
Hello,lovelies, its my first story and have zero experience in writing stuff.i know I kinda suck but it would be really supportive if you nice it a shot.

Soo...lets get started!!!


"Lynnett Gabrielle Fairbrook, get your fat ass downstairs right now or else, go to school by walk",somebody yelled, making me fall down from my soft, and lovely bed which I dearly love on to the floor.

"What time is it?", I mumbled slowly under my breath.I stretched my sleeping muscles , untangled from the sheets and unlocked my iPhone6.


Shit, I am soo fucked up. Come on who would seriously be late on their first day of senior year in high school and miss classes and fail in every subjects.I know its never gonna happen with my clean record of grades and perfect attendence.

Call me a nerd, I don't care.I actually am kinda proud that I am one.Look whose gonna laugh after 5 years (with making so much effort in school and not concentrating on the way how I look and trying to keep up with my job which is a waitress at a local cafe ,) by getting a job which pays enough to get rich which affords me a black Lamborghini and designer clothes?

Haha , suck it up bitches, that's ME.

As you have heard before my name is Lynnette Fairbrook, seventeen ,studying in Lake View High school, San Diego, California.I am a nerd if you haven't figured it out yet.I am an obese person weighing over 80 kgs. In case if you are wondering, yeah I get bullied,  physically, mentally and emotionally. Non-existant love life and ....

"LYNNETT GET YOU DUMB ASS DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW!", yelled my one and only brother, Gavin ,who is a nineteen year old college student studying Mechanical Engineering.

"Okay I am coming down in five minutes".I yelled back.

I quickly got up from the floor and started my daily routine, which consists of brushing my teeth and showering and applying a hint of eyeliner to make my dull,black eyes look better and some lip gloss.

Woohoo, I am done getting ready for school in 4 minuter 38 seconds.And its the record time that no one , I MEAN NO ONE could ever beat.

I rushed downstairs, and grabbed a green apple from the fridge and made my way up to the driveway and got in my brothers Black Honda Civic as i munched on my apple.

"Why did it take so much of time to get ready to school? Are you trying to impress someone?", asked my brother who is quite pissed off, maybe because of the hangover.I dont exactly see the point of drinking alcohol and sufferring a severe headache and possibly destroying your kidneys, just for fun.

"Woke up late and do I look like I am trying to attract someone?"I said, as I looked down to see what I am wearing.

A grey hoodie and a pair of sweats and my black converse shoes. Even my face is not pretty , dull black eyed and boring dark brown hair which is slightly wavy and small nose and thick eyebrows and thin lips doesnt exactly scream hot.

I know, not so fashionable, and its the first day of senior high school, . But you cant exactly blame me for having lack of sense of fashion and especially with the bullying, I dont think so. Because the last time I wore something more fashionable, that's a white shirt and dark washed jeans, the girls cornered me and almost ripped my shirt and they........I gulped.

Lets not go there and also its been two years since that incident happened.I moved on.

He scoffed and said"Yeah, as if someone would actually feel attracted to you".

I just rolled my eyes and looked out of the window.

What? Its nothing new, I got used to it.I know what you are thinking 'He is her brother and he should tell things that will make her feel better' but thats my brother for you, not the ideal brother.Sometimes it hurts, like a bitch, but I accepted the fact that I am fat, worthless, and ugly. But I wouldn't call myself

stupid for two reasons-

1)Because I am not

2)I've got the highest GPA in my school.

The car stopped right in front of the glass doors of my school.

"Are you going to come home, after your class?" I asked my brother, even though I knew the answer, I kinda hoped that he would stay at home tonight.

"No, I am going to the new club which was opened last week and crash in one of my friends place". Of course.I always wondered how he actually managed with hangovers, I heard that its very painful.So, again I will have that whole house to myself.A partying brother and a workaholic mother who is almost never home, always going to business trips and her office and a paralysed father who is currently at a neuro-rehabilitation center justifies the reason why I am alone most of the time at home.

"Okay. See you later"I replied and made my way towards the entrance of the hell hole which people normally called it as school.

i went inside. Instantly, I heard the annoying whispers of the people,or should I say animals, talking about my fatness, and my clothes.

"Have you seen what she is wearing".

What are your blind or something?,I thought

"A hoodie and sweats? Who actually on the face of the earth wears that junk to school that also its the first day of senior year?"

Why cant you just mind your own freaking business?

"Eww, how anyone be so fat?"

Comment after comment where thrown at me until I went to the homeroom where I can take my schedule and hopefully carry on the rest of the day peacefully.

"LYNNY" ,shouted my best friend, Hannah Caldwell, giving the un-wanted

attention to me.

Hannah is beautiful, with her dirty blond hair which is tied up in a ponytail and her captivating green eyes, and a curvy figure which is completely swoon worthy for guys. Infact,I envy her. The way she is so beautiful inside and out, never cease to amaze me.

I waved at her.

"How did you spend your summer? I know that mines the best in my entire life!!!",asked Hannah, bubbling with excieted

"Its okay, I guess". Honestly, summer is a complete failure for me, as I tried to lose some weight, which is, as I told you not so successful. I managed to drop out up to 4 to 5 kgs. And I dont have friends other than Hannah and Dylan, who is Hannah twin brother.

Dylan is the cute nerdy type of guy and he is very athletic.He also has dirty blond hair like Hannah but has cute brown eyes like Mr.Caldwell.

Since the Caldwell's went to Miami for their vacation,I got so lonely.

"So, tell me how did you spend your summer vacation? Met any hot guy?",I teased her. SHe looked down, blushing.

"OH MY GOD!! Who is he? WHen did you both met? Is he hot? DId you guys kiss?Is he a good kisser?", I bombared her with questions with soo much happiness and my cheeks are starting to get hurt by grinning soo widely.

She is blushing so hard that she looked like a freaking tomato.

"Take it down a bit.I will tell you in lunch.The bells' gonna ring in two minutes"

she said.

"You have to give me all the details 'bout him" I told her sternly.

She laughed."Okay,see you at lunch"

"See ya", I wished her back as I hurriedly walking towards my chemistry class.

I suddenly bumped in to something hard, maybe a wall. The impact made me fall backwards and land on my butt.

"I'm soo sorry, I didn't mean to-"I paused, to see a pair of gorgeous blue eyes, which belonged to none other than the student council president,

Chase Wilson.


So........, I think its kind of a cliff hanger.I really, really hope that you guys liked it because its my first time and I would really appreciate a little feedback.

Don't forget to -




See you guys later.:)
