Chapter One: The Beginning of the end

Chapter One: The Beginning of the end

"Ahaha!~ I'm the Hero!"

"Kesesese! I'm so awesome!~"

"Pasta! Ve~"

"Become one with Mother Russia, da?"


"Get away from me you frog!"

"So, like, I got this totally fabulous thing yesterday..."

Germany held his face in his hands; so far, this meeting had been going like any other they'd ever had; in complete and utter chaos. He sighed and raised his voice. "QUIET!" He yelled, slamming his hands onto the meeting table loudly. "What a load of Dummkopfs." He thought frustratedly. Everyone fell silent.

"Thankyou." Germany sighed tiredly.

"Now, let us discuss the current economy of-"

"Aw dude! That stuff's so boring!" America complained loudly.

"QUIET AMERICA!" Germany snapped at him. He really wanted to go home already and have a beer. but of course the world had decided it was going to be against him today. Quite literally, in this case.

He sighed once again and closed his eyes as France and England proceeded to try and strangle each other, and the general fighting started once more.

That was the World Meeting twenty-five years ago. Now, everything had changed. Germany even wished that he could go back to that chaos, the friendly fighting between nations. Anything would be better than this, this hopeless situation they were in now.

The 'Hero' had officially lost it. something had happened to him, no-one could tell exactly what, and he had changed, and no-one could tell exactly why.

It had started when Alfred had apparently dyed his hair a darker colour. It seemed like his personality had darkened too, since then.

Now, all America wanted was power, and world domination.

And he had claimed it alright. All but a few of the smallest countries, which he deemed 'unworthy of his time' had been brutally and cruelly invaded, and taken control of.

Snapping back to the present time, Germany's attention was turned to the television as America's image now appeared on the screen. He wore shades and brandished a baseball bat, the end of which was studded with many nails, and it was stained with the blood of anyone unfortunate enough to fall victim to this weapon.

There was a giant American flag in the background hanging up behind him. He had a cruel smirk on his face as he stepped up to the platform to speak.

"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, and Countries of the American Empire." He smirked into the camera confidently.

"As you may know, this year is the Twenty-fith Annual Hunger Games, or - as I have decided to call it - The first Quarter Quell. And I have decided that this year, there will be a special rule - that is, all of the tributes for this year will be countries!" There was a collective gasp from the audience around him.

"A... very convenient way to eliminate my enemies... don't you agree people?" He looked around for a reaction, and when he recieved none, became angered. "I said don't you agree, MY people?!"He roared, this time gaining a hasty response from the crowd as they applauded him. America looked back into the camera and grinned maliciously.

"So, countries, I'll give you some time to think about that announcement until you're ready. Oh, and don't even think that the fact that you cannot be killed will help you... I think you'll find that when I took over your nations, you all became as mortal as humans!"

The last sentence sent shivers down the spines of everyone in the room. Germany noticed that Italy and Prussia had entered the living room unnoticed, and had evidently heard everything that had just been announced.

"West, what's going on?" Prussia asked, his facial expression unusually concerned.

"Ve, Germany, what does America mean? Surely he wouldn't want to hurt us on purpose?" The Italian cried, throwing himself at Germany and clinging onto him for dear life. Germany coughed and pushed him away gently. He looked at them both seriously.

"I presume you both just heard what what announced?" He asked. Prussia nodded. "Ja." He confirmed.

"Well then it's exactly how you heard it... Looks like he really wants to get rid of us huh?" Germany sighed wearily. Prussia proceeded to curse under with breath, calling America every German swear word he could think of in about 30 seconds.

"Bruder, calm down. That won't help you, you know." Germany chastised. "I know." Muttered Prussia, looking down at the floor. "But when I think about all the innocent people that will have to fight..." He frowned. "Like... Ita-Chan and Liechtenstein, and Birdie..." Germany looked confused. "Birdie...?" He asked.

"Oh, you know, that's just what I call Mattie." Prussia explained. "Who?" Asked Germany. Prussia sighed.

"Never mind..."

**************************Le epic time-skip later************************************************

The next day started with Germany being suddenly awoken by a loud kocking at the door. "Who on earth could that be at this time in the morning...?" He grumbled, and slowly got up to answer the door. He swung it open to reveal France, Spain and Romano standing on the doorstep.

Romano had his arms crossed, and looked annoyed. "Step aside, Potato-Head, I'm only here to see mi Fratello."

Spain then cut in. "That is, we would really like to see Ita-chan and Gilbert, por favor?" He said, looking hopeful. Germany nodded.

"Come in. Preußen is in the Kitchen, and don't be surprised if Italy is still in bed.."

France flashed him a smile as the trio walked into the house. Prussia heard the noise, and entered the hallway to greet them. "Toni! Francis!" He greeted as he high-fived them both.

They then looked serious. "I presume you've heard the news, non?" France asked him. "Ja, we did." Prussia replied as they walked into the living room.

Antonio spoke up. "So America really is serious about this then?"

"Dead serious, if you don't mind the pun." Prussia grimly replied. He then looked to the floor uncomortably.

"I... Francis, Antonio, we're going to be forced to fight to the death in there... We'll have to watch our fellow nations die."

Uncertainty and even a little fear shone in the ex-nation's crimson eyes.

"I don't want to see my friends die. I don't want to see you die. But most of all, I... I don't want to see the people I care about dissappear." He paused, his voice breaking. "I.."

France interrupted. "Say no more mon ami, I think that we all feel the same way." He said softly, as he pulled Antonio and Gilbert in for a hug.

"Francis, Gil... What are we going to do?" Spain murmured. "I don't know, but one thing's for sure..." Francis whispered, "And that we will all get through this together... somehow."

******************************************Waw another time-skip********************************************

"Fratello!" Italy cried as he flung himself at Romano.

"You idiota." Lovino mumbled as he pushed his brother off of him.

"Lovi, have you heard-a the news?" Italy looked at Romano with tears in his eyes.

"Of course I have stupido." Romano replied crossly. "And stop crying, it makes you look weak."

Italy spoke up. "Lovi, I won't have to kill anyone will I?" He looked frightened. "I don't want to hurt anybody!"

Romano was surprised. 'My stupid brother... We're being forced to fight to the death, and instead of crying and panicking about how he's going to die, he's worried about hurting others at a time like this?' Romano thought, and he worried about exactly how long his brother would be able to survive in the arena.

"Stupid Fratello." He mumbled. "Of course you won't have to hurt anyone... you couldn't even if you tried."

'The Potato-Head had better take good care of him... because I won't always be there to save his butt...'

***********************************So many time skips (Or paragraphs XD)******************

England was sitting in his armchair by the window, boredly watching the rain pouring down outside, when he heard a knock on the door. He sighed and got up to answer it. There stood Scotland and Ireland.

"Hello Sasana." Scotland greeted. "Good morning." England replied, before nodding, silently inviting them in.

Scotland, or Alisdair Kirkland, was a tall man with red hair, and green eyes. He appeared to be a little older than England.

Ireland, or Aidan Kirkland, was a rather shorter man, with hair similar to Scotland's, but his was a lighter colour, more ginger in tone. He looked a little younger than England and Scotland.

He wore a sour look on his face, as England led them inside and motioned for them to sit on the large sofa in the living room. England joined them, before speaking up.

"So, what brings you here?" He asked curiously.

"Wait, haven't you heard the news?" Scotland asked. The island nation shook his head. Scotland's eyes widened. "Wait, then what about your T.V?" He inquired.

"Uhm..." England sheepishly waved a hand toward where the televsion set was laying, broken and screen shattered on the stand. "So... no."

Scotland facepalmed. "Were you drinking again?" He asked.

"No! Of course not! Besides, I can hold alchohol better than both of you put together!" England cried indignantly.

"Hah! Wanna bet?" Ireland smirked.

"Sure I will! I'll show you who's-"

"Shut up!" Scotland ordered. They fell silent. "Now, I had better tell England what's going on, right?"

Ireland and England nodded sheepishly.

"Aye then, I'll tell him." Scotland decided, and proceeded to explain to England what America's television broadcast had been about.

**************************** ****************************

Al sat back in his chair, and grinned. It was all going according to plan. He would be able to get rid of the countries, his enemies, in order to truly claim their territory as his own. Of course, watching the countries being forced to brutally murder each other would also serve as priceless entertainment.

Al looked up suddenly as someone entered the room. It was Latvia. He was the one member of the baltic trio who could not run away in time, (partly due to his height and short legs...) and America had forcefully taken him, to serve him at all times.

America had only recently been able to invade Russia, the cold country having put up a good fight before finally being defeated.

Al now looked to Latvia trembling in front of him, and smirked. "Ah, good. You're here. Now, I want you to go organise the transportation for our participants... After all, we haven't got all year now, have we?" He chuckled darkly, and glared at Latvia still standing there.

"What are ya' waitin' for boy? Get to it!" He ordered. Latvia jumped.

"Y-yes Sir!" He stuttered, before turning and hurrying out of the room.

America chuckled again.

"Good.... Very good indeed..."

*****************************************************End of Chapter 1**************************************


So, how do you like it? This is one of the first times writing a long story for me hehe :)

Please comment! XD
