2: This is Shit! Heroes in Japan are the Stupid Ones

She was fucked.

This was not what she wanted. Why was she on the screen? Standing up panicked as she ran her hands through her hair. Her heart raced as her body started fading in and out of her cloud form. There was no way she was going to survive this. The disappointment in her father's eyes was something she knew was coming. It was the one thing she hated the most. Another damn lecture as well. She did what anyone should have done. Glaring at the TV frustrated as she turned around and covered her ears to block out any noise beside that of her music. Allowing it to wash over her as it consumed her mind and emotions. She needed to remain calm, exerting too much emotions would drain her and she was in no place to be emotionally drained.

It wasn't long until a light tap on her shoulders brought her back to reality. Looking to where it came from she saw a beautiful woman. She had long grayish silver hair and shining blue eyes. She was shorter than she was, maybe around five feet tall as Joyce seemed to tower over her.

"Are you Joyce? I'm Isabella Aizawa. I'll take you to my father's classroom." She introduced herself as Joyce nodded her head while taking out one of her earbuds. Following the woman with caution. "I noticed that you were doing breathing techniques. Does that help regulate your quirk?" Already she was asking questions. Joyce just wanted some peace and quiet and out of the spotlight.

"Yes Ma'am." Her reply was short and straight as she kept her hands in her pocket and her eyes on the hallways. Remembering the route to her class so she won't get lost on the first day of class. A right turn...then a left, another right, down a long hallway with a glass wall to show the beauty of the outside world. That was a lie, looks can be deceiving.

Isabella could feel how guarded the young girl was that followed her just behind her. It concerned her to see such a young girl so closed off. Especially when she was doing breathing exercises, her back to the TV, that showed to the whole world that she was here in Japan. Deciding to remain quiet knowing the girl won't be much of a talker she led her to her father's classroom.

Knocking on class 1-A's door, which was three times her size. Joyce was just confused by the reason behind such a large door. Does the school really handle students who tower over 6 feet in height?

"Dad? I brought her." Isabella said as she peered inside the classroom. Joyce stayed behind looking around to take everything in. This is where she will be for her first year at UA. She needed to be vigilant.

"Bring her in..." A tired voice caught her attention as Isabella ushered her in. Following without complaint she looked inside the classroom. Counting 22 seats all lined up for the upcoming new students. Her stomach turned. Turning to the podium at the front of the class she saw a man dressed in all black with a gray scarf wrapped several times around his neck. Barely she could make out yellow goggles from underneath the fabric. His red eyes reminded her of her father, except his were more cold than the warm loving red eyes she was used to.

"So...You're Joyce..the unstable one." He grumbled as his daughter slapped his arm. It didn't seem to bother him as he analyzed Joyce. She stood straight and alert. Her black hair pulled back behind her right ear as her white eyes scanned every inch of the room, resting on him.

"Yes Sir." She ignored the comment he made about her. There was no reason to argue. He was right. Her quirk was unstable, the main reason why she was here in Japan in the first palace.

"Alright. Your father...Ryos Inei Pro Hero: Ryuu no Kage: Kage. Or more commonly known as The Shadow Dragon Hero in America. This is a hefty requirement you two are asking of us." He was challenging her.

"Those are his requirements, not mine." Joyce said, her voice steady and firm.

"And what are your requirements?"

"Just two things sir. Until I have better control over my quirk I would like to be able to keep at least one earbud in during class. Having background music to focus on helps when I get overwhelmed by the environment I am in. You have read my file?" She asked, moving her hair to show the earbud in her left ear. Her eyes never leaving his. He liked her guts.

"Yes, Homeschooled. Never been in a public school. How do you expect to work with music constantly playing in the background?" he asked, leaning towards her. He was trying to intimate her. It wasn't working.

"My other senses sir. I'm very much aware of my surroundings. Also my earbuds don't have noise canceling so I can still hear what's around me. It's called transparency mode." She answered smoothly. Isabella could feel the fight growing between these two, not quite understanding why as she watched quietly.

"Very well. I will accept it. What is your second requirement?" Aizawa asked after a moment of a silent stare down with Joyce. Being raised by a dragon does help.

"I would like to be able to wear the male uniform. I'm sure disclosed in my file for you and Principle Nezu of my background. A vague one. But I wish to wear pants, as a skirt would be too uncomfortable for me. If you want further reason I don't mind showing why."

"No need. Your father called several days ago and explained in depth your background. I could only imagine the damage that remains." He sighed. Knowing what this girl went through, it surprised him at how she was even still alive. That was something he wanted to know. "I will have to ask Principal Nezu about this one. This isn't something that is allowed. You'll have to wear the female uniform on your first day of class. I'll give you an answer by then."

"You can wear leggings underneath the skirt." Isabella interjected. Joyce took in the suggestion. She really didn't have any other choice at this point.

"I'll take it. I don't particularly like skin tight clothes. But I'll follow the rules. Thank you sir. That is all for me." Joyce nodded her head towards the two.

"I have one thing I want to ask. Just what exactly is your quirk?" Aizawa asked. He had seen the way she fought that villain on the tv. Impressed at the skill she had demonstrated at moving around the villain and getting close to the two boys. What surprised him the most was when she had used ice to subdue the villain and pulled the blond boy out with ease and seemingly without harming him as well. That takes skill to control a quirk like that, while using two as well. The description her father gave him didn't make sense at all.

They could tell Joyce was hesitant to explain her quirk. Should she just tell them she had just two quirks? Or tell the truth. In the end she decided on the truth. There was something in the way Aizawa's red eyes looked at her that gave her confidence.

"My quirk is based on my emotions. If I'm being honest I'm not sure how to name it. Every emotion allows me to use a different ability. Or to someone else a different quirk. What I displayed earlier, I can only assume you have seen it. Fear and sadness. When I feel fear I can control the shadows. When I'm sad I can control ice. You can see when I change emotions by the color of my eyes. Those two are the only ones that I have control over. I do have more. All of which are unstable as you commented earlier." She breathed out as she explained her quirk to her. There was a sense of understanding between the father and daughter as they stared at the girl who explained what she could do. The pain in her eyes as she expressed the fact that she was unstable.

Isabella moved closer to the girl, but her father kept her back. His red eyes scanned over the troubled girl. This was a complicated quirk. "What are your most challenging abilities?"

"There are two. One is a danger to me and the other to those around me. When I'm angry I can produce white fire. Don't ask me how or why, I don't know myself. I can only hold the white flames for a few seconds before it melts my skin." She pulled her sleeve up to show the past scars. They were mortified. But it only gets worse from there. "The second one is weird. When I'm in physical pain anything I touch will disintegrate. I think when the neurons in my body sense pain they want to expel that sensation and the only way to do that is to touch something to disintegrate. I can demonstrate."

She could see the trouble in both of their eyes as she gave a blunt explanation. Aizawa nodded his head as he watched her closely. Isabella was against it. Seeing the girl go through something as terrible as this with her quirk doesn't sound right. A quirk isn't supposed to harm its user, right?

Taking a step back to create a safe distance, Joyce went back to the frustration she felt when she saw herself on the TV screen out in the lobby. With both sleeves rolled up so she doesn't destroy her red hoodie. The frustration was quick to turn into anger as her eyes flashed a dark red. White flames ignited in her hands as they watched as the flames for a second held without harming her. Yet the longer she held it the start of her skin beginning to melt off. It was no simple burn like normal fire. Her skin melted off. When she felt the pain in her hands she quickly blew out the flames. Scrunching her face as her eyes changed from a dark red to a dark gray. Quickly looking around as tears prick her eyes. The closest thing was a desk. Slamming her hands on the surface of the desk the two adults watched in horror as it slowly disintegrated. The pain was minimal, so it didn't cause much damage to the desk when Joyce sighed in relief.

"Yeah...that's the dangerous ones." Huffing as her emotions drained from her once more. Aizawa didn't stop his daughter from rushing over to the girl to check her hands. She couldn't touch them as it was sizzling from the white flames.

"You need to get to recovery girl!" Isabella gasped as she pulled at Joyce's red hoodie to move her.

"It's no big deal...it happens." Joyce mumbles as she looks at the woman with dull white eyes.

"You're drawbacks?" Aizawa asked as he moved closer to the two of them.

"Emotional drainage. I haven't figured out how to store the energy from my emotions yet, so I get drained of energy very easily right now. Some of my abilities have their own drawbacks, but as a whole its emotional drainage. I won't be able to feel emotions until I get to sleep, which in of itself is a challenge. Due to my shadow ability I have nightmares, which makes it impossible to get the rest I need." Aizawa was impressed with what this girl knew of her quirks weakness and where she could grow.

The two guided her towards the nurses office. Keeping her hands out so that she won't hurt anyone by the stinging heat that slowly came off. It was quiet for a while until they reached the nurses office. Standing outside the door they could hear an old woman scolding someone as Aizawa walked in. Joyce followed close behind as Isabella sighed.

"Recovery girl...Toshinori..." Aizawa caught their attention as he glanced back at Joyce who was scanning her surroundings. Her hands had slightly cooled from the walk.

"I see you brought me another problem child..." Recovery girl grumbled as she motioned Joyce to come to her. She followed without complaint yet she was hesitant to hand the woman her hands.

"P-please be careful, my hands are still hot from my quirk.." She mumbled softly to the woman. Upon Joyce's warning, Recovery Girl walked away to grab something. Joyce followed her movements before turning to the skeleton of a man who was sitting on a bed near her. He was surprised to see her let alone see that she had injured herself with her quirk?

"All Might?" She asked, confused when she looked at the man. Anyone dumb enough would be fooled, but Joyce could see through it. The eyes gave it away, along with the hair. Just needed to style it the right way. In this small form he was in, it looked like his body was more relaxed.

"Uh...sorry kid but I think you have the wrong person." Toshinori chuckled nervously as he glanced towards Aizawa and Isabella.

"You suck at lying for being the number one hero." She gave him a blank expression as she watched him grow nervous.

"H-how?!" He gave up knowing that he couldn't get out of this.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Out in the city when you were scolding broccoli and I your muscles looked strained and your smile looked like you were in pain. You also did leave in a hurry. Your eyes and hair gave it away for me."

"Impressive...you must not tell anyone. Is she in your class, Aizawa?" Toshinori glanced at the teacher.

"Yes. She came by to talk about her accommodations."

"I understand sir...it's for your protection and your loved ones." Joyce nodded her head as Recovery Girl returned with a large bowl. It was filled with ice water.

"Put your hands in here dear." Following the instructions she hissed at the stinging sensation of the heat to the ice water. Yet it felt nice when the sensation faded away. "Thank you."

"Are you ok? How did you come to find out about your quirk?" Isabella asked as she took a seat next to Joyce. Concern written all over her face as she looked at all the scars on her arms.

"Good question...I had my first angry outburst. I accidentally burned my entire body when I couldn't control my anger. Luckily I was with a fire dragon and he was able to stabilize me before I harmed myself." She answers. Something didn't make sense to Isabella as she listened to Joyce's explanation.

"So you have three quirks?" Toshinori asked, not understanding what was going on. He had originally thought that the young american hero had two quirks, yet by what was happening now, she has three?

"That is her quirk. It's one. All based on her emotions. Each one allows her a certain ability." Aizawa explained as he kept an eye on Joyce and his daughter. Already he could see his daughter becoming attached to her, seeing how concerned she was for the young girl.

"She showed a great display of control then, during that attack with Young Midoryia." Toshinori mumbled. Joyce turned to the man confused. "Is that his name sir? Midoriya?"

"Yes it is! Izuku Midoriya." Toshinori answered with a bright smile.

"He's quirkless isn't he...I could tell when he rushed out towards the attack...Which I have my own opinion on..." Grumbling as she looked away still feeling salty about how her and Broccoli were treated for doing the job right.

"You do understand that the rules here are different then America. The requirements for a hero's training license is different than for your country." Aizawa said, pulling out Joyce's file. "With all that you have completed, the physical portion is acceptable to transfer, but you need to catch up on the academic portion. You'll be ahead of your classmates."

"That makes sense. Thank you for informing me. I do not regret my actions. I knew how to utilize my ice and it seems there were no heroes who could have helped. So I went into action. I'll take the consequences."

"That won't be necessary! We have already taken care of that for you." A new voice piped up as everyone looked towards the door to see what appeared to be a mouse? Maybe he was a tiny bear? A dog perhaps? Joyce didn't know, but one thing. He was cute and looked cuddly.

"Hello Miss Inei! Welcome to UA, I see you have become acquainted with your teachers. We are very excited to have you with us! I am Principle Nezu." The creature smiled as he walked up to her and jumped up on a stool to stand on.

"What are you?" Joyce blurted out confused by the creature that spoke to her. If she didn't know any better she would have guessed that he was the result of an experiment. Much like herself.

"Uh!!! That's rude! You don't ask someone that!" Toshinori jumped up from his seat to scold the girl but the mouse, bear, dog thing, person raised his paw.

"You can think of me like a chimera!" Nezu smiled at the girl.

"Oh I see. Um my apologies if I was rude for asking." She turned to the skeleton man as she spoke.

"Oh don't worry! I'm not at all bothered by it! But I am curious to see how well you and your father will adjust to UA. Your quirk is quite the challenge and I'm positive that you are a good fit for Aizawa to mentor." The mouse smiled as he looked at the girl.

"Thank you for accepting me. I want to be able to control my quirk so I won't be a danger to those around me. When I heard of Mr Aizawa I had hoped that he could help me greatly with his quirk. I do have to apologize for my father's harsh requirements for my well being. He's a stubborn man who loves me greatly and only wants the best. I tried to persuade him that he doesn't need to be an assistant teacher here. But you know how that went." Joyce sighed as she looked down at the ground.

"Don't worry about it kid..we could use the extra help." Aizawa reassured her. Recovery Girl had taken Joyce's hands out of the ice water that had now turned warm. Cooled down she was able to stretch her lips out and allowed her to heal. It healed just the fresh burns on her hands. She could feel her energy drain from her as sleep seemed inviting.

"Thank you. I look forward to attending the school and improving." Joyce gave her best smile at the teachers. Isabella had remained quiet throughout the entire conversation as she observed Joyce. Her emotions were directly tied to her quirk, the same could be said with hers.

"Why don't you head home Miss Inei. Your father may be looking for you." Nezu suggested as Joyce stood up. Recovery girl handed her a towel to dry her hands off and she thanked the teachers with a tired expression. She left while pulling down her sleeves. Everyone watched her leave.

"You have quite the challenge on your hands, Eraserhead." Nezu hummed as his tail swished to the side.

"Yeah...seems like I got the unstable one.." Grumbled as he looked at his daughter. Her eyes hadn't moved from the door where Joyce had disappeared behind. "You want to help her, don't you."

"What?" She looked to her father confused as he broke her out of her thoughts. "Oh...I do...Her emotions are linked to her quirk, just like mine. I want to help her."

"Your help would do her good! I would suggest you come by once in a while to help her out, Pro-Hero Shadow!" Nezu smiled at the girl. Smiling brightly at the chance to help the girl she stood up.

"I will do my best! I won't let you down!" Shouting out as she rushed off to find the girl.

Aizawa turned to Principle Nezu with a sharp glare, "Are you really allowing my daughter to interfere with my training?"

"You're not the only one who can erase quirks, Eraserhead. Plus your daughter is a pro hero, it gives her experience to help others in a different way. And it seems Isabella already has taken a liking to the girl. We both read her background. Isabella is what she needs." Nezu reminded the pro hero of the facts as he sighed knowing the mouse, dog, bear, man thing was right.

"I'm going to have two more problems on my hands because of this unstable child." He grumbled as he sauntered out of the nurses office.

"Well if her quirk is harming her, then she will become my problem as well, I have a feeling I'll be seeing her a lot. Along with your problem child Toshi." Recovery Girl commented as she glanced at the skeleton of a man.

"Don't worry about Young Midoriya, I will get him ready before school even starts." He chuckled nervously before following Nezu out of the nurses office. He had ten months to train Izuku Midoriya for the entrance exams, that should be enough for him to be able to handle his quirk.


Joyce has slipped out of UA without being noticed. It was great to be out and not pestered with so many questions. She could tell by the way Isabella reacted to her that she would want to speak with her. Yeah not going to happen. At least not now. Sighing as the sun started setting in the sky turning everything into a shimmering orange color. It warmed her to feel the sun setting down over the horizon. Quite liking the feeling of safety. Heading towards her home she texted her father that she was on her way.

On my way home ~little shadow

Get home safely...we need to talk. ~Dad

Groaning as she stared at the text on her screen. Fear...anxiety consumed her stomach as she cursed under her breath. There was another lecture waiting for her when she got home, along with the disappointing stare of her father's loving red eyes. Now she didn't want to go home, but there was nowhere else to go.

Not paying attention as the music in her ear helped eased her mind slightly, she had bumped into someone. Recognizing the fluffy green hair she stepped back to see a very embarrassed broccoli.

"Hey! Broccoli!" She muttered as she looked at him. He was around her height, maybe an inch shorter than she was. He was stuttering over his words as he realized who she was.

"It's you! Ah! Y-your here!" He turned into a robot as he gave a weird expression. It made her giggle to see how embarrassed he was. It seems that he wasn't used to speaking to girls.

"Calm down Broccoli. Breath." She raised her hands as she guided the boy into breathing.

"S-sorry! I can't believe I'm talking to a girl!" he stammered. Joyce just chuckled as she returned her hands to her pockets. "Are you really a hero from America?!" She nodded her head as she saw the excitement flow through him, oh how she wished she could be excited herself without fear of harming others.

"Incredible! You look so young! How old are you?! Are you planning on joining an agency here? Or are you joining UA?" He started rambling on and on with question after question. Joyce just stood there in shock with how much this boy can talk. His questions turned into theories which led him down a mumbling rabbit hole. It was pissing her off as it rubbed her the wrong way with hearing him talk so much. One of the things she hated the most...people who don't know how to shut up.

"Would you shut up!" She growled as she covered his mouth with her hand. "You are pissing me off with your rambling. Get to the fucking point!" Watching as he calmed down and muttered a muffled apology she finally let go.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset! I was just curious of who you are?" He bowed before her as she looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm Joyce Inei. I have two quirks, shadow and ice. I'm 15 years old and will be attending UA's hero's course. There, are you happy now?!" She huffed, glaring at him sharply. His eyes lit up at the mention of UA. Did he not get the fact that she was angry with him? How stupid is this kid?

"You're going to UA?! That's the best school for heroes! That's amazing!" Then his face dropped. Guilt hit her like a truck as she saw the sadness in his green eyes. Biting her lip she looked away, thinking it was her fault for making him sad. "That's really awesome you are becoming a hero! I don't think I would make for a good one."

"Why's that?" His comment caught her attention as she returned her gaze back at him. "Is it because you don't have a quirk?" He jumped back in shock that she had figured him out that quickly.


"It was easy. I fought beside you earlier today. And I think you would be a good hero. You did what no one else did. And that spin attack with your bag, that was a hero attack. You have knowledge and bravery. We need more heroes like that in this world. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You want to be a hero? Go for it. You'll just have to work harder than anyone else. I'm sure of it. I know a few quirkless heroes in America. So it's not impossible, you just can't give up." Smiling as she looked at the boy who stared at her amazed. No one had told him he could be a hero. Yet here was this girl who thought differently. Just what was this feeling? Could he really be a hero without a quirk? He recalled how well she used her two quirks if All Might hadn't interven how would she handle the situation? Would she have been able to get Bakugo out of the slime? All he could do was stare at her in shock as tears seemed to fill his eyes. Someone actually believes in him.

Joyce's phone rang out as she panicked pulling out her phone. Answering the call she waved goodbye at him as she ran away. She was now in so much trouble. Having stayed out for too long without her father, things were not going her way. 
