Chapter 4


I woke up from the sound of some packets opening. I opened one eye just to see munchkin eating crisps, HER MORNING BREAKFAST, while watching YouTube on my mobile. Oh, how cute she looked.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "Good morning munchkin."


Okay. The lady was busy eating her crisps so I stifled another yawn to check my phone. 8:03am. I had set the alarm but I forgot to press OK. Mentally facepalming myself I jumped as if someone had electrocuted me. I had to be at the cafe by 0800hrs. Quickly putting on a pair of denim blue trousers and a pale white shirt, I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and put my hair in a messy bun. Snatching my phone and pocketing it, I picked munchkin up and rushed out of the room locking it when she protested with a moody whine. 

I kissed her cheek and kept on running, "I have a job munchies and I am late." She made a cute ass pout and rested her cheek on my shoulder when I just smiled. I loved her. I really really loved her when at the last moment, she too kissed my cheek when I giggled and hugged her closer. And the next thing I knew was that we both were laughing and running side by side to get to the cafe quickly.

My boss was on vacations today and hence, I could bring my little devil along with me.


It was once again, an extremely exhausting day and somehow, I was getting annoyed. I was getting frustratingly agitated due to some reason I couldn't quite figure out yet that it got to a point I actually snapped at a customer and had to apologize there and then. I was serving the last buyer of the day when I felt my trousers getting wet. Shit! I forgot. My monthly had started. I mentally face palmed myself, yet again, quickly served the customer, wrapped a scarf around my waist to cover up the stains and pulling Everleigh along, dashed for the door to go home. Now I understood why I was being agitated. I reached the motel and quickly freshened up and decided to eat something from whatever was left in the bag when my phone started to buzz. It was Josephine.

"Hey what's up?"

"HEYYYYY. Okay, I decided to cut to the chase as I don't have much of a time. Send me your location, I'm coming to pick you up."

I whined as I was pretty annoyed and tired, "Whyyyyyyyy?" 

Excitement bubbled in her tone, "There is a new club which has just opened and I cannot wait to go there and obviously, you are going with me." 

"But, Josephine, I am on my period. Besides, I don't even have anything to wear. Furthermore, no way in hell is Everleigh going to a club at this age and nowhere in my right senses will I leave her alone in this.........." I didn't even know how to describe this dingy place when I just somewhat grimaced with disgust and ended the thought with, "motel."

"Leave it to me. I'll fix you up something. Just send me your location."

I sighed and looked at Everleigh eating a burger, "What about munchkin?"

After about a few seconds, she responded, "I'll bring my maid along. She can look after her."

"Can she be trusted? Are you sure?" I was genuinely worried as I have never let munchkin alone with anybody and she meant the world to me when-


She hung up on me. How rude! I was antagonized but to be really honest, I really wanted to go. I had been running day and night doing duties, earning money, sleeping less and eating less for the past around six to seven years and I was genuinely very exhausted and so, I really wanted to go for maximum an hour, have some time to myself, breathe a little and then back to normal routine, back in hell itself. I sent her my location and just waited for her to show up.

Josephine came at my doorstep twenty minutes later which was pretty quick. She entered the room and tried to cover up the disgust on her face. I felt ashamed but it was quickly gone when she ran towards me. Shoving a black dress into my hands, she pushed me into the bathroom to get dressed. I wore it and looked myself in the mirror when I gasped. 

It looked truly beautiful on me as it was long and very pretty, I must say, but I couldn't wear it there. It was too revealing with a slit through my one of my legs exposing it fully, the neck hung low, half of my back naked, but it fit pretty well. It hugged my curves quite majestically but still unsure of it, I went to Josephine whose mouth shaped an O, "Babe, you look stunning. You're totally getting laid tonight." She added with a wink.

I cringed and made a face and started to back away when Josephine got confused, "No, Josephine, no. First of all, this dress is too revealing, I can't. Secondly, I'm definitely not getting laid because first being, I'm on my period. And even if I wasn't, I never intended on it because Everleigh is home alone and I don't have time for random flings. No way. If this is what you want to do you can leave without me but I'm sorry, this isn't happening." There was a finality in my voice and she understood that.

"Jeez fine woman. Just tag along. You can have some fun and I'll drop you back home."

I raised an eyebrow with my hands folded into my chest and looked at her. Rolling her eyes, she held her arms up high and said with a sigh, "I promise."

I grinned at her and let her doll me up. After about half an hour, we were ready to leave. Kissing munchkin on the head and making sure the caretaker was looking after her, I left with Josephine and just prayed that nothing went wrong. Now let's see what hell could break lose?


Getting into my black trousers and a white button-down shirt, I went to my wardrobe to wear a slick clean black coat. I adjusted my Rolex watch, wore my shoes and ruffled my hair to put some volume as I hated putting gel in them. Yuck! Adjusting the tie and the cufflinks I looked at myself in the mirror when I hummed in satisfaction. Muscles bulging against the restraints of my suit coat, veins decorating my hands and arms, my chin as sharp as glass shards, dominance, power and authority swirling within my eyes, and my presence, itself, screaming crime and power? Yeah, I looked representable.

Today, I decided to pay a visit to the new club we had opened and I was ready to leave. Taking large strides, I got into the car and nodded silently to the driver who raced out of the driveway. I could have driven myself, but it was my first appearance there as owner, and I needed to show my status. Stupid, yes, but the world revolved around this. Show them expensive cars, and they are ready to do whatever you say. And I was not only talking about bitches willing to suck your cock, but this act even worked in the corporate world. Fucking fake beauty paintings.

We arrived surprisingly early when the chauffeur opened my door and I got out. 

Opening the buttons to my coat, I entered the club and was met with a whoosh of cold air. The air conditioners were on and the atmosphere was cool. There were dim purple and pink lights. A rectangular bar was at the far end and a huge dance floor was in the middle. There were surprisingly many people here, something I didn't expect on a weekday night. I went and sat at the far end of the corner when an intimidated looking bartender rushed towards me to take my order. Did I scare everyone that much?

Sipping my drink slowly, I put my right ankle on my left knee, eased myself back on the plush, soft emerald green sofa and saw the scenario unfold. I saw many people come in and out. People were smiling and laughing. They were enjoying this time as much as they could. I could see females happily dancing and laughing with supposedly their boyfriends and I couldn't help but wonder that what if I was never in the mafia? 

What if I could lead a normal life? Nothing to worry about, not always stressing out. I was trained to grow into the heartless man that I am today. Neither did I know how to love, neither did I know what happiness was. What I knew, was pain, cruelty, bloodshed and power. I couldn't help but think that how much I have always wanted a normal life. How much I have wanted to be at ease and not worry about anything but those things weren't for a mafia boss. I zoned out thinking this when I focused on what I was staring at. Not a what, but a who. 

I brought my glass to my lips and took a fairly good sip when I brought it back down, resting it over my leg as I just stared at her. She was gorgeous. Like a beautiful goddess. Her features were soft. She had rosy cheeks, plump red lips, fair skin and maroon red hair. She was very slim but very very beautiful. She was wearing a black dress that perfectly covered her soft curves, exposing most of her bare back when I felt my cock twitch seeing her bones prominent from there. One of her legs was exposed and I felt my cheeks heat up when I caught myself staring at them.

I looked up to see her laughing softly. Her laugh was so soft and so delicate that it could break glass. I put my drink aside and laid back easily just to watch her. She was with another girl who looked like a rubber duck. Ew!

The lights further dimmed down when some soft music came on. People started dancing and I couldn't help but wonder what if it was me dancing with her in the middle of the room. What if it was me holding her waist in my possessive grip and swaying to the music? What if it was me holding her finger while she spun till, I could pull her harshly towards me till she hit my chest and looked me up in the eye?

Tucking some strands of her hair behind her ear, she moved back and sat at the counter. She refused to dance with anyone and I couldn't help but smile internally. Obviously, I wouldn't allow anyone to touch her. I would break their hands if they ever laid even a finger on her.

As soon as this thought crossed my mind, she looked in my direction and started staring at me. The lights around me were dark and so she couldn't see me properly. And just to see her reaction, I placed the drink aside on the table, bent forward and intertwined my hands together looking straight at her when I made sure my eyes bore into hers, electricity sizzling through the both of us when I felt my cock strain against my pants, making them appear tighter than before.

She suddenly realized that I had caught her staring when her eyes dilated and she quickly looked away and coughed a small cough. She clenching her legs together definitely did not go unnoticed when she turned her back to me. 

After about ten minutes, the lights were switched back on, the DJ put some rock music to change the atmosphere and the club was once again in full swing. Gulping down the rest of my drink in one go, I went to put the drink on the counter and deliberately brushed my knee with her exposed leg. She sucked in a deep breath but I turned on my heel and with a smirk, I left the club.

And oh, how extravagantly beautiful she smelled. Vanilla and roses.


Getting home, I called Massimo and told him to get the camera footage of today's day at the club. He seemed surprised by the tone of my voice and I knew he wanted to ask why but he knew better than to ask me questions. He went to get the recordings and returned after a few minutes. I played the CD on my laptop when I found her.

She looked as gorgeous in pictures as in person. I paused the recordings and pointed my finger at her lone figure, "Get me her details. I'm giving you one full day. After that, I need every piece of information regarding this lady or consider yourself dead. Use embedded chip micro IR radiation system if needed. Attaching SATNAV is not required. Did I make myself clear?"

Massimo, clearly nervous, responded a yes boss, took her picture on his phone and left my room. I unbuttoned the first few buttons of my dress shirt, my thoughts constantly lingering on that single woman that caught my eye when never ever, in my entire life, had a woman ever earned a second glance from me, let alone my breath. I think I might need to stay in America for a little while more.


Holy smokes he was hot.


With each passing chapter, sometimes I just wanna give up on this book BECAUSE IDK IF IT'S CRINGE AF or good. Huh. You guys be the judge.



My insta: anachaudhry123

Insta: authora.zchaudhry
