The Potion


I decided to pull myself together to go and visit my son and Robin, maybe even the baby. I took a deep breath and raised my hand to the door of his room at Granny's and lightly knocked, just in case the little one was sleeping.

"Hello my love." Robin said opening the door for me, I quietly walked inside of the suite and saw Roland sleeping soundly in his small bed, his curls bunched up where the pillow pressed against his face, making me remember when Henry was that little. But my attention drifted to the small crib that sat next to the large bed in the room, where I saw a pink bundle laying.

"Regina?" Robin said taking my hand, I didn't realize that I was holding my breath so I exhaled, giving him a smile. "Can I see her?" I asked softly, he smiled and nodded, lifting her out of the brown wooden crib, she fit so perfectly in his arms, she was definitely his daughter.

She really was beautiful, her features resembled our mother, but her beautiful blue eyes were Robin's, along with her small nose and puckered lips. "Do you want to hold her?" He asked gently, I looked up at him and swallowed, nodding slowly, I held my arms out and he carefully placed her in my arms. I tensed and then relaxed when she continued sleeping.

"Hi, little one, I'm Auntie Regina. You're so pretty." I cooed, she curled into me and rubbed her face on my sweater, a sweet gurgling noise coming out of her mouth. I felt Robin's gaze on me so I looked up, not realizing the tear rolling down my cheek. "Sorry." I whispered, balancing her in one arm and wiping my face in the other.

"Regina, we haven't really talked about what we are going to do with her, how all of this is going to work out." He said rubbing her hand, I sighed and gently rocked her, trying to think.

"Come home, I miss you, and I know why you're staying here, it's because you're guilty, I have an extra rooms and you can turn one into a nursery, and Roland can stay in another. We will raise her just like our own, and we will love her, because she deserves that much." I said looking down at her, rubbing her cheek with my finger, he nodded and rubbed his baby's hand.

"Now, let's break this potion." He stated, I sat back in surprise and stared at him.

"What?" I asked, he nodded and smiled, taking my hand into his. "You said you wanted to have a baby, and I intend to keep my promise to you, and I don't want to put it off, because I want to have a baby with you more than anything, so yes, I will start today." He said triumphantly, I giggled lightly and felt the baby move in my arms.

"Okay, now what are you going to name her? Because I swear I hear someone else call her green bean I am going to lose my mind." I stated, he stopped and looked at her who was sleeping peacefully in my arms.

"Abigail Regina Mills." He said smiling, my heart squeezed in my chest and I felt another tear roll down my cheek. "I wanted to name her after her beautiful auntie." He said taking her into his arms, setting her back down in the crib.

"How about you take today to relax, you've been so stressed lately, I think you just need a day to yourself, I will find some leads on the cure for the potion while you take a personal day." He said running his finger across my jawline, I blushed and backed away, taking his hand into mine. "I can't let you do all the work." I insisted, but he just smiled and nodded.

"I can do it Regina, plus I need to run some errands, I have a daddy daycare class with Ashley later to teach me how to be a modern daddy." He said grabbing the diaper bag that I had loaned him, along with the matching car seat.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I got a job." He said with a proud smile, I chuckled and squeezed his hand. "Good job." I said looking into his eyes.

"I'm working at the sheriff station while David sorts things out." He said quietly, I nodded and looked down quietly. "Well you don't want to be late." I whispered, choking up at the thought of my friend. He nodded and started to gather all of his things, all of the baby equipment falling out of his bag, waking Roland. "Hey, I can watch Abigail while you get Roland to pre school." I said taking his shaking hands, he looked up at me with guilt and shook his head.

"It's okay, I don't want to burden you with her, I got it really." He said dressing Roland quickly, brushing his teeth.

"Robin Hood Locksley, you can not take your infant to a police station or anywhere and get anything done, really, I can do it. I've done it before." I said smiling, he sighed and put the diaper bag down, gently cupping my face. "Thank you my love." He said before lifting Roland into his arms and dashing out the door.

"Okay little one, time for fun day with auntie."


I dropped Roland off then went into the station, my stomach sank when I saw all of the reminders of Emma, I sat down in her chair and saw the frames of people on her desk. One of Henry and her at the castle in the park, another of her and David leaning against the squad car, her and Killian kissing under the arch at Granny's, and finally one of her and Regina in the diner after they had returned from Neverland, before I had even met my soulmate, she looked different, she had a hint of loneliness in her eyes, and her raven hair was shorter, her favorite blue blazer stained and worn, slightly arousing me.

"Robin?" I looked up and jumped out of her seat, just in case it was David, not knowing him or his grieving habits. But I looked up and saw Belle standing in the office with a spell book in her hand.

"Oh, hi Belle." I said walking out to the spare desk in the outer station, sitting down across from her. "I heard you were going to start looking for a cure for Regina's infertility potion, so I figured I could help if you got called out to do something." She said sitting down with my help.

"Thanks, how did you hear?" I asked suspiciously, just in case it was that bloody witch again.

"Regina called, she said you may need help." She said opening the book, a piece of paper falling out with names scrawled on it, I smiled and picked it up, looking at it then my friend.

"Baby names?" I asked, she giggled and nodded, resting her hand on her stomach, looking down at it.

"Aaron Charles French? Wow solid name for the little lad." I said smiling at her, she grinned and nodded, gently taking the paper from me and placing it back in the book.

"So it is a boy?" I said smiling, she shrugged and rubbed her stomach. "Not sure yet, I have the appointment on Wednesday if you want to come. I have a name for a girl picked out." She said pulling another paper out, sliding it across the table.

"Clarissa Isabelle French." I said grinning, she nodded and folded the paper up, sticking it back in her purse. "Clare for short." She whispered, flipping through the pages, I nodded and started going through the other book.

Nothing major was happening in the town so we continued the search, until Belle raised her eyebrow at one page and stuck a post it on the corner.

"I found it."


I carefully walked through the supermarket with Abigail in my arms, trying to put her down for a nap, but Robin didn't have any formula left so I had no choice but to go and get some.

I got strange looks from random citizens, probably thinking I was the slut of the town for having a baby out of wedlock, but lucky for them I was trying to put her down for a nap.

"Who's this?" I turned and saw Tinkerbelle standing behind me with a tin of formula and a wide grin on her face.

"My niece." I said abruptly, taking the formula from her hands and placing it back in the cart. "Oh, I thought-"

"That she was mine? Oh well she isn't, my sister tricked my boyfriend into getting her pregnant, well things got a little sticky so yeah, she's under our care, but she's not mine. I can't have children of my own, so I have to watch her grow up knowing Robin and I will never have this." I spat, not realizing how much anger I had pent up over this, the fairy just nodded and walked away quickly, along with the other bystanders in the aisle. Just as I went to push the cart out Abigail started to fuss, I groaned and lifted her to my shoulder, gently swaying until she stopped, I exhaled and rushed over to the checkout and tossed my money at the cashier, running out of the store and into my car, quietly crying, I was reverting, my sister was getting into my head and making me turn into what I hated the most, and that was probably why the universe was working against me.


"I can do this in a couple weeks after the baby gets here, it's too strong of a spell to do while I'm pregnant, if you can wait that long I can do it for you." I said slowly, shutting the book before Robin could look at it.

"Of course, thank you Belle!" Robin said jumping up and kissing the top of my hair, before he ran off to call Regina.

Once I knew he was out of sight I slowly opened the book and stared at the instructions. This was my way to free myself of Rumple, I could be a good mother to my baby, without any other mistakes coming along.

I wished I could talk to someone, but of course Emma was gone, she would tell me if it was worth it, if I should do it, but I knew I had to, I made a promise.

I stared down at my round stomach and sighed, running my hands over it slowly, trying to savor this feeling for the rest of my life, internalizing it while it lasted. This would be my only pregnancy, ever.
