Can You Feel The Magic?

I was sitting in my room sipping some coffee, still wondering about what Rosa wanted from me. Until the attacks I never knew who Sylvester K Pierce was nor did I know who Rosa K Pierce was let alone do any harm to them.

I gulped down the last few drops of coffee and walked to the kitchen to keep my mug. In the kitchen as I washed the mug I tried of think of something common between all the death dreams which I had. I mean, I knew they were killed by Rosa and she did it using a rope and an acid but what I want to know was a clue which could help me understand and stop Rosa.

I kept on recollecting my dreams, analyzing every single second of my dreams hoping I could get a clue. Unfortunately, the heavy thinking sent me in to dream world.

They entered the house happily, holding each other's arm, soo romantic, ugh! The stupid real estate agent gave them a house tour leading to them buying the house in a matter of few seconds...

What a cute couple, extremely caring and loving towards everyone, especially towards their spouse. Their relationship seemed magical, too sad they're going to be dead in a few hour...

I waited for them to be in deep sleep so that they only wake up in heaven I walked slowly and steadily because I didn't want to wake them up. Ever so silently I opened the bottle of acid and poured a tiny drop on the man's forehead, he cried as I laughed.

Now it was the lady's chance, a drop of acid seemed to have been enough for her as she silenced herself after minutes of crying in pain, what a weakling!

Unfortunately, I wasn't satisfied, I wanted to see more pain and blood and hear more cries so I emptied the bottle on the dying couple, ending their lives...

I woke up from my sleep, I wasn't sweating nor was I crying, which I should have been because the dream was extremely scary. Instead I was just staring at my room, which was covered in total darkness. The door was shut and the huge windows were shut and covered with the intricately designed curtains. The fan and the AC were off and the lights were also off in the room.

It looked beautiful but it was extremely suffocating, which led to thought of death clouding my mind. So I decided to open the door and windows in my room as I headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As I was walking down the stairs I noticed that all the windows were shut making the house look extremely dark. But who would shut all these windows? It couldn't be me since I love natural light and so does Ari, maybe James did it.

After I chugged a few glasses of water, I decided to watch TV for sometime which turned out to be more annoying than relaxing since there wasn't anything good to watch.

As I was flipping through channels, I heard the sound of something breaking. For a second I thought it was from the TV but then I realized it was from my kitchen.

In the kitchen I found the glass from which I drank water shattered in to pieces on the floor. How did it fall? I remember keeping it in the cabinet after washing it. was Rosa back? I thought, cause that was the only explanation right?

Anyways I decided to clean up the mess before I fall on broken glass pieces. When I finished cleaning I went back to watch nonsense on the TV, that's when I saw Rosa standing right in front of the couch. She stared at me with intense eyes indicating my slow and painful dead like the previous owners.

I tried to say something but the words couldn't come out of my mouth, so I decided to remain silent. Rosa however, noticed my struggle and let out a evil laughter which sent chills down my spine.

She looked scarier than usual with her torn and bloody wedding dress. Her eyes were red and not a single spot of white was visible, which made it difficult to look her in the eye. Her hair had been tied in an intricate style which made her look extremely beautiful yet scary due to the presence of blood drops all over her gorgeous hair. Her skin looked extremely pale, actually it was paler than usual causing her to look like the perfect evil queens.

"what do you want?" I managed to say with some courage.

"shut up!"

She begin moving towards me as I ran, not quite far though because as soon as I started running I felt a certain electric shock preventing my legs from moving. The shock was soo strong I fell on the ground. The shock passed through my whole body causing it to go numb.

I could barely feel my feet its like they never existed, the same happened with my arms, head and chest. I felt like a soul without a body, unfortunately not a relaxed soul but a soul experiencing excruciating pain caused by electric shocks throughout her lifeless body.

At the moment I wasn't even sure if I was dead or alive, whether I was a human or a spirit all I knew was that I was in pain.

"can you feel it?" she asked me, a wicked tone in her voice

I didn't have the strength to reply so I just shut my eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes." saying that she prepared for another attack.

Fear rushed through me preventing my brain from functioning normally. I was prepared for my death and decided not to fight Rosa, I could use whatever energy I have left in the afterlife. As she was going to attack me I felt a poke in the left pocket of my jeans.

It was the heart shaped necklace.

As I pulled it out of my put I felt strength and courage pass through my body. The numbness and death thoughts disappeared. I managed to stand up with the necklace in my hand, sadly I was too late. Rosa attack was approaching me and all I did was hold up the necklace.

I thought I necklace would have reduced the pain but it didn't. the shock was stronger than the previous time and the pain also doubled. Within a few seconds my sense of sight seemed to have disappeared and my body felt numb again as I fell on the ground

The chapter refers to certain people who were an important part of history. I as an author, do not intend to offend anyone reading this. It is only for reading purposes and not to hurt anyone's sentiments.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding ❤


Chapter cover credit: @eyecapture (PICSART)
