
Hello lovelies, I am back to satisfy your eagerness. I am typing soo fast so I am going to make many grammatical mistakes,so please excuse me for that.And here's your 2nd Chapter of the life of an overweight teen.


I suddenly bumped in to something hard, maybe a wall. The impact made me fall backwards and land on my butt.Hard.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"I paused, to see a pair of gorgeous blue eyes, which belonged to none other than the student council president,

Chase Wilson.

Chase Wilson,the student council president who is indeed Hot with a capital H, with gorgeous pair of ocean blue eyes and wavy brown hair and pink lips and-

Lets just put it out short.

He is so DAMN SEXY.

I wonder if he has abs.........

Lynnette Gabrielle Fairbrook, get a god dammit grip over yourself.Stop drooling over a guy you barely even know to save your pathetic excuse of dignity.

Someone cleared their throat.I realized that I am still on the floor drooling over Chase.How embarrassing....... I felt my face getting all hot.I looked up to find Chase's extended hand as if he wants me to grab it.

I kept on staring at his hand for a good 2 second not knowing why he's helping me .

"Come on, I haven't got the whole day to stand here.The classes are gonna start right-" he is interrupted by the loud ringing of the bell.

RING !!!.

"-now".He ended.

I quickly grabbed his hand and got up from the floor.

"Thank you"I mumbled quietly.

"You should be, you made me late to my class.And next time watch where you are going, Nerd"He said with a smirk.Which actually quite pissed me off.

"Whatever"I mumbled and quickly made my way to my chemistry class.

What a jerk!! My intentions about him being hot completely vanished.Asshole.

I don't know how he even got into the position of student council president.And how could actually someone be so rude when you just gave them your gratitude.Many say that he is badass and a jerk ,yet manages to get good grades. Before I know it I opened the door of the chemistry class room

"Miss Fairbrook , is there any reason why you are late to my class?"asked my annoying chemistry teacher, Mrs O'Neal, a short plump lady in her late thirties who tries to look as if she is in her mid-twenties by wearing loads of make-up and short skirts and don't forget those six inch killer high heels.I don't know how people manage to walk in those deathtraps.

"I'm sorry Mrs O'Neal,this wouldn't happen again"I apologized.

"It better not, I can't tolerate tardiness.If this repeats next time you will be sent to detention. Understand? "that stupid bat warned, narrowing her eyes at me .

I just merely nodded and went to the back of the classroom and took the corner seat.I opened my book and started taking notes.

The second and third period passed like the blink of an eye.Its lunch. Cafeteria - the one and only place that I dreaded to go.Thinking of the possibilities of 'accidents' that's gonna take place made me shudder in fear.Hannah said she had to complete an assignment, so she went to the library and Dylan didn't come to school today 'cause he caught cold.So,I will be spending my lunch all alone.

I made my way towards the doors of cafeteria. I stood at the line and waited for my turn.But an annoying high pitched voice stopped me.

"Hey,Lynny-Cow, wait up"

I turned around to see none other than the Head Cheerleader,AKA, the school's queen bitch,Tiffany Peterson.She is the typical head cheer leader with blond hair,blue eyes and stick figure, wearing slutty outfit of a small mini skirt which barely even covers her butt and paired it with a t-shirt which is five times smaller than her actual size.

"Looks like you haven't even dropped out a single pound this summer"she said loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear.

Looks like you haven't changed you slutty ways yet...

I wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut in order to save myself from further more public humiliation, physical and emotional pain.

"If you don't drop out weight no guy will ever look at your face and you will be alone forever ,Lynny"she said faking an expression, as if she is showing pity for me.But I saw the evil glint in her eyes because she knows its hurting me like hell and am trying to blink back tears.The whole cafeteria is silent.Pin drop silence engulfed the air.

"Your Mom is working day and night so hard to feed you tummy,which is a lot by the way, aren't you gonna help her.You are so selfish that you spend all the money which you mother earned ,on food.Don't you feel bad,Lynnette?Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?" she said taking one step forward with every word ,with menace lacing her voice.I saw her smirk,knowing that she hit a nerve.

Don't cry,don't cry,don't cry....I chanted in my head trying to stop the waterfall of tears falling down from my eyes.

But its almost impossible to control my tears.I can't handle this anymore.

That's when I took off to the restroom.While I am running, I bumped into someone but I carried on running to the restroom without caring to apologise for the person for bumping into them.

I ran into the restroom .I walked to the corner and leaned my back over the wall and slide down the wall until my butt hit the floor.I sat at that, corner letting my tears go freely from eyes while trying to control the painful sobs escaping from my throat.

And that's how,ladies and gentlemen, I spend the first day of senior year of high school ,crying.

Great.Just fucking great.

CHASE's Point Of View

"Yes,Mrs O'Neal"I said to my chemistry teacher, who gave me a work of making ten copies of some papers from the Xerox machine in the teachers lounge.I quickly made my way to the teachers' lounge.

I made ten copies as I was told to and gave them back to Mrs O'Neal and went towards the direction of the school's cafeteria.God,I am so damn hungry.

Seriously, just because I am the President of student council doesn't mean that I have to do all the dirty work for the teachers ,and its still the first day for crying out loud.Not only Mrs O'Neal,every teacher I had my classes with told me to do at least one chore for them.Its really getting on my nerves.Always telling me 'Chase this' and'Chase that'.I didn't know this President thingy can be so irritating.

I am so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't see a girl running towards my direction and bumped into her.Before I could apologise to her ,she ran into the ladies restroom with tears running down her face.I realized that its Lynnette Fairbrook.I felt a pang in my chest, when I saw her crying.Seeing those tears in her beautiful chocolate brown eyes,I forgot about everything. Even my hunger,which is almost impossible to forget.

Woah.Beautiful?Where did that come from?Now ,its not the right time to think about your feelings,Chase Wilson.

I don't know why but my gut is telling me to go inside and do something about the reason she is crying.But I don't even know her,do you think its right to follow her?

Go there and try to console her,you idiot.It doesn't matter whether you know her or not.If she ask you why, give your pathetic excuse of how its your right to console her as a fellow human being or something like that......

After debating with myself for a good five minutes,I walked towards the ladies restroom.

And that's how ,ladies and gentlemen, I entered a ladies restroom for the first time in my entire life.


So, that's another cliff hanger,everyone.I will update as soon as possible to satisfy you curiosity to find out what happened between Lynnette and Chase in the ladies restroom.

Don't forget to:





Your's truly,

Pam Errickson
