8: Food is life....and Crowds are shit

Joyce remained in Recovery Girls office for the remainder of the day. It wasn't long until Midoriya came to visit her. He was nervous as he peeked inside to find only Joyce. She was humming to a song as she was looking out the window.

"J-joyce-chan?" Alerting the girl of his presence he walked further into the room.

"Hi Broccoli. You can come in." Joyce said. Her eyes, white, as all emotions were devoid from her, making them seem dull in color.

"Are you ok? That was a really strong explosion you took. Why did you do that? If your quirk reacted to pain in that way?" He was concerned for her as he took a seat next to her bed.

"Because that's what heroes do. They do things in spite of their own troubles. You did that several months ago when you tried to save Time Bomb." Joyce said, her voice was soft.

"You really are a hero..." He mumbled looking away. "Do you know what you are going to do about that?"

"I was hoping you could help me with it. I can't avoid physical pain, it's a part of life and going into a line of work, where physical pain is a daily occurance. And trying to store up that energy will only harm me in the process." Joyce said. It certainly got him thinking.

"Well, releasing it seemed to be the only way to keep you safe...but that puts everyone else around you in danger. Storing isn't a solution. Maybe! We can create some sort of device that can contain the ability as you touch it and you can use it to your advantage!" Midoriya was in a full ramble as he pulled out his notebook and was writing down notes. Joyce was thankful she didn't feel any emotions otherwise she would have thrown the nerd out the damn window.

The door creaked open slightly, Joyce looked up and caught sight of blond hair before it disappeared. Something made her want to go after it, but she didn't want Midoriya following her.

"You should get home Broccoli. I think school is over." Joyce mumbled as she slipped out of the bed. She was supposed to wait for her father to come get her, but he was more than likely going to be late.

"R-right! May I walk you home?" Midoriya asked, glancing nervously at her.

"Not today. I need to see if my father is in the teacher's lounge. You should go so your mother doesn't worry about you." Joyce said taking off her jacket she realized she still wore it. Midoriya stood in shock at what he saw. The discoloration on her skin. The pulled and textured skin all over her.

"J-joyce...what happened?" He breathed out. Glancing at him before she looked at her exposed skin. Her stomach and back along with her chest and arms. Littered with scars of her past.

"Don't worry about it...It's my quirk." She lied quickly as she grabbed her uniform that was left on a chair for her. "Go home Midoriya...and don't tell anyone what you saw." She had a dark glare to her eyes as she looked over to the green haired boy. Not wanting to leave her, but the look on her face made him listen to her.

Closing herself in the bathroom she panicked. That was something she did not want to happen, but her mind was so out of it she didn't think of her surroundings. Cursing under her breath, she was sure Midoriya would not want to be around her now. Reluctantly she changed into her uniform and made a note to remind herself to drop off her uniform to get it fixed.

She slipped out of the nurse's office and was walking down the hallway. Stopping when she heard shouting. Hiding behind a corner she looked around to see Bakugo shouting at Midoriya.

"Damn it Deku! I won't let you surpass me! I don't know what the fuck you did to get a god damn quirk! But that won't stop me! I will be number one! I'll even beat Rainbow eyes!" Bakugo shouted, there were tears filling his eyes and it seemed to tug at Joyce's heart. For some reason she wanted to ease his stress.

She couldn't hear Midoriya's words before he left, which left Bakugo confused. Normally he was the one to leave first, but this time it was the nerd. He even seemed distracted and concerned. Joyce waited to see if Bakugo would leave before she came out behind the corner.

That didn't happen. Instead she was staring into bright orange vermillion eyes that glared down at her. She could get lost into them if she could, but the anger and the power behind them scared her too much for her to admire the beauty. He was taller than her as he towered over her. Pressing her body against the wall hoping she could somehow get more distance between her and the boy in front of her.

"Oi...Rainbow eyes...." He glared at her as he grabbed her cheeks pulling her face to examine the damage he caused her. Which wasn't much as Recovery Girl had healed it all. "What the fuck is your quirk?" He demanded, letting go of her. He refused to move as she eyed him.

Bravely she kept her stance, "Why should I tell you?"

"If you don't I'll blast your ass to hell!" He growled.

"Sorry I've already been there. They currently have a restraining order against me. Try again sweetheart." She bluntly spat in his face. Slamming his hand beside her head on the wall as several small explosions set off. She didn't flinch like he had hoped.

"Are you asking for a fucking death wish, Rainbow Eye?" He tried once more to scare her, but it wasn't working. Why was that?

"Maybe. But the question you should be asking here is who's the more dangerous one? You? Or me? Blast me with your quirk and I'll turn your ass to ash." A dark look covered her face as she looked up at him with a blank expression. With a push of her hand against his chest she walked away from him. Not even trying to chase after her as he saw Ryos exit a room. He hid behind the corner.

This girl was something else. One minute she was scared of him. The next a fucking bitch to him. She can use different quirks as her eyes change color. He couldn't figure it out, yet that damn nerd knows it. Even if he beat it out of Deku, he probably won't tell him. He was too loyal to the girl. His hands clenched as a smirk pulled his lips. He was going to figure it out, then beat the shit out of her afterwards. He'll claim number one in class.


The next day was hectic. Waking up late, she had to have cereal for breakfast. No one walked her to school as she ran. Her bag tossed over her shoulder as she bolted through the hallways. Her hair was a mess still as her earbuds were clenched tightly in her hand.

Just to her luck she slipped into class before Aizawa and or her father had walked in. Quietly getting to her desk she ignored the stares and whispers. She was familiar with this. The feeling of not being wanted. Sneaking her earbuds in, she played her music. Glancing at Bakugo who glared at her. Shrinking back into her seat she rested her head in her arms. The reason for her being so late was over the fact of her actions yesterday.

Ryos entered the classroom as he glanced at Joyce in concern.

"Alright, Aizawa is dealing with something so I will be taking the lead this morning. Today we are selecting class representatives. However you choose is up to you." Ryos announced. Tenya raised his hands. "Yes Ida."

"I believe the best form of method for this is a vote!" Tenya said. Ryos nodded in agreement as everyone got out a piece of paper and voted. Everyone turned in their votes and the results shocked Joyce.

"WHAT?!" She stared at the board in shock. By a landslide she was made class representative as Izuku was made vice representative. The next two would have been Ida and Momo, but with ten votes for her and five for Izuku, leaving Momo with three and Ida with two.

"WHO THE FUCK VOTED FOR RAINBOW EYES AND DEKU?" Bakugo shouted as he was starting to explode. Joyce turned to Eijiro who wouldn't look at her. She knew who got her those ten votes.


It was lunch time and Joyce was in heaven. She stared at the options available to her. Realizing this was the first time she was able to eat at school. Catching sight of a hero she watched like a little kid in a candy store as the hero worked to provide food for the students.

"Have you never seen Lunch Rush before?" A gentle voice broke her out of her trance. Turning to the sound she was shocked to see Shoto was standing beside her.

"Lunch Rush? Is that the hero working with food?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Yes." He answered. Her eyes widened as she turned and bounced with joy upon seeing the hero and the food.

"I think I have a new favorite hero! Holy crap! He can cook so much!" She was just amazed by it.

"Have you tried soba..." Shoto was curious about the girl's obvious love of food.

"Soba? I don't think I have?! Is it good? I'll have to try making it!" Joyce smiled as her yellow eyes shined at him. She liked the fact that he had two colored eyes, and his scar on his face as well. He nodded his head as he showed her how to get food.

"Cold Soba. Please." Shoto asked Lunch Rush. Almost immediately Shoto had his food. Joyce watched in amazement that the food was prepared in such a short amount of time.

"That's amazing! How are you able to cook that fast?! How are you able to do that? Do you have food stored somewhere?" Joyce was now rambling like Midoriya as she asked Lunch Rush questions. Shoto placed his hand on her shoulder which stopped her rambling. "S-sorry! I love cooking and food. I got excited. But I would like your spicy warm soba, please."

"You cook?" Shoto asked. Joyce nodded her head.

"Yes...it's one of my hobbies. I can make you something if you like." Joyce offered as Lunch Rush gave her her food.

"Here You go young hero! In a world full of problems you can eat your way through it!" He laughed. Joyce was smitten by the hero. Shoto had to guide her away to a table. Fumikage joined them soon after.

"May I sit with you two?" He asked.

"Hi Fumi! You can. I had no idea there was a hero all about food! Where have I been?!" Joyce asked as she began digging into her food. Shoto had showed her a new dish that she enjoys. "Is this love? I don't know what it is, but I think it's love! This is really good! Thanks Shoto!" It threw the boy off to hear the girl address him by his first name rather than his last.

"She does that to everyone. I believe it's an American thing." Fumikage had whispered to Shoto's ear as he nodded. He actually liked that she had called him by his first name rather than his last. The two boys watched as Joyce was seemingly dancing in her seat as she ate her food. The three of them ate in silence as they enjoyed the company they shared. It was certainly relaxful for Joyce to not have to worry about anything but her food.

But of course the world had it out for the girl when a blaring alarm sounded. Everyone jolted in their seats as Joyce's heart pounded in her chest. Students were panicking all around her as the chaos consumed her. Before she knew it she was being dragged by Shoto. Students were all over her, pressing against her as her grip in Shoto's hand slipped. Looking back he saw the panic in her eyes as her eyes flashed a light blue. The two were pulled apart, Shoto tried to reach out to her, but he was pushed further from her. Joyce dropped to the ground. Shaking as her heart raced in her chest, the noise of the students overwhelmed her as she covered her ears and head as students walked, tripped, stepped over her. It wasn't long till she felt it...needles pinching her as she was compressed into a small box. Air was limited as the pain became unbearable.

Warm arms reached out and grabbed a hold over her as she clung to whoever was saving her. Being light weight she was easily moved as she was pushed against the nearest wall as a barrier was made.

"FUCKING BREATH RAINBOW EYES!" A harsh shout caught her attention as she flung her eyes open. Looking up to see Bakugo keeping students back to give Joyce some space. Sucking in a large breath of air she focused on her breathing. Bakugo stared at her in confusion. How the fuck did she get a panick attack in a large crowd? She was the most confusing person he had ever met. Are all Americans like that?

At some point the crowd had stopped pushing and shoving as Ida had taken control over the situation. Joyce should have done something...but she didn't. Instead she was having a panic attack and Bakugo had to save her. Her eyes changed to brown as she looked down.

"Oi! Rainbow eyes. Are you fucking good?" Bakugo asked once more as he glared at her. For now she was. "What the fuck was that? You're the top of the fucking class and you freaked out in a damn crowd?" He pushed a button

"Shut up! You wouldn't understand!" She pushed him. One thing she hated was when people made assumptions about her, all without even asking about it from her. "I hate crowds ok. I get fucking panic attacks." He didn't argue back as he saw the tears that fell from her eyes. By now the students were walking along in a more calm manner. In a few minutes Joyce and Bakugo were left alone in the hallway.

Pushing him farther away from her she took in another deep breath as she squatted down. The phantom effects of her past still haunt her. "I'm sorry." she mumbled glancing back at Bakugo who had stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking away respectfully. He was letting her get her bearings.

"Tch...shut up Rainbow Eyes. Don't fucking apologize for shit." He grumbled. His mind flashed to yesterday and what he saw. Wanting to make sure that he didn't completely harm the girl from his attack, he went to check up on her. That and shitty hair wouldn't stop badgering him about his actions. When he got to the nurses office Deku was there. He stayed back and watched things unfold when he saw the damage on her skin when she took off her jacket. Even Deku was shocked.

Knowing something happened to her that caused that, made his stomach turn. It made sense now that she was on another level than he was. Even though it was wrong to want her to train him, he wanted to be better. Having a vague idea that the damage on her body was linked to her having a panic attack in the middle of the crowd, he didn't push her. Letting himself be her punching bag.

"Come on, we're going to be late to class." He started walking away from her as she jogged to catch up to him. As they were walking towards their classroom several shouts came their way. Shoto, Eijiro, and Izuku were running towards them.

"Joyce! Are you alright?!" Midoriya rushed over to her concern as she just waved him off.

"My apologies! The crowd pulled me away." Shoto apologized as he stared at Joyce.

"I'm fine, Bakugo helped me. No need to worry." She waved them off as she slipped past them. She just wanted to move on.

"Man! That was manly! Thanks Bakubro!" Eijiro punched the blond's shoulder as he received a small explosion to his shoulder. The boys watched Joyce slip into the classroom holding herself. Following behind they were shocked when the girl was being coddled by her father.

"Dad, I'm fine! I'm not ten anymore!" She was trying to get out of her father's hug. Other students understood the girl's feeling as she slipped out from his grasp and to her seat. Ryos was just concerned for her. The four boys found their seats.

Joyce had her face buried in her arms when Aizawa came strolling in. Raising her hand before he could say anything.

"Yes Joyce?" He sighed. Standing to her feet Joyce turned towards Ida.

"I'm handing my position as class representative over to Tenya Ida. He was able to direct and lead the situation of the school panic in a way that is worthy to be not only a great class representative but also a great hero. I wasn't able to act accordingly and I have much to learn." Joyce bowed towards Tenya who stood up while chopping his hands in the air.

"It would be a great honor to take your place! I will not fail this class!" Ida shouted. He was overly excited about it, since he wanted to be class representative in the first place.

"I-I want to do the same! Yaoyorozu can take the vice representative. I also have a lot to learn and don't feel equipped to take this position." Midoriya jumped to his feet. It certainly made Joyce feel better that Midoriya did the same as she sat back down in her seat. Bakugo glanced back at her confused. She just avoided his eyes.

"Whatever. I don't care. Look, just grab your costumes and get ready. We're going on a trip for basic rescue training." Aizawa sighed as he rubbed his eyes.

Joyce hung back as she grabbed her hero costume, slowly the effects from her panic attack left her. She was contemplating on calling Isabella about it, knowing that she would feel better about the situation. Sighing not knowing what to do she got to the girls changing room and changed in her corner. The girls let Joyce have her privacy.

She was about to panic even more when she realized she forgot to turn her costume in to get it fixed. Cursing under her breath she punched the locker in front of her.

"Are you ok Joyce?!" Toru asked from the other side of the lockers.

"I'm fine...I just....forgot to get my costume fixed." Joyce sighed as she shook her fist. She got into her cargo pants and top. Using her P.E top and sleeves to cover her she stepped out. Momo rushed to her as she saw her hold onto her ripped jacket and broken headset. Joyce was very upset that her headset was broken and her jacket was still ripped.

"I can make you a temporary set!" Offering to Joyce with a sweet smile.

"You don't need to. I don't want you wasting your quirk on me." Joyce muttered.

"It's ok! Your earbuds won't do with you moving around so much. You need your headset to keep your quirk stable! And creating a jacket will be easy!" Her sweet smile pulled at Joyce as she hesitantly handed the girl her items. She watched with curiosity as Momo worked on her Jacket first getting her measurements first before a black jacket came out of her skin.

"Try this on!" Momo smiled, handing the jacket over to her. Joyce did as she was told. It wasn't baggy like she preferred, but she wasn't going to say anything. It was slim fitting as it hugged her body. But she felt her skin being able to breathe as she moved around.

Coming out she showed off the jacket to the other girls. "Thank you Momo. It fits nicely. I'll try not to damage it during training today." Joyce returned the girl with a smile as she was handed another headset. It was similar to her original, but the color of the visors were black and more goggle-like.

"I hope this will suffice. The material of your visors are a bit difficult for me to make as I don't know exactly what they are made of. But I hope this helps!" Momo smiled as she held her hands together. Joyce slipped the headset on and immediately she could hear her music. The goggles were a perfect fit as they were attached to her headset and still blocked her eyes from anyone seeing their color change.

"It's perfect. Thank you Momo! See this is why you deserve to be vice representative!" Joyce smiled at her.

"See! She looks so badass! And she's so sweet!" Toru shouted. Joyce chuckled as she guided the girls out of the changing room and towards the bus.

When they got to the bus the guys were there and Midoriya was deep in a muttering hole as he had her father trapped. Groaning as she slipped through to go save her father from her friend.

"Broccoli! Quit badgering my father with your muttering!" She warned him, slapping the back of his head. He jumped back as he looked at her.

"S-sorry!" He muttered.

"You have a strange friend." Ryos sighed, breathing out in relief.

"You must have told him something about your quirk." She glanced at the bus. "He figured out your weakness, didn't he?" She sighed.

"Do all dragons really have motion sickness?!" Midoriya asked as he continued to write down notes.

"Well I had asked him if he was riding with us and he said no." Sero chuckled as he admitted to being the cause.

"One sick look at the bus and Midoriya had already figured it out." Denki laughed.

"That sounds like him." Joyce grumbled.

"Wait, does that mean you have motion sickness too? Since he's your dad?" Sero asked, looking at her curious. Both her and her father tensed at his innocent question.

"Alright everyone line up according to your class rank!" Ida shouted, distracting everyone from her answer. Joyce didn't look over at her father. Instead she slipped through everyone and found a seat on the bus. All the way in the second to the last seat, back away from anyone. Her stomach twisted at her reality. It was an innocent question...why couldn't she just answer it? Anxiety consumed her as she continued to shift in her seat. No doubt her eyes were silver as she increased the volume of her music. Closing her eyes resting against her seat, she didn't even notice who had sat next to her.

"Ah! Joyce-chan...are you ok?" A gentle tap on her shoulder pulled her out of her anxious thoughts. It was Midoriya who snagged the seat next to her.

"Oh...yeah. I'm fine." She mumbled. Shoto had taken a seat behind her as Eijiro bounced up to the seat in front of her.

"Joyce! Have you worked with rescue missions before?!" He asked with a puppy-like smile.

"Yes...I worked with Aunt Wendy on rescue." Joyce answered. There goes her peaceful ride. Bakugo shouted as he forced Eijiro to sit down in his seat properly. All the while Joyce's phone went off. Pulling it out to see Hawk's number pop up. She declined it. A few seconds later her phone rang again. She declined it again. By the third time Bakugo was pissed off.

"ANSWER THE GODDAMN PHONE RAINBOW EYES!" He shouted at her. She glared at him before she answered the phone.

"I will murder you chicken wings...I'm on a stupid bus to the USJ...Why are you calling me?" Joyce whispered yelled in her phone. She could see the curious glances from the boys around her.

"How rude! I'm on break and this is how you treat me?!" Hawks scoffed into the phone. No doubt being a dramatic ass bird.

"What do you want, Keigo?" She demanded. The boys looked at each other confused. They don't know anyone by the name Keigo and as far as they knew she didn't have much contact with anyone from America. Could this be someone she made friends with before school began. A sense of jealousy spread through them as they listened to Joyce's conversation.

"Well for starters we haven't heard from you in three days. Three days! Rumi keeps bugging me about you. And Songbird is getting worried. Yeah we walked you to school, but we haven't even heard about your day!" His tone shifted from playful to serious. "When class is over we're coming to get you so you can explain how your time at UA is going. You can rely on us, Joyce. I'm calling to let you know so you don't get overwhelmed when we come by your class to snag ya." His playful tone returned as Joyce panicked.

"YOU DO AND I'LL REALLY TURN YOUR ASS INTO FRIED CHICKEN!" She shouted. Midoriya jumped in his seat not expecting Joyce to shout suddenly.

"HA! Too late, icy you already told me where you'll be!" Hawks laughed before he hung up on her.

"I'm going to murder that damn bird." She cursed as she glared at her phone before shoving it into her pocket. It was silent for a moment when Eijiro spoke up.

"So...um who was that?" He glanced back at her.

"An idiot bird. That's who, "She sighed, "He's also my trainor's boyfriend." rubbing her eyes annoyed.

"You have a trainer? Who is that?" Shoto asked curiously. Joyce looked back at him as she eyes the rest of the boys around her.

"I'm not sure I want to disclose that information." She admitted. The less they know about her, the less likely she'll get hurt by them.

"What?! WHat's so damn important that you have to hide shit!" Bakugo shouted.

"Kacchan! If she doesn't want to share then she doesn't have to." Midoriya was the first to defend her which shocked Joyce, but she was thankful for his help. She was really going on a limb to trust him with her quirk.

"Is it a pro-hero? Is that why you don't want to share?" Shoto asked quietly so only she could hear. Bakugo was trying to fight Midoriya but Eijiro was holding him back.

"Yes... for their safety I wish not to share." Joyce leaned back to answer Shoto. He nodded his head in understanding. 
