Chapter 8 - Gentle meet your Liraque Zantha

~~~ Singer goes to medical

By the time Singer was released from the testing for the morning she had a slight headache. It wasn't she disliked school so much as she was worried about not doing well and getting laughed at. Even though for the most part the Liraque trainees had been decent it didn't mean they wouldn't change. She had both seen and experienced it before, get to know someone, start to trust them and then have them break the trust. It could be they had gotten close to learn some secret, or for fun and then turned on you but it always hurt. She didn't want to be hurt like that again.

It was the biggest reason she was doing her best to keep everyone at arm's length. Other than Hands and Thunder she simply couldn't trust anyone very much. She was polite and civil when speaking to people but that was it. The girls in her section were closer to her and they all seemed to understand her need for some personal space. Well other than Thunder who always seemed to be there when she needed something. It wasn't anything sexual and Singer could tell and there wasn't an expectation of any sort of debt owed either. To be honest it occasionally drove her nuts since she just didn't understand Thunder.

"Oh man I feel stiff, and I think my brain is going to start dribbling out of my ears shortly." Sunny had come over right before the instructor had stopped the test and Singer was looking at her when she said it.

Sunny giggled at her and gave her a big hug, "Yous funny and silly. Brains dribble out noses, not ears." Her ears were twitching back and forth as she teased Singer, "Come, lunch time." She took one of Singer's hands and tugged on it, "Thunders give you rubs later." Sunny was hungry and wanted to get back to Misty.

She had to shake her head at Sunny, "You are a silly pup and you know it." She stood and scooped Sunny up and tossed her over her shoulder, "I am going to kidnap a pup and charge her Liraque a ransom of People Bones." Just for good measure she gave Sunny a light spank which got her growled at even though it was mixed in with giggling.

Sunny had grabbed onto Singers robe when she was hefted over her shoulder. Just to be silly she was making little growling sounds and wiggling as if she was trying to get away. Singer was the most physical when it came to playing. She would toss Sunny in the air, sling her over her shoulder, and chase her around. The other girls were mellower and tended more towards cuddling, "Get at least three Peoples bones each. Brownie ones bestes."

Shortly they were at lunch and Singer had put her down and they walked in more calmly than they had arrived. It was another thing which tended to drive Singer around the corner some. She was a physically active person and was used to it. This place was such a major change and it bothered her. They had a good solid physical education program, but it just wasn't the same as what she was used to, "I have to say for the food alone I would stay here. I am starving so why don't we go and get something to eat."

They joined the line and were met by Misty and Skye as well as several of the others, "So I take it you survived your first morning of testing?" Misty asked with a wry grin, "It drove me nuts since I have been in school for years. Having to go back and do kid stuff again really rankled."

Singer rolled her neck, "I am debating if I survived or not. My neck and head are bothering me. Since I have medical after lunch, I might get something for the headache. Tonight, I might have you or Thunder give me a good neck and back massage." She was looking forward to the medical visit since now they were going to be starting the major corrective procedures for her muscle issues. From what they had said it was going to take some time since there was some muscle and bone damage as well. They were expecting to have it done over the next month or two.

Skye rested her hands-on Singers neck and gave her a quick massage, "There, that should help until after classes are over. Once you get a good shower and relax one of us will give you a better massage." When Singer mentioned medical Skye gave her a light hug, "I am pleased to hear it. I know the scars have been bothering you and though the cream has helped I know you can't wait." *We will be here to support you as much as possible.* Most of the scars would be left though potentially lessoned due to what was being done.

Thunder had walked up as Singer had been talking and grinned, "Good, I am glad they are getting started today. I'll keep working the cream into your back and shoulders as well. Depending on how your back feels I can give you a good massage as well." The cream wasn't specifically designed to reduce scaring but to help them become more flexible. If not medical should provide her with some pain meds. It was one good thing with the nano tech. The injections could be set to release specific amounts of medication to specific locations over several days.

Singer let her head hang forward while Skye gave her a quick massage, "Thanks and it helped. I am too though it was hard to ask for the work." *I know you keep saying otherwise but I still have a problem accepting many of the things offered. I keep looking for the strings or hooks attached since it's how it has been most of my life.* She had to sigh as she took a tray and started getting her food.

Now she was eating regularly and healthy she had started filling in. Her ribs no longer showed and though she was always going to be rather wiry, a layer of fat was forming. One nice thing was her breasts had gotten somewhat larger as well which increased her self-image. Though she still had short hair where her head had been shaved her hair was looking better and was softer and flowing. All in all, she felt better about herself physically. Mentally was a different issue and was going to take some time.

Skye gave her shoulders one last squeeze before she grabbed a tray as well, *I understand Singer though it really bothers me you feel that way. I hate you grew up the way you did and the lack of trust in others was a side effect of how you grew up.* She had to admit Singer was looking better physically since she had been eating better than she obviously had been.

Eventually they reached a table and they flopped down, "I am so not looking forward to working with the supplicants right now. This will be my third time and I was really hoping for something different like going with one of the contract Liraque." Thunder moaned since she'd hoped for something different.

Once they were done Singer waved goodbye and headed towards medical for her first treatment. She was and wasn't looking forward to it. When she finally arrived and walked in the medic behind the desk smiled at her, "I am here to start the treatments to resolve my muscle and bone issues and fix the other problems." She sounded both nervous and unsure. This was a very uncomfortable subject for her.

The medic stood up and walked over and gave her a light hug, "Relax Singer and you will be fine. I know this upsets you and so does the doctor. We will take good care of you. Now if you will come this way to the treatment room the doctor will get started." Once they were in the room, she had Singer withdraw her suit and lay down on her stomach and pulled a sheet up over her bottom, "She'll be in momentarily."

She left, and it was only a couple of minutes before the doctor walked in, "Good afternoon Sings Sweetly and I am pleased you have chosen to take this step. I know it's a huge step for you, but I think in the long run you will be proud of yourself." She settled down on a stool, "I am just going to give you one last brief run down before I get started, we need to deal with the deep tissue injuries. We are going to do one or possibly two at a time. It's going to be painful at times as well as you will feel tingling, possible numbness, and itching. All of this is related to the muscles being rebuilt, any nerve damage repaired, and healing needed for the changes. Once I do the treatment today, I'll have you come back in two days for a follow up."

Singer turned her head and gave the doctor a nod, "I understand, and I am used to pain so just get it over with, so I can go back to the testing or my section please." She was scared enough if they didn't start soon, she was going to lose her nerve and run.

The doctor gave her a nod back, "In that case I'll get started. As you know the worst is your left shoulder and we are starting there. I know it sounds silly but simply relax and let me do my thing and we will be done in no time." She had been the girl's doctor from her arrival and felt sorry for what she had been through. Before she got started, she activated the sensors built into the bed, so she could track what was going on.

After one more quick scan she used a different instrument to mark the boundaries for what she wanted done and where the treatment was going to take place. For this part of the treatment she took her time since moving too fast now could cause problems down the road. Once it was done, she called up her VRHUD and checked to make sure the markers were in the right spots. Next, she called for the nano dispenser and taking her time made a number of micro injections along the scar and underlying tissue damage.

Once she was done, she sat up and activated the programming, "I am going to have you lay here for fifteen minutes and then come back and check on the progress. When I do it, I'll verify the treatment is working and then give you several more injections to ease any pain, inflammation and other side effects." She stood and walked out before stretching and checking on Ray.

Once they left, she went back into Singers room and did a spot scan, and everything was working correctly, "Everything looks good and let me give you the meds and then you can leave. If you feel any side effects I would recommend going back to your section and relaxing. I have made a note just in case." She had finished the injections by the time she was done talking, "Get dressed and you can leave. I'll see you at the same time in two days."

Before she left, she took a moment to review the general scan done before the treatment and frowned slightly. She settled back down on the stool and gave Singer an odd look, "I just took a moment to review the general scan done when you lay down. Based on the scan and your records you are approaching eighteen and a half years old correct?" When Singer nodded the doctor sighed, "I am sure this isn't what you want to hear but you are starting to approach your first heat. It will probably really kick in within three or four weeks at the most. Think about how you want to handle it and then we will talk on Wednesday."

Singer tensed and gritted her teeth in frustration. She had known it was going to happen eventually, but she wished it would have held off longer. No way in hell was she ready for this or the effects it would have on her, "Just frigging great, damn it I don't need or want this." She rolled off the bed and with an angry jerk pulled on her robes, "Thanks for letting me know and I can tell you right now even after thinking about it I would prefer to have this heat muted with medications. I have no urge to mate with a male or sleep with a female." She was angry enough she had to leave the room and stalked to her section and collapsed on her bed. She wanted to cry out of frustration.

Thunder walked into her section and immediately felt Singers confused emotions. She wasn't sure why Singer was feeling this way, but it probably had something to do with getting the repairs started. Chances were good it was bringing back memories of how she received the wounds and that would upset anyone. After making two cups of tea she carried them into the room, "Hey Singer I have some of the tea you love." She set the cups down next to the bed before sitting down herself.

"So, what has your tail in a knot?" She started stroking the other girls back as she was talking. Thunder felt Singer tense up and then slowly start to relax again. She was tense, and it was making Thunder really curious as to why.

"I don't want to talk about it. Thanks for the tea but I would like some time to myself." The tea did smell good and she appreciated it, but she didn't want to talk about her heat coming up. It was the last thing she wanted to deal with and especially considering everyone else was underage. They wouldn't go into heat until they were old enough. From what Singer understood until you have gone through it there simply wasn't any way to describe it.

Thunder sighed, "If that's what you wish Singer but remember we are here for you as well." Being careful of the shoulder they started with Thunder leaned forward and gave her a light hug, "If you want some more tea let me know." She stood and silently left the room.

Singer felt rather bad, but she just needed some time. Chances were, she would need to talk to someone who had gone through this and the only ones she could think of was Ray's pack. There were one or two she would be somewhat comfortable talking with. She would have to see about going over this weekend and talk to some of them.

~~~ The Harem PT2

By the time Hands and the others left for the hospital Misty and Skye had been shown to the harem and were dealing with Jesh. Skye was feeling rather horrified at the suggestion Misty accompany Jesh to his room. How Misty could turn and verbally smack him like that and then ask if he wanted to go first, she didn't know. Instead of responding herself she simply stood next to Misty and did her best to give Jesh a pitying look for his actions.

Jesh was still stunned by the blatant shut down from a female. It had been a very long time since anyone had turned him down. Not only that, she had indicated she had no interest in him as a male and found a female more interesting. He sat up and an angry expression crossed his face, "No I have no interest in talking to you." He got up and flounced out of the room in an obvious snit.

Misty had to stare at him and his reaction. One eyebrow was twitching as was the corner of her lips, "Did he just flounce? Goddess I feel like I am watching a teen drama and I am a teen." As she said it, she noticed his tail stiffen up as he left the room. It was rather obvious he had heard her and wasn't amused in anyway.

Skye was starting at him as well and had to shake her head, "Um, it was a flounce and..." She had to shake her head again and was now feeling somewhat better about the whole thing, "Well we need to get started on the survey so who would like to go first?"

Another male stood, and he was openly grinning, "Oh man this is going to be interesting. I would gladly go first ladies." All the questions were done in public unless the male asked otherwise. He walked over to the kitchen to get something to drink, "Would either of you care for a drink or a snack?" Honestly, they were a breath of fresh air in this place and he was going to have fun.

Misty and Skye settled at the table and glanced at each other, "Some chilled juice would be nice and thank you for the offer." Misty said, "And your name is?" She was glancing at her viewer to review the questions.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes, "If you laugh, I am going to pout and snivel, just so you know. My name is Fertile Fields and my use name is Soiled Toes." He knew it was supposed to be a grand name indicating a strong male, but it had gotten him teased a great deal.

Both girls' expressions went blank and they managed not to laugh, "I should introduce you to my brother. He was renamed by a little pup to Strong Hands. Would you mind if we settled for Toes?"

The male had to smile at her, "That would be fine. It's far better than being called Dirty Feet you know. I keep my feet quite clean just because of having been called it when I was younger." He picked up the tray with the juice and snacks on and carried it over to the table, "I hope you enjoy the pastries. My mother taught me how to make them before I became part of the harem."

Skye looked surprised when he mentioned cooking, "Cool, I didn't know the harem was allowed to cook. They look really good and smell good as well." She grabbed a glass of the juice and a plate of the pastries. After a nibble her ears pricked forward, "Oh man, you should meet Quail, Birdy's mom. She makes People Bones which are really good. I'll have to bring some tomorrow to share."

Misty could feel his embarrassment at Skye's comment and reached over and patted his hand, "These are really good, and it was nice of your mother to teach you to cook. My mother made sure my brothers could cook so they didn't starve before they got married or mated as you would say. Now to the questions, first one is how are you feeling..."

They talked for a fair amount of time before the next male was called up. They weren't expected to do more than two a day since they not only were asking the questions but once done, reviewing with the Liraque. Once they were done both girls stood up, "Thanks both of you for taking time to talk to us and answer the questions as honestly as possible. Toes I might have to send you a request for more of those pastries. They were darn good, and I know the girls in our section would love them." Skye said and with a polite smile as both left the harem.

Once they were back at the Liraque's office both settled down and waited for her to speak. This was going to be the worst part since both were sure she was going to have some negative comments. As it was, she had both positive and negative. By the time the girls were done both wanted to collapse for the evening.

Misty yawned and stretched once they were done, "That... Wasn't what I had been expecting at all. Jesh almost killed me with his actions and his pout and flounce. Toes I liked since he had personality and could cook. I might mention him to Ray and have Ray visit him when he is better. Why don't we stop at Hands' section and talk to Ray and check up on Hands and Dreamer?"

Skye snorted, "Goodness he acted like a little pup who didn't get his way. How the hell could a female be interested in someone so shallow? I have to agree with you about Toes. He was interesting and actually had a brain and used it." She was starting to see what the humans were seeing, and it appalled her.

~~~ Helping Dreamer

Kythryn hurried back to check on the room and made sure everything was ready. It was only a minute or two later when Hands and the others walked in. The adults looked and felt angry though they were hiding it well. The other three were all feeling sad. Dreamer from the loss of his mom, Nuzzle for Dreamer, and a deeper sadness from Hands which she assumed were about his parents. Savory hurried over to Hands while Salty and Spicy hurried over to Nuzzle. Kythryn and River went to Dreamer, "We are so sorry Dreamer. In the other lounge we have it set up for a snuggle session for you as well as some of our favorite movies. There are some snacks and drinks as well."

Dreamer had stopped crying for the moment and simply gave her a sad nod as she and River wrapped their arms around him. They led him to the next room over and settled him down in the middle of the pillows. One of the older girls sat down and leaned against a couch and pulled him into her lap and wrapped her arms around him, "Just so you know Dreamer you are going to be passed around for one good hug and cuddle to another. We will take care of our pack brother as we have taken care of our Pack Father and he has taken care of us."

He leaned against her and started crying again, *Thank you pack sister it's really nice of you.* As he was trying to relax several of the young girls came over and settled down around him. They were all touching and holding him for comfort.

Kythryn came over and gave the girls a slight smile, "Now for the important part, what are we going to watch?" When she noticed Hands start to speak, she growled at him, "No, don't even ask for one of those horrible movies you have foisted off on us girls."

He looked rather offended before speaking, "I was simply going to say why don't you call out the names of some of the movies you girls like. Let Dreamer decide on what he would like to see or ask him what he wants. I know he wouldn't understand many of the movies I enjoy."

Savory snorted, "Hands we don't understand them, and you have carefully explained them to us. That Robin Hood Men in Tights was horrible." As hard as she tried not to, she did have to giggle since parts of it had been amusing, "Oh and remember no ding ding without wedding ring."

Hands instantly blushed when she said it and groaned, "I am so going to break out Young Frankenstein next. Since there are young innocent minds, I won't break out The Rocky Horror Picture Show." He eyeballed her, "I might teach you the time warp though."

Kythryn sighed, "Take it to the other room you two. I am trying to be serious here. Okay Dreamer I am going to call out some names of movies and simply nod or speak when you find one you like." She did just that and queued up several he indicated interest in. Once she started the first, she settled down as well.

Hands waited for Savory to sit down and then he lay down with his head on her legs facing her. Since he wasn't really in the mood for watching anything, he closed his eyes and simply rested. Nuzzle came over and curled up in his arms as well, *Thanks both of you and love you. I think I am going to try taking a nap. I'm upset his mother died, his old pack is being a pain in the ass, Ray is being stressed by this, and I almost want to run away. If your family is really nice I might hide out there for a few weeks.*

Savory giggled slightly when he said the last part. As soon as he lay down she had started stroking his hair in comfort, *Just for that I'll have to tell most of my sisters to pick on you.* When she next looked down she had to smile slightly since both Hands and Nuzzle had fallen asleep.

While he napped, they kept watching the movies and Dreamer ended up falling asleep for a short nap. For the most part it was quiet in the room with the exception of the occasional fuss from the babies.

~~~ Senior Pack Father Hunter

Senior Pack Father Hunter was sitting in the chair behind his desk. He was the senior Pack Father for the city of Dawn of Hope and on the other side of the desk were several more Pack Fathers. He was sitting there while one of them was speaking.

"As you know Pack Father Hunter two new packs have been formed and both are led by human males. They have been here for three or so months. By now they should have attended at least one of the Pack meetings but haven't. We feel it would only be appropriate to schedule a meeting in several weeks to have them introduced to us." The male came across sounding rather pompous and offended. Even though he was relatively young he considered himself a member of the old guard and came across that way.

Another spoke as well, "On top of it, rumor has it one of the Pack Fathers isn't even old enough to be a father so how can he be one? Until a male has reached his majority even if he is a Pack Father, he is required to have a Regent to validate pack matters. So, little has come from either pack or the temple we simply don't know what is happening. Since this deals with Pack matters the temple shouldn't be involved. This should fall under the Pack Lord and not the Goddess of Fertility."

Hunter gave him a nod since it was true. There was some overlap between the God and Goddess, but pack matters rested in the hands of the God. Before the third man spoke, he held his hand up, "I get the gist of what you are asking. The Planet Mother as well as several of the different Temple Mothers gave them a grace period. This was to allow them time to settle in and start learning about our society. The second pack hadn't been established at that point. I'll consider your request and notify all of you of my decision."

As they filed out of the room, he could tell by scent alone they weren't totally pleased with his decision. Frankly Hunter wasn't either, but he also felt there was some underlying scheming going on as well. The three who'd come to see him did have some connections with Pack Zorg and he knew about the issue with them and this Pack Liraque. As he was rubbing his forehead his Pack Mother came in with a tray with fresh tea on it.

"Headache? Would you like me to rub your shoulders Hunter? The tea should help as well." She came around the desk after putting the small tray down and started working on his shoulders, "I even slipped a couple of the People Bones on your tray as well. They are seriously yummy, and I am sure you will like them."

He snorted at her, "Evil woman, you are just trying to tempt me into spending some time with you." Hunter had to smile as he teased her. After picking up one of the silly things, he'd heard about them, and took a bite his ears stood up, "Okay, this is some seriously good bribage material and my evening is yours." Just for good measure he wiggled his ears in amusement as he finished the bone.

She smiled at his reaction as she kept working his shoulders, "So what do you think you are going to do about the request? If possible, maybe invite the Pack Fathers and their Pack Mothers over for a meal?" It would give him a chance to get to know them outside an official meeting.

He leaned forward some so she could get more of his back, "Well they are going to have to come to an official meeting soon simply because they need to. I do want to meet them and get to know them beforehand. Go ahead and contact their Pack Mothers and invite them over. Set up a good time with them in the next two weeks if possible." Once she was done with the massage he leaned back and smiled at her, "See about a private meal for us as well this evening. I do have an urge to spend time with you." He wished he had more time with her, but he had his duties as a Pack Father also.

She smiled at him, "I'll take care of it, Hunter and update you when I have a date and time." She leaned over and nuzzled his neck and just for good measure nibbled on his ear. Once she had done, she quietly left his office through his private entrance and headed towards her office and settled down.

After looking up the information on the two pack mothers she was going to be contacting she had to raise an eyebrow. The Pack Mother of the Pack Liraque appeared to be a minor as did the Pack Father. That was very interesting and was going to change how she organized the meal. She composed a letter to the two of them.

To Pack Mother Gentle Resolute Song and Pack Mother Savory,

I am Pack Mother Morning Sun of Pack Dawn and at the request of my Pack Father Hunter of Pack Dawn I am contacting you to organize a private dinner. The dinner would be semi-formal with you and your Pack Father as well as one other if you wish.

Since I don't know you or your schedules please get back to me with the best day to have this family meal on. My Pack Father is very interested in meeting the two new Pack Fathers. I know this is a short note but please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. We look forward to seeing you in the near future.

Sincerely Morning Sun

She reviewed the brief note for a moment and after a few changes sent it for delivery, "Well that takes care of that and now to arrange our dinner." Morning stood and left the office and headed to the Pack Father's wing.

Both Gentle and Savory received the note at the same time, but their reactions were radically different. Gentle looked at the note and was pleased. By the way it was worded Morning Sun had pretty much acknowledged both packs as being actual packs. That was a very good indicator. She sent back a brief note as well indicating she would talk to Ray and get back with her.

Savory had a slightly different reaction. Her ears popped straight up, and she almost freaked out. This was so out of her league she simply didn't know what to do, *Temple Mother Hands and I have been invited to meet with senior Pack Father Hunter and his Pack Mother in the near future. The same goes for Gentle and Ray. What do I do?*

Dancer had already seen the communication since it was official and with Savory being a minor, she had gotten a copy of it. When Savory contacted her, she had to smile slightly, *Calm down Savory and relax. I can tell Hands is resting as well as Dreamer. I am going to schedule an appointment for both you and Hands to see me in the morning. I'll also contact Gentle and Ray as well. Thank you for letting me know and I'll talk to you in the morning.*

Once Dancer finished talking Savory sat there still stroking Hands' hair and was still in shock. She frankly didn't have the faintest idea what to say or do. She could deal with taking charge of the girls and helping Hands with making sure everything was running smoothly. To deal with the high and mighty was not something she had any training with.

Vyra came over and settled down next to her. She was holding her son in one arm and wrapped her arm around Savory, "Gentle contacted me about the invitation. We will give you all the support you need. I am pleased for you for getting an obvious indication of your new status. I am going to have to talk to Ray's doctors before we can schedule it. We might need to do it here." Vyra leaned over and kissed the side of Savory's head, "I am so proud of you hun. Whatever else you and Hands are going to your home."

Savory leaned against Vyra's side and listened to what she had to say and sighed, "I am starting to understand how Hands feels at times. I am just a kid to darn it." She had to make a face when she said it, "I am going to warn you might find me hunting you and Gentle down for advice and sniveling." One of the little pups came over and offered both a pastry and patted Savory's hand before trotting off.

Both looked at the pastry and shrugged before taking a bite. Savory's eyebrows went up, "Oh man these are good. I wonder where they came from." She did her best to not scarf it down though it was hard not to, "I think I am going to see about having some food brought in. I need to wake Hands and Nuzzle up, so they actually sleep tonight."

Vyra had to raise an eyebrow as well as she sniffed it and took a bite, "This is a good pastry and I might find out who made it." She nodded at Savory since it was a good idea, "That and the food will be ready for when you call." She had to smile when Savory said she might hunt her down, "Anytime hun and we will be more than happy to talk to you."

Savory sighed and stroked his hair a bit longer, "Thanks and now if this dingbat human will quit trying to get killed or squished, I would be happier." She growled slightly at him, "He is going to drive me to eating too many People Bones and get fat."

Vyra couldn't help but grin at her, "Believe me I know the feeling except Ray doesn't tend to get shot or things like that. He just has minor medical issues like losing his mind, traveling back in time, and being turned into a Folician." Both shared a good laugh.

Hands rolled over and smiled up at Savory, "But you still love me, don't you?" He had been awakened when Vyra had settled down but had been comfortable. He reached up and stroked Savory's cheek, "I know I worry you and I am trying. I really am Savory. I love and care for you and my pack. I'll do anything to protect you and help our people."

Savory glowered down at him and slapped his chest, "You were not supposed to listen to your Pack Mother talking to the Matriarch of your brother's pack." She was almost horrified he had heard them. She did lean into the caress and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the contact with him, "Yes I love you, silly human. Now wake your little sister and get her to the bathroom and the food will be here shortly."

Hands grinned at her, "Just don't wish for me turn into male Inu like Ray." Something came over the couch and almost bonked him and he growled, "Hey who tossed that at me?"

Kythryn poked her head up and smirked at him, "I think you would make a cute Inu boy." Just for good measure she rested her head on her arms and smiled at him.

He rolled his eyes at her and leaned over and stroked Nuzzle's ears, "Wake up silly. Food is going to be here shortly." He watched her as she rolled over and stretched before sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Nuzzle stretched and yawned before launching herself at him and tackling him and giving him a good nuzzle and sniff, "My Hands." She tucked her head in his shoulder and let out a little sigh, "I's still sad pup. I's feels bad for Dreamer." When Hands wrapped his arms around her, she snuggled a bit closer and sighed. She felt as safe in his arms as she did in Gentle's arms.

"I know Nuzzie, I know, I feel the same way. We all feel bad for him and we all need a break. I am so looking forward to going to Savory's for a few days. Get away, relax, be a kid for a while. Now go potty if you need to and I am going to wake Dreamer." He had to add the Nuzzie just to tease her a bit.

She knew it but for the moment wasn't feeling in the mood to play. Instead she nuzzled his neck and sighed one more time before heading towards the bedroom. Before going to the bathroom, she grabbed a handful of black ribbons and tucked them into a pocket. After using the bathroom, she padded back out and food had arrived. Since she wasn't very hungry at the moment, she settled for just a few nibbles and a fruit drink.

When Nuzzle headed for the room he rubbed his face with his hands and briefly had the urge to cry. It wasn't for him but for everything everyone had gone through since they had arrived, *I want it to stop damn it. I want to be a semi-kid again. I can deal with being a Pack Father for all the lovely girls and Dreamer. I just wish people would stop dying or getting hurt around me.*

Savory gave Vyra a helpless look since she really didn't know what to do, *I wish there was something I could say or do but I don't know what to do. I feel as lost as you.* She wrapped her arms around him and lowered her head and rested it against his chest and she did start crying.

Vyra sighed and rested her hands on their shoulders, *Gentle can you please come over for the evening? Hands and Savory really need you. I think they have been overwhelmed with everything which has happened. I am going to talk to Dancer and see about moving up the visit to Savory's home.*

Gentle had been nursing Snuggle when Vyra contacted her, *I'll be there as soon as I can. I am going to bring my pups with for the girls to take care of. Don't tell him. I don't necessarily want to surprise him but I don't want to make a big deal out of it.*

Gentle contacted Gerdal and let him know what was going on and he was going to be in charge. He sighed, *I understand, and I am currently cuddling with one of the ladies who is feeling stressed. Go and I'll take care of the pack.*

She had to close her eyes and sent a prayer to the Goddess to give the pack a break since they really needed it. They needed Ray home, but it was going to have to wait. With a growl she stalked out of the house and hopped into one of the vehicles. Taking a slow deep breath, she sent it instructions on where to go and leaned back and was trying to keep the growls to a minimum.

~~~ Gentle talks to Dancer

By the time she arrived at the temple she had managed to calm her exterior even though she was still feeling very protective and angry. Once she parked and climbed out, she found Dancers assistant waiting for her, "Greetings Pack Mother, Dancer would like to invite you to her office for a few minutes." She stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her, *Let me drain some of the anger out of you. Not for any reason other than to allow you to be able to think better.*

Gentle lowered her head, "Thank you very much and please I need it right now." *I don't know how much longer we can handle the stress. Something has to give soon, or the pack is going to lose it. I just don't know what to do anymore.* Her shoulders slumped as well.

*Come Gentle the Temple Mother can comfort you before you go and see what you can do for the young Pack Father and Pack Mother.* She kept her arm around Gentle and silently led her up to the office. To keep from exposing her to any young eyes or sensing how Gentle was feeling she took her in the private entrance.

Gentle simply followed her to the elevator and to the office. She barely even noticed she was taken right into Dancers office until she looked up and saw the sympathy in Dancers eyes.

Dancer came over and wrapped her arms around the young woman, "Please get us some of the special tea. We are probably going to be a while so have Spike come up and then go and give Hands and his pack comfort. Right now, Gentle isn't in the right place to help him and she needs my help now."

Gentle even slumped further since she felt like she was failing her pack and Ray. When Dancer led her over to the couch she settled down and simply rested her hands in her lap. Now some of the anger had drained out of her she was tired, and it showed. When Melody came back with the tea, she took the cup urged into her hands and took a sip. Tears started to trickle down and she tried to dash them off but more kept replacing the ones she tried to wipe off.

*Melody touch base with Daisy and Aqua and I want to know how many Liraque they need to help the pack. I also want a Liraque for Gentle. Someone young and energetic but experienced. Someone who will cheer her up and boost her spirits.* She still had an arm around Gentle and reached over and supported the tea cup, "Gentle please drink and it will help. I am getting some Liraque to support your pack and you. I wish I had been able to step in sooner but with the turnover of the temple and what has been going on it has simply been... Oh hell, I simply had too much on my plate. Forgive me Gentle."

Gentle leaned slightly against Dancer since she didn't want to squish her. With her help Gentle slowly sipped the tea and listened to what Dancer was saying, "We, I, it has been so screwed up since Flitter died, I don't think anyone has been thinking straight. Then it kept getting piled on, Hands having to kill someone, Dreamer, Singer, and even Ray's coma." Her hands were shaking too much to hold the cup.

Dancer took the cup and put it down before wrapping her arms around Gentle, *I know hun and it has tossed all of us for a loop. You have been doing so well but we all need a good cry sometimes. I have been so proud of you and so have Thyra and the other Matriarchs of the temple. Now it's your turn to be taken care of.* She started quietly singing as Gentle continued crying. For the moment she was going let her cry while Dancer gently drained the buildup of emotions. It was rather a gruesome comparison, but it was like draining an abscess only slower, so it didn't erupt.

"Spike is going to be here shortly, and we are going to set up both a medical and Liraque exam of your pack. I can feel the stress coming from you. Daisy and Aqua have been trying their best but as you put it none of you have gotten any breaks. All of you need help and I am stepping in and we are going to help you." She kept comforting Gentle as Melody let Spike in and left the room after closing the door.

Spike walked over and settled down next to Gentle as well and leaned against her and rubbed her muzzle against her shoulder, "I am sorry Pack Mother, I feel like I failed you. Please forgive me but I want our Pack Father and our Pack Mother back together. I want them back at our pack and I want to curl up with them and..." She couldn't help it but started crying as well, "I want our young Pack Father to not have to be a miniature adult all the time and I don't want his pack to keep feeling his strain."

Gentle didn't even think before turning to Spike and wrapping her arms around her and tucked her head into her shoulder, *I know Spike and I want Ray back as well. I am trying to be as strong as I can for all of you but I am so out of my depth.* Dancer was holding onto both of them as best possible. They were going to be there for a while.

~~~ Melody talks to Cienna

Melody headed straight to the Liraque Mother while contacting her and Daisy and Aqua, *Cienna I am coming to your room. Dancer has some instructions for you.* *Daisy, Aqua contact Cienna and give her any and all requirements needed to get some contract Liraque to the pack.* She disconnected since she had arrived at Cienna's quarters and the door immediately slid open, "Thank you for the very short notice visit." She settled down on a chair after reversing it and sighed.

Cienna had to smile and walked up behind Melody and started working on her shoulders, *Tell me what is going on Melody. I can feel the emotions surging in the temple so I have a good idea but I want to hear it from you.*

Melody dropped her head forward and groaned slightly as Cienna started working on her shoulders, *I assume you have the info dump from Daisy and Aqua. I am sure you can deal with it without any involvement from Dancer or myself. Dancer wants a Liraque specifically for Gentle as her assigned Liraque if they both accept. She wants someone who...* She leaned forward more against the chair after pulling her robe off.

Cienna listened to both what she was saying as well as to what her body was saying, and she was so tense she knew she had to be hurting, *I think I know who I'll assign to see if they will work together. She is reasonably new and from a different temple, but I have met her, and I think they will get along fine. I have already sent Daisy and Aqua a list of Liraque they can call on and rather bluntly informed them they will accept the help or I'll have them dealing with supplicants for the next six months when they aren't busy.* "Now for you I have sent a message to medical you are off for medical reasons and I am going to give you a massage, warm bath, and invite you to my bed for comfort and if interested a bit of intimacy."

Melody considered protesting for about a half second before Cienna hit a particularly bad knot and tensed up. She let out a groan of pain and then relaxed when Cienna stopped working on it, "Okay, give me a minute to contact Dancer while you get the tub ready. If you keep working on me without loosening my muscles, it's going to be sheer agony." *Dancer, Cienna had me listed as off for the evening for medical and Liraque reasons. She has already dealt with Daisy and Aqua and her recommended Liraque for Gentle should be there shortly. Now if you excuse me I have a hot bath calling my name and then probably a horribly painful massage.*

Cienna was leaning against the door jamb into the bathroom and raised an eyebrow, "Do I need to have your communicator deactivated as well?" She had already withdrawn her suit and her tail was slowly moving back and forth.

Melody groaned at her, "Evil pushy Liraque, if I wasn't so tense, I would come over there and tickle you." She slowly stood up and almost limped over to the bathroom and withdrew her suit as well and had to be helped into the neck deep water. Once Cienna settled into the tub she leaned against her and closed her eyes and tried to relax.

~~~ Gentle meets her Liraque

Dancer heard the entrance chime from the door and activated it. The Liraque who walked in she hadn't had a chance to meet yet and she had to raise an eyebrow. She wasn't as tall as Gentle but was darn close, "Good evening Temple Mother, Pack Mother, Doctor. How may I help you?" As she was talking, she was sampling the emotions in the room and could feel all the tension and conflicting emotions.

Gentle looked up and shock crossed her face, "Zantha? What are you doing here?" She stood up and hurried over to the new Liraque and gave her a good hug which was returned.

Zantha couldn't help but grin at Gentle, "Hey there..." She stepped back though she kept her hands-on Gentle's shoulders, "No longer Dark Song I see and since I can smell mother's milk you have some pups I am thinking. I can feel your sadness and stress. Will you accept me as your Liraque for as long as you need?"

Gentle couldn't help but smile when her friend took a step back and gave her a good look, "I'll never answer to that name again. My Pack Father renamed me to Gentle Resolute Song and it's right." She did blush when Zantha mentioned pups and couldn't help looking slightly shy, "I do, and would you like to meet them?" At the question of accepting her as her Liraque she hugged her again, "Thank you and I accept you as my Liraque."

Dancer couldn't help but glance at the two of them. Where Gentle Song was dark and muscular the other female was light and though still muscular wasn't nearly as heavily muscled. Her hair was silvery as her eyes and her hair cascaded down her back, "So you two know each other?"

Zantha laughed, "We do since we belonged to the same pack years ago. The location we come from was rather small, so all the children attended the same school until they were twelvish or so. In the morning Gentle and I did school and then I would go to the Liraque training in the afternoon. She would go and do her thing. Even after we ended up going our own way we kept in touch."

Gentle turned to Dancer, "I am going to go down and check on everyone and introduce my Liraque if you don't mind." She moved over to Spike and gave her a hug, "You do need to talk to Dancer both for help and to talk all the medical stuff. Take all the time you need."

Dancer gave her a smile and nod, "I can tell you feel better even now though it's momentarily. Take your babies and relax." She smiled a slight bit more as the two-left arm in arm and talking quietly.

Gentle had a pensive expression on her face, "There has been so much happen in the last eight or so months it will take me a while to catch you up. It has been a very trying time and especially for the Pack Father and his siblings. Whatever else just keep an open mind since things have been really interesting." She rolled her eyes when she said it.

Zantha smiled and leaned against Gentle and listened to her, "Just based on the underlying sadness as well as tiredness I can tell. We will work on it and help you and your pack through it." The rest of the walk was in silence until they entered the section. It took the girls a moment to notice the two of them and it gave her time to look around. There were three major groups, the young girls around a young Folician male, a second group around an older human male, and several around another Liraque.

Gentle moved over to Hands and Savory and knelt after giving her pups to Zantha, "Hello you two, I am going to be here overnight, but I would like to introduce you to a very good friend and my new Liraque." As she was talking, she was stroking their hair in comfort. When Nuzzle crawled into her arms Gentle gave her a good hug and peck.

Hands returned the hug as well and so did Savory. He finally let Gentle go and looked at the new female and couldn't help but smile, "It's nice to meet a friend of Gentle's. I am Pack Father Hands of Pack Liraque and this is my Pack Mother Savory. The little girl in Gentle's arms is my Liraque Nuzzle." He moved over to Zantha and gave her a good hug and smiled up at her, "Well at least you aren't quite as tall as Gentle."

Gentle didn't even think before lightly bopping him on the head, "Be nice to your Pack Mother silly boy." She was smiling but trying to keep the façade up though it was hard, "I am going to steal a good cuddle from my little brother and his Pack Mother." *I really need a good hug from you. I know you have had your own problems but not having our Pack Father at home is causing stress to the pack. It's helping we can come and spend time with him but we need him back sooner than later.*

Hands leaned into Gentle and rubbed his face against her side, "Let's sit down and Zantha could you please hand me Snuggles? I have an urge to cuddle them though with having Vyra's babies, Flitter's, and now yours it feels like a daycare. I mean we even have slightly older pups as well." He tickled Nuzzles foot and smiled as she kicked at him.

Gentle settled down and Hands took Nuzzle from her before settling in her lap and leaned against her, "Go ahead and sniff and try and relax." He looked over at Zantha and waved her over to the couch, "Please have a seat. There isn't any reason to stand." He now called over too Spicy, "Would you mind getting Zantha and Gentle some tea? I would appreciate a cup of coffee as well."

Zantha brought the boy over and handed him to Hands before sitting down. Right now, she wasn't saying much since she was evaluating the pack and how Hands was handling the girls. So far, he seemed to be doing a good job unlike a Folician male of his age. From the looks of it he was far more mature than a Folician male at this point.

Spicy came over and gave him a quick nuzzle and kiss, "Not a problem Hands." She paused to sniff his hair for a few moments.

"If you silly girls keep sniffing, I might run out of the Pack Father scent." He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and returned the kiss, "Thank you Spicy for all you do for our pack. If Savory is the Pack Mother, you and Salty are in a way the glue who holds us together. It means so much to me and I am so happy the two of you kidnapped me."

She had to giggle slightly at his teasing but leaned into his kiss and then dropped her ears and blushed, "Thank you, Hands." Spicy nuzzled his ear for a moment before leaning back and briefly talking to Zantha before heading to the kitchen.

Hands noticed Dreamer sit up and stretch and called him over, "Dreamer would you come here? I have someone I would like to introduce you to." He handed Snuggle to Savory before urging Nuzzle to sit next too Gentle. He held his hands out to Dreamer and pulled him up on his lap. They were all trying to be humorous but to be honest it was failing miserably. Once he had wrapped his arms around the boy, he looked at Zantha, "Dreamer this is Zantha who is Gentle's Liraque. She is also a really good friend of Gentle's. Why don't you go over and say hello?"

Dreamer padded over to Hands and relaxed into his arms, "Thank you, Hands. I really miss mommy so much." He didn't start crying again but it was very clear he was feeling distressed. When Hands introduced the other female, his eyes widened, and he gave her a shy smile. Her coloration was very rare, and she was pretty as well. After a bit of urging he slid off Hands lap and moved over to her.

Zantha leaned forward a bit and reached out to him. She gently stroked one cheek and then his hair before urging him closer and wrapped her arms around him, "I am sorry to hear it Dreamer. Come have a seat and I'll give you a good hug and we can talk." Spicy came up with the drinks and even had one for Dreamer, "Thank you Spicy."

Hands was feeling stressed and tired enough he knew his pack wasn't going to be up very late for which he didn't blame them. After he had held Gentle for a while he started circulating around the room and giving hugs and kisses out. He took the time to make sure and briefly mention something he appreciated about each of the girls. In the case of the little girls he told them just how much he enjoyed their little sneak attacks of the cuddles.

By the time he was done Dreamer and the youngest were curled up and asleep. Kythryn was holding Dreamer close and the other young pups were curled up around them. Soft snores were coming from them and by now some of the emotions had relaxed which really helped. Hands was now sitting in Zantha's lap and relaxed against her. His eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep. Nuzzle had curled up with Dreamer as well and was asleep. Savory was settled in Gentle's lap and arms as well.

Zantha looked over at Gentle and gave her a slight smile, *I am very impressed with this young Pack Father. Even as stressed and upset as he is, watching him go to each of the girls and spend a few minutes with them was special. His taking the time to tell each of them what he appreciated was beyond anything I had expected. I can see why you care for him and why his pack loves him. If Ray is anything like him I might break the Liraque code and be jealous of you.* She smiled so Gentle knew she was joking.

Gentle had to smile at Hands and her eyes softened and some of the strain faded, *He is special, and I firmly think it was how he was raised. Though there is a fair amount of gender inequality on his planet his parents raised him knowing women are people also. Even if he wasn't told specifically by his father or mother he was exposed to boyfriend and girlfriend relationships. He was taught how to treat a female and I have a feeling his being a Pack Father has reinforced it. Now as far as Ray for a small fee I'll rent him to you for a night or two.*

Gentle had to snicker quietly, *Flitter used to complain about my not letting either of them getting much sleep but half of it was Ray. He might not have had much experience before being brought aboard but Goddess did he learn.* She didn't even bother to hide the slight arousal thinking about Ray caused.

Zantha barely managed not to laugh, *Well, I'll have to meet him first but you do realize when all of you go into heat unless he finds a Liraque I'll be sharing the bed with Ray and whoever.* She winked at Gentle when she said it, *I am tired and I think Hands has fallen asleep and Savory definitely has. How about we settle down and curl around them and go to sleep also.*

Gentle returned the wink before carefully standing up. With both Gentle and Vyra there nursing the babies wouldn't be a problem. They also had the milk supplies in the fridge as well and the girls could help if needed. She settled down with Savory next to her and Zantha did the same with Hands and they all fell asleep.

Vyra had to grin slightly though it was a tired grin and didn't last very long. She settled down and curled up around one of the other girls and felt another move closer to her back. She closed her eyes and was quickly asleep.

~~~ Spike gives Dancer a medical report

After Gentle and Zantha left the office Spike settled down on the floor and rested her head on Dancer's lap, *Thank you Temple Mother for giving me this comfort. All of us are so tired and it's really starting to strain the pack. As much as anything we need our Pack Father back. Having Ray and Gentle enjoy a quiet evening was very helpful but only for a short term. It's also helpful being able to spend an evening with him and sleep curled up next to him but... Oh, damn it, we need our Pack Father back and we need time. I honestly don't know how much more we can take and remain functional.*

Dancer started stroking her hair and listened to what was almost heart wrenching cry for help, *We need to speak calmly, and I need your unbiased report. For the moment I am going to put a block on some of your emotions. As soon as we are done talking, I'll remove the blocks and help you deal with them. Do I have your permission?*

Spike didn't move as she was getting the attention, *Please Temple Mother. We need to deal with this and the sooner the better.* As soon as she gave permission she felt a calm soothing blanket absorbing her distress, anger, and sadness. She gave Dancer a few minutes to completely mute those emotions before she sat up, "Thank you and to keep from this going on to long I am going to give you a summary of the report and my medical opinions."

Spike stood up and settled down in a chair across from Dancer, "You should have my report already but if this lasts long enough, I am going to review it. This is to ensure my emotions didn't impact on my report. Having said that it's my medical opinion based on the status of the Pack Father, Pack, and his siblings they are not emotionally able to function. I am not saying this from not able to sign legal documents and similar matters, I am saying emotionally they are sufficiently stressed if they were to be called to court over Dreamer or the death of his mother, they couldn't handle it. There is a very good chance the stress would cause Pack Father Johnson to relapse. It could easily cause Pack Father Hands to have an emotional breakdown related to the death he caused. They need time to step back relax, actually mourn the various deaths and give their emotional wounds a chance to start healing."

Dancer sighed since it was pretty much what she had figured, "Thank you for the report Spike and how is Ray doing? I understand he went to medical again?" It was concerning since he didn't need the stress from the meeting and now all the grief from his family and this pack.

Spike did growl at that and there was a surge in her anger, and it was definitely obvious, "When I find who caused the wreck, I am going to challenge them and then rip them into bloody strips." She snarled and then took a slow deep breath and tried to calm her emotions. Spike also had to force her hands to loosen up since her claws were starting to dig in her palms, "Sorry Temple Mother but he is going to be in medical for a day or two this time." She swallowed another snarl, "I would strongly recommend you send Hands and Savory to her house now. Nuzzle as well of course but as much as I hate to say it not Dreamer. His emotions will impact on Hands' emotions and he needs a total break from all the emotions."

Dancer had to struggle to calm Spike's surge of anger and rage. This was getting reported to all the Temple Mothers. As central as the two packs were becoming to the temples this was something they needed to discuss. Once she had managed to calm Spike enough, she sent a message for an emergency session of the senior Temple Mothers and Fathers, "I'll take care of it and have them leave in the morning. Do you think it might help if Hands' pack went to your pack and spent time there? As far as Ray I am going to pray to the Goddess this evening and see if she will respond." She finally stood and pulled Spike up.

"Come let us go and relax and I'll hold you while we sleep." She pulled Spike up and into a hug and gave her a kiss, "If you need some other comfort it would be fine as well, I am not your pack father but sometimes a good physical release can help as you know."

Spike was rather startled by the offer and wasn't just tempted to take her up on it she leaned into the kiss, *I would enjoy it Dancer. I have to admit it has been a while and you are right it would help a great deal.* She lightly nibbled on Dancers lips as she withdrew her suit.

~~~ Gloria curls up next to Ray

Once the scan was done Gloria was helped out of the scanner, "Ray was hoping you would join him in the room he is in. He said he wanted to talk to you while he had some privacy." The medic gave her a wry grin, "I am sure you have started to notice when it comes to Liraque, privacy is limited due to what we are."

Gloria hadn't really realized it but carefully considering what she had been told and seen she sort of understood, "Actually I hadn't but it does make some sort of sense. If you can show me to his room, I would appreciate it." They walked to the room and after walking in Gloria approached the bed and pulled her robe off and slid in between the covers and moved over to Ray. For some odd reason he helped comfort and relax her as well.

Ray felt her slide into bed with him and moved over and wrapped his arms around her and settled a hand on the baby bump. He was mostly asleep, and it was mostly unconscious since he had been given some medications to sleep and relax, "Mmm... Warm, comfortable." He quickly fell asleep again.

~~~ Misty runs

When Hands started to fall apart Misty felt it and stood but was stopped by Skye, "Misty don't. I know you are being drawn to your brother, but you need to stay here." She wasn't going to let her go since she was going to end up amplifying both her feelings and his. He didn't need it, and she didn't need it.

Misty stopped but her face hardened, "Skye he is my brother. I have to go to him. He needs me." She was looking Skye in the eye as she said it, "I have failed him before. I am not going to fail him again. I have to be there for him Skye."

Skye moved forward towards Misty and rested her hands-on Misty's shoulders, "Listen to me Misty and believe me when I say this is the truth. If you go to him right now in the state, you are in you will be failing him. Your emotions are as screwed up as his are his. If you go to him right now all you will be doing is amplifying his feelings. He won't know it and it will only make him feel even worse."

Misty stared at her and as much as she tried to hide the feelings, she knew Skye was right. It made her hurt even worse since she felt like she was failing not just her little brother but her family and both packs. When Skye moved closer and rested her hands on her shoulders it was too much and emotionally, she fell apart. She shoved Skye's arms away from her and ran out of the room.

By the time she hit the door to the section her eyes were already starting to flood with tears. She was feeling almost totally useless and needed to get away from everyone and everything. As she ran into the courtyard, she sent a command to her robes and changed the colors. Moments later she was outside and ran. When she ran, she aimed for the darkest street and did her best to hide. She set her implant to private mode which meant she couldn't be tracked without police or judicial order. Misty also set it to not accept any calls.

Inside Skye was shocked enough as well as the others when Misty ran. By the time they had recovered from the shock most of them dashed after her. By the time they figured out she wasn't in the temple she had turned her implant off, "Damn it, Misty you... Oh, just damn you. I wanted to help you and not drive you away." She was starting to cry herself.

Shadow came over and wrapped her arms around Skye and gave her a good hug, *Let's go back to our section and contact our priestess so she knows. She will know what to do from there.* Shadow turned to lead Skye back and Thunder stepped up to her other side and wrapped her arm around her as well.

"Come and I'll make you some herbal tea. Give her some time and if she doesn't come back, we will go look for her and find her. Right now, she is going to need some time to give vent. The senior priestess for this area has been notified and they will keep an eye out for her." She could feel Skye's sadness and agony at not being able to help Misty.

Outside Misty had finally found a dark corner in a park and pulled her robe around her and started crying even harder. For the moment she didn't care the weather was turning colder. She was so wrapped in her misery, she didn't even notice the snow starting.

Down a path in the park she heard a shuffling though and when she looked up, she saw a figure with a walking staff. Whoever it was appeared to be rather old since they were limping and shuffling along. Once she had decided the person wasn't a threat she curled back up and settled for shivering. For the moment she was done crying but didn't want to go back at all. She was distraught enough calling her ship suit forward wasn't on her mind. As she was sitting there a voice caught her attention and she looked up.

The old male gave her a gentle smile as he stood a short distance away, "You alright hun? I heard you crying and wanted to make sure everything was okay. Mind if an old male settles down on the bench?" He was leaning against his tall wooden staff.

Misty wiped remaining tears off her face and looked up again at him. He was definitely old, and his hair was white and in a long braid and his whiskers were white as well. His face was gentle, and his eyes were dancing with pleasure. For some reason Misty felt she could trust him, "I wish I could say I was, but I would be lying." She lowered her head back down to her knees.

He settled down next to her and casually flipped his heavy robe over her, "You are freezing child. What are you doing out here in the cold with just your trainee robe on? Let me give you a bit of warmth with my over robe." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as well, "What has your tail in a knot young lady? I can at least listen to your upsets and maybe give you a bit of comfort."

Misty moved towards him and leaned against his side and shivered slightly though the warmth was starting to help, "Thank you and it just has been such a hard year for my family. Losing our parents, finding Ray's mate was an alien..." She pretty much spilled her guts to the old man as she leaned against him. As Misty was talking, she couldn't help but smile since she recognized his scent, "So what is a Pack Father doing out here? Aren't you all supposed to be like kept secure and all safe and everything?"

He listened to her talking and had to stroke her hair to comfort her. When she stopped talking, he couldn't help but sigh, "That's quite a bit of heartache for all of you to have had to deal with. I am so sorry for this and wish there was something I could do to help you other than listen." He pulled a thermos out of a pocket and then started laughing at her comment, "I am old and have turned my pack over many years ago. I have taken on other responsibilities. Besides who would be scared of an old tired Inu?"

Misty was feeling much more relaxed now she had vented. Tears were still flowing but the horrible sobs had stopped. The warmth of the robe and his body was helping her relax, "I just feel like I have failed my mom. She would have wanted me to take care of them, but it seems like every time I gain some traction something else takes our feet out from under us. I am tired and don't have the energy to keep going."

When he laughed at her question, she simply rubbed her face against his chest, "Not scared, comforted by a kindly Pack Father and I wish I could introduce you to Ray. I think both of you would get along well."

He started laughing more. Somehow, he had a feeling Ray wouldn't agree currently, "I have some warm cider if you would like. It's quite good and a Pack Mother I know makes it and she is a very good cook." After twisting the top off the thermos, he offered her a drink.

She did smile as the scent reached her nose and took the thermos and took a drink, "That's good and thank you. Would you mind sitting here with me for a while? I don't want to go back to the temple yet since I'm not sure I can handle it." She took another drink and it was warming her as well as relaxing her. She handed the thermos back.

"I'll sit here as long as you need Misty. Relax and sleep for a while young lady and I'll protect you." It was a whisper as she fell asleep and both faded away from view.

The Pack Father appeared in the Goddesses realm. She was going to be angry since he hadn't requested access, but she would understand. Once he stepped through the portal he walked over to the Goddess and knelt and placed Misty in her lap, "Please forgive my unrequested entrance. She needs you as well and she belongs to you. I'll leave now and let you be in peace." He stood and before she could say anything, he faded out again.

The Goddess sighed at the silly male. Some days he gave her headaches and then he did things like this. She wrapped her arms around Misty and held her close for several minutes before removing the spell of sleep on her, *Wake up my child and let me comfort you.* Her soft hands were stroking Misty's hair and face.

When Misty did wake up, she was warm and comfortable again. Hearing the voice in her head she looked up and had to close her eyes again. The sympathy and sadness in the female's eyes were too much. She turned so her head was to the woman's chest and sighed, *I don't want comfort; I want this to be over with. I want to be able to simply go to school, learn to use my powers, and relax with my girlfriend. I want my little brother to be able to cuddle his girlfriend, get puppy piled by Nuzzle and her friends. I want my older brother to be able to go home, watch him relax in Gentle's lap and snicker at how small he looks against her. I want to see our family grow up and cuddle the next group of pups he fathers.*

The Goddess listened to her talking and sighed, "Believe me child I do understand what you are saying. I wish there was something I could have done but as much as I regret saying it what all of you have experienced is for the good of our world. You can't see all the forces in play right now. All three of you are a blessing to this world and I am so proud of you Mist of the Water. Keep Sunny close since she will provide the light you need. I sent her to you to give you someone to care for and make you giggle."

Misty didn't move from where she was as she listened. She did have to smile at the mention of Sunny and then she froze, "You sent her? Who are you who thinks you sent Sunny to me?" Now it was getting a bit creepy, "Hey, where am I and what happened to the old man?" Now she was starting to stress.

The woman had a rich melodic laugh, "Well I am sorry, but I haven't had a chance to meet you yet in person. I am your Goddess Misty." Her hand stroked her cheek, "How Flitter loved you and I can see why. You are a special young woman and I wish to thank you for coming to save our people as well." She had to laugh again, "The old man as you put it's the Pack Lord, God of Pack Fathers and males. He brought you here since he felt you needed me."

Misty had to roll over and stare at her and she couldn't help but giggle. It was a full-blown teen girl giggle, "Oh god and I told him I would love to introduce him to Ray." It was too much to handle and if she hadn't been lying down, she would have collapsed she was laughing so hard.

She heard a deep male voice, "You called Mist of the Water? How may I help you?" There was definite amusement in his voice when he spoke.

Misty sat up and stared at him and had to blink. It was the same man just minus the white hair and whiskers. His eyes were twinkling in amusement, "I have to admit I did almost die laughing when you said you wanted to introduce me to Ray. He amuses me and has some great jokes. Hands is going to grow into a fine young male. His Pack Mother is a cute girl also. She will be good for him."

Before Misty could say anything, the Goddess spoke, "I have to send you back my child. Since you are here physically, I can't allow you to stay. I am sending you back. Go to Skye and allow her to comfort you. Hands is going to Savory's in the morning, Dancer is working with the temple legal on the issue with Dreamer. Gentle has a Liraque and the Pack Lord is going to go and have a talk with Gerdal. Talk to Dancer about getting a week off and go to a retreat. Actually, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it. I'll talk to you later and I am pleased I finally got a chance to meet you."

Misty rubbed her head, "I could deal with the alien thing, Ray having more pups than you can shake a stick at, and even being renamed by a darling little girl. I am not sure I can handle dealing with Gods and Goddesses." She covered her face with her hands and fell asleep under the Goddesses influence. When she woke she was back in her bed.

The God looked down at Misty and then squatted down and stroked her hair, "Such a strong young lady. I'll have to keep an eye on her." Just for good measure he winked at the Goddess and she growled at him just for good measure, "I'll take her back since I have one more stop to make." He looked up at the Goddess and his eyes were looking tired, "Would you mind if I came back and relaxed with you? I feel the need of some comfort as well." When she nodded, he lowered his ears as he picked Misty up and vanished.

After he delivered Misty he turned into a ballof light. Once it happened, he floatedthrough the wall and found Hands' rooms. He settled over his forehead and gently called forward memories ofChristmas with his family and added a very subtle urge to celebrate somethingto bring some happiness to both packs. Once done he faded away and headed to the Goddess.
