Chapter Four: These thorns that bind me


'Life is like a story, only it is written in permanent ink.'

~ ~ ~

Darkness. That's all that Alfred could see. He could not move, for he was bound and suspended by long threads of thorns. They were laid out just like a web of a spider. They wrapped around and entangled his body, encasing him. He was as helpless as a fly, trapped in this web of thorns, waiting for the end in the form of the spider that would slowly suck the life out of him, enjoying the taste of his life force fading away, until he was dead.

Oh how he longed to see anything but that darkness, the never-ending black filling his vision. How he longed to feel, to feel anything but this never-ending despair.

How he longed to be anywhere but here, confined to the very depths of his own conscious mind.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of him. Ah, here was the aforementioned spider, the one that was sucking the life force out of him right now.

Al walked up to Alfred slowly, taking in his appearance fully, observing how he hung limply. He had stopped fighting long ago. It wasn't that had given up. He simply lacked the energy to continue struggling.

"Well hello Alfred." He smirked. "Long time no see, hey?" Looking up slightly, he met eyes with those of the entangled nation's slowly. "Well, seeing as it's been so long, I had better fill you in." The smirk suddenly disappeared, and his tone changed to one that was laced with malice.

"Do you know what this country's become without you Alfred? Stronger. It never needed you to begin with. You are just a weak fool with a wish for greatness, that will never happen. And you know why? Because I own your nation now. I am your nation. I am you, America. I am the darker side of you that you have kept suppressed for so long. And that's why you can't do anything about it." He started to walk around in a small circle around Alfred, his eyes never leaving him.

"Funny isn't it? That the only person able to take all that you own is the one that's trying so desperately not to lose it."

Alfred glowered as best he could from where he hung, before the darker nation began to fade away in front of him, gradually disappearing until he could barely be seen.
"See you sometime later Alfred. Hang around, and don't go anywhere!" Al taunted, before he completely disappeared.
Alfred was left in the thorns, darkness continuing to surround him.


