To convince Gen Asagiri

A/n: felt silly so have this


"Hold on Kohaku-chan! I've changed my opinion you see.. Seeing all your hard work has changed the situation." His voice was still sweet like honey, but he at least seemed a bit more genuine. Everyone was lead back to the science shack. Senku & Chrome had a bright idea that could convince Gen to join the kingdom of science, looks like the kingdom is getting their first bar of Iron. With the already melted iron, the process was quick and easy so Senku and Chrome were done in mere minutes. In shock Gen utters "If this succeeds you may be even able to beat Tsukasa." He had a face of astonishment, you chuckle at him "Were beating Tsukasa no matter what, so whatever you say won't matter in the end." You didn't wanna sound cocky, but the comment Gen made did make you feel more confident about fighting him. "You do realise all I have to say to Tsukasa is that Senku is alive right?" he came off a bit threatening, but once again, you smile "And we'll convince you with even crazier science not to, dear Gen~" "Hmph!" Gen goes before walking off to Senku to conduct a plan. You sat to the side of the group and listened in on the conversation as you worked on your dictionary. The work was boring and tedious, but weird enough you missed doing school work, learning about new subject and being in a safe environment with friends. As you continued to write, you hear Gen maniacally laugh, something about not caring who died as long he was on the winning side. "What a scary guy.." you mutter.

---Next day--- 

 Yawn "Good morning everyone.." you greet everyone sleepily, in return you were given some 'hellos' and 'good mornings' back but everyone was still focused on Gen. "Now, who would I benefit more from? Dear Tsukasa or Senku-chan? What a tough question! Either a harem while doing no work at all or.. back breaking work for crazy science items?" he exclaims. What a nutcase, you think. You descend the latter and sit on a log near the shack, you wanted to learn more about Gen.

"What's a harem?" Suika asks innocently.

"Ahhh.. sorry about that, forgot kids were here, maybe you'll learn when your older.."

"Suika thinks ramen is better though!" she announces. "err.. I think I'm leaning towards Tsukasa still" Suddenly Kohaku jumps down with knives aimed at Gen "Well.. well.. well! Asagiri Gen was it? You slimy excuse for a man, maybe we should just kill you!" her smile was spine chilling. "YIIIKKESS!" Gen screams, he finally showed a face of true terror. "Nah, don't kill him. If he's dead Tsukasa will come immediately and we'll be nothing but mince meat. Don't worry though, kukuku, what we'll do with the iron will convince him immediately.." Senku says while climbing up to the shack. "What are you gonna make, cutlery? Maybe a katana?" Gen slightly mocks. "A power station."

"Eh?" You and Gen say. Gen looks at you for answers but you shake your head quickly. "Is.. this guy okay Y/n??" he whispers. "I'm not sure anymore.. but don't get so buddy, buddy with me!" you whisper back. "Are you insane Senku??" Gen finally shouts at him "That's way too impossible in stone world! Your azy-cray!" Senku didn't even listen, he just went back to working. "Now all we need is lightning.." Senku adds, SUDDENLY, BOOM! CRACKLE! The rain pitters and patters on the ground and it was like Zeus was awaken from his slumber. "The rain is here!" Suika shouts. The rest of the villagers run, shouting something like "The sky anger has awakened! Run from his wrath!" In the chaos, you follow Senku and the others, they were planning to climb bald mountain to make magnets out of the newly made iron.

