Chapter 9 - The Pack Lord Visits Gerdal

~~~ Sees Far in the distant past

The Pack Father's son woke in the early morning and rolled on his back and stretched before looking at the leather cover of his tent. The thick furs under his back were warm and comfortable. Beneath them was a layer of springy branches for some extra comfort. They would be shortly moving to their winter hunting grounds. They had been using the cave for longer than they could remember. The pack had pretty much outgrown it so there was only the very central core of the pack who went. It was a sacred site to the pack his father was in charge of.

They had two songs which were passed down from the Pack Mother and Pack Father to their heir and future Pack Mother. One song was for the females to learn with the exception of the Pack Father. The other was for the males with the exception of the Pack Mother. It was about how the Gods came down and protected the pack from some unspecified danger. One of the other packs they occasionally dealt with had a similar set of songs as well. It was one reason the two packs were tied together though they were days apart at their closest approach to each other's territory.

Moments later he rolled out of bed and slung the leather skirt around his waist and secured it. After that was a leather vest with a furred liner since it was getting colder. After a brief glance outside he decided he didn't need his rain skin since the sun was up and their shaman hadn't detected any snow or rain storms for the next few days. Right now, they were going to start packing to head to the cave. For some other odd reason, they only took three males and ten females though the normal count was seven females to each male. As it was since he was still fairly young, he only had three females who looked to him.

His father had the traditional seven, one for each of the sub packs who looked to him. There were several other males. Depending on their rank dictated if they had females looking to them or if they just serviced the unattached females. Granted if a female wished to spend time with a senior male they would go to the senior mate and request an evening with the male. Since he was the Pack Leader's son and heir to the pack if he wished he could have plenty of action but for the most part he was content with the three in his life.

Once outside he found his three females working. Two were starting to break down the tent and pack it up. The third was fixing him something to eat and carried it over as well as a skin of cold water, "Here you go Sees Far." Once he took the food from her, he settled down to eat. Once done he would check with his father to see what he was to take care of. Since he was young his father had a habit of rotating him through the various jobs needed.

After returning from speaking to his father he told his mates he was to help with the pack beasts. He was to organize them and have the proper amount led to the various family groups. When the core of the Pack moved to the cave the rest would head to the hunting grounds further south. They would keep in contact with each other via runners.

Since much of the camp had been packed up already the majority of it was taking down the tents and packing the items on the travois they were to be using. It didn't take very long and since they had started shortly after the sun had risen, they were on the trail with plenty of day left. The infants were being carried by their mothers and pack sisters. The toddlers and somewhat older children were tucked into a travois. The older pups walked and swapped out spots on the travois when they were tired.

Once they were on the trail Sees trotted to the front to speak briefly with his father, "Morning Sire, from here has the shaman given you a number of days it should take?" He needed to know to ensure the hunters would have an idea how much meat they would need.

His father nodded, "Good question son and the shaman indicated four or five suns unless a storm happens. She wasn't given an indication any might appear but as you know the Gods and Goddesses do as they wish."

"I understand father and as you said the Gods and Goddesses do what they will for good or ill. I'll speak with the lead huntress and let her know before I return to the tail of the pack." He turned and trotted back and after stopping to speak to the huntress he went back to the tail and took up position.

~~~ Ray goes into a trance again

While Ray and Gloria were sleeping another glowing ball of light appeared and hovered over him and moved to his head. When it did a quiet voice could be heard, "Come my son it's time for your last foray into the past." The globe settled onto his forehead and sank into it. The sensors which had been added with his implant upgrade noticed the changes and sent a signal to the computers.

It was only moments later when the doctor, Temple Mother, and Spike walked into the room. All of them viewed the report on their VRHUD and sighed, "Well Ray is obviously not going to be able to deal with the legal aspects for the time being. I am going to wake Gloria and then take him to the ICU and get him setup again." As bad as it sounded this might be a good thing since he couldn't be available for any court issues and he had to be. He had been summoned as the guardian of Hands since Hands couldn't represent himself.

"Gloria, wake up please. I haven't met you, but I am the Temple Mother." It took a few moments before the woman started to wake.

"Huh? What? What can I do for you?" She yawned and stretched before sitting up and looking at them. All she had on was a loose shirt which showed the gentle curve of her pregnancy.

"Ray has lapsed into a trance and needs to be taken to a special ICU room. He is okay and just classify it as a Folician related medical issue." She had settled down on the edge of the bed and lightly stroked his face, "Hopefully he won't have the same experience this time as last time." She had to grin when she said it, and the doctor laughed.

Gloria looked horrified and turned to Ray who was on his back. He had a slight smile on his face and when she touched his other cheek, he was warm, "What happened last time and, oh never mind I don't want to know." She slid off the bed and looked at Spike, "Are you sure he will be okay? How long will he be in this trance thing?"

Spike moved over and wrapped an arm around Gloria, "He's fine, and this will be the third time for this. I am sure he will be fine. The last two lasted about four days each and he woke up after the last one." She had to grin slightly, "His first words were 'that bastard spiked my drink' followed by how a male shouldn't experience either childbirth or be on the receiving end of sex. I don't know any more than that since we haven't really talked to him as he has been healing."

Gloria stared at her unsure of if she believed it. She did snicker since she could see him saying something like it though the snicker died fairly quickly, "I am not sure my brain is going to survive on this darn world. I might have to go back to Earth to save my sanity." She had to shake her head, "If someone can show me back to the section, I slept last night I am sure I can crawl in somewhere."

Spike had to grin at her, "Flitter said it a few times while she was on Earth and some of Ray's jokes were going to drive her to drinking if she hadn't been pregnant." She left the medical section with Gloria and slowly walked her to the pack section. By now most everyone was asleep in a dog pile around Dreamer, "Poor pup, his mother died today in the hospital. When things like this happen, we tend to dog pile since it lets us know at least some of our Pack members are there."

Gloria sighed, *I have gotten some information on what all they have gone through and I really hope it calms down soon for all of them.* Once she was inside she gave Spike a hug, "I am going to crawl in and if you wish to join me I'd appreciate it." She slowly walked into the room and found the bed she and Storm had used. She was pleased Storm was there already and when she crawled in Storm curled up next to her as she was sleeping. Gloria was quickly asleep after curling up with her.

Ray woke up in the garden again and settled for heaving a sigh, "Oh joy, again huh? As beautiful as this place is, I am starting to dread waking here." He sat up and shifted so he was looking at her, "Mindless Servant of the Goddess reporting for random usage. How may I mindlessly serve the Goddess?" He settled for yawning and a stretch.

She frowned at him since she wasn't quite sure what he meant by it. It wasn't a joke she was familiar with and what she sensed from his mind didn't help. It confused her even more, *Well you look rather sexy with the darling ears and tail. I figured I would see if you wanted to spend a small bit of time in my bower.* If he was going to tease her she was going to retaliate.

Ray grumbled at her, "Sorry but since I am a mindless servant of the Goddess that function has been disabled. So why did you do this to me? What did I do this time to annoy you?" What really rankled was he simply couldn't figure it out. If he knew what he had done, he could deal with what she had done.

She growled at him, *For your information I didn't do this to you. I am very pleased with your service to me for the most part even if you are irreverent.* She leaned forward and the neck of her loose shirt hung down. It was rather obvious she didn't have any sort of bra on and had very shapely breasts. Just for good measure she smiled at him, *Are you sure you wouldn't like to spend time in my bower? I am going to be going into heat soon...*

He blinked at her and it only took a second for him to realize what she meant, and he sighed again, "Great and now I get to figure out what I did to annoy him." He groaned and then tensed and looked at her in shock, "Um, not really sure what to say about it and I am not sure I am up to fathering a child of a Goddess or raising him or her." The idea rather appalled him though his eyes did automatically check when her shirt hung low. He managed to jerk his eyes away thankfully or he would have turned purple.

She winked at him, "And who says you aren't? I do like you and you are an excellent father to your pups." This time she actually spoke, "The Pack Lord needs to send you back for the last visit to the past. This is going to be very different, but he will explain it to you." She opened the hole in her world for him to enter.

He stepped in and smiled, "Hello Ray and it's good to see you awake and doing well. Come over here and let's sit in the shade and talk for a while." He pulled two mugs out after settling down, "It's spiked but not in the way you think. This allows you to separate your soul from your body and allows you to be sent where we need you. The last two times you were just an observer. You could and did experience what they did but you couldn't interfere with their actions. This was because their consciousness was too basic. This time I am honestly not sure if you will be able to or not."

Ray had settled down and took the drink without worrying about it. He could understand the need for the drink once it was explained and when he took a sip this time he had to grin. It was mulled cider which made him check his Earth calendar, "Oh heck it's almost Christmas time on Earth. Depending on how long this takes I might be able to organize something for it." He took another drink of the cider, "I can tell there is more you need to tell me so please continue."

The God nodded and tilted his head, "Christmas? Oh, a celebration of the birth of one of your Deities. Interesting and I wish I could tell you if you will or won't because these things take place in their own time. One concern I do have, and I was going to mention it even if you hadn't prompted me. Since the body you will end up in will essentially be a modern Folician. There is still some evolution left to get to a current Folician, but it's small things such as loss of some last bits of fur and such." He took another drink.

"My concern is if you can merge your consciousness with the other, you might retain some of what makes the other person him. The flip side of the coin is you might impress some of your personality on him. In either case unless you make some massive change to back then the flow of time will smooth out. So, from that point of view I don't have any concerns. My concern is when you return you might not be quite the same as you are now. The basic you will be you but there might be some carry over. Due to my concern of this I am asking you to go back and not demanding or expecting you to." He finished his mug and set it to the side.

Ray looked down and contemplated the mug before taking another drink out of it. One more and he would be done with it. He finally looked up at the god and he looked tired but there was resolution in his eyes, "I'll do it. If something happens and I can't make it back, take care of my brother since he falls under your authority. I know the Goddess will watch over my sister and the other females. Hands needs your protection more than anything since so much has happened to him on Folicia. He has impressed me with how he has stood up and taken responsibility, but he needs a break." He rubbed his face and took the last drink, "I do have one question, what the hell did I do to irritate you?"

The god met his eyes and he slowly nodded, "I'll take care and protect him Ray, you have my promise on that though the chances of your not coming back are incredibly slim. I am a god you know, and I'll be watching." He couldn't resist and pulled a massive cup of coffee out of the air. What was so incongruous was the fact it was one of the stainless-steel keg looking mugs, "He will get a break when he goes to Savory's family. The rest of both your packs will as well. The Goddess and I have discussed this and though you do have more problems to face you will have the breathing space to recover and heal. Now as far as the body whoever said I was upset? It's a gift from me for everything you have done for our world." He winked at him, "You have to admit your mate did enjoy the time you spent together right? Now sleep my son and worry not about the people who look to you."

Ray yawned and before he could reply he fell asleep.

The God looked at the Goddess, "It was an interesting offer you made him. Don't you think he is going to have enough of an impact on our world? Granted the child would still be Mortal but they always seem to stick out and make major changes."

She smiled at him, "I am still somewhat miffed with you for foisting the blame off on me. It doesn't mean I would be doing this in revenge, but he is a very interesting mortal and I have a feeling we would enjoy ourselves." She ran her fingers through her hair as she was thinking and smiled, "Besides I do feel my loins starting to quicken so it's time for another child. It has been some time since my last."

He nodded at her and shrugged, "It's your choice though I have to admit I would be slightly envious if he did take you up on the offer but as I said it's your choice. Thank you for the drink and I think I am going to go and visit with Hands for a few and plant a suggestion in his mind." He faded from view.

~~~ The packs are collected

The beings were settled around the table and reviewing the worlds development they were in charge of. Since they were such an old race, they were considered wise and knowledgeable by the few species they routinely dealt with. Because of this millions of years ago they had come to the conclusion their purpose in the order of things was to help encourage the growth of intelligent races. This was to help expand the knowledge of the universe and bring some order to the chaos.

The Senior looked around and smiled at his old friend, "It's good to see you one more time. You will be missed when you return to our home-world and pass on your learning to both the new researchers as well as the racial mind. As all of you know we are coming back for a final inspection on one of the races who held so much potential. Once the evolution blocks on the DNA was modified, they started developing quite well and are showing good growth. One very fascinating item is their connection with the deities of their world. It's stronger than many of the others. Be this because of who they are or what we have done we don't know."

He took a sip of his drink, "Because of this we need to be exceptionally careful when we manipulate the time stream. Statistically speaking the tiny blip on the time stream shouldn't be noticed since there are now a large number of the beings. They have spread out over a fair portion of one of the land masses and part of another. Removing the fifty to seventy beings shouldn't be noticed and especially since they will be returned. Also based on some intensive modeling of the DNA they shouldn't be gone nearly as long as the first two groups. Having said it, First, what do you have to report?"

First returned his old friends smile, "Since we have been taking DNA samples every five to seven generations, we have an excellent database of their development. Every one-hundred thousand years we have set the DNA to be analyzed to see what we might need to correct. It has also been checked to see if we need to introduce new DNA into the packs and we do. I have reviewed the results and one last massive infusion of the foreign DNA should resolve and fix any remaining problems. The easiest way to resolve this will be to breed the two races and then as we have been, allow two generations to intermingle and then add in one more female."

Senior contemplated it and after a short time nodded, "That sounds reasonable but this time we are going to bring your pack aboard and once we are sure they are breeding true we will return them and do the rest of the packs. This way if it doesn't work, we can rethink this and see what we need to do. Send for one of the foreign females to be brought here. If possible, try and make sure she won't be missed. If she has a child, it's fine but preferably not." He then nodded to the next team leader to report.

~~~ Memories of Christmas Past

Hands and Savory didn't sleep very well, not until some point when memories of Holidays at home started. When they did, he started relaxing and a slight smile could be seen on his face. Memories of hanging lights and decorations outside, finding the perfect tree, staring at the pile of presents, and making cookies all could be felt. He woke up the next morning feeling content and though still sad and angry they were sort of distant. As he was laying there, Savory was in his arms with Nuzzle between them.

He stroked Savory's back and was enjoying the warmth of the contact. He could feel an increased connection with her through the touch. She finally started waking up and made a small contented sound, "Morning Savory and I know one thing which will help my family. On earth we have a celebration of the birth of one of our Gods called Christmas. It's a time of year for cheer, a time to reconnect with your family, and to exchange gifts. I like this idea and I am going to talk to Misty and Ray about it. We can call it one of the first new pack traditions."

Savory was enjoying the attention and it felt very good. Nuzzle had woken up while Hands was talking and after a brief hug she headed for the bathroom. Once she had moved Savory rolled on her stomach and sighed, *Please continue, your hand feels really good.* As his hand was stroking her back she turned her head and smiled at him, *That's an excellent idea Hands. Most of the ceremonies we have are temple based other than birthdays. I like the sounds of it and it would be something to help boost spirits. So tell me more about it please.*

Hands moved closer to her and rested his cheek against her shoulder for a few moments, *It still hurts Savory and I do need to get away.* He pressed a kiss on her shoulder before continuing, *Well it's...* It was still early in the morning and the others were asleep. It was nice to have some quiet time where they could continue connecting, *Back in a minute.*

By now Nuzzle was back and she could sense the two of them needed time. She crawled in between Gentle and Zantha and after a wiggle or two went back to sleep.

Hand went to the bathroom and on the way back out grabbed Savory's lotion. Even though he was still sad and depressed he was going to pay attention to his Pack Mother. It would get his mind off things and might help. When he walked out, she was still laying on her stomach. He settled down, so he was straddling her bottom and leaned forward and moved her hair off her neck, "Relax and let me work some lotion into your skin." After he said it, he squeezed some lotion on his hands and started working it in.

Neither spoke as he was working on her and a few minutes later she returned the favor and then curled up next to each other. After sharing a kiss, they both fell asleep again and slept somewhat better.

~~~ The Pack Lord Visits Ray's pack

The Pack Lord floated through the pack house and sensed Gerdal was in his office. He was feeling tired and stressed much like the rest of the pack and this was his responsibility. Outside the office door he manifested himself and after a knock walked in, "Sit Gerdal, I'm of no threat. Do you know who I am?"

Gerdal twitched when a feeling overcame him before the male walked in. When he did his eyes widened and he started to stand. When he was told to sit, he had to pause since he didn't feel it was right to do so. Instead he stood and slowly walked around the desk and over to the male, "I do Pack Lord, I know who you are and please help me take care of the pack for Ray. I am just a male so there is only so much I can do. We need our Pack Father back to keep the Pack together."

The God looked down at him and pulled him into a good hug, "I wouldn't say just a male, but I understand the intent of what you said. Ray is doing something for me and I decided to fill in for him until he is done. Thank you for doing your best to take care of the ladies and the pack. I am very pleased with you son. You are more than I had expected, and I had high expectations for you."

Just for good measure the God winked at him, "I can see you have been enjoying our gift from both of us. You and Dusty were made for each other and don't take too long to ask." He stepped back and urged Gerdal towards the living area. He had already called the females to the house and to bring their babies as well.

He settled down and looked around, "The ladies will be here in a few moments and then I'll talk to them. I think it might be a good idea if we spent the night here tonight. This will allow all of you to feel my presence and relax."

Gerdal settled down and leaned back and closed his eyes. Frankly this was so outside his normal life he wasn't really sure how to react. He didn't deal with Gods or Goddesses and had long since decided he would take care of his things and they could take care of theirs. Moments later Dusty settled down on his lap and he sat up and had to grin. She was staring at the God with wide open eyes even as she was curled up in his lap.

The Pack Father had a slightly amused expression on his face. For some reason he was feeling rather squirrely tonight, and he looked at her and then crossed his eyes at her and then said 'boo'.

Dusty knew she was staring at him, but she couldn't help it. She knew who he was and could feel his powerful presence. When he crossed his eyes at her, one eyebrow went up and one ear back while the other was pricked forward. When he said 'boo' she screamed and jumped as she clutched at her chest, "Oh you... you..., darn it I can't even mutter at him since he is a God darn it." She crossed her arms and pouted.

Gerdal damn near died laughing on the spot since he saw it coming a mile away. He was still laughing as the others started filtering in. They walked in to see Dusty beating her fists against his chest while he was laughing. The other male was snickering, and his ears were showing obvious amusement.

"Please come in ladies, this is your Pack Father's house. Even though you know who I am, I'm the Pack Lord. Ray is doing something for me and I came to comfort all of you. I wish I could tell you what he is doing but I can't." Then again, he wasn't sure what Ray was doing for him. This was oddly enough something only a mortal could do which he found rather ironic, "I wish to apologize for what both packs have gone through though I won't say I am sorry. It's needed for our race."

As he was looking around the room he almost had to laugh at the expression on Birdy's face. He could tell she was considering trying to take him out. Since he thought it would be amusing, he chose not to say anything, "I can only stay tonight so I don't disrupt the world but If Gerdal can't help you, I'll do what I can. I might not be here in body, but I'll be in spirit." Right about then Birdy did bounce across the room and jumped in his arms. He caught her with an 'oomph' and a grin. He couldn't say anything for a moment as she gave him a good hug and kiss.

Breezy heaved a very patient and put-upon sigh, "There she goes again, all bounce and no brain. At least she is fun in bed." Breezy had a feeling Birdy had done it to get a laugh from everyone which she did. At first it was a stunned silence followed by one or two of the youngest women snickering quietly followed by a few of the older females and then all of them started. Daisy was the last and she ended up curled up on her side crying from laughing so hard.

*Thank you for letting me do it Pack Father. All of us are very stressed and the mood somber. We have been trying but it has been hard.* She pressed another kiss to his lips as she sent to him. She didn't even think or wonder how she could use the communicator to talk to him that way.

He returned the kiss and winked at her, "You might not want to tease me to much Birdy... I don't think you want another child this soon and I am considered very fecund." He was grinning at her when he said it, *I understand which is why I'm here. It won't make it perfect but having a Pack Father for even a short time will help.*

Breezy frowned at her and growled, "Don't even think about it, girl. I like my sleep and our babies have finally started sleeping through the night. I am not sure having the child of a God would leave me sane. With my luck you, your mother, and Ray would teach him bad jokes and he would write them in the stars."

She sighed, "I suppose you are right, but I could also teach her to write 'I love Breezy' in the stars. Can't get a better symbol of my feelings than that, now can I?" Birdy did settle down some and relaxed for a short time in his arms before getting out, "His lap is free, who's next for a good cuddle? I feel better now."

They talked to him for about an hour as the females cycled through getting some attention from him. By the time they started settling down the tension and sadness in the house had faded some. To be honest he had to admit he had enjoyed the evening and the attention. He might be a God and have all kinds of attention from his followers but not this kind. They had treated him as a person and talked. Much of it had been how the things had impacted them but much of it was simple conversation, "I think it's time to go to sleep. I am going to sleep in here and whoever wishes to join me please do."

~~~ A human female and child are collected

The vessel was hovering over the ground below. The sensors on the craft were carefully probing the area looking for a specific resonance. It might take some time to find what they wanted but it wasn't a problem. It was better to take the time to find the best match than take the first match. On this planet they didn't have to be nearly as careful with interfering since the gods were more primal and less involved. They didn't know why the gods and goddesses were different on each world. The working theory was they were formed based on how the sentient beings viewed the world. Since each sentient species developed differently the gods were created differently.

As they were scanning the area they were, it had been chosen since it was very similar to where the Pack lived. They could have chosen someone from most parts, but it would have made it harder for them to survive. Taking someone from a hot zone and sticking them in a cold would force them to compensate for some time while they became used to it. Same for the opposite, going from cold too hot would be hard as well.

Since the two species had very similar body types, they were also trying to find a female who would appeal. The mating would happen but the easier they made it the better it would be all around. The scanning did take some time but eventually they did find one who matched the resonance they needed. She did have a child, but they wouldn't be missed. From the looks of it the camp had been attacked shortly before they had arrived.

*We should check this out. The adult has good resonance, but the child is even better. I'll evaluate the two and be back shortly.* Having the child as well as her mother would preclude the need to find another female for the one pack. By the time the girl was old enough to mate two generations would probably have passed. The being moved out an opening in the vessel and floated down to the ground. In the distance she could hear the sounds of a predator howling. They were getting closer and from the looks of it the corpses were reasonably fresh. If they hadn't arrived the two would probably have been dead soon.

She hadn't appeared directly in front of the female since they preferred to be seen as little as possible. As she moved towards where the female was her robes absorbed sound and obscured her form. She found the female in the remains of a destroyed tent. The baby was wrapped up snuggly next to her as she cried out for the corpse she was holding. From the looks of it the corpse was probably her father. With a silent sigh, she impressed her will on the female and child. Both slumped and started sleeping. With another action both floated up and followed her outside and back to the ship.

Once there they placed her in stasis and headed back to the central lab ship. It would take some time to arrive even with their tech, *Poor child losing her family and tribe like that, she is going to be terrified, but I think in the long run good for her. It will give her a second chance at having a better life.*

The other crew member had to agree, *Very true since she will live longer under our care than she ever would have. She appears to be fairly attractive based on what we have seen, the other species should find her attractive.* As he was talking the vessel accelerated out of the atmosphere and vanished in a flash of light.

~~~ Settling into the cave

The Pack Leader's son was looking around the cave and was pleased. Nothing had made it a den this visit. The last time they had come, a large predator had claimed it. Getting rid of the beast had been rough since it had killed two pack females before it was killed. He had been ten seasons or so old, but it stuck in his mind with clarity. They were going to need to clean it out some since there were bones scattered everywhere but they were at least several moons old.

As he was checking around, his father was checking with the ones who'd come with. The shaman pulled out some of her herbs and created a small bundle of them. Once done she used a small fire someone had started for her to ignite the bundle and tossed it inside. After she had tossed them in, she pulled her fur hood down until the empty eye openings were over her eyes. It was followed by a set of rattles and then she started chanting. This normally took an hour or bit more depending on how the cave felt to her as she was working.

The rest of the pack was unloading and providing guards. It was starting to get dark, so they wanted to get it done before the fire in the sky was extinguished for the night. For tonight it was going to be a stew made with dried meat and vegetables. Tomorrow they would start hunting for fresh meat and plants. By the time all was said and done the cave had been cleansed of any spirits and enough bones moved so they had a sleeping area. Depending on how old the bones were, they might be tossed in the fire. The fat would melt and help the fire burn.

As he settled back against a wall of the cave one of the females came over and settled down next to him and nuzzled his neck. When she started nibbling on his ear, he knew what she wanted and had to smile. Being the Pack Father's heir had some uses. Since he wasn't quite in the mood yet, he gathered the pup he had with her in his arms. The girl was five or so summer's old and was a cute little stinker. She wrapped her arms around her sire's neck and rested against his chest. For the moment all the pack was inside the cave though there were two guarding the entrance.

As they were relaxing something made him look up and he could see the faint outlines of something and then all went black.

The senior for the first team had decided to come down to collect them and had to smile. This male was most obviously a descendant of the first male. He found it rather interesting the ones who could see through his people's stealth seemed to be the leaders of the Packs they had been working with, "It's nice to see your talents have grown. Your ultimate father would be proud of you if he had such an ability."

Once they were back on the ship, they started the normal evaluations, retrieving of samples, ensuring they were physically healthy and then stasis. This time they wouldn't be in there for very long since all they were doing was waiting for the alien female to arrive. The tests were mostly to update their database from the last time they had been here.

~~~ Hands is sent to Savory's family

The Temple Mother walked into the section right as people were starting to wake up. She took a moment to sense the emotional atmosphere in the room and was pleased. There was still a great deal of sadness from the girls and Dreamer, but it had reduced slightly. From Hands there was anger as well as some general stress. Both could be attributed to the long-term problems as well as the short term. Gentle was feeling better which was good, "Good morning children and stray adults." She grinned at the adults.

Hands gave her a strained smile, "Good morning ma'am and how are you doing? How may we help you today?" It wasn't normal for her to randomly walk into a section. She did make sure and visit all the students periodically but never in the morning.

"Good morning to you as well Strong Hands and everyone else. I have talked to Dr. Spike and based on her recommendation you, Nuzzle, and Savory are going to be leaving to her parent's house today. She feels you need the time to relax in a different environment. The other girls and Dreamer, with Gentle's permission are going to be spending some time with the parent pack. All of you need some time to relax and sleep so you can start recovering. Dreamer you will be going with the girls to the pack house as well."

All in the room were surprised except for Gentle and Vyra. They had rather figured it was going to happen and having a medical recommendation was a very good thing. Neither even considered they wouldn't receive Dancer's recommendation as well.

Dreamer started looking rather upset and Hands went over and knelt and pulled him into a good hug, *You will be fine Dreamer. I know you feel better, or safer around me but here or at the pack house you will be just as safe. Gentle will take very good care of you and will give you plenty of hugs and cuddles. The other ladies will as well since they love giving me the occasional random cuddle without even asking.* He gave him a slight smile when he said it. Hands didn't want to tell him what he really needed a break from everything.

Dreamer wrapped his arms around Hands and tucked his muzzle in his neck, *I understand Pack Father and I like Zantha as well. She cuddles really well also. Can I send to you if I need to?* He didn't want to leave Hands but the Temple Mother had spoken.

Hands laughed quietly, *Of course you can. If I am busy doing something, I might have to send to you later but you can contact me or Savory anytime day or night. Don't forget Gerdal will be there and can give you hugs as well.* An idea occurred to him, *I have something I need your help with. I need to contact Misty and talk to her about it. She will contact you to let you know what we talked about. I can't say more right now but it's a surprise for both packs.*

Dreamer gave Hands and extra hug and nodded, *Thank you Pack Father and I'll talk to Gerdal and Misty. Thank you for thinking I can help.* One last hug and he went over to Zantha and crawled on her lap and curled up.

"Well Nuzzle go get packed and other than one trainee robe go for street cloths. I am going to pack my things as well and make sure you have what you need." He wrapped an arm around Savory as they headed towards the bedroom. Nuzzle and trotted towards it in front of them.

By the time they had the stuff packed Hands was more than ready to go. The tickets he had originally purchased were for the tram and after a brief conversation with Savory and Dancer they were still taking it. The date was moved forward, and he paid the slight change in fee and he was pleased when nobody offered to cover it. This was his pack and he was going to take care of it. If he needed help, he would ask, *Misty I need to talk to you for a few minutes. The Temple Mother and Spike have placed me on a sick pass and sending us to Savory's early.*

Misty was curled up in Skye's arms currently and Shadow was on the other side. Thunder was, as usual, curled up with Singer, *What do you need Hands?* When he told her the three were being sent to Savory's she was pleased, *I am glad to hear it bro. I think it will be good for you and your pack.*

Hands smiled slightly though it was a sad smile, *I had an idea occur to me last night while I was sleeping. I wasn't sure why until I checked the date, but I dreamed of some of the Christmas's we had. It'sn't a Folician tradition, but I think it would be a good tradition for the packs. The girls are going to be sent to the pack property. I told Dreamer I had a special task for him and you would talk to him about it. Have him help you with figuring something out please.*

Misty sat up when he said it and checked the calendar as well. A slow smile crossed her face, *That's a damn fine idea and I'll take care of it. I'll talk to him later today or tomorrow and I can have the girls in my section help. Now you get your ass to Savory's house and relax or I'll send someone after you.*

Hands had to laugh briefly, *I am scared and shaking in my socks. Send a large box of People Bones to her house please. I was going to take some fresh ones but it'sn't going to happen. I love you sis and keep an eye on my not so little Pack. They are probably going to be spending a great deal of time at the pack property.* He let her go and grabbed his and Nuzzle's bags and walked out, "Okay girls give all of us a good hug and then we have to go."

Misty snickered at his reply before laying back down and relaxing with the other two.

They did eventually make it to the tram station and were directed to a different set of cars. Once they were on board Hands picked Nuzzle up and wrapped an arm around her. The other arm went around Savory and pulled her close. He relaxed and ignore the people around them since he really wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone.

When they reached the central station for the city Hands looked at the maps and realized he was too tired to care. After looking around he found one of the peace officers and walked over to her, "Excuse me please. We are going to my Pack Mother's family house. We need some help finding the tram and..." *We need help and we are to stressed and tired to find it.*

She looked at him and the older girl with him. She lightly touched his face and smiled, "I would be pleased to help you Pack Father." She squatted down some and smiled at him, "Your pack saved my cousin when you were hurt. Hold on a moment and the cart I called for will be here. We will get you to the tram in plenty of time."

Hands looked at her and wrapped his arms around her and gave her a good hug, *Thank you, I needed some good news. I am glad she is okay, and I'll let Ray's Pack Mother know. It will help them as well.*

Savory and Nuzzle hugged her as well, *Thank you for telling him, ma'am. My Pack Father really needed to hear something like that. Send me an e-mail and maybe we can either come over to the station for a meal or you and your teams can come to the pack property in thanks.* After one last hug she stepped back since the cart had arrived.

"Have a seat and I'll take you to the tram you need." Somehow, she had ended up holding Nuzzle on one hip and Nuzzle had a small smile on her face. Once she was seated, she waited for the officer and leaned against her, "Hey there little one, you are a cutie, aren't you?" She sent directions to the cart and it pulled away.

Hands snickered at her, "Officer I hate to tell you this, but she just suckered you into cuddling her. It's a specialty of hers and she is very good at it." When Nuzzle wrinkled her nose at him and gave a little bark he laughed, "Stinker and no People Bones for you." He got another bark and a snort from the officer. When she started talking to them, she kept away from recent events and talked about her cousin and family. By the time they arrived at the tram he was going to have to contemplate a nap. It was several hours to the town Savory was from and he was going to make serious use of it.

Savory climbed down and stretched, "Thank you officer and we will hopefully talk to you when we get back." As Hands was getting the luggage she picked Nuzzle up and gave her a light tickle. Once he had the luggage they headed towards the train.

Hands looked at the officer as well, "Thank you for the help. I really appreciate it, and you have a great day." He turned and followed Savory and Nuzzle onto the train. They followed the indicator to the small cabin they were going to be in and since they hadn't eaten, he called for some food. For the moment he didn't have any urge to be around crowds of people.

Nuzzle curled up next to him and wrapped an arm around his, "I's take nap also. Not be sleepy pup when arrive." She had recently lost a tooth and had a slight lisp when she spoke.

Hands couldn't help but grin at her as she was speaking, "I feel the same way though I am not a little pup like you. The food will be here shortly and then we can lie down and sleep. I can't wait to get there either." He leaned over and rubbed her ears as Savory made a couple of cups of tea.

She came over and glanced at him and smiled, "I have a feeling someone slipped a cabin upgrade in on us. This is a first-class cabin you know." Savory settled the cups down on the fold out table and settled down across from him, "So how does it feel going to meet my parents? Nervous?"

He glanced around and growled, "So that's why they didn't complain when I paid to have the date moved up." He grinned at her, "I am not going to complain though. I did what I felt was right and if they wanted to give me a free upgrade so be it." Hands picked up his cup and snorted at her, "Me nervous? Never. I meet parents all the time, usually when I go home." Just for really good measure he rolled his eyes at her, "In other words hell yes and I want to make a good impression on your mother."

She snickered at him, "but what about my father? Don't you want to make a good impression on him?" He lived at the harem but made sure he visited all his pups as often as he could. She hadn't really thought about mentioning it since it was just something she grew up with.

Hands froze and looked horrified, "Oh... I feel like an idiot now and thank you for that Savory. I never thought about it. Will I meet him tonight?" Which was better, impressing her mother or her father? Now he had to think about how to do both and not screw up.

Nuzzle gave him a confused look, "Why's scared?" She wasn't sure why and wanted to know.

Savory simply sipped on her tea and smiled at Hands as he worked through what she had said. In a way it was amusing to watch his reaction and especially when Nuzzle asked him why he was scared. Since she was his Liraque she was going to let him deal with her.

Hands had to smile at Nuzzle and gave her a light nuggy, "Not really scared Nuzzle, more startled, but I am worried about making a good impression. Now why don't you open the door and let the server in with the food." He had sensed him coming.

Nuzzle hopped down and was thankfully distracted by the food. Once it had been delivered, they fell on it as if they hadn't eaten in a week. Nuzzle leaned back after eating the last piece of fruit, "That's was good. Tired pup now." She hopped down and went to the bathroom.

Hands stretched and decided to table the question and his feelings as he gathered up the trays and plates and tossed them in the recycler. While he was doing it, Savory was calling out the bed and got ready to crawl in, "You had better have better dreams now or at home you might find yourself in a different bed."

He gave her a tired smile and once Nuzzle was out of the bathroom he went in and once done he walked out and crawled in, "I am beat." He rolled on his stomach and had to smile when Nuzzle crawled on his back and tucked her muzzle in his hair. Hands had expected it which was one reason why he did it. She found it very comforting and when upset found it helped her sleep better.

~~~ Dancer talks to the temple lawyer

At the temple Dancer was sitting in her office waiting for the lawyer to arrive. She had reviewed the summons and it was pretty much as she had expected. Hands had been summoned for a preliminary hearing on the status of Dreamer and it was soon. Since Hands was a minor the summons for Ray was the same. Based on the brief, the Zorg clan was contesting the admission to the Pack Liraque due to the fact his mother was injured, confused by the toxins in her blood, and just out of surgery. Because of this they wanted the admission invalidated until such time as all documentation had been reviewed.

She leaned back in her chair and rubbed her temples to try and relax. The temple lawyer walked in after asking for admission and settled down across the desk from the Temple Mother, "Good morning Temple Mother, as requested I reviewed the documents. Until the initial preliminary judicial review is carried out there isn't much we can do. What I am going to do is counter file until this is straightened out the child should remain where his mother requested. Once as best possible a medical and Liraque review is done on her records it's best for the pup to remain here. I have reviewed the documents you sent me on the status of both Pack Father's and their packs. This could cut both ways. For us in delaying the preliminary since neither would be available and perceived as trying to keep the trial from going forward. Also, against us by indicating neither pack is currently able to properly deal with his loss and support him in this time. Now as far as Ray we can prove this is a temple issue based on the scans. However, this may lead to other medical records needing to be opened due to the coma and scans done during that time."

Dancer had pretty much come to the conclusion herself and sighed. This was so not what any of them needed now. Considering there was also an investigation into the actual death since it had been listed as 'unknown causes' it could be used, "Contact the Court Solicitor and schedule a meeting with her and of course you will be present. We need some direction from the Court and peace forcer department on how to handle this issue. It's directly impacted by what might happen to Dreamer and Dreamer will be directly impacted by the results of the investigation. See about scheduling a meeting as soon as possible after you file the counter suit."

When the solicitor started talking again Dancer held her hand up since she was thinking and hard. It took her a few minutes to decide how she wanted to handle Ray, "Don't mention the Goddess vision with your request for a delay. Simply state he is in the ICU in a coma and is related to his coming to the temple for training. Save the God/Goddess information for the best time possible if we have to. I would prefer not to have to bring it up in court at the moment. The reasons for the coma are a temple matter for the moment and tonight I have a meeting with the senior representatives for the other gods/goddesses. They need to know before anyone." She stroked her whiskers for a few and then nodded, "Go ahead and get started on it though I want to see the briefs before you submit them. With Ray in a coma we can hopefully not mention Hands' medical status."

The lawyer leaned back in her chair and tapped her teeth with a claw and slowly nodded as her mind started working on the changes, "It's a very good idea Temple Mother. The more we can keep Hands and the pups out of the news and courts for as long and as much as possible is for the best. I'll get started on it immediately." She stood up and with a nod left the room.

~~~ Everyone heads to Ray's pack

Since Ray was in medical Gloria didn't see any reason to remain at the temple and told Storm, "I would like to see the pack and pack property. Do you think it would be a problem? With everyone so stressed and upset here, I need some space." She sighed as she laid there curled up next to Storm, "I can't really believe Flitter is gone. She was so full of life and joy. I could tell just how much she loved Ray and being pregnant with his kids. I think I need to go there to prove to myself she isn't there. I know it's stupid but it's how I feel."

Storm stroked her hair and curled one hand around her neck and pulled Gloria close into an intimate kiss, "It's a good idea though they are going to be stressed as well. I think it would be a good idea since it will distract them as well." When Gloria returned the kiss, Storm had to smile as she lightly ran the tip of her tongue across her lower lip, "I can understand feeling that way Gloria and it'sn't stupid in anyway. You were given a rather mental slap when you arrived and then add all the other fun stuff. Ray not quite being the same Ray, waking up with him being in a trance, and what is going on with Hands. Shall we?" She gave her a better kiss before rolling off the bed and stretching and pulling on her suit.

Gloria had to laugh, "Great, I am going to be a distraction. I know one woman I have been distracting so why not a bunch of them?" Oh, damn it, she was starting to get horny and considering they were in a bed in the rooms Hands Pack lived in... *Damn you woman, you did it just to distract me didn't you?* Just for good measure she rolled over and grabbed the end of Storm's tail and lightly tugged on it. When Storm growled at her Gloria simply giggled as she rolled out of bed and pulled her top on as well.

Storm handed her a warm robe after she had pulled hers on since it was more than a bit nippy outside, "I have a winter over robe for you as well since it's nippy and started to snow." After settling the robe and pulled a pair of the winter robes and handed one to Gloria, "I'll have your cloths sent to the Pack property, so we can just go and not worry about it.

Gloria nodded as she pulled on the robes and walked over and hooked her arm through Storm's and gave it a light squeeze. When they walked out, they found most of the girls had bags packed and were in civilian robes, "Where are you going?"

Kythryn looked over at her, "We are going to the pack property. The Temple Mother felt we all needed some time to get away from everything and relax. Hands, Nuzzle, and Savory were sent to Savory's house for the time being." Her eyes were starting to glimmer with unshed tears.

Gloria went over and gave her a hug, "I understand, and Storm and I am going to go there as well. We will go with you."

Kythryn gave her a good hug and lightly stroked the baby bump and smiled, "It will be interesting seeing a human baby." She almost asked if she was going to stay on Folicia, but Daisy walked in.

"Hello girls and the transport is here. If you forgot something don't worry about it and we will take care of it." She smiled at Gloria and Storm, "I am pleased you feel comfortable enough to come to the pack property. Ray wouldn't expect any less than for us to take care of you for however long you choose to be here. I already have a room for the two of you set up."

Kythryn was in the process of organizing the younger girls to ensure they had their bags. She couldn't help but smile slightly as River helped Dreamer and took his hand as they walked out. The two seemed to really hit it off and were quite likely to become best friends. Both seemed more intellectual than a normal Liraque and all Liraque were well educated. Once she was sure they were all ready she turned to Daisy, "We are ready to go ma'am." She had to roll her eyes since Hands was starting to infect them with the term.

Daisy gave her a hug before leading them out and onto the tranport

~~~ Arrival at Savory's home

Shortly before the tram arrived at the much smaller town Savory was from his alarm woke him. He stretched and yawned and felt somewhat annoyed since he had really wanted to watch the scenery and ask questions. Savory was waking up as well and yawning. He leaned over and stroked her hair, "Wake up sweetie, we are almost here." For now, he wasn't going to tickle Nuzzle since he just wasn't in the mood.

Savory headed to the bathroom while he was waking Nuzzle up. When she came out Nuzzle was sitting up stretching and yawning as well, "Did you have a good nap you two?" As she was talking, she pulled her brush out only to have Hands take it from her. With a smile she settled down, so he could do her hair. Once he was done, he ran it through her tail as well and proclaimed her all ready.

As Hands was working on her hair and tail, he smiled, "I did have a good nap, but I really wanted to look at the scenery. I haven't been outside the city in months and to be honest I could really stand to go and get away from everything for a day. Go hiking, play in the snow, smell fresh wood and plant scented air." Damn it he shouldn't have said it since it reminded of his parents taking them camping with the horses.

Nuzzle came out of the bathroom and gave him a good hug, "I's sleeps wells to. I's excited to meet your family." She settled down, so Hands could also do her hair. Once he was done, she gave her head a slight shake and smiled. She had noticed he had used a black ribbon in honor of Dreamer's mother. He had been inducted into the pack before she passed on. It also had the symbol they had worked out as well.

The background was made of both colors of purple surrounded by the brown of a Pack Father. The emblem was a side view of the Goddess as he remembered her. It was a beautiful engraving and all the founding pack members had gotten custom ones. Hands had the original emblem on a heavy gold chain around his neck.

Right as they took a last check to make sure they looked good the announcer indicated they had reached the station. Hands picked up their carryon luggage since there wasn't much. The rest would be outside waiting for them, "Shall we go and say hello to your parents?" He gave her a warm smile.

She raised an eyebrow at him and snorted, "Admit it Hands you are terrified and especially since I mentioned my sire being in my life." Savory opened the door and stepped out of the room. Others were as well, and she had to grin since the moment Hands stepped out everyone froze. To be honest she had to wonder how he was going to react.

Before he stepped out, he took a deep breath, smoothed his expression, and stepped out. He was holding Nuzzle's hand for comfort. With the polite smile on his face he gave everyone a nod, "Good afternoon and I hope you had a good trip."

The murmurs started up and as he was learning, he did have powers though not quite like the Liraque but close enough. He strengthened his shields to keep stray feelings out, so he wasn't overwhelmed. Just because Hands wrapped an arm around Savory and joined the flow towards the nearest exit. As they moved towards the exit some noticed the black ribbons in their hair and gave them a brief touch in sympathy. Once off the train Hands turned and looked at them, "Thank you and I am going to be staying with my Pack Mother for a week or maybe two. We will be wandering around town and if you would like to say hello please feel free." He nodded again and turned towards the baggage claim.

Savory barely managed not to smack him for that, *Hands you are a rotten Pack Father. That's going to get all over town at warp speed. You are definitely aiming at sleeping on a separate bed.* She plastered a smile on her face as most of the eyes nearby focused on her. Savory had only made a few steps before a male came over and scooped her up and gave her a good squeeze. Once done he swung her around. She started giggling at him, "Hi sire and you are looking good."

He finally put her down and turned to Hands and gave him the eyeball, "Pack Mother and how did this happen?" Savory was smirking at Hands when her father asked him.

Hands had to admit her father was impressive. He was large and though older was in as usual, excellent shape. Hands did his best to stand there while he was examined by her father. Once he spoke Hands couldn't help but look at Savory and even though his eyes still looked tired and worldly his love for her showed, "Because she is a special and wonderful person who I care for a great deal sir. I can't imagine anyone else as the Pack Mother for my pack." He finally looked back up at the male.

Her father looked down at him and listened to what he had to say and nodded, "We will talk later young man but it's an acceptable answer for now." He looked at Savory, "Your mother ended up stuck at work since this was rather unscheduled. Your siblings are at school so the three of you will have some time to settle in. Your mother has the guest room ready for while you are here."

As he was talking, he was leading them over to the luggage section. He was talking to Savory about her family and any new general gossip she might find interesting. Hands simply followed along with Nuzzle until they got to the baggage. As expected the luggage was already there and once he grabbed the bags, he turned to follow her father to whatever transport there was.

"Let me have that son, you look like you could stand to walk with my daughter." He had seen Hands eyes and face. He wondered why he looked so tired and hurt. Savory had told them about Hands but had been keeping a fair amount back which he hadn't known about. Now he was rather curious what they hadn't been told and why, what was the black ribbon for and what did it have to do with it.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate it." He handed the bags over other than the backpacks and wrapped an arm around Savory and tried not to sigh. Talking about back home had brought back good memories which were followed by memories of when his parents were killed. It was almost like it was fresh and new. Since he didn't want to meet anyone's eyes, he settled on looking down just enough so unless they were a child, he wouldn't.

Nuzzle knew he had started hurting again and was sending comfort to him and gave his hand a good squeeze. She was glad they were there since she really hoped it would help him. As they were walking, she was looking around and her tail was wagging in enjoyment. Other than the Temple and Pack House she had rarely been outside in public and she was really excited.

Hands returned the squeeze though he didn't say anything. He really hoped this would allow him to get a chance to sleep and recover. Do teen kid things and just relax. He was going to have to check on his pack each day to make sure they were doing okay but it was expected of him. Once they reached the house, he would check on them and make sure they all went to the pack property.

Savory was also sending some comforting thoughts to him, but it was much harder for her since she was sad and hurting also. Having his arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist really helped though. Once home she was going to curl up in front of the fire with him. Since they were in the mountains the snow was much heavier than in the city and it had a crispness she missed, "I miss the snow. We have it in the city, but it's controlled so it doesn't cause major problems."

Hands had to smile though it was strained, "I would say you should see where I am from but... One winter the snow was so bad in one blizzard it dumped a good four feet of snow." He held a hand up to the approximate height and she shivered and made a face, "Oh and it was minus 30 degrees. I touched a window and wasn't sure if I was going to get my finger tip back."

Both Savory and her father were giving him suspicious looks when he said it, "Honestly, I saw it though normally it'sn't that bad." By now they were at some sort of parking structure and her father was starting to pack the bags into the back of one of the vehicles.

"Hop in you three and relax. It won't be much longer before you are home." Hands helped the other two in and settled down between them and leaned back and relaxed. For the moment he didn't want to look out the windows and settled for closing his eyes. Tonight, he just wanted to go and soak if they had hot springs or in a tub if they didn't. Maybe watch some TV and meet her family.

It really didn't take long to reach the house and it was a pretty nice house and rather on the large side. It looked like what he would call rustic as well but considering they were in the mountains it fit in very well. From the looks of it there was a nice piece of property as well, "I like the house; it fits into Mountain View really well. Do you have a hot spring?"

Her father laughed at the question, "We do and thank you. It has been in Savory's family for a number of generations. There are several families living here and plenty of both pups and space. I hope you have an enjoyable visit."

Hands didn't realize he was speaking out loud, "You ain't the only one. If one more person gets called back to the fold, I'll scream." It was a very quiet murmur before Savory opened the door and they climbed out, "I can help get the luggage inside sir."

*Savory what did he mean? I did notice the black ribbon and could see the eyes of someone much older. Why are you here earlier than planned?* He wasn't trying to be nosy but it made him wonder and did concern him. It wasn't concern for Savory's safety, but she also felt tired and hurt as well.

She sighed, *I can't tell you all the details since it's for him to do but the last half turn or so hasn't been good for him or his family. About six months ago his parents were killed and then...* It was mostly the highlights and no intimate details, *It has been hard on his brother's pack as well as the one formed under Hands.*

By now they were inside, and he showed them where they could set their bags for the moment, "I need to get back to the harem for the evening. If you go out to the springs some of the family might be there and the rest should be here shortly." He knelt in front of Hands, *Son if you want to talk or need to please contact me. If you are worried about talking with the girls around, I can show you to the harem. It'sn't like the ones in the city's or larger packs. I can tell you are tired, hurting, and very sad.*

Hands looked at him and nodded, "I know I am going to soak for a while and enjoy sitting in some hot water while looking at the snow." He flashed a tired grin, "I always feel like I am making fun of the snow for not making me cold." When her father knelt in front of him, he almost cried but managed not to, *Thank you sir and I'll consider it. For the next few days I am going to try and be just a kid as much as possible. If you have a few minutes, I'll introduce you to some of my pack. I need to contact them and make sure they are doing okay.*

Her father laughed when he talked about laughing at the snow, "That's as good a reason as any to soak. I do have to go and thanks for the offer, but I'll be back in a day or two and you can introduce me then." He lightly ruffled Hands' hair before walking out to his vehicle and leaving, *Elomoria pay close attention to Pack Father Hands. He is really hurting right now. Ask Savory for more information but she told me... Please don't mention you know anything beyond what Savory might have told you and what you have heard in the news. The death of his brothers mate and Pack Mother really hurt and before he had a chance to really recover more crap happened.* He liked what he had seen of the young man though he was reserving judgment at the moment.

Elomoria was still at work and paused when he contacted her and had to sigh. Savory had mentioned some but she had felt there was far more which hadn't been said and this seemed to prove it, *Thanks for contacting me Eltonian. We will take care of him and see what he would like to do and keep him active. I'll let you go since I am done here and getting ready to head to the house. Thanks for picking them up.* She disconnected and turned back to finish her work for the day.

Back at the house Hands turned too Savory and pulled her into a hug and settled his nose in her hair and inhaled. It did help him as much as his scent helped the girls. He had to wonder if he had gotten some changes in his sense of smell since he had arrived. He felt Nuzzle wrap an arm around each of their legs and pressed her muzzle against his leg. Hands gave Savory a gentle kiss after taking a number of slow deep breaths to help calm down, "Can we please go and soak. I am close to breaking down and it'll help."

She pressed another kiss on his lips and nodded, "I can feel it and I am starting to feel the same way. When we design our pack section a little hot spring would be nice." She turned and led him outside with Nuzzle holding his other hand. The springs weren't very far and were nicely sculpted. Once there, she pulled her robes off and quickly walked into the water.

Hands helped Nuzzle out of her robes and into the water before he stripped and hurried in himself. Once he was waist deep, he withdrew the shorts and settled down and leaned his head back. Nuzzle settled on his lap and leaned her head onto his chest and closed her eyes and relaxed, "Loves my Hands and glad yous accepted me."

He wrapped his arms around Nuzzle and smiled, "I love my little sis as well and thanks for choosing me. I know you are sad when I am, but you help when you give me tickles or nuzzle my ears. I can feel the love from you and even when I am really sad, it's like a warmth in my mind which helps."

Savory leaned against his shoulder and all three of them simply relaxed in the hot springs. They weren't there for all very long before her mother came out, "Good afternoon to all of you. I hope you don't mind if I join you. Today was a definite Monday even if it's Tuesday. I need a good soak."

Hands lifted his head from the neck rest and gave her a worn smile, "Please do ma'am, it's your hot springs. I am happy to finally meet Savory's parents and her father seems to be a nice person. I do apologize for the sudden change of plans though."

She rolled her eyes at him as she dropped her robes in a chair and walked into the spring and settled next too Savory and gave her a hug and peck before leaning back, "Oh man I love this spring and especially in winter."

Savory grinned, "I love the one at Pack Father Ray's property. It took Hands a while to get used to us girls walking into the pool nekid. Human boys are silly that way." She wrinkled her muzzle when he grumbled at her, "Dame this is my Pack Father Strong Hands Johnson and his Liraque Nuzzle Johnson." She leaned over and gave him a kiss, "I wanted to surprise you with the news he has asked me to be his Pack Mother and yes we have a pack. It's Pack Liraque and approved by the Temple Mother."

Hands turned and frowned at her, "You hadn't told them yet? You didn't tell me that. For that maybe you will be sleeping in a separate bed." He was blushing when he had been introduced, "I'll tickle you later Savory."

Hands looked at Savory and then at her mother and as much as he tried to keep upbeat, he just didn't have the energy, "She is my Pack Mother ma'am and I should have talked to you first but..." He looked down at the water, "Things have just been too screwed up." Damn it he was starting to tense up and he had to close his eyes though it didn't stop the tears. He wanted to be done with the crying, but it had just built up too much.

Savory wrapped her arms around him and tucked his head under hers. Nuzzle wrapped her arms around him as well, *This is why we came here early. It has been very hard on him and though it might sound bad it's because he is young like me. He needs time to just be a kid, relax, play, all that good stuff. We have been doing our best to support him, but he had been forced to act older than he is. I'll have to talk to him about how much he wants to talk about or wants me to talk about.*

Her mother knelt in the water since it wasn't that deep at that spot and wrapped her arms around all three, *Strong Hands you can relax, and Savory and the others will show you around our town. I know a bit about what has happened but apparently not very much. I'll talk to everyone and tell them not to ask too many questions of you. Is there anything I can do for the three of you?* She was stroking his hair as she talked.

Hands simply let the tears keep falling, *I don't know what I can do anymore about this. It has just piled up for all of us and I don't know what to do or where to go.* He finally looked up at her, *I lost my parents about six or so months ago. I discovered my brother's fiancée was actually an alien and pregnant with his pups. We came here and a certain little stinker decided to rename me and select me as her Liraqua.* He gave Nuzzle an extra hug, *We lost Flitter, Ray's mate, our Pack Mother after birth. Before I really had a chance to recover from it my sister was renamed and when we went to visit her Liraqua's mother we ended up in the middle of a major fight between the police and criminals.*

He did his best to keep looking in her eyes, but he still felt horrible with the next statement, *I had to kill someone to protect both myself and everyone in the miserable apartment. At the same time Ray ended up losing control of his powers and ended up in a coma for over two weeks. I saved a pup and his mother from a wreck which wasn't a wreck and she died just yesterday from being poisoned. On top of it, I am trying to fit in with a totally different culture.* The tears really started flowing, *I just...*

She didn't even think before she drew him closer and started quietly humming, *You poor young man. I can understand why you are so in need of some time away. You can stay here for as long as your doctor and Temple Mother say you need to.* She gave him a sad smile as she was talking, "I have to say I think you did a wonderful job choosing Savory to be your Pack Mother. What made you choose her?"

Savory gave a watery laugh and waited for Hands to answer. She was rather curious as to what he would say.

*Thank you for not being horrified I killed someone. I still wake up because of nightmares about it.* He tried to laugh but failed miserably, "I had made a joke about having a girl named Salty and a girl named Spicy so was there a Savory... She changed her use name to tease me and it rather stuck." He gave Savory a light kiss, "She is also really cute and cuddles nicely. Most importantly she likes me as well and all the girls in our original section as well as the new section respect her." He turned to Savory's mother after kissing Savory, "I respect her as well for everything she has done for all of us, both before we had a pack and afterwards."

*Hands why would I be horrified you protected your pack mates? Sadness yes, sympathy yes, sorrow yes, but horror? You didn't make the choice to kill her, she did. You did what a strong and good pack father would do.* "Are you serious? That's why she changed her use name?" She started with a snigger which was followed by a chortle, which ended up a gut wrenching belly laugh.

Savory glanced at Hands as he had to stare at her mother who was in the process of trying not to die laughing. On top of it, she was laughing so hard she could barely keep her head above water. His expression was too much, and she started to snigger and then laugh as well, "Seriously it's why I changed my name, but I actually like it and he seems to. I guess I just have savory kisses." She blushed when she said it.

Nuzzle was giggling as well but when Savory made the comment about her kisses, she had to wrinkle her muzzle, "Ewwwie, yous get boy cooties from icky kisses." She stuck her tongue at Hands before she started giggling again.

Hands couldn't help but stare at her mother as she almost fell apart from laughing. He glanced at Savory and then she started to laugh, and he started to glower at her. Just to make it even better he wrinkled his brow and crossed his arms across his chest and stuck his lip out. Now when Nuzzle tossed her two cents in Hands growled, "Misty you are going to get it for teaching my Liraque that stuff." Since he had a hand behind Nuzzle, he gave her a push and she slid off the seat and plopped down in the water.

Nuzzle stood up after he pushed her into the water and growled at him and then barked, "Meanie stinky boy. I's might get ears later." She could feel some of his sad emotions shifting away which was good. She crawled up on the ledge and wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled his neck, *Feels better my Hands.*

He wrapped an arm around her and gave her a peck on the cheek before standing up and moving to the edge, "Thanks for the good laugh. It actually helped." He called up his shorts and then stepped into a set of air jets to dry off before grabbing his robes. Savory and Nuzzle stepped in after him and were quickly dry as well, "I am sure you have some sort of plans for this evening for us. I don't mind meeting your family, but I honestly don't think I can really handle too much else right now." He smiled at Nuzzle as he helped her into her robes.

Savory's mother stood up and turned to settle back down on one of the benches, "I rather had the feeling and all I was going to do was dinner and let you meet the family. I'll warn you, you are going to have at least the little pups wanting to crawl on you. I have mentioned to the older girls to ask first. Savory why don't you show him to the guest room, since it has a separate shower and bath you can use."

Hands blushed again, "Thank you ma'am and weappreciate everything. We will see youinside." He handed Savory her robe aswell before giving her mother a nod and walked inside.
