abducted her and her little sister? YOU guys know that Ashton is the right man, but does SHE know? No. Sophia, from working daily to getting everything served to her in a split second. Ashton.............well you know his struggles, they are too many for me to list. But before you bash someone, think about their situation. Think before you say something; their situation, their feelings, the possibilities that they are acting like that, the reasons they are acting the way they are, etc etc. And if you find this a lot to think? Then keep your rude comments to yourself.

I am NOT talking about my feelings right now, especially what was shown to Sophia and Ashton at the start, but I damn well know that there are people actually living a life like this who are helplessly drowning and have no one for them, no one with them and no one by them. I'll end it here with a soft note that please don't bash anyone right next to you. Don't hurt them, the world is already cruel. Nowadays people don't talk much and mainly these types of people are the reason, the ones who bash.

My dm's are always open if you ever want to talk, join the discord if you ever feel like venting out and I promise no one will abuse you. That is a promise I am making. I'll again attach the link to the discord here, it's also on my board, you can scroll down and join. But love please, you guys are amazing, you guys are champions and you guys are gems.............don't hurt any soul living on this earth. I'll cry and beg in front of you too, but please, don't hurt anyone. It would kill me if I ever get to know that one of my readers committed suicide, it would genuinely kill me like nothing.

I hope everyone is doing well and is good. If not, you know where to find me. You can also private message me on discord if you are struggling no worries. With that, stay healthy and stay happy always. I always always have your back.

P.S. Remember Sophia's dressing at the start and then at the end? Yeah, it was character development :) (The smart ones will know who I'm pointing at.)



My instagram: anachaudhry123

Instagram: the mafia and his lost queen
