
"Now remember Y/N, the Asgardians are usually serious about outer world visitors, especially the Gems."  Zi explained.

"So it's the same in this universe too?"  Y/N asked, remembering the Asgardians from his universe.

"Yes.  The only difference is that Gem's are close to extinct.  Last I checked, there's only one other Gem in existence, and they're with the Collector.  When a Rogue Gem got into Asgard and killed Odin in his sleep, his son Thor made it his business to destroy all the Gem's in the known universe.  So, if he is there, maybe try and cover that Gem."  Zi said.

"Wait, why wouldn't he be there?  If Odin is dead, Thor would be next in line to be king."  Y/N said.

"He is King, but he's also an Avenger."  Zi said, confusing Y/N.

"An Avenger?"  Y/N asked.

"A group of people with great gifts who protect Earth.  Earth's mightiest heroes."  She explained.

"I see."  Y/N said.

"Zi, we've reached our destination."  The man at the controls said.

"Alright.  Once we get there, you need to find something called the Tesseract.  We'll give you a ship, and you just put that in there, and you'll make it to earth in no time."  Zi said, confusing Y/N.

"Why don't we just ask them if we could use the Bifrost.  It would be much easier than stealing something as powerful as the Tesseract."  Y/N suggested.

"We don't know if or when they'll find out your a Gem.  We need to make sure you have a way to always transport from one place to another.  Now, out this on, and let's go."  She said, handing him some Mandalorian Armor.

"Sweet, I'm an official Mandalorian now."  Y/N said, looking at the armor.

"Not even close.  You have to earn that name."  A Mandalorian said walking past.

After putting the Armor on, they left the ship and went out to greet the many soldiers that were waiting for them.  In front of the army was a woman with dark hair and what looked to be a serious expression.

"State your business Mandalorian."  The Woman said.

"Sif, an honor to meet a warrior such as yourself.  We wish to pay tribute to the King of Asgard, the protector of the Realms."  Zi said as she and the others bowed.

"Hmm, very well.  Come along."  The woman now named Sif said, gesturing to the group to follow them.

"Y/N, please stay with the ship."  She said, secretly telling him to go and get the Tesseract.

Y/N nodded, and the rest of the group went on their way.  Once he was sure no one was around, Y/N looked around, and made his way to Odin's Vault, where he assumed the Tesseract would be kept.  After dodging some guards, he had got to the vault.  He quietly opened the door, and made his way inside.  When he got in, he was met with many powerful artifacts and treasures, but there was one thing that caught his eye, and that was the Tesseract that was in the center of the room.  Y/N made his way up to it, and picked it up.  After a few seconds of silence, alarms began to ring across Asgard, and the Vault door quickly closed on him.  He tried to use his Technopathic abilities to open the door, but it was no use.  Whatever was controlling the door, it wasn't technology he could control, so he decided that instead, he would leave this planet guns blazing.  Using his storage ability, he put the Tesseract away so that no one could get to it, and looked around for a weapon he could use.  His eyes were met with the Casket of Ancient Winters.  A powerful weapon, that he could abuse the power of.  He picked it up, and used it on the vault door.  To Y/N's hopes, this should make the door easier to break.  He tied the casket to his hip, and activated his Awakened Form, turning himself into crystal.  He then ran towards the door, only for it to open, and for him to run right past a group of Asgardian Soldiers.  He quickly stopped in his tracks, and put his hands up.

"Listen lads, I don't want any trouble.  I just want to go home.  Let me go, and we can put this all behind us."  Y/N said in a calming voice, trying to defuse the situation.

"Get him!"  The commander ordered.

Without wasting any time, Y/N grabbed the casket, and froze them all in place, probably killing them in the process.

"Sorry, you had it coming.  Now, let's go."  Y/N said, running outside back to the ship.

Once he got to the ship, he was met with an army of Asgardians, prepared to kill him and the rest of the Mandalorian.  In front of the army, was Fandral the Dashing.

"You dare steal the Tesseract and the Casket of Ancient Winters from the Vault of Odin?"  Fandral called in an angered tone.

"Well it's not like your using it.  I have a reason for it."  Y/N said in a defensive tone.

"No doubt to collect the stones and use them against all living organisms.  The Tesseract has been kept in the vault to keep it from those that may use it's power for bad."  Fandral said, preparing to attack.

"I only need it to get home."  Y/N said, not wanting to fight him, as he heard of his skill.

"Attack!"  Fandral shouted, making the Soldiers attack Y/N.

Instead of spamming the Casket, he decided to actually fight them honorably.  He lifted the chest plate off his chest, and reached into his Gem for a weapon.  He pulled out a Purple Glowing Rapier, which was one of his more easy to use weapons, as he usually takes a fencing stance with his saber.  And so the fight began.  The first soldier was kicked off the Rainbow bridge, where they were fighting, and the seconds soldier was stabbed in the heart.  Y/N then quickly sliced at the neck of the next three soldiers, while shooting his lasers from the palms of his hands at the other 3 (Power Stone Ability).  And now, it was only 4 soldiers left, plus Fandral.

"You seem a decent fellow.  I'd hate to kill you."  Fandral said, getting into a stance.

"You seem a decent fellow, I'd hate to die."  Y/N responded, getting into his own stance.  (If you get that reference, you have my respect.)

The 2 engaged in combat, with Y/N surprisingly, Y/N was winning, in both speed, strength and skill.

"Where have you been taught?  From what I've learned, you Mandalorian are known for their blaster skill."  Fandral claimed.

"That's the thing."  Y/N said, locking Fandral in his blade.

"I'm no Mandalorian."  Y/N said, removing his helmet.

"Y-You're one of them?"  Fandral asked, referring to the Gems.

"Yes I am."  Y/N said with a smile.

"H-How did you escape Thor's fury?"  Fandral asked.

"The same way I'm about to escape Asgard."  Y/N said, pointing behind Fandral.

When Fandral turned around, he was met with the other Mandalorians, who had beaten the soldiers without him even noticing.

"Tell Thor that if he want's the Tesseract back, he's gonna have to pry it from my cold dead hands."  Y/N said, knowing very well that would never happen.

And so, without wasting any more time, Y/N hit Fandral on the head with the hilt of his weapon, and walked to the ship, and flew away.  Once they left Asgard, the Mandalorians began commending Y/N on his ability to face off an army of Asgardians and Fandral the Dashing.

"If all Gems were like you, then Asgard would be overwhelmed and probably would be under new control."  A Mandalorian said.

"Thanks, but I doubt anyone would be like me, in this or any other Universe."  Y/N said, confusing the others.

"What do you mean?"  Zi asked.

"As you know, I'm a human.  What you may not know is how I got my powers.  In my universe, there was a war going on between Homeworld and some Rebel Gems on planet earth.  The Rebels fought long and hard for about 1,000 years.  One day, the Rebels won what was to be the final fight, supposedly bringing about peace on earth, but unfortunately, the Diamonds had other plans.  The Diamonds used their power to send out one final attack on Earth to wipe away any Rebel Gems on the planet.  I was a scientist at the time, and while I was experimenting with something, I heard my wife scream.  So naturally, I decided to check it out.  When I got up there, I saw a pile of dust, with what I later learned to be the Power Stone in the middle."  Y/N said, shocking the Mandalorians.

"What happened next?"  The Juggernaut Mandalorian asked.

"As a human and a scientist, I became more curious than I should have.  I went to pick it up, and the moment I did, a wave of power pushed through me.  Later tests showed that whatever the attack the Diamonds sent out had reacted to the Stone, and once I touched it, the reacted power went through me.  13 days later, and I woke up as a Power Stone powered Gem-Human Hybrid.  I spent the next 5,000 years with the remaining Rebel Gems, and travelled the world, learning new things about my new world.  Some time later, I had an idea that our leader disagreed with, and one thing led to another, and now I'm here."  Y/N said, the others now understanding his story.

"I see.  I'm very sorry, this must have been so hard for you."  Zi said, to which Y/N nodded.

"It was.  But, I plan to finish what I started."  Y/N said with a smile.

"Such a man."  The Juggernaut Mandalorian said with pride.

"Now then, on to the next part of your plan.  You must get home, but you need to understand that there are many challenges you must face, and places you must go."  Zi said, taking out a piece of paper.

"And those are?"  Y/N asked, as Zi began writing.

"First, you will need to go to Nidavellir, and speak with Eitri The Dwarf.  Tell him I sent you, and he will craft you new armor.  When you get that Armor, infiltrate Mandalore, and steal the Darksaber.  It will protect you.  Then you must travel to the Knowwhere, and find the Collector.  Take from him the Ancient Force Texts.  While you travel to Earth, learn the ways of the force, both light and dark.  Once you reach Earth, you will find an interdimensional portal that is powered by the Tesseract."  Zi said, with every sentence surprising him.

"W-Wait a minute.  Why are you helping me this much?"  Y/N asked, wondering why she was helping.

"I want to help you home before our universe has some unwanted guests.  As for the force abilities and the Darksaber, well, I have a gut feeling that you have some form of connection to the force, and I think someone as powerful as you should wield the Saber, and not some weak, powerless person.  Take the Saber from the Universe, and bring it to yours, and guard it with your life."  She said, still confusing Y/N.

"I am still very confused, but I'll go along with it."  Y/N said.

"One more thing.  Once you get back to your Universe, use your new found powers to find the Tesseract and Time Stone in your universe.  Using their power, find a way back to travel back to our universe in the right timeline, and return the Tesseract and the Texts back to where they came from.  I will return the Casket to Asgard."  Zi said, picking the Casket up.

"Right.  Sounds like a confusing plan, but a plan none the less."  Y/N said, standing up and taking the Tesseract out of his Gem.

"I hope to meet you again soon Y/N.  Good luck."  Zi said.

"Thank you.  Goodbye to you all."  Y/N said, placing his hands on both sides of the Tesseract.

A few seconds later, the Tesseract activated, and warped him to where he needed to go.


"A guest."

Word Count:  2011
