Return to me

"You know you're going to kill me with your hugs right?" she asked me

"That's what best friends do."

"Missed me?" she asked

"Like crazy"

"Well you'll be glad to know that I will be staying with you for a while until my parents can come."


Ariana then walked to the end of the kitchen to keep the glass near the sink and I was lost in my thoughts, I was thinking about what Rosa had said but I was more focused on why she said that and her reason for haunting us.

My deep thoughts made me forget that Ari didn't know any of this, and after a few seconds I saw her staring at me with a confused expression.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong?" she asked

She knew me soo well.

So I told her everything about the ghost, the green light and what I learnt from Nick and Anisha (including the rumors).

"So that's how you hurt your hand?" she asked

"Yup" I said "when will you be joining my school?"


"Did you have time to catch up on everything?" I asked

"I had completed everything, don't worry. All that's left is meeting this Anisha girl."

"Don't do anything stupid Ari" I said

"Trust me I won't." She said, with a smirk on her face which indicted that she was going to do something stupid. "Anyways was there more information on Rosa when you searched the school library?"

"Not exactly, since most of the information was repeated." I said.

"So do you wanna check the local library, it's a five minute walk?" asked Ari

"There's a local library?" I asked. Since the time I have arrived here, all I have seen were green lights and deadly ghost, nothing else.

"Didn't you see it while entering the city?"

I smiled sheepishly.

"You slept off didn't you?" she said me while she put on her sneakers.

"It was a long drive"

As we were leaving my home Ari removed her phone and showed me a picture.

"Who's he?" she asked me

It was a picture of me hugging Nick. I don't know why, but I blushed and Ari managed to see that. God, I need to control my cheeks.

"Nobody." I replied

"Those cheeks don't turn red for nobody, girl."

"He's a friend you'll meet him tomorrow."

"Fine, you are safe till then" she said with a giggle

When I entered the local library, it looked just like the one in films. Huge wooden stands filled with books which contained information on almost everything in the world somehow gave me a kind of magical feeling.

There was a huge chandelier in the center which appeared to be made of gold and diamonds. The wooden wall hung portraits of famous authors and poets from the beginning of time to now.

However there was one part of the library which seemed a bit empty and it was the section where all the computers were placed but it did match the tone of the library and looked like an extremely comfortable spot to research in peace.

"Fancy" I muttered under my breath.

Ari and I headed to the end of the library where the computers were kept and began researching. Ari checked the racks of newspapers while I tried to google some information, hoping something new comes up.

We both sat quietly doing our respective task, I wasn't even sure what I wanted, and I just needed something that will help me save my family from Rosa.

After spending almost an hour staring at a computer screen for information regarding Rosa, I finally found something relevant except for the facts I already knew.

"Ari look at this I found something." I whispered


I pointed to an article on the screen which was called: 'Rosa's personal struggle', which spoke about the issues and stereotypes Rosa faced. One of the lines caught my attention, it was:

...Rosa loved her mother dearly even though she didn't get much time with her. When Rosa was in pain due to her mother's death, she was gifted her mom's gold necklace which had a heart shaped pendant by her father. She treasured this necklace with her whole heart as a memory of her mom...

...Even now this necklace can be found by the owners of the house. This necklace had survived terrible conditions and some even say it contains supernatural powers...

As Ari was reading this I found this necklace in my bag and decided to remove it out. Could it be controlling Rosa's powers?

"So this is the necklace, huh?" she said me

I nodded

"It was the only thing which belonged to Rosa?"

I nodded again

"So does this needs to be destroyed so that Rosa would stop hurting you?" she asked

"I don't know, I have not come face to face with Rosa that often, but all I know is that she seeks revenge from my family"

"Do you think she is doing that because of what happened to her in the past?"

"It could be since she attacked me in a torn wedding dress covered in blood."

"So she wants revenge from everyone because of her unjust death?"

"I guess so"

"We need to stop her"

"I know, but for now let's head home, I'm not sure if James has the key." I said

"Wait, did you take a print?"

"Thanks for reminding me girl."

I took a print of the information and then we left. As I neared the house I felt weird like something was wrong, except I didn't know what, but what i knew was that it was killing me from the inside.

When we neared the house I noticed the door was left open like wide open. I was one thousand percent that it couldn't be Ari or me.

I rushed inside the house to see what had happened and as I entered I screamed on the top of my voice... 
The chapter refers to certain people who were an important part of history. I as an author, do not intend to offend anyone reading this. It is only for reading purposes and not to hurt anyone's sentiments.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding ❤

Chapter cover credit: @dhavalr998 ( PICSART)
