
MARINA AND SAMUEL stood on the bridge, talking about their plans to finish their project. The latter turned around so his back was now leaning against the railing.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course." Marina nodded.

"What's going on with your brother and Arlo? I know they used to be friends, but it seems like something is going on. They don't say much to each other, but there's a lot of looking– like they're communicating telepathically."

Marina laughed. "So you've noticed, huh?"

"Is there more to what she said? Did they date or something?" Samuel wondered, thinking about how someone as nice as Arlo could ever date someone like Guzmán.

"No, no. Nothing like that." Marina shook her head.

"Then, what?"

The girl sighed before she mirrored his body position, folding her arms over her chest. "You see, Arlo not only used to be friends with Guzmán, but with the others as well. Things changed though once a game of truth or dare got really out of hand when we were 12."

"What happened?" Samuel asked.

"We were all at Arlo's house and her younger sister, Isabela, wanted to play and she was maybe 7 or 8 at the time. Arlo wouldn't let her play because you know, when you have friends over you don't want your younger siblings playing with you. Anyways, Arlo said she was too young and weak to handle it. Then Lu dared Arlo to jump from one table to another out on the patio and since the tables weren't very stable and made of glass, it wasn't a good idea. Luckily, Arlo was fine. But Izzy wasn't. She saw Arlo do the dare and she tried to prove just how tough she was so she could join us and when she jumped, she slipped and hit her head on the table."

"Oh my god."

"She was knocked out, her forehead bleeding. Luckily in the end, it wasn't a deep enough cut to cause severe damage, just a few stitches, but we didn't know that at the time. She did end up in hospital for a few days because of the concussion. Though I don't think Arlo has been able to forget the sight of her sister like that. Fortunately, Izzy doesn't even remember much, but Arlo's always blamed herself for what happened. I mean seeing your 8 year old sister, thinking she was dead when you're 12, isn't something you can brush off. That's sort of when she realised with her parents always travelling, she needed to be the one to look out for her Izzy and Diego– to be a good role model and she stopped doing the things the others would."

"What does that have to do with Guzmán?"

"I'm getting there." Marina chuckled. "Everyone got annoyed with her because they said she had gotten boring. Well not everyone, with the exclusion of myself and Ander. Guzmán, being one of her closest friends at the time, basically turned sides against her and told her he didn't wanna hang out with her anymore if she continued being boring. And that's basically where it started. I mean, I know Arlo hasn't held a grudge over anyone because of that. We were 12, but it's pretty much where her friendship ended with everyone. I mean, they'll still talk to each other, but you can already tell how different they've all grown up in the last four years. And sometimes, you just outgrow people. It was when Arlo and Guzmán stopped being friends that he started to get irritating because instead of being under her influence, he gravitated towards Lu."

"Wow. I don't even know what to say."

"Me either." Her smile then dropped as her eyebrows knitted together. "I think he misses her though."

"How do you know?" Samuel asked.

"It was weird. The night after my party, I went to his room when he wasn't home to grab his laptop charger and I saw something on his bed. So I went to see what it was and it was photos of Arlo, him and Arlo– Polaroid's from when we had a camera but it broke a couple of years back."

"I mean, they used to be friends so I guess photos together aren't that...weird."

Marina raised her eyebrows. "It is when I saw him throw them out 4 years ago."

Samuel nearly choked on his apple. "What? He threw them out?"

"Yeah, it was really dramatic. He stormed into the living room where me and my parents were sitting and he slammed them into the bin. He must have gotten them out when no one saw."

"So your brother does have a heart." Samuel hummed. Marina hit him and he laughed. "I'm joking I'm joking. It's just weird to think about. Arlo's great and he lost her. It just sucks for him."

"What sucks for who now?" A voice questioned and the two looked to the side to see Arlo now standing next to Samuel.

"Christian." Marina blurted out. "He's practically in love with Carla, but she's dating lil Polito, just wait until he gets to know the manipulative bitch."

Arlo rolled her eyes and leaned in to Samuel. "They used to be best friends, but Carla ditched her for Lu."

Samuel's eyebrows furrowed. "Does everyone seem to be ditching others for Lu?"

"Wait, what do you mean every–" Arlo stopped herself when she realised what he meant. She let out an exhale of amusement as she leaned forward to look at the redhead. "You told him everything, didn't you?"

"He asked." Marina defended, raising her hands in the air.

Arlo laughed as she looked back at Samuel. "What happened happened when we were 12. You don't always stay friends with or like the same people just because you've grown up with them. Like I told you yesterday you...just grow apart. I don't hate them for what happened 4 years ago. I've moved on. Some people should too."

"I have."

"What are you guys doing after school?" Arlo chuckled. "Wanna come round? I know a certain 5 year old who'd love to see you guys again. And a certain 12 year old who'll ask you if you're single, Samu."

Samuel laughed. "I guess I should be flattered."

"We gotta finish our project." Marina sighed. "Another time?"

"Yeah, that's fine." The girl nodded. "I'll see you two later."

As they watched her walk away, Samuel leaned in close to Marina. "Have you told her about the photos?"

"No." She replied, shaking her head. "Do you think I should?"

"Does she know he tried to throw them out?"

Marina nodded. "I told her the day he did."

Samuel shrugged. "I mean, they're only a few photos, what's the harm?"

Arlo walked into the school and pulled out her phone from her pocket, seeing if she had any texts or calls from her parents. Nothing.

"Arlo!" A voice yelled.

The girl looked up to see Isabela running towards her. Arlo's eyes widened. "Izzy? What are you doing here?"

"This part of the school is where I'll be in a couple years. I was curious to take a sneaky wonder round during my lunch period." Izzy shrugged, lifting up her phone to take photos.

"Except you stick out like a sore thumb." Arlo chortled as she tugged on Izzy's yellow lapels on her blazer in contrast to her red ones.

Izzy smiled, looking around. "This place is massive."

Laughing, Arlo placed her hands on Izzy's shoulders and turned her around. "Come on. Let's get you back to your part of the school before a teacher– or worse Ander's mom sees you. You know you're not allowed here. How did you even get in?"

"Like I said, I'm sneaky."

"Come on."

Izzy threw her head back in frustration with a groan. "Okay. Fine."

As the two walked down the hallway, Lu and Guzmán came from the other way. Aro didn't notice them at first as she dragged Izzy along. Once she looked up, she let out a huff. "Here we go."

"Arlo!" Lu greeted cheerly as she stopped right in front of the Calero sisters, tugging Guzmán next to her.

"Lucrecia." Arlo breathed out.

Lu looked at Izzy and flashed a smile. "I don't know if you remember me, I'm Lucrecia, but my friends call me Lu. Its Isabela, right?"

Izzy looked at her sister, her eyebrows pulling together, silently asking if this was the Lucrecia that Arlo might have called a bitch a few times at home. Izzy had met both Lucrecia and Guzmán before when she was 8 or younger but she barely remembered them. Arlo smiled slightly and raised her eyebrows in confirmation.

"Yeah, that's me." Izzy replied as she looked down at her phone and started typing away.

"What are you doing in this hall?" Lu questioned. "Younger years aren't allowed here."

Arlo rolled her eyes. "Are you really gonna snitch on a 12 year old?"

"Almost 13." Izzy hissed, putting her phone in her pocket.

"Lu, just leave it." Guzmán sighed.

"Come on, Izzy." Arlo urged.

"Izzy? That's a great name." Lu complimented.

"Yeah, thank you." Izzy beamed. "People I like call me Izzy. You can call me Isabela."

Arlo pressed her lips shut to contain her laughter, looking to the ground as Lu's smile dropped. Lu then rolled her eyes once she saw Guzmán laughing, his eyes staring at his feet before she walked past the two, a sour look on her face.

"I don't know if you remember me either, but I'm Guzmán." Guzmán smiled.

"I do– sort of. You were always round the house, running around on the patio." Izzy stated.

Guzmán grinned. "Yeah, that was me."

Izzy scanned him. "You grew up cute. Are you single?"

"Izzy!" Arlo exclaimed as Guzmán let out another laugh.

"What?" The younger girl defended. "I'm not asking for me. I'm asking for you! You have so many cute guys in your class, Ander and now him. And yet nothing."

Arlo shook her head. "Okay, we are not having this discussion now. And beside the point, Lu's his girlfriend."

"Oh." Izzy let out, her face scrunching up in discomfort. She then remembered Guzmán in front of her and she cleared her throat and forced a smile. "Oh."

"She's not really my girlfriend." Guzmán muttered.

"So you are single then?"


"I'm just asking!" Izzy countered, then turned back to the boy. "Why did you stop coming round?"

Guzmán and Arlo exchanged a look and the former inhaled a sharp breath. "Uh, you know, we have different timetables, so we don't see each other as much."

"Hmmm." Izzy hummed, then turned to her sister. "I'm just saying, you have a lot of cute guys in your year, you don't need to go for that guy in the year abo–"

"Okay!" Arlo interrupted, placing a hand over Izzy's mouth as confusion flashed across Guzmán's face. "Come on. We have to get you back. I'll, uh, see you later Guzmán."

Izzy waved enthusiastically at Guzmán. "It was nice seeing you again."

The boy waved back with a smile. "You too."

Guzmán watched as Arlo started to push the 12 year old down the hall and he smiled to himself. Arlo glanced back at him, the corner of her lips pulling upwards before she turned around. Once Arlo managed to get her back to her part of the school, she trudged back for her next class to see Rafael approaching her.

"Raf, hey." She smiled.

"Hey, Lo. You done the work for Martín?" He questioned as the two walked side by side.

"Not yet. I gotta do that tonight, you?"

"Nope." Rafael chuckled. "I was gonna do it tonight too but you know my boy, Miguel, is throwing a big party that I can't miss."

"Ah, yes, priorities." Arlo mused. "And Miguel? The one that has a thing for Asian girls?"

"Shut up. And yes, that's the one." The boy laughed, pushing her slightly as he turned to enter his class. "I'll see you later!"

Arlo smiled to herself as she walked down the hallway, soon joined by Christian who practically ran into her. "Ah, hey gorgeous!"

"Christian, how are you?" Arlo asked.

"I'm good. I'm good. Fucking love it here. This place is a gold mine!" Christian grinned. "Hey, where are you from?"


"But where are you from?"

Arlo huffed, figuring out what he was really asking. "I'm half Filipino. My dad grew up here and my mom moved to Spain from the Philippines with her parents when she was five."

"Ah, nice, nice. Exotic!" Christian cheered.

"Um...thanks?" Arlo said.

"Listen, you've known Carla and Polo your whole life, right?"

"Pretty much, why?"

Christian shrugged. "Why have they been together for so long? And are there any weaknesses in their relationship?"

"I don't know. Young love? Christian, if you wanna get some dirt on your girl's boyfriend, it's not gonna come from me. Truth is I may have grown up with them but I don't know them well. Sorry."

ARLO WAS IN the kitchen helping Alma cook traditional Filipino dish: Sinigang when the door bell rang. The two shared a glance before the teenage girl marched to her front door and opened it to reveal Ander on her porch with his hands stuffed inside the pockets of his shorts.

"Hey," Arlo greeted. "What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

"I know we left things awkward and you're probably mad at me. I just– I don't wanna be at home right now. Can I hide out here until it's absolutely vital that I go back?" He questioned.

Arlo nodded with a smile, stepping aside. "Yeah, of course. Come in. Alma, make another plate for dinner, please!"

"Who's here–" Alma called before she stepped out the kitchen to see Ander and shot the boy a smile. "Ander! It's good to see you."

"You too." Ander grinned as he kissed the woman on the cheek.

"We're having sinigang." Arlo informed.

The boy threw his head back. "I love your sinigang."

Arlo snickered. "I know. Diego's in his room. He'll be excited to see you."

"I'm going up now." Ander announced as he jogged up the stairs.

"What a nice boy." Alma complimented. "I haven't seen him in a while."

A loud cheer was heard from upstairs and Arlo and Alma laughed, the former shaking her head in amusement.

"Things have been busy." She sighed as she set the table. She turned her head. "Dinners ready! Come on before I eat it all!"

Doors swung open at the same time, along with footsteps running down the stairs. Izzy was the first one in the kitchen on her phone, followed by Ander who had Diego on his back.

Arlo smiled. "Come on, you. In your seat." She said as she picked Diego off the boy's back and put him in his seat.

Alma placed plates down in front of each of them, Diego diving right in. Arlo looked at her sister to see her still texting away and she licked her lips. "Iz, off the phone. Come on. You gotta eat."

The 12 year old sighed as she locked her phone, putting it face down on the table and looked up at Ander. "Ander, tell me about this Guzmán guy."

Ander raised his eyebrows. "You remember Guzmán?"

"Barely." Izzy shrugged. "Are you friends with him?"

"Yeah," Ander nodded and Arlo could tell he was still mad about what Guzmán did. "he's one of my best friends."

"She was wondering around in our part of the school today and we bumped into him and Lu. She's not just randomly asking." Arlo explained, putting her spoon in her mouth.

"That's risky, Iz. You're not allowed in our part of school." Ander said, his voice muffled by the food in his mouth.

"I know." Izzy groaned. "Arlo already told me. It never used to be like that, though. A girl in the year above me told me that the rule was put there like 2 years ago. Some yellow blazers got into a fight with one of the red blazers. Something stupid like that which is why that rule was placed."

Arlo and Ander instantly stopped eating and looked at each other, the former swallowing before she tore her gaze back down to her food.

Luckily for them, Izzy carried on with questions about Guzmán. "So what's going on with him and Lu? Dating or not?"

Ander cleared his throat. "At this rate, I don't even know. They're always on and off."

"That is not healthy." Izzy scoffed.

"And you would know?" Arlo wondered, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes. I'm not like stupid."

"Like great." Arlo replied, imitating her sister's voice.  She then looked at Diego. "Hey, why aren't you eating your veggies? You love them."

"I'm saving this part for last!" The boy informed, gesturing to the beans he had pushed aside into a small proportion on the plate.

Arlo chuckled. "Ah, yeah. Of course."

"So does Arlo have a shot with Guzmán?" Izzy asked, looking at Ander.

"Izzy! Can you not?"

Ander shrugged with a mischievous smile. "I'd say a pretty good chance, yeah."

"Ander! Don't encourage her." Arlo scolded then looked at Izzy. "Besides we're not friends."

"But you used to be." Izzy pointed out. "And that counts for something."

Arlo squinted her eyes at the girl. "Just eat your food, Cupid."

The next hour or so was filled with laughter and and jokes until Diego asked a question, "When are mommy and daddy coming home?"

Izzy tensed, pitting her fork down before she looked down at her phone. Arlo licked her lips and turned to her little brother. "In a couple of weeks. Soon, buddy."

"Yeah, sure." Izzy scoffed.

Arlo took a deep breath. "Dad texted me when I got home."


The next half hour was filled with silence before Izzy was the first to leave the table, putting her dish in the sink without another word. Arlo helped clean up as she sent Ander outside to relax. It didn't take her long before she joined him by her pool, closing the sliding door behind her with her foot.

"Diego's watching a movie with Alma and Izzy's locked herself in the room. So, here." She offered as she held two bottles of beer, giving one to Ander.

"Thanks." The boy smiled as the girl sat down next to him on the other deck chair. He turned to her as she took a sip from the bottle. "You okay?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "I just hope Izzy is."

"What happened?" Ander asked.

Arlo exhaled. "They missed Izzy's concert. She knew they wouldn't be here, but I think she hoped they'd surprise her."

Ander nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. There's nothing you can do." Silence fell upon the two before Arlo shook her head. "So are you gonna tell me what's going on with you? Or if you having weed hidden in your room is something I should be worried about?"

"It's...complicated." Ander breathed out. "And no, I was just experimenting."

"That's a relief. And about the complicated stuff, you don't have to tell me. I'm not gonna force you to, but I'm here if you want to."

Once again nodding, Ander inhaled a sharp breath and swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm– I'm gay."

Arlo smiled and reached for his hand, squeezing it. "And I still love you. You're still one of my favourite people in the world."

Ander grinned. "I love you too. You're the first person I've told."

"Well, I'm glad you felt like you could trust me. And I won't say anything to anyone not unless you want me to."

"Thank you because I really don't feel like letting anyone in on my business just yet." Ander said before he kissed her cheek.

"That's fine." Arlo assured as she hugged him, closing her eyes. "I'm always here if and when you need."

Ander smiled into the girl's shoulder. "I know."

The two pulled away before they sat in silence again, taking sips from their beers, Ander feeling like a giant weight had been lifted off his chest and Arlo happy her friend decided to open up to her. But there was something still picking at her brain.

"Listen," she murmured. "I know you're still mad at Guzmán for what he did, but he did it because he cares about you. Even when he's mad he's still gonna try and make sure you don't do it again."

"I know." Ander whispered. "Guzmán always seems to do things because he cares. Sometimes maybe he does too much."

The girl thought back to what she saw that day 2 years ago and she nodded. "Maybe."

"And I could say the same to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Just because you two aren't friends and haven't been for a while doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. You know that, right?"

Before Arlo could reply, Diego popped his head out of the sliding doors and grinned. "Can I watch another movie?"

