Saturday Night

IT HAD BEEN a long week and to say Arlo was glad it was the weekend was an understatement. She was sitting on the couch on Saturday night with Diego asleep next to her and Izzy on her phone when the doorbell rang.

Arlo's eyebrows furrowed together before she stood up and walked to the front door. She opened it to reveal Guzmán on her porch.

"Hey," he said. "Sorry. You weren't answering your phone."

"Oh, shit. I left it upstairs." Arlo sighed. "Sorry. What's up?"

Ever since Guzmán had risked getting in trouble and detention for her a few days ago, things between them had been good. But Arlo wasn't sure how long it would last and truth be told she was scared to find out. Being able to talk to him again instead of awkwardly saying 'hi' was surprisingly a lot less effort.

"Do you know where Samuel lives? Marina's at the party he's throwing without my parents' permission." Guzmán explained.

Arlo sighed. "I know. She told me yesterday."

Guzmán's eyes widened as he raised his eyebrows. "You knew?"

"It's a party, Guzmán. A party Samuel is throwing. He's a good guy." Arlo insisted.

Guzmán huffed. "Do you have the address?"

Arlo shook her head. "No, I don't. Samuel told me about it before he confirmed and I told him I probably couldn't make it so he didn't add me to the page."

Guzmán licked his lips. "I'm gonna go to Nadia's. She'll know where he lives."

"Please tell me you're not planning on going to the party just to drag your sister out like a child."

"Of course not. Thanks anyway. I'll see you on Monday."

Sighing, Arlo stomped her foot on her porch. She knew he'd get to Samuel's eventually and knowing him, he'll lose his temper and since it didn't end well last time between him and Samuel's brother, she wanted to make sure he walked out with two legs. "Wait! I'm coming with you!"

Guzmán stopped and turned around. "What?"

"I'm coming with you." Arlo informed. "Maybe you won't get into fights if I'm with you and Samuel wanted me to come anyways. Just let me get changed. Don't move."

Guzmán sighed as Arlo rushed back into her house and he leaned against his car. If knew better than to just drive off.

Arlo walked into the kitchen. "Alma, I have to go out for a bit. Hopefully, I'll be back in a couple of hours."

"Is everything okay? Where are you going?" Alma questioned.

"Yeah, everything's fine. And to a party."

The woman instantly smiled. "Have fun, honey."

"It's not– never mind, I'll see you later."

The girl then ran up to her room and quickly changed out of her pjs into high waisted black jeans, a thin sweatshirt and black ankle boots. She grabbed her small shoulder bag and phone and ran downstairs and kissed Diego on the head. After a silent cheer from Izzy after Arlo told her she was going out, Arlo also kissed her sister goodbye before she left the house.

Guzmán stood next to his car on his phone and when he heard the front door shut, he opened the passenger door for her and the girl climbed in. As Guzmán pulled out of her driveway and drove to Nadia's family owned store, the two sat in comfortable silence.

"So tell me, why'd you insist on coming with me?" The boy asked softly.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Marina either– not because she's at Samuel's party but because sometimes she doesn't make good decisions." Arlo explained, then she inhaled a sharp breath. "And as entertaining as it was the first time, you getting punched by Samuel's brother again isn't something I wanna hear about."

Guzmán smiled as he briefly turned to look at her. "I forgot what it felt like for you to worry about me."

"I never stopped." Arlo murmured, looking out the window.

The boy's smile grew wider as he turned back to the road. It wasn't long before they arrived at Nadia's shop and Arlo stayed in the car as Izzy had called her.

"Izzy, what's wrong?" The girl questioned worriedly, regretting her decision of leaving already.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see if you were at the party yet." Izzy shrugged nonchalantly.

Arlo let out a sigh of relief. "You scared the crap out of me, you know that?"

Izzy laughed. "You need to take a chill pill, Lo. The house won't fall apart without you for one night."

"We'll see about that in the morning."

"Diego is still asleep and I'm watching TV. How dangerous."

Arlo looked up at the store to see Nadia looking annoyed as she spoke to Guzmán. "Listen, Izzy, I have to go. But I'll you see you later or in the morning if you're asleep when I get home."

"Alright, bye! Love you lame-o– well sometimes. Try to have fun."

Arlo beamed. "Love you too and I'll do my best."

The girl then climbed out of the car and walked into the store, the chimes alerting Nadia someone had walked into the store. She turned her head and her face relaxed slightly when she saw Arlo. "Arlo?"

"Hey, Nadia." The girl smiled.

Nadia smiled at the girl before she looked back at Guzmán. "I'm not gonna tell you if you don't calm down. I close in half an hour. Okay? There's a bar across the street. Have a cup of herbal tea while you wait, and if you've calmed down, I might go with you."

Guzmán cocked his head to the side. "You're coming with us?"

"No. You're coming with me. I didn't get an invitation. If you're with me, they might even let you in." The boy turned away before he was stopped. "Sir? Your asparagus."

Guzmán picked up the jar from the counter. "Put it on my tab."

Once he made his way to the door, Arlo licked her lips. "You might wanna lock the car."

Guzmán shook his head before leaving the store, Arlo still inside with Nadia. "He managed to rope you in?" She wondered, a look of amusement on her face.

"I'm going for damage control. I don't want him getting punched in the face and I don't want him punching Samuel in the face." Arlo laughed lightly. "Besides he has a point in being worried about Marina." Nadia looked at her confused, cocking her head to the side, edging for her to continue and Arlo took a deep breath. "There was a scholarship student a couple of years ago. To say it didn't end well would be an understatement. That's why he hated you guys so much when you arrived."

"And I'm guessing Marina was somewhat involved. That's why he's so concerned." Nadia deduced.

Arlo nodded before she tapped the counter. "I'll leave you to it."

"I'll get you guys in 20 minutes."

"I thought it was 30 minutes?"

"I just said that to him. It's 20 minutes."

Arlo laughed. "I see."

She walked out the store and into the bar, she turned her head to see Guzmán at a table by the window, his eyes closed as he rubbed his forehead. The girl sighed before she sat in front of him. "Hey," she whispered. "She'll be okay."

Guzmán opened his eyes, his arms dropping on the table as he sighed. "I'm just worried."

"I know." Arlo acknowledged. "But there's nothing we can do until Nadia closes up the shop. For now, you wanna tell me why you're so dressed up? I can't imagine you'd put this much effort in if you were just gonna find Marina."

"I was supposed to meet up with Ander, I even got his dad to lift his grounding, but he bailed on me at the last minute."

"I'm glad to know you guys are good. Why did he cancel?"

"He said he was tired." Guzmán sighed.

"And're running around trying to find Marina."

"And we've gone around the whole circle."

Arlo exhaled, realising her attempt to distract him had failed. "Yeah, we have."

The two sat in silence until Nadia came to get them and they climbed into Guzman's car as Nadia pointed the directions to him from the passenger seat. It didn't take long before they arrived at an apartment building and Arlo could hear the music from inside the car.

As the three approached Samuel's apartment, the music got louder and so did the smell of alcohol. Arlo sighed, bracing herself as they walked in, the girl immediately being surrounded by dancing teenagers. Though it was as soon as she stepped through the door, Samuel's brother stormed right out the kitchen and stood in front of him, followed by Christian.

"He's with me." Nadia informed immediately, looking at Samuel's brother. "He just wants to talk to his sister. Come on. Let's show him that we know how to be good hosts."

The older boy looked back at Guzmán, who was smiling and Arlo rolled her eyes, shaking her head. Samuel's brother then looked at Arlo and Guzmán tensed beside her. "What about his girl? I saw her at the party."

"Nano," Christian interjected. "She's chill. I swear. That's Arlo."

Nano's eyebrows knitted together. "Arlo? Pretty much the only friend Samuel's made?"

Arlo raised her hand and waved. "Nice to meet you and–" she pointed to Guzmán. "–I'm not his girl. Nano, is it?"

Nano nodded before he scanned Guzmán one last time before walking away, Christian glaring at Guzmán before he followed after his friend. The sound of cheering caught their attention and they looked up to see Marina with her shirt off dancing.

Arlo placed a hand on Guzmán's arm as he grit his teeth. "Don't start yelling. Just go and talk to her."

Guzmán took a deep breath before he walked over to his sister, leaving Arlo and Nadia by the drinks table. The latter drifted towards a quieter place in the apartment, standing by the window as the former remained in her spot and before she could grab a beer, her name was called. The girl turned around to see Samuel grinning at her as he embraced her in a hug.

"I'm glad you made it." He said into her shoulder.

Arlo chuckled as they pulled away. "Yeah, me too."

Samuel smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"Long story."

"Tell me later. Come on. I'll introduce you to Omar." The boy grabbed her hand and guided her through the crowd to an unfamiliar boy. "Omar, this is Arlo."

Omar smirked. "Ah, so you're the only friend Samuel has made."

"Hey!" Samuel exclaimed.

"I guess, yeah." Arlo nodded with a smile.

"The nicest rich, huh?" Omar teased.

Arlo laughed. "I wouldn't go that far. And is that seriously what I'm known for?"

Before anything else could be said, Marina stormed up to them, glaring at Arlo. "Can we talk?"

Arlo excused herself from the boys as she and Marina went to the kitchen where it wasn't empty, but was quieter.

"I can't believe you helped bring him here!" The red head hissed.

"I didn't help bring him here! We came together with Nadia. He was just worried about you and so was I. Is that a crime?"

Marina rolled her eyes. "You have no reason to be! I'm a big girl. Besides I thought you liked Samuel?"

"Of course I like Samuel. This has nothing to do with Samuel or anyone here for that matter."

"So, it's me, huh?" Marina scoffed. "You think I'm a total fuck up like my family does? You're supposed to be on my side!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Arlo snapped. "Of course I don't think that! You're my friend! I just wanted to make sure you were okay! And I also came to make sure your brother wouldn't get punched in the face!"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Arlo? I smoked with Pablo and it was fine. I fucked him because I was in love with him, not because he forced me into it."

"You were still underage at the time, Marina! And he was pretty much eighteen. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that that isn't right! You're still underage, you know?"

"So you're judging me for the choices I made?"

"No, of course not! I have never once judged you through all this shit, you know that. I just wanna make sure you've thought your choices through!"

"Let's get something straight here, Arlo. I am not one of your siblings. You don't need to run around to make sure I'm fine or breathe down my neck to make sure I've taken my medication. You don't get to control me!"

Arlo clenched her jaw at the insinuation that she controlled her siblings. "Fuck you, Marina."

Marina closed her eyes and swallowed, realising what she had just said and knowing Arlo's siblings were the most important people to her in the world, she knew she had gone to far. The curly haired girl sighed. "Arlo, forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm a little drunk and angry."

Arlo took a deep breath. "It's fine." She deadpanned, not looking the girl in the eye. "I'm sorry. Go have fun. I'll talk to you when you're sober."

Marina nodded before she walked away leaving Arlo in the kitchen. The girl swallowed before she went back over to Omar, who's face flashed with confusion. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Arlo breathed out. "Everything's fine."

After Nano's rapping and Samuel's beatboxing show, Arlo realised she hadn't had a drink yet and she really needed one. She went over to the drinks table and picked up a beer and before she brought it to her lips, someone took it out of her hand.

"Hey!" Arlo exclaimed as she looked at Guzmán who held the bottle of beer then took out his handkerchief and started wiping bottle. The girl rolled her eyes. "Is that really necessary?"

"Yep." Guzmán grunted. "You don't know where it's been." He gave it back to her once he was satisfied.

"Probably in a fridge." Arlo remarked with a laugh before muttering a thank you.

"Did Marina talk to you?" He asked as he tried to make his own drink, using his handkerchief to clean the inside of a cup.

Arlo took a swig of her beer, then pressed her lips together. "Yeah, she talked to me."

"I'm sorry I told her you and Nadia came with me."

"Don't worry about it. It's not like it was a secret." The girl brushed off then turned to the boy who was sniffing a bottle of vodka. "Really?"

"I was just checking." He defended before pouring it in his cup, followed by some Fanta. He swirled the drink around and brought it up to his mouth, then stopped, his eyes looking forwards.

Arlo followed his gaze to see Omar watching in amusement, shrugging and raising his eyebrows acting like he didn't see him before he walked through the crowd. The girl laughed then Guzmán looked at her, unamused.

"Come on." She chortled. "Lighten up. You've seen that Marina is okay. Come on. Where's that award winning smile?" She then poked his cheek a couple of times and he finally cracked a small grin. "There it is."

He playfully swatted her hand away and chuckled.
"How much have you had to drink?"

Arlo held up her bottle and pointed to the bottom of it's neck. "That much."

"Then your tolerance has really gone to shit." Guzmán teased.

"I'm not even tipsy."

The boy's smile instantly dropped when he looked up. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Arlo followed his gaze to see Ander talking to Omar and the girl sighed as Guzmán already started pushing his way through the crowd towards his friend. The girl put her beer down as Nadia stepped into the kitchen smiling.

"Nadia, you good?"

"Never better." The girl grinned.

Arlo smiled, squeezing the girl's shoulder before she went over to the boys. When she reached them, Christian was angrily glaring at Guzmán.

"Yeah, I was dying to come to this party." Guzmán retorted.

"Let's see. I think the chlorine from the pool must have atrophied that fucking part of your brain that takes hints. We don't want you here. Shall I say it in English so you understand?" Christian pointed to the door. "Goodbye." He looked at Arlo and nodded. "You can stay, of course."

Ander placed a hand on Guzmán's cheek. "Guzmán–"

Guzmán shoved the boy's arm off him. "What are you doing? What are you on?"

"Nothing." Ander said nonchalantly.

"You are high!" Guzmán yelled and Arlo started to regret leaving her beer behind.

"I'm not!" Ander defended.

"You can shut up!"

"I didn't take anything!"

"Would you stop acting like fucking children?" Arlo exclaimed, pushing the boys away from each other.

"You!" Guzmán snapped, pointing an accusing finger at Omar. "What did you give my friend?"

Knowing this wasn't going to ease up, Arlo just stood back and let them sort it out themselves. This wasn't her business, this was Guzmán losing his temper while trying to protect one of his friends and there was no stopping him when it came to the people he cared about.

It was when Ander stormed away, shoving each boy that Arlo knew it was over. Guzmán folded his arms over his chest and grinned. "Maybe I'll wind up having a good time after all."

"Grow up, Guzmán." Arlo remarked before she followed after Ander. "Hey!" She called, grabbing his arm.

"What?" Ander snapped.

She pulled him into the bathroom. "Tell me the truth. Are you on something?"


Arlo rolled her eyes before she put her hands on his face and scanned his pupils. "You liar!"

"Fine!" Ander yelled, pushing her arms off him. "I'm high! Happy?"

"What the hell is going on with you?" Arlo questioned.

"Nothing! Okay? I came here because the guy I'm talking to his here and Guzmán doesn't know so what was I supposed to do?"

Arlo relaxed. "Ander, Guzmán won't care if you like guys. And I'm not saying you should tell him, but he's one of your best friends. And it doesn't stop the fact that you lied and said the weed was a one time thing."

"It was a one time thing!" Ander insisted. "I took a pill."

"Ander, I swear to god!" Arlo exclaimed. "Look, I don't care that you're curious. Everyone our age tries it, I just don't want you to get yourself hurt!"

Ander took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair. "Lo, I know what I'm doing. Just get off my back!"

He then stormed out of the bathroom, leaving Arlo alone. The girl closed her eyes as she sighed. She had tried to help her friends tonight but the only thing she was successful in was getting yelled at.

