His Return

(Sorry, school is the big not good)

And so, over the next few days, the team got to work on the machine.  The process went by in a flash because of the instructions, much to some of the heroes disappointment.  They had come to enjoy their visitor's presence, but they didn't argue, as they knew this wasn't their home.  Once the machine was ready, they prepared to say their goodbyes.  With a LOT of effort, Y/N somehow managed to put the entire Sanctuary in his Gem, which no one bothered to question.  Before they left, the teachers had some gifts for Y/N that they hoped would help him on his journey.

"Y/N, I understand we had a small rocky beginning, but this version of you has proven to have a great warrior's spirit.  I just hope that the other me thinks the same way.  And maybe someday we will be reunited."  Thor smiled.

"It's possible.  I'll try and put this Multiverse travel under control."  Y/N smiled back.

"Well, before you go, a few of us put some gifts together for your mission."  Thor said, as himself, Stephen, T'Challa prepared a few gifts for him.

"I have already gifted you the power of the Bi-Frost, but I thought you should have something that would help you channel that Bi-Frost without any risk of failure until your body becomes a perfect Anchor.  So, take this."  Thor said, handing him a sheathed blade.

"It was crafted using Gold Titanium Alloy and Uru.  It should withstand anything that is thrown at it, in case you want to use it as a weapon."  Thor smiled, letting Strange go ahead.

"Right.  Y/N.  I'm not really the best with saying goodbye, and I was never known for my gifting abilities.  But I hope that this gift will suffice.  I had it specially woven for you."  Stephen said, revealing a F/C cloak.

"Using a few spells, I made it so that it acts in the same way my cloak does.  It should prove useful to give you the higher ground in a fight."  Strange smiled.

"Thank you, Stephen.  This will be very useful."  Y/N smiled, as T'Challa walked up to him.

"Y/N, it was an honor to train you.  I originally thought of gifting to you an item you could use in battle, but I decided to take a different route.  I want you to take this."  T'Challa said, opening a suitcase, to reveal a small meteor with blue glowing energy radiating off of it.

"Think of this as both a gift and a request.  This is a piece of debris that was discovered in Wakanda recently.  A larger one of these is what made Wakanda what it is today.  I ask that you use its resources, and take it out of this universe, out of the hands of those who may wish to abuse it."  T'Challa said, handing over the suitcase to Y/N.

"Of course, I will make sure that no one can get their hands on this."  Y/N smiled, to which T'Challa nodded.

"Then it is yours."  T'Challa smiled.

"And before you go, can I have a word with you?"  Steve asked Y/N, who nodded and walked over to him.

The two entered a private meeting room so that no one could eves drop.

"Y/N.  I understand that you've probably already made your mind up, but do you really think killing your friends is what needs to be done?"  Steve asked, confusing Y/N.

"What's that supposed to mean?  Of course I do.  I expected to be betrayed by Pearl and Rose sure, that wouldn't have been enough to turn me against the team, but Garnet and Amethyst?  They were my closest friends since the day I lost my human friends.  We battled creatures, gems, monsters, we've sailed the seas of multiple planets, and ventured through deep dark caves and forests of multiple other planets.  I thought they would understand, not follow in Roses actions against me.  At least they truly felt hate against Homeworld, unlike Pearl and Rose, members of the Diamond Authority."  Y/N said in an angered tone.

"Maybe they weren't.  Not in your universe at least.  Every factor of every universe is different in one way or the other.  That's what you told me throughout your studies with Strange and Tony.  Maybe the Rose and Pearl from your universe are exactly what they claimed to be.  A Quartz who saw beauty in humans and the planet she was to help destroy, and a renegade Pearl who saw value in Roses thoughts.  You should at least give them the chance to explain.  You could be surprised."  Steve said, making Y/N think.

"And what if you're wrong?  What if that other me really did see in my eyes?  What if they are exactly what he said they are?"  Y/N asked, to which Steve shrugged his shoulders.

"Then it's up to you.  If what you think they are turns out to be true, then it's also up to you to choose how to deal with the problem.  But let me give you a word of advice.  You have all this power, all this righteousness, all this knowledge, all this goodness, and yet you claim that the best way to deal with them is to kill them.  Why not teach them instead?  Use your knowledge to teach them to be better.  As someone who was a human before, and still technically counts as one, you of all people know that humans are just as amazing as they are evil.  Maybe, with the right teachings, the Gems that chose to save earth could have similar qualities."  Steve said, reaching into a bag.

(Feel free to put custom designs/colors on it)

"I want you to have it.  I requested it from T'Challa.  My gift to you.  And remember, don't make a decision you're going to regret."  Steve smiled, patting Y/N on the shoulder.

And so, the two returned to the group, got their stuff, and quickly made a plan on how they would reunite in the other world.

"When you fall into my universe, go to Planet Earth and go to the coordinates.  That's where I'll be."  Y/N said, to which Nic, Jet, Thanos and his children all nodded.

"Alright.  I'll see you on the other side."  Y/N smiled, to which the Avengers all waved as the machine activated.

After a few moments of waiting, Y/N looked over to Banner, and nodded, receiving a nod back.  Banner pulled the lever, initiated the travel.  Moments later, the group seemingly shrunk out of existence, and were being flown through wormholes.  Y/N pulled everyone closer, and closed his eyes, thinking of his own Universe, hoping that would be able to locate his universe accurately.  Seconds later, a wormhole of sorts formed in front of the group, and sucked them in.  Everything was dark for a moment, until Y/N opened his eyes and looked around and saw that he was in a recently destroyed forest.  He looked around and saw that he was standing in a crater the size of one of those Titans, and when he realized he had no shirt on, and his pants were in shreds, he concluded that his suspicions were correct.

"Not only can I control the Titans, but I can become one.  Is that what the other me meant by being more powerful than him?"  Y/N questioned, looking at his face in the reflection of a puddle of water, noticing the lines on his face glowing, and then dispersing.

He also noticed the state his clothes were in, and fortunately he always kept a spare set of clothes.  After getting changed, he began his journey back to Beach City.  He decided to get some directions, as he had no idea where he was.

"Excuse me, could you point me in the direction of beach city?"  Y/N asked a passerby.

"Qué?"  The man asked.

"Ah.  You speak Spanish.  Tell me, is this Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western Spain?"  Y/N asked in fluent Spanish, surprising the man.

"Southwest."  The man said to which Y/N smiled.

"Not that long of a journey then.  Thank you."  Y/N said, walking away.

 Y/N walked to the shore of this part of Spain, and looked towards where the State of Delmarva, USA, and squinted.  Y/N nodded, before putting on a mask that he picked up at a shop to cover his identity and use the force to part the ocean to make a straight path towards Beach City, much to the surprise of the locals in that part of Spain.  Not wanting to waste any time, Y/N began his journey.  While on this journey, Y/N had plenty of time to think about what Steve said to him before he left.

'What if they're different.  That's a possibility.  But what if they're not?  That's also a possibility.  Should I go in guns blazing, or should I wait for a little while, see what they're like, ask about Rose, and let this book go on longer to create real character development and attachments?'  Y/N began asking himself.

And he had a lot of time to think of it.  A few hours at least.  However, his thoughts were interrupted when he saw that walls of the ocean vibrating.  He walked up to the wall, and put his hand on, and realized that something was on its way, fast.  A sane person would jump or run out of the way, but not Y/N.  He decided to face it head on.  He put his hand out in front of him and charged up a few Energy Blasts.  He was about to fire the blasts at the incoming entity, but that was until he realized who, or more so, what it was.

'That Lapis Lazuli that was with the Bismuth and that small yell Dorito.  Why am I not surprised?'  Y/N asked, putting his hand back down.

The Lapis that was approaching him dashed out of the water, using the water to increase her speed, to which Y/N found interesting.

"Smart.  I didn't expect this use of power from a Terra-former."  Y/N smiled, unintentionally sounding insulting.

"What's that supposed to mean?"  The Lapis asked in an insulted voice, flying about him.

"I mean you seem much smarter than the average Lapis."  Y/N said, floating up to her, now on her level, taking her by surprise.

"So, you control water and can fly.  Interesting."  The Lapis said, trying to figure out what Gem or Creature Y/N was.

"It's a bit more complicated than that.  And I'm not flying, I'm floating.  Two completely different things."  Y/N smiled, now facing back at Beach City.

"What are you doing here?"  The Lapis asked, changing the subject.

"I should be asking that question.  Last time I was here, there was no Lapis who acted on her own accord without order from the Diamonds.  I heard someone talk about the Diamonds and the Crystal Gems having some sort of alliance now.  What's up with that?"  Y/N asked, confusing the Gem.

"What do you mean?"  The Lapis asked in a confused tone.

"The Diamonds are the sworn enemy of the Crystal Gems.  They've caused too much destruction to just be forgiven."  Y/N said to her, rethinking the issue involving giving the other Gems another chance.

"If you want to know more about that, come quietly with me, and you can talk to Steven and the Diamonds themselves."  Lapis said to which Y/N started thinking.

"Why not?  Lead the way."  Y/N said, following behind the Lapis.

After travelling for a few moments, they both wound up on the coast of Beach City, which in itself is a coast.  Not much had changed except for the Gem area, and the house that was attached to the temple, much to Y/N's annoyance.

"I put so much thought into building that stupid temple."  Y/N said, surprising Lapis, who didn't believe him.

"You're telling me you build that Crystal Gem temple?  I'm not buying it."  Lapis said in an unconvinced voice.

"I didn't ask you to.  Is this Steven in there?"  Y/N asked, wanting to meet the human who can use Roses door.

"Yep.  He and the other Gems are interrogating a Gem Human that broke into the Temple."  Lapis said, to which Y/N smiled.

"A break in?  Did they take anything?"  Y/N asked, already knowing what had happened.

"No, but they did destroy a few small things.  They burnt some papers that had instructions on how to build an old machine."  Lapis said, walking up the stairs to the temple, followed by Y/N.

Y/N made sure to make sure the mask was on tight to prevent him from being noticed straight away.  If he was going to reveal himself, he would want it to be when he finds out if they deserve the chance to restart their relationship.

"Please, there is something that you're not telling us.  Those plans that you burnt weren't for that cannon, they were for another machine.  You must tell us who you planned to give those plans to."  Garnet said to the Gem that was sitting down.

'She's still here?  They're relentless.'  Y/N said to himself.

"Hey guys, could you take a break from Interrogating Jenny for a moment?  We have a strange guest."  Lapis said, referring to Y/N.

"Hello everyone, my name is . . . Ace.  I'm here to speak with the Human Gem known as Steven."  Y/N said, looking at Steven.

"That's me.  You want a tour of the area?"  Steven asked with a smile.

"No, I know the majority of this place like the back of my hand.  I think.  I want information.  I want to know why the Diamonds are now allies with the Crystal Gems."  Y/N said, confusing Steven.

"I thought the messages were broadcasted across the Universe."  Steven said, confused as to why Y/N didn't know.

"I just want to hear it from you in person, so I don't get anything wrong.  Let's start by who you are."  Y/N said, wanting to know that 100% correct details of anything related to the Diamonds.

"Alright then.  I'm Steven Quartz Cutie-Pie Demayo Universe.  As you know, I'm a Half Gem Half Human.  My mom was Rose Quartz, the one who started and led the Crystal Gem Rebellion, and my dad is Greg Demayo Universe, a human who lives here in Beach City.  When my mom gave birth to me, she had to give up her physical form so that I could live, so I have her Gem and her powers."  Steven said, lifting up his shirt, showing Rose Quartz Gem.

"Rose Quartz.  Long time no see."  Y/N said, looking at the Gem with slight annoyance.

"You knew her?"  Steven asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes.  We were relatively great friends.  We had our arguments and rough patches, but most of the time we got over them and forgave each other.  And you say you're the son of Greg Demayo Universe?  We were also friends, before I unwillingly had to leave.  I have to buy him a drink and catch up with him."  Y/N smiled, surprising the group even more so.

"Woah, so you have a deep connection to this place."  Pearl said in awe.

"Yes, you could say that.  Now, tell me, how did you and the Diamonds form this alliance?"  Y/N asked, to which Steven thought over the explanation to make sure he didn't leave anything out.

"It all started a long time ago, back to the reason why the Diamonds sent out a final attack on earth all those thousands of years ago.  Everyone thought there were four diamonds, but there was a secret Fifth Diamond.  Red Diamond.  She was the evilest of them all.  She noticed my mom's constant attempts at trying to stop Pink Diamond from destroying the Earth and decided to use that to kill two birds with one stone.  To shatter Pink Diamond, and to wipe the Crystal Gems off Earth.  She had multiple experiments on Earth in the form of Giant human creatures, and force fused clusters of Gems, and she wanted to prevent their destruction or stump in growth.  One day, Pink Diamond was alone in her Palanquin on Earth, and that was when Red Diamond decided to attack.  She took on the form of my mom, Rose Quartz, and shattered her, and made sure some Gems arrived right on time to see the scene, and then fled.  She confirmed with the Diamonds that it was Rose that killed her, and so they poured their wrath on Earth."  Steven explained, shocking Y/N.

"R-Red Diamond . . . killed Pink Diamond."  Y/N repeated in a shocked voice.

"Yes.  It was something that we tried to keep secret from . . . and old friend, just in case he couldn't handle it.  It wasn't like we wanted to keep him in that dark, but it's just that he had gone through so much, we didn't want to cause any more harm.  Rose never wanted to speak of that moment, so she was never able to clear her name."  Pearl said, surprising Y/N even more.

"Fast forward to a couple of years ago, and we were able to explain everything and prove it and came to an agreement.  We would help find Red Diamond and let them Diamonds bring her to justice, but not shatter her, and then they would learn how to treat all species, Gems and lifeforms as equals."  Steven cheered with a smile, which was the exact opposite of what Y/N had on his face.

"Are you alright dude?  Most people would be happy to hear something like that."  Amethyst said, noticing the obvious upset look.

"I need to sit down.  Outside."  Y/N said, walking out the door and towards the sea.

Instead of sitting down, he fell face first into the water, and did nothing.

"I spent . . . 22 years planning my revenge . . . and I don't even have a reason!?"  Y/N shouted at the top of his voice.

"Revenge?"  A familiar voice came from behind him.

"Garnet."  Y/N said, looking at her.

"I thought I'd see what was wrong.  What did you mean by revenge?"  Garnet asked him, to which he hesitated.

"I . . . I thought that Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond.  I was under the idea that it was Pearl who took on the form of Pink Diamond, under her order, to fake Pink Diamonds shattering so that she could live out her life on Earth as Rose and never have to look back."  Y/N explained, surprising Garnet.

"That's a bit too detailed to just be a thought or idea."  Garnet said, to which Y/N chuckled.

"That's because it's true.  In another Universe that is.  Remember when I said I had to leave unwillingly?  That's because I was transported to another Universe by a machine I made.  In that other Universe, Gems were nothing more than a memory, having been wiped out of existence by Thor.  In that Universe, Rose was Pink Diamond, and there was no Red Diamond.  I thought that was the same here, since Rose didn't want to destroy Homeworld or shatter the Gems there.  It made me think she was connected to it still.  It turns out she just saw a future I didn't see.  A future where Humans, Crystal Gems and Homeworld Gems could understand each other and live in peace and harmony."  Y/N said with a smile, looking out to the sea, although Garnet was having a bit of a hard time believing him.

"You're trying to tell me that you were transported to completely different Universe?"  Garnet asked in an unbelieving voice.

"I understand that it's hard to believe, but you were there the night I disappeared.  22 Years Ago."  Y/N smiled, not facing Garnet.

Garnet started to think back to 22 Years ago, to a night that someone she knew disappeared.  And that's when it clicked.

"You said you wanted revenge.  You knew Rose and knew that she didn't want to destroy Homeworld.  4 days ago, a random Gem comes out of nowhere and wants the plans to the machine that caused the disappearance of my best friend, and moments later, she loses any memory related to it.  Ace.  Are you . . . Y/N L/N?"  Garnet asked, wondering why she couldn't foresee this.

Y/N smiled, and removed the mask, and looked up at her, to show her his new looks which included scars and markings.

"The one and only."

Word Count:  3388
