Suika & Iron Sand

been finding really cute fanart on pinterest

A/n: I got so uninspired and sick for the entire week, i'll try to get back into the loop. If I got the Galena being magnetic wrong please correct me.


"Were gonna go fetch us some Iron sand everyone!" Senku woke everyone up on that sunny morning to announce. It seemed it was finally time to create something from the modern age. "And we'll do it with the help of magnets.. kukuku, off to the river we go."


Were all up now, and Kohaku is leading us to the nearest river, but I was still unsure of Senku's new magnets "Are you sure those magnets are strong enough Senku?"

"Yep, I tested how well they stick to metals with some Galena." Chrome walks up after eavesdropping our conversation. "Oh you mean the super sparkly rock?" "Quick question for you Chrome did you actually break open that rock?" You ask him dumbfounded. 

"Of course I did, Anything wrong with that?"

"Don't freak out but.. its filled with lead, so if you breathe it in you could.." you start saying all concerned.

"Lead? Why should I be concerned about that?"

"Its poisonous you big idiot!" you yell at him.

"Kukuku, Chrome knows better than to breathe it in Y/n, Its fine." Senku reassures you, you already knew the horrors of the effects of lead poisoning so you wanted to make sure that someone talented like Chrome wasn't dying or anything. Behind you and Senku, Chrome was freaking out a bit.

---Finally at the river---

You all spit up to get some swim clothes for the river and you jump into the water. Kohaku follows after you and in amazement you watch her climb and jump around like a gymnast. "Look at the lioness go Chrome! Is there more villagers like her?" Senku laughs "She's more of a gorilla and last time I checked there absolutely nobody could rival her." Chrome shot back. You were silently listening as you collected iron sand with Chrome's magnets.

"I'M NOT A GORILLA!" Kohaku screams. "Also why are me and Y/n the only ones working?! Never knew you two didn't care about helping Ruri out.." "Sorry" the two of them say. You all continue working till something catches you off guard. "What's that Kohaku-chan?" You say pointing at the melon coming downstream. "Is that really a melon? Odd" Senku adds. Suddenly the melon rises out of the water and it turns out to be a kid who apparently stole one of Chrome's magnets.

"Oh Suika, did you follow us from the village?" Kohaku asks her sweetly. "Is Suika really her name though? Because if it is then it would explain the hat." You ask chrome. "Probably just a nickname, anyways.. Suika! You brat, why did you steal my magnet?!" Chrome says swiping the magnet away from Suika.

"Um.. um, I heard you guys needed iron sand.. and Suika wants to help too!"

"I can't do much because of the rind on my head.. so if some needs Suika I'll always be happy to help-" Suika gets cut off by Senku "Enough with that, we'll be grateful with any manpower we can get even if you're a pipsqueak.. Kukuku, your help is needed." Senku then walked off to collect more sand.

"Nobody has ever met Suika without asking Suika about why Suika's wearing this.. he's a gentlemen!" She says in awe. "Suika don't believe a word that douche says, you can help us, but he isn't the best person. But just so you know, you won't regret joining us." you say in response.


A/n: Woohoo, I'm ask happy as Kaseki right now. I got my ideas together today.
