Ch.12: The Plan

3rd Person POV

After the duel between the church duo and Raizo and Kiba, the rest of the ORC went back into the clubroom to discuss how to deal with the rogue exorcist and the Excalibur fragment.

Rias: Before we discuss anything. Kiba, I just wanted to say that, even though you lost, you fought very well.

Kiba: Thank you, Ms. President.

Rias: You as well, Raizo. Your skills with a sword are really impressive. If I could, I'd offer you a place in my peerage as a knight, but I know you'd refuse.

Raizo: Thanks, Rias. And yes, I would refuse. No disrespect, but I wouldn't trade my heritage for anything.

Rias nodded, and sat down at her desk, while everyone else sat down or stood around.

Rias: Now then, when it comes to the holy swords, I'd like to hear ideas on how to deal with them.

Akeno: Based on what the exorcists said, three of the swords were stolen. We know that Rapidly was one of them, as for the other two, we know nothing.

Kiba: And then there's the issue of locating the swords themselves. We have no idea on where to start looking.

Everyone sat in silence for a few moments, until Issei spoke up.

Issei: I have an idea, why don't we help Irina and Xenovia in searching for them?

Rias: Help them, you say?

Issei: Yeah. I mean, they want to find them as well. So if we help each other, our chances of finding the swords would increase.

Raizo: Sounds like a solid plan. Only there's just one problem.

Issei: Huh? What is it?

Raizo: We want the swords destroyed, they want them recovered. Our goals of finding them line up, but what to do with them doesn't.

Issei: Damn! You've got a point.

Rias: Destroying the swords wasn't something I was aiming for. I mainly just want to get back at the exorcist who attacked Kiba. I willing to let the exorcists take them. As long as they take them far away from us.

She then looked at Kiba.

Rias: Is that alright with you, Kiba?

Kiba was a bit hesitant to answer, but he soon did.

Kiba: It's fine.

Rias: Thank you, Kiba.

Raizo: Now that that's been settled, all we have to do now is find them, and let them know that we're gonna help them. We also might wanna bring extra backup just in case.

Issei: I could ask Saji.

Raizo: Saji? Who's that?

Rias: Saji Genshirou, a member of the student council, and a pawn of Sona's. If you're going to ask for his help, then I'll need to ask Sona for permission. He's apart of her peerage, and ultimately has the final say if he helps or not.

Raizo: Alright then. We'll start tomorrow. See you all then.


Rias had a conversation with Sona about the holy sword issue in their territory. Rias had asked Sona for some help, and since Sona doesn't want the holy swords in her territory any more than Rias, she agreed.

Sona told Rias that she would give permission for Saji's assistance, as long as he is willing. She would not force any of her servants to deal with a holy sword.

At first, Saji was a bit hesitant. Which is understandable considering that dealing with holy swords isn't exactly a devil's past time. But, after some convincing from Issei, he eventually agreed to help.

After that, Issei and Saji met up with Raizo, Kuroka, Ahri, Shirone and Kiba to look for Xenovia and Irina.

Raizo: I don't believe we've met. My name's Raizo.

Saji: Saji. And no, we haven't.

Raizo and Saji shook hands, that's when Saji noticed Kuroka and Ahri. He had a bit of a perverted look when he saw them. Before he could do or say anything, Raizo tightened his grip on his hand, pulled him in closer, and spoke quietly enough to where only Saji could hear him.

Raizo: Don't even think about it, friend. Those two are off limits. So keep your hands to yourself. Got it?

Saji:..O_O..Yeah! Loud and clear, man!

Raizo: *smiles* Good.

After that, Saji introduced himself to Kuroka and Ahri in a very respectful and non flirty way.

Issei: Awesome! Now that we're all here, we should start looking for Irina and Xenovia.

Kiba: Where do we even start?

Raizo: How about we split up? We can cover more ground, and whoever finds them first can just give the other group a call.

Issei: Sounds like a plan. Kiba, Saji, Shirone and I will search one part of town.

Raizo: Kuroka, Ahri and I will search another.

Issei: Alright. Let's do this.

After the two groups split off to search for the church duo, Raizo, Kuroka and Ahri were walking down the street while looking for the two.

The three of them had been searching for an hour with no luck, and no call from the other group as well.

Kuroka: *sighs* Seriously! How hard can it be to find two girls wearing white robes in a small town?!

Ahri: I know. We've been looking for an hour and no dice. The other group hasn't found them either because they haven't called us yet.

Raizo: Well they are here on an important mission. Maybe they're trying to stay hidden. It's not like they're gonna be begging for money on the side of the street.

And as soon as he said that, they heard the sound of the church duo begging for "donations".

Raizo/Kuroka/Ahri:..-_-..You've gotta be kidding me!

Kuroka then looked at Raizo with a sweet smile.

Kuroka: *smiles* Can I kill them?

Raizo: You can hurt them, just not yet.

The three walked up to the church duo. They were surprised to see them.

Xenovia: Raizo Tachibana?! What are you doing here?!

Raizo: Looking for you two actually. The real question is, why are you two begging for money?

Xenovia: We lack the funds to purchase food *points at Irina* because this one decided to spend all our money on a painting!

Irina: Hey! There's an honest to goodness holy figure in that painting! The art director said so, and why would he lie?!

Raizo/Kuroka/Ahri: (So naive.)

Xenovia: Either way, we need to buy something to eat so we can continue our mission.

Ahri: You know, if you two are hungry, we can buy you something to eat.

Raizo: Yeah. It's about time for lunch anyway, how about you join us?

Xenovia: We appreciate the offer, but we do not need, nor want, your pitty-

Before she could finish, both her, and Irina's stomach's growled. Causing both of them to look away in embarrassment.

Raizo: Are you absolutely certain?




The five of them went to a restaurant and are sitting at a table that is filled with food.

Both Xenovia and Irina lost all their grace and reverted to wild animals while eating.

Raizo: (Man. Those two must've been really hungry.)

A few minutes go by, and the girls are done eating, and they almost look ashamed at what they've done.

Xenovia: We are truly sorry you had to see that side of us.

Irina: It's just, we haven't eaten in days, and we just couldn't help ourselves.

Raizo: It's no biggie. I'm just glad you two didn't starve out there.

Xenovia: We appreciate your kind gesture.

Irina nodded in agreement.

Xenovia: Now then, you said before that you were searching for us? What for?

Raizo: You'll get all the details when we meet up with the others. Long story short, us three, and the devils, wanna help you in searching for the missing Excalibur fragments.

Both Irina and Xenovia were a little surprised. They knew the devils would get involved, but they never would've guessed that they'd want to work with the church.

Xenovia: This is indeed surprising news. Who's idea was this, anyway?

Raizo: Issei Hyoudou came up with the suggestion.

Irina: Issei did?

Xenovia: I see. So the devils want to help us in searching for the swords. They are aware that we want them recovered, not destroyed, right?

Raizo: They are. But, surely we can come to some sort of understanding, right? I mean, whether the swords are destroyed or not, you still get them away from the fallen angels, right?

Xenovia: Hmmm, you raise a fair point. Very well, I'm willing to let you destroy one sword.

Irina: Xenovia!

Xenovia: You know who the other side has. Kokabeil is dangerous. Honestly, it'll be impossible to recover all three swords on our own.

Irina: Yeah I get that, but that's not what we were assigned to do!

Xenovia: We have a 30% chance of returning home.

Irina: We knew the risk we were taking before we got here. This isn't anything new, Xenovia!

Raizo: I get it. You both are willing to lay down your lives in God's name. But, this isn't your ordinary mission of just retrieving stolen swords. Xenovia said it herself, you're dealing with a Cadre class fallen angel. If I were you, I'd take any help I can get, and worry about the consequences later.

Both Xenovia and Irina looked at each other for a second, then looked back at Raizo. They both agreed to accept the help, and soon went to meet up with everyone else.


Everyone met up at the fountain in the park. The others were quickly brought up to speed with the conditions that were set earlier. Kiba found it a bit disappointing that the church would allow a holy sword's destruction.

Kiba: I'm a bit disappointed that someone who can wield a holy sword would allow one to be destroyed.

Xenovia: *sighs* It's obvious that you completely resent what the holy sword project did. I completely understand. That incident is viewed with great repugnance by those of us currently in the church as well. We know, and that is why the person who was responsible was punished. Excommunicated.

Irina: His name is Valper Galilei.

Kiba: I know Valper. It was all him. He was responsible.

Xenovia: You're already aware of one of his tools. The stray exorcist Freed. It's not uncommon for those who have been banned from the church to collude with one another. There's a high possibility that Valper is involved with what's going on now.

Kiba: Well after hearing that, there's no reason for me not to cooperate with you.

Irina: Yay, then I guess it's been decided!

Xenovia then looked at Raizo.

Xenovia: We shall return the favor for the food someday, Raizo Tachibana.

With that, both Irina and Xenovia walked away. Kiba then looked at everyone.

Kiba: Listen, everyone. I just want you all to know that I really appreciate everything you're doing to help with this.

Issei: No need to thank us man. We're all a part of the ORC. Raizo, Kuroka and Ahri might not be a part of Rias's peerage, but they're here helping us regardless. That makes us friends.

Raizo: Issei's right, Kiba.

Raizo then puts his hand on his shoulder.

Raizo: Besides, this isn't just your problem. Kokabeil being here is a danger to all of us.

Kiba: You're right. Now, let's deal with the problem at hand.

End Chapter
