Ch.10: A Past Revealed

Raizo POV

I arrived at my house carrying an injured Kiba. I entered to see both Kuroka and Ahri waiting for me. When they saw Kiba, they both got up to help.

Ahri: My goodness! Is that Kiba?!

Kuroka: What happened to him?!

Raizo: That's what I'm hoping to find out. Let's put him on the couch.

The three of us went into the living room, and I placed Kiba on the couch. Once he was on the couch, I went to inspect his wound.

He had been slashed on his abdomen, and the wound appeared to be sizzling. Kuroka then felt his wound.

Kuroka: The wound feels hot. What did this to him?

Raizo: A holy sword. Before he passed out, he mentioned Excalibur.

Ahri: Was he cut by The Excalibur?

Raizo: I doubt it. A long time ago, the real Excalibur was broken into several fragments. If it was the real deal, Kiba would be dead right now. All holy swords are toxic to devils, but the Excalibur is exceptionally deadly. Just one cut could kill even the strongest devils.

Kuroka: Can his wound be healed?

Raizo: Yeah, but I'll need your help. In the meantime, Ahri, call Rias and let her know that we have Kiba. She should be made aware of what happened to him.

Ahri: Right.

After Ahri left to call Rias, Kuroka and I got to work on Kiba's wound. It was a stubborn bitch to heal, but we did manage to heal him. However, it did leave behind a scar. Nothing we could do about that. Excalibur, even in fragments, is still deadly to devils.

After we were done with his wound, Ahri came back to tell us about her talk with Rias.

Ahri: I just got off the phone with Rias. She said she'll be here in a moment, and she said thank you for saving him, Raizo. How is he?

Raizo: He's out of the woods for now. But I suspect that he'll be out cold for a while.

Kuroka: So, where were you? I know you went to that summon with Issei, but you were gone for longer.

Raizo: About that, you'll never guess who's in town. Azazel.

Ahri: Really? What's he doing here?

Raizo: He got word that one of his lieutenants went rogue. And stole some Excalibur fragments from the church. And based on what happened tonight, I'd say that might be true.

Kuroka: That's bad. If this isn't handled properly, it could spark another war!

Raizo: I know. From the looks of it, he's trying to keep his identity a secret for a while longer, so we can't tell anyone else. Got it?

Kuroka/Ahri: Right.

Just then, the doorbell rang and I went to answer it. It was a very worried looking Rias, along with an equally worried Issei and Asia.

Rias: Where is he?!

Raizo: He's in the living room. Come on in.

I led them to where Kiba was, and as soon as Rias saw him, she went up to him and kneeled down next to him.

Rias: Oh Kiba...

She then saw the scar on his abdomen, and got a serious look on her face.

Rias: Who did this?!

Raizo: A man named Freed Selzen.

Issei: Oh no, that asshole?!

Raizo: I take it you've met?

Issei: Yeah. A bit before you came to town, we had a run in with some rogue fallen angels and exorcists. Freed was one of the exorcists. But why is he back all of a sudden? And how did he beat Kiba? The last time they fought, Kiba wiped the floor with him.

Raizo: Well this Freed guy was packing some serious firepower.

Issei: What did he have?

Raizo: A holy sword, but not just any holy sword. An Excalibur fragment.

When I said this, Rias went wide-eyed.

Rias: An Excalibur fragment?! Are you positive?!

Raizo: Kiba mentioned Excalibur before he passed out, so yeah.

Rias: That's not good. If the priests managed to get their hands on Excalibur, then we're all in danger!

Raizo: By the way, Rias. I noticed during their fight, Kiba was moving like he was being clouded by anger, also earlier today, he got really upset when he saw a holy sword in a picture. I know devils don't like holy swords in general, but Kiba's hatred for them seems to run a lot deeper. Why is that.

Rias:...*sighs* Have you three heard of The Holy Sword Project?

Raizo: No.

Kuroka and Ahri shook their heads.

Rias: Well, in short, it was a failed project conducted by the church to try and make people who can wield Excalibur's fragments. The church had a group of children and put them thought tests and torture to make holy sword wielders. Kiba was one of those kids. But like I said, the project was a failure, and the kids that were tested on were "disposed" of. Kiba was the sole survivor.

Kuroka: Damn.

Ahri: Poor Kiba.

Raizo: So that's why he hates holy swords.

Rias: I found him on the brink of death in the snow. I couldn't just let him die, so I made him my knight. That's when I discovered he had the Sword Birth sacred gear.

Raizo: And that's probably why he was tested on in the first place.

Rias: I always knew he had a deep hatred for holy swords, and that what drove him to get stronger, was so he could have revenge on the Excalibur. But, I don't want his hatred to consume him. For years, I've tried to get him to see that there's more to life than having revenge. And I thought that maybe he put it behind him. What really convinced me that he had put all this behind him was when he started dating Tsubaki. But, I guess that hatred never really disappeared.

Issei: And, seeing that photo with the holy sword just reminded him of his hate for those swords.

Rias then got up and bowed to the three of us.

Rias: Raizo. Kuroka. Ahri. You three have my deepest gratitude for saving his life. If there's anything I can do for any of you, please don't hesitate to ask.

Ahri: It's fine, Rias. You don't owe us anything.

Kuroka: Well~ now that you mention it, I-OW!

Before Kuroka could finish, Ahri elbowed her in her side, while Kuroka pouted.

Raizo: Hehehe, but seriously, Rias. It's no trouble. I'm just glad I was at the right place at the right time. Had I been a few minutes late, I don't even wanna think about what could've happened.

Rias then walked up to the three of us and gave us all a big hug.

Rias: Thank you all. I mean it.

She then separated from us and looked back at Kiba.

Rias: I should take him home.

Rias then picked him up, and stood in the middle of the living room, with Issei and Asia behind her.

Rias: Once again, thank you all for saving and helping him.

Raizo: No problem, Rias. You three have a goodnight.

Rias then teleported away. Once they were gone, I looked back at Kuroka.

Raizo: What were you even going to ask her for?

Kuroka: I just wanted to see if she could use her connections to get us free sushi for life.

Ahri:..-_-.. Of course.

Kuroka: What?!

Raizo: Free sushi, huh? Well, if you prefer other sushi to mine, then I guess I don't need to make it anymore~


When I said that, Kuroka went as pale as a ghost. I began to walk away, and that's when I felt someone jump on my back. I looked back to see Kuroka, with highly exaggerated tears falling from her eyes.

Kuroka: Please don't say things like that!!! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!!! Your sushi is the best!!! Please don't stop making it!!!

That's when I decided to tease her a little bit more.

Raizo: Hmmm~ I don't know. I'm not convinced that you're truly sorry~

And this is where I made a mistake. You see, if there is one thing that no one is better at than Kuroka, it's teasing. I swear she had to have been a succubus or something in her past life. Honestly, with how often she does stuff like this, I'm surprised that both of us are still virgins.

Kuroka: Ohhh~? So it's convincing you need, hmmm~? I'll have you know, I can be very convincing~.

She then proceeded to lick on my neck, and nibble on my ear while blowing into it. And I tried, oh trust me, I tried to resist, but I guess I'm still not strong enough.

Raizo: Ok... You win. I'm convinced. I accept your apology.

Kuroka: Yay! I love you!

She then kissed me on the cheek. It was then that Ahri had joined us and stood next to me. Her face was a bit red.

Ahri: *blushes* I love you too, you know?

I could tell she was a bit jealous, so I gave her a kiss on the cheek to remind her that I love both of them equally.

Raizo: *smiles* I know. And I love you. Both of you.

Ahri smiled and hugged my arm. Kuroka on the other hand, was still on my back.

Raizo: Uhh, Kuroka. Could you get off me now?

Kuroka: Hmmm? Nope.

Ahri, not wanting to be outdone, decided to do the same as Kuroka. Except she jumped on me from the front and latched herself onto me.

Raizo:..-_-.. This is my night now.

Seeing no way out of this predicament, I adjusted myself, and walked to the bedroom with the loves of my life, literally, attached to me to end the night.


School ended the next day, and Kuroka, Ahri and myself went to the ORC clubroom. When we got there, we saw everyone except Kiba.

Rias: Hello, you three. How was your day?

Raizo: Same as usual. Where's Kiba?

Rias: He woke up this morning. He and I had a talk about what happened, and I gave him the day off. He's got a lot on his mind. He also says thank you for saving him last night.

Akeno: You should've seen Tsubaki. The poor girl was worried sick, so she decided to take the day off to take care of him. Also, allow me to thank you three for saving him.

After Akeno thanked us, both Shirone and Gasper thanked us as well.

Rias: Now let's move on to the topic for today's meeting. Last night's incident opened my eyes. If what Kiba says is true, then Freed Selzen has the Excalibur fragment Rapidly. For those of you who don't know, this fragment grants the user insane speed. Rivaling that of the knight piece.

Raizo: (It sucks that I can't tell them about Kokabeil without selling out Azazel.)

Rias: It's clear that we, as devils, are in danger. So from now, until this issue is resolved, I want you all to go straight home after every meeting. I also want you to let me know that you're home as well. Understood?

ORC: Yes, Ms. President.

Raizo: Good call. The three of us can take care of ourselves, and we aren't at as much a risk as the rest of you, but we'll also keep our eyes open. If these rogue exorcists have Excalibur Rapidly, who knows if they have any other fragments.

Just then, the door opens revealing Sona and Tsubaki.

Rias: Hello, Sona. Is there something I can help you with?

Sona: Yes. I have something urgent to discuss with you. Would you mind coming to my house right away, please? We have a very complicated situation on our hands.

Rias: Very well. Lead the way. As for the rest of you. Please go straight home. Let's go, Akeno.

Before then left, Tsubaki walked up to the three of us and bowed down.

Tsubaki: Thank you so very much for saving Kiba! If anything had happened to him, I don't know what I'd do.

Raizo: Raise your head, Tsubaki. It was no trouble. Just keep an eye on him, he's going through some stuff right now.

Tsubaki: Don't worry. I will.

And with that, the four of them left. We all left for home while Gasper stayed in his room at the ORC. The six of us were walking down the sidewalk.

Issei: Man, these holy sword sure got the student council Prez and Rias on edge don't they?

Shirone: Of course they do. You saw what happened to Kiba, and that was just a cut. Just imagine what a serious wound could do.

Raizo: It would make what happened to Kiba look like nothing. Best case scenario, you'd die quickly. Worst case, well, you get the idea.

Asia: If these Excalibur fragments are that dangerous, I'm really worried that Kiba might do something reckless. I mean, you heard what Rias said, he still has hatred for the swords.

Issei: Maybe we should find a way to help him, you know? Not because I feel obligated, but because we're friends.

Raizo: I know how you feel.

Issei: Well, this is were we split off. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Asia: Bye, see you tomorrow.

Raizo: Be safe, you two.

Kuroka: Shirone. Maybe you should stay with us for a few days. It would really put me at ease if I knew you were safe with us.

Raizo: I agree. It'd be better if you're with us. I know Gasper is safe due to all the security seals around the clubhouse, but I don't know if you're place has all that security.

Shirone: I was thinking the same. I'd be glad to stay with you guys.

Raizo: Then it's settled.

Just then, I felt my phone go off. I checked it to see I got a text from Azazel.

Azazel: Hey, could you drop by for a bit? Got some things I wanna discuss.

Raizo: Alright. Be there soon.

Raizo: You guys go ahead of me. I got something I need to take care of first.

Kuroka: Is everything alright?

Raizo: Yeah. Everything's fine. I'll be back soon.

I gave both Kuroka and Ahri a kiss, and patted Shirone's head before I left.

Kuroka POV

I will never get tired of kissing him. As we watched him walk away, I noticed Shirone with a red hue on her cheeks.

Kuroka: *smiles* (Your feelings for him are getting stronger, little sis. It's only a matter of time now. And when you're ready, well welcome you into our little party.)

Raizo POV

I made it to Azazel's apartment, and he let me in.

Raizo: So what's up? Your text sounded serious.

Azazel: It is. I kept my ear to the ground, and I can confirm that Kokabeil is in Kouh, and he does have the stolen fragments of Excalibur.

Raizo: Yeah, I kinda figured that out. Last night, Rias Gremory's knight, Kiba Yuuto, was attacked by a stray exorcist wielding Excalibur Rapidly.

Azazel: No kidding? Is he alive?

Raizo: Yeah. A little banged up, but alive.

Azazel: The kid should consider himself lucky. To take an attack from Excalibur, and walk away alive is no short of a miracle for a devil.

Azazel takes a sip of his drink.

Azazel: So, here's what I think. Kokabeil plans to make his move very soon. And if I'm right, he plans to fuse the stolen fragments of Excalibur together.

Raizo: Something tells me that isn't a good idea.

Azazel: If you consider destroying all of Kouh a bad thing, then you'd be right.

Raizo: Will fusing the swords really destroy the whole town?!

Azazel: That's the best case scenario.

Raizo: Oh shit.

Azazel: Oh shit's right, kid.

Raizo: So what do you plan to do?

Azazel: Kokabeil's hidden himself quite well. I can't find him, but I know where he'll try and attack. So, as of right now, I plan to wait for him to show himself. And when he does, I'll send the White Dragon Emperor to handle him.

Raizo: Vali, huh? You think he'll actually listen to orders this time?

Azazel: Well, Vali was never one to turn down a fight, you of all people should know.

Raizo: *sighs* Don't remind me. He was always challenging me to a fight when I first met him. You know I could take care of Kokabeil, right?

Azazel: Of course you can, and I'm sure you will. We'll say that Vali's the backup plan if by some impossible occurrence Kokablei proves to be too much.

Raizo: Alright then. That solves the Kokabeil issue, but what about the Excalibur issue?

Azazel: I'm sure that'll solve itself. My intelligence tells me that the church is sending two exorcists to Kouh to take back the stolen fragments.

Raizo: Just two? These better be some damn good exorcists if they're going against Kokabeil.

Azazel: Well I can't account for their skill, but I do know that they're armed with two fragments of Excalibur. Destruction, and Mimic. I don't know when they'll get here, but rest assured, they'll be here.

Raizo: I think they might already be here. Sona Sitri had asked Rias to meet up with her to discuss a "complicated" situation. Something tells me it has to do with the exorcists. Now it makes sense why she was so worked up. First Kiba is attacked by an Excalibur fragment, then two exorcist who are also wielding Excalibur fragments appear out of nowhere. Either way you look at it, it appears bad.

Azazel: *sighs* Yep. It's all part of Kokabeil elaborate plan to start another war.

Raizo: But, what I don't get is, why Kouh? There's plenty of other territories owned by devils, if he destroys Kouh then... oh shit! That's what he's trying to do! He's gonna try and kill Rias and Sona!

Azazel: That would do it. Sirzechs and Serafall are quite the sis-cons. If either of them found out that their beloved baby sisters were killed by a fallen angel, I have no doubt they'd declare war on us.

Raizo: We have to warn them.

Azazel: Bad idea. If you warn them, then Kokabeil will just go back into hiding. We can't let them know just yet and risk Kokabeil finding out that we know of his plans.

Raizo: I don't feel right using Rias and Sona as bait like this though.

Azazel: Well then you'll just have to keep an extra close eye on them.

Raizo: *sighs* Alright, fine. But, when Kokabeil does show his face, I'm taking him down.

Azazel: Understood. But, don't kill him. I want him alive for interrogation. Rough him up as much as you want, just make sure he's still got a pulse.

Raizo: Fine.

With that, I left Azazel's apartment and made my way back home to end the night. Kouh is about to become a battle ground in the near future.

End chapter.
