Two Sisters in Oz


The smoke cleared and I looked around and saw everybody coughing the rest of the curse out of their lungs.

"Are you all okay?!" I coughed, checking Lucia to see if she was okay. "Mama I don't feel good!" Roland complained tugging on my pants, I bent down and cupped his cheek with my free hand, checking to see if he was hurt. "It's the magic sweetie, you're gonna feel better soon." I said standing up, bouncing Lucia to calm her down.

"Henry, I don't feel well." Violet complained, hunching over and gripping his hand. "Vi what's wrong?" He asked holding her tightly, Emma and I moved closer to her and I saw the strain in her grip.

"Sweetheart? Are you in labor?" I asked touching her arm, she whimpered and shook her head. "No! I'm two weeks away! Ow!" She cried, panic filling her voice, Henry looked at me with fear, his eyes pleading with me to help her.

"Okay honey, let's check to see what's going on." Emma said taking her hands, sitting her down against the tree.

"Guys, why don't you go and check and see what's going on while we see how Violet is doing." I said handing Lucia to Robin who quickly understood that Violet didn't need an audience.


I quickly rushed everyone into the parts of the forest where the women were out of earshot. "So, Robin, how has Regina been?" Daniel asked awkwardly, I chuckled and dug through the diaper bag and placed the pacifier in Lucia's wailing mouth.

"She's good, well we've had some obstacles but we find ways to overcome them. She told me about you, I know how much she loved you." I said sadly, he smiled gently and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Robin I want you to know that I have no interest in stealing Regina, I know she's moved on, I still love her but I know you two are meant to be. Plus your daughter is beautiful." He said gently, I smiled and continued walking.

"Do you have your eyes set on anyone since you got back?" I asked walking along, he shook his head and shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants that Emma had gotten him since his return from the Underworld. "No, I was raising my son in the Underworld, it sounds odd but I never had the chance to hell-date." He said looking down, the silence grew uncomfortable and I moved Lucia into my jacket to keep her warm from the wind.

"Hey, Daniel, I'm sorry about Evan, I know you and Regina had a life before me and I am so sorry that those things happened to him." I said quietly, he nodded and then both of us jumped at the sound of Violet's screaming.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed, I scrunched my nose and lead him into the woods. "I guess that baby wants to come a bit earlier then expected." I said leading him out of earshot to the group.


"AHHHH! PLEASE HELP ME!" Violet yelled, squeezing my hand as Emma tried to check her. "PLEASE STOP! IT HURTS!" She yelled, Henry looked up at me with a frightened look on his face.

"Violet it's going to be okay." I said rubbing my hand on her face, she choked on a sob and I looked down at Emma who met my gaze, waving me over to Violet's legs.

"Regina, she's bleeding!" Emma whispered frantically, I looked and saw the blood running down her legs, making my stomach churn.

"Calm her down." Emma barked to me, I nodded and moved back over to Violet.

"Violet I need you to calm down, come on sweetie breathe." I said taking a dramatic breath in front of her.

"I can't! It hurts! I can't I need to go to the hospital!" She cried, I nodded frantically and placed my hands on her cheeks. "I know honey, believe me! But come on, it helps, now breathe while Emma checks to see how you're doing." I said raising my eyebrows, she started panting and gripped my hand along with Henry's.

"Violet honey, I think you're going to have your baby, right now. Now let's get you comfortable, Regina and Henry, grab her knees back, and honey take their hands." Emma instructed, tying her hair back and giving all of us a reassuring look.

"Okay Violet, your baby is coming, now push sweetie." Emma encouraged, Violet sat up and used our hands for leverage.

"AHHH!! OH MY GOD!! EMMA!! PLEASE HELP ME!!" She cried, pushing hard into her chest, I gripped her knee back and held her hand tightly.

"OH MY GOD!! HUHHH!! HENRY MAKE IT STOP!! YOUR MOM ISN'T LISTENING!!" She yelled, Henry swallowed hard and moved closer to his girlfriend, releasing her hand and cupping the back of her head. "I know, but the head is almost out, just breathe babe, come on relax for a minute." Henry encouraged, she curled her feet in and buried her head into his chest.

"You've got it, just breathe, I got you." He said while Emma worked. "EMMA! THIS HURTS! REGINAAA PLEASE! PLEASEEEE!" She begged, sobbing at me, I rubbed her face and watched the head finally pop out. She relaxed for a minute until I saw a contraction start again.

"No Regina! I can't do it again! AH! HAHHHH IT HURTS!! MMMM!!!" She cried hysterically, I nodded and held her leg securely, wrapping my free arm around her shoulders like Henry was. "Yes you can! I know you can! Now I need you to push." I said into her ear, she nodded and gripped my wrist that was holding her leg.

"GAHHHH!!! SON OF A UHHHH!!!" She wailed, I looked over her knee and saw the shoulders move, making the girl jolt back in agony.

"One more Violet!" Emma cheered, I moved the hair out of her face and wiped the sweat out of her eyes.

"I don't feel good!" She yelled, I nodded and the both of us held her tighter.

"UHHHH!!!! PLEASE! JUST! GET! IT! OUT!" She begged, tears now running down her face.

Suddenly I saw Emma pull the baby from Violet and stare at it with fear. "My baby? Ah! Where's my baby?!" Violet cried, Emma swallowed and looked up at me and shook her head.

"It's a boy." She said trying not to cry, her hormones betraying her. "Emma is my baby dead?" She cried, Emma nodded and lifted the baby over to Violet who started sobbing, Henry carefully moved his arms under her shaking ones.

"I'm so sorry, I love you both..." Violet muttered, her face losing its color, I saw her arms go limp and I dropped her leg, looking over to see blood pooling out to her ankles, staining Emma all over. "Violet?! Honey! Look at me! Open your eyes!" I said frantically, patting her face, she groaned and slumped over, her eyes shutting. I pulled her into my lap and frantically tried to shake her and keep her awake.

"EMMA! DO SOMETHING!" I yelled, Henry was staring on in horror and Emma was pressing her hands onto her stomach with full force.

"REGINA! EMMA! HENRY!" Robin called rushing into the woods with two women.

"EVA AND TERESA GOT SWEPT UP TOO! I JUST FOUND THEM! MAYBE THEY CAN HELP!" Robin cried as they raced over to Violet.

"Baby is stillborn, mother is hemorrhaging profusely." Eva said working on the girl while Teresa started CPR on Violet, the four of us cringed every time the strong but dainty woman cracked one of her ribs while doing the resuscitations.

Both of them sighed in defeat and stood back, their gloves covered in blood.

"Call it." Teresa said sitting back with tears in her eyes.

"Time of death, eight thirty pm."

"Come on honey, Henry, come on." I said pulling my son away from Violet's body which was covered with an old blanket thanks to Teresa who looked just as shook up.

I pried my son from her and enveloped him in my arms, Emma came up to him and rubbed his back, looking quite guilty.

"Mom she died! I held her as she died!" He cried, I nodded and pulled him close to me, resting my chin on his head, looking at Emma who was just as upset.

"I know baby, I know. Come on, let's go walk." I said nodding at Emma, she agreed and went over to Killian and to talk to Eva and Teresa.

"I know how it feels Henry, and I know how bad it hurts." I started, he looked at me and shook his head, breaking down into sobs. "I could have helped, I could have stopped the bleeding, or-." I shook my head and cupped his chin, my own lip quivering as I wiped his eyes.

"Henry, no, she had something wrong with her and nobody could help, not even Dr. Zambrano or Teresa! Unfortunately she couldn't be saved." I said sternly, he just shook his head and covered his mouth, a trait attributed to his father.

"I just need some time to clear my head." He said walking off into the forest, I sighed and went to Robin who had his arms outstretched for me.

"It's okay darling, you did the best you could." He said with hints of fear laced in his voice, I pulled away and touched his face gently.

"Robin what's wrong? Did something happen to the kids?" I asked frantically, he shook his head sadly and pointed over to the group where Daniel was holding Lucia and Roland played with Snow. Killian and David had gone off to talk to Henry, leaving my father, the Deckers, Eva, and Teresa.

"I just imagined the day Lucy was born, giving birth is dangerous and I thought that I could lose you, and I never thought it would be possible that our son would lose his first love like that." He said sadly, I pursed my lips and rubbed my thumb on his cheek gently.

"Robin I'm not going anywhere, neither is Lucia, we are both here and healthy, and we will get through this, but we have to be careful now, I have no idea where we are!" I exclaimed, looking around at the foliage, Robin sighed and pulled me farther into the woods.

"I know exactly where we are, I traveled here when I was married to Marian, this is where Will and I met up." He said scowling, I tilted my head and looked around at the forest in confusion.

"Well? Where the hell are we?!" I exclaimed, he pursed his lips and looked around in disgust.

"We landed just outside of The Emerald City, we're in Oz."


I looked around at the strange land and shuddered from the magic and the poor girl who had died in front of me. Moving to Storybrooke was the stupidest decision I had ever made in my life. Moving east in general was pretty idiotic of me.

I was from California, I was Hispanic, I lived in a crappy apartment in Los Angeles and I was sick of my job there. But I was a moron for thinking that I could find something better in Maine!

My upbringing was rough and I'm guessing from everyone's sour faces, theirs wasn't great either.

The whole magic thing was still hard for me, and getting magically sucked into a curse didn't help my understanding of it either.

"How are you holding up?" Eva asked sitting beside me, handing me half of an orange with a half hearted smile. "I'm confused and I want running water." I admitted, she nodded and crossed her legs. "I know, I was the same way my first time here, my parents gave me up when I was two, sent me to Cuba through a magic portal where my parents adopted me when I was young. I didn't remember any of it and I'm grateful for that, however I remember my mother dying after we got to America." She said sadly, I raised my eyes from the orange to the young doctor next to me.

"My mother died too, cancer got her when I was sixteen." I said trying to hold back tears as I remembered the long eight year battle that she faced, when my family slowly fell apart. "It's rough ya know, but we still do the jobs we have." She said rubbing her hands together, I nodded and finished the orange.

"You and me, we gotta stick together, okay? These are good people, they will protect us, but they are prone to having babies in caves and whatnot, what do you say? Friends?" She asked holding her hand out to me, I nodded and took it, standing up with my bag of supplies.

"If anyone asks we're sisters, and Regina is our oldest sister, you're pretty young so you will be the baby sister." She said adjusting her scrubs, following everyone to the camp.

"We won't be able to pull it off!" I exclaimed, she chuckled and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Sure we can! We all kind of look alike! Even Trina!" She said leading me over to the camp where I stumbled back when I saw a man sitting with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"Oh, baby sister has a crush on him?" She asked nudging me, I swallowed and stared at him, my stomach churning.

"Well go on! Talk to him!" Eva teased, pushing me towards the man sitting on a large stone by the fire.

"No!- Hi, sorry, my uh- sister, tripped me on accident." I mumbled, glaring at Eva who urged me to continue.

"That's okay, here, sit over here." He said making room for me on the other rock, I smiled nervously and started picking at my nail. I then saw Robin nudge him and push him closer to me.

"I'm Teresa, Teresa Ortiz." I said holding my hand out to him, he smiled and held his out. "I'm Daniel, Daniel Colter, I guess our friends want us to meet." He said shyly, I nearly choked on my own tongue and froze.

"I mean I wanted to meet you too! Ah- you're pretty! Ah! Hi." He said quite flustered, I chuckled and looked at him for a moment. "You're handsome too." I said, then realizing that I didn't imagine those words.

"Oh god." I cried, quickly getting up and rushing off.

I ran through the forest until the camp was out of sight, I hated this place and I totally blew it with this guy too!

"Oof!" I groaned as I ran into someone, my blood froze when I saw I had just collided with Regina. "I'm so sorry Madame Mayor!" I cried, she just chuckled and stood up, dusting herself off. "It's totally fine, just call me Regina." She said standing in front of me.

"Teresa Ortiz, I'm the medic that got sucked in with the trauma surgeon." I said flustered, she laughed lightly and I felt the hairs on my neck stand up. "Oh yeah, you're the one who was talking to Daniel!" She said smiling, I couldn't breathe from the nerves and she could tell.

"Hey, it's okay, I have moved on, I have a family now, he's fresh game for anyone!" She said smiling, making me even more nauseous as I thought about him.

"You're not from a magic realm are you?" She asked tiling her head as she inspected me, I shook my head and looked down.

"I worked in Los Angeles for a while until I transferred to Maine where I stumbled on your town." I admitted, she nodded and crossed her legs. "Now how did you just stumble on this town? Nobody ever does." She said quite skeptical, I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"Before I tell you anything I have to be able to trust you, can I trust you?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her, she did the same and smirked at me.

"I trusted you to save Violet."

"But I'm a paramedic, you have to trust me, and I didn't even save her." I grumbled, she rolled her eyes and folded her hands. "Yes, you can trust me." She said solemnly, I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"I got into some trouble back home. I had this thing with a detective, he was married and well we only did it once, but as you know, it only takes once, well I couldn't tell him or face his family after his wife found out, I had to leave and start again, I just got into my car one day and started driving, as far away from that stupid town until I got to Maine, I then saw someone enter into something hidden, your cloaking spell I guess, well I saw your small town and I drove in before the spell was cast again." I said looking up at her, she stared at me with concern and she scooted towards me.

"And your, uh, issue?" She asked looking down at me, I chuckled sadly and shook my head. "It wasn't suppose to happen, and I guess God just has a funny way of working." I said, she nodded and stood up. "Well Teresa, I think you earn a chance at happiness, go talk to Daniel, and don't worry about stumbling on your words with him, he's a major dork." She said winking at me before she returned to the camp.


I wandered back to the place where they buried Violet and the baby, the earth still turned where she laid. I felt tears come on as I sat down next to the mound of dirt and started crying.

"I'm so sorry Violet, I really am, but I know you're with your baby, so that's all that matters, you're happy and at peace." I said quietly, suddenly a cloud of green smoke encircled me and made me vanish from Violet.

"Why hello dear nephew." Zelena cackled, sitting on her hideously green throne in her castle, I groaned and looked for my quill, but my heart sank when I remembered that she now had my magic.

"How are you holding up? Oh! I'm so sorry auntie had to do that to your little girlfriend but it just had to be done! That girl needed to die!" She laughed, I felt my rage building up as I stared at her stupid face.

"Yes Henry! Revel in your anger! Think about how you will never get the chance to marry her!" She sneered, a low growl ripped from my throat and I made my way up to her.

"Or how YOU will never have children with her!" She shrilled, I felt an odd sensation in the pit of my stomach, tugging on something.

"OR HOW YOU COULDN'T EVEN HELP HER WHEN SHE WAS KIDNAPED AND ABUSED! YOUR MOMMY HAD TO SAVE HER!" She cackled, I yelled and felt fire erupt from my palms as I shot two huge fire balls at her.

"That's it! Now I finally have my Evil King." She said laughing maniacally at me.
