Chapter 66

Chapter 66


    Chen Shuwang came to his senses and patted his thigh to rejoice: "I almost thought that the only way for us to go to the library in the city." "

    ...Brother, we don't know the way to the library. I can't." Before Shi Yu reminded, Chen Shuwang had crossed the aisle and pushed Liu Mingfan, reminding him of the newsstand nearby.

    Liu Mingfan scratched his head, but Yuan Meng was a little confused: "Are you sure you want to go there? Why do you feel that there are only magazines and newspapers sold there. And... most newsstands are closed now, we may not be able to find them."

    Chen Shuwang said: "There should be a map. I often go to the newsstand to buy comics after school in elementary school, and I have seen it." Several people turned their eyes back

    to Liu Mingfan, but fortunately this kid lived up to expectations, and raised his voice, pointing firmly forward: " Drive forward at that Internet cafe, turn a corner, I remember there are several on the side of Sancha Road!"

    Ni Xinyue received the instruction and shifted gears to speed up, but suddenly remembered something and slammed on the brakes.

    Chen Shuwang was already standing in the aisle with the back of Liu Mingfan's chair, but now he staggered out and fell towards the driver's seat.

    Ji Shiling, who was sitting in the back seat of Ni Xinyue, quickly grabbed Chen Shuwang's back collar.

    Chen Shuwang: "What's wrong, zombies blocking the road?"

    "No," Ni Xinyue turned her head to look at everyone, "Should we... put that note back first? Or the people who come later don't know that the map is gone, Run to the second and third floors..."

    Although there is no map left in the book city, it is not good news for their team. But at least I learned that there are many people like them in the outside world who are actively surviving and expressing kindness to others across time and space.

    Ji Zhenling thought for a while, then let go of Chen Shuwang's collar, nodded: "Yes."

    "But besides the note, we can think of other conspicuous ways."

    Li Lizhou silently turned his head and looked out the window, hesitating to speak to Ye Lan's back, a little unsure if the other party had turned into a ball of embarrassment when he just called out "Xi Ba", and crumpled the note into a ball.

    On the road, Jiang Qishan drove for a long distance, and Ye Lan knocked on his helmet several times before communicating smoothly, realizing that Ni Xinyue's car did not keep up. The two circled around and circled back.     Jiang Qishan thought that Ni Xinyue was still troubled by not knowing whether to "turn left", "north", or "turn around", and said: "International practice, when you don't know the way, drive straight ahead! Yueyue, follow me I'll just go!"     Yuan Meng lay down by the window, just about to talk about their decision to go back to the book city, when she saw a lot of zombies rushing by the side of the road.     She also didn't care about the volume: "Move the car quickly! The zombies are going to hit your foreheads!"     Jiang Qishan and Ni Xinyue hurriedly started to drive away the zombies.     The zombies flailing their teeth and claws along the road didn't pounce on the motorcycle, but hit the school bus body with a "bang bang" along the inertia, and the scene was chaotic with a sense of rhythm.     Qiao Siyu heard the movement of the motorcycle and the zombies, her heart was beating wildly, and she said in a daze, "This is 'Fast and Furious'." Amidst     the ear-shattering voice, Li Lizhou stretched out his hand out the window in confusion.     The strong wind curled her hair and danced wildly in the air. Ye Lan looked up at the slender, well-articulated hand stretching towards her from a high place... The sound of the wind in her ears could not be heard clearly. Ye Lan's originally charming eyes His eyes revealed a bit of bewilderment at the moment.     ——This... is to drag her up?     "Boom."     Another zombie's impact exploded.     Ye Lan saw Li Lizhou's mouth opening and closing, with a look of eagerness on his face.     When she moved her fingertips slightly and was about to pull back the other's hand, Li Lizhou's voice finally reached her ears - "     Ye Lan, I just brought back the note I gave you. We plan to put it back in the bookstore!"     Ye Lan : "..."

    Li Lizhou took the book, handed the note to the brothers, rubbed his red palms, and reminded everyone: "You still can't use such a dangerous way to pick up things. If you give it lightly, you will slap your hands when the speed of the car changes." Red."

    Chen Shuwang: "I understand this, what about acceleration, momentum, and inertia, right? I'm pretty good at learning big things." The two cars drove side by side, communicated the

    plan with difficulty, and drove back.

    As a unique source of mobile noise, the motorcycle team was responsible for attracting the remaining zombies near the Book City, and several boys got out of the car.

    Holding the yellow tape brought from Grandpa Liu Mingfan's house in their hands, they worked together in a division of labor.

    Shi Yu tore off the tape, Qiu Shu cut it with a knife, and Chen Shuwang was in charge of pasting it.

    Behind the glass door are the zombies in the book city. Seeing the movement of living people, they rush forward collectively, opening and closing their teeth through the cold glass.

    Wherever Chen Shuwang posted them, those heads followed, and the glass was covered with tissue fluid of unclear composition.

    Qiu Shu felt disgusted watching it, but couldn't help but look more, after all, they were fighting before, so it was rare to stand quietly and see these zombies clearly.

    Seeing Qiu Shu's lips moving, Shi Yu was curious: "What are you talking about?"

    Qiu Shu: "Frontal muscle, corrugator eyebrow muscle, temporal muscle, nasal dorsal muscle."

    Shi Yu: "..."

    Soon the glass wall of the book city Just wrote the eye-catching word "no".

    Just in case, Li Lizhou pasted the original note to the side.

    In this way, people who go to the book city to find a map can get confirmation without entering the door.

    "Let's go! Next stop! GO!"

    Several people rushed back into the car, waving goodbye to the big word "No" on the glass.

    The school bus made a U-turn and slid out of a deep rut on the tarmac.

    Ni Xinyue caught up with Jiang Qishan and Ye Lan who were leading the zombies away, and the two cars drove towards the three-way intersection with many newsstands that Liu Mingfan had just mentioned.


    the car turned into a three-way road, the main road was straight and unobstructed, and there were no stalls within 800 meters, and the buildings on both sides stood tall and bright.

    Chen Shuwang put Liu Mingfan's shoulders and asked sincerely: "Where are the many newsstands you mentioned?"

    Liu Mingfan was also stunned: "Impossible, I often came here during the summer vacation of junior high school. What about home..."

    "Middle school," Qiao Siyu said silently, counting with his fingers, "It's been eight years, and every year has been demolished."

    Outside, Jiang Qishan and Ye Lan were already asking what to do next.

    Ni Xinyue licked her lips and looked around. His eyes fell on a beer house with unusual decoration on the side of the road, and he was vaguely impressed.

    I seem to have been here before.

    Ji Shiling followed Ni Xinyue's line of sight and asked, "What's the matter?"

    Ni Xinyue: "Is there a Wanghu Park near here?" "

    Yes, you've been here to play?" Liu Mingfan replied.

    "I often take Qiaoqiao to downtown attractions on weekends. This park...I remember there seems to be a newsstand inside."

    Qiao Siyu interrupted, focusing on the point: "Wait, when did you come to play with Qiaoqiao?" Couldn’t it be several years ago.”

    Ni Xinyue: “Just the day before the zombie outbreak, it wasn’t a Saturday, Qiaoqiao wanted to eat corn on the cob, so I bought her one. As for the map... I didn’t Look carefully, but I feel that magazines and books are full of them, and there are many types, so there should be some."

    Ni Xinyue groped forward according to her memory, and after a while, she saw the iconic music square in Wanghu Park.

    The Music Square in Wanghu Park is also one of the well-known check-in attractions in N City.

    The plaza is designed by international masters, and the soundtrack of the fountain also uses the most popular songs at the moment, keeping up with the fashion of young people. Many Internet celebrities, singers and dancers will come here to take pictures.

    After Liu Mingfan finished his introduction, Chen Shuwang and the others thought of the group of dancers in the music building.

    Chen Shuwang touched his heels, and his voice was slightly astringent: "It's not easy to solve this group of people who are going to turn into zombies."

    Qiu Shu also showed worry: "If the music fountain... If it makes a sound, will it attract many zombies?"

    The school bus drove half a circle around the square.

    Qiao Siyu ran to the front of the car, looked around with Ni Xinyue, looked at it for a while, then turned to reassure everyone: "It's all right, there are no zombies in the square. It is estimated that after so many days, no one maintains it, and the fountain equipment is broken.

    " The inner side of the square, but the square is separated from the roadway by a good distance, and it is five steps shorter than the roadway, so cars cannot drive in.

    Ni Xinyue parked the car on the side of the road and walked to the back seat. Jiang Qishan and Ye Lan also parked their motorcycles, and got into the car to discuss the action plan with everyone.

    Ni Xinyue: "The newsstand is by the lake. I know the way, so I don't need to act collectively. A few helpers, 3...4 people should be enough." Yuan Meng, Qiu Shu, and Shi Yu responded


    Ji Shiling packed up the arrows, and later made a long-distance assist.

    Just as they were about to start moving, Ni Xinyue suddenly felt someone grab her waistband.

    Looking down, Ni Yiqiao's little hand was grabbing her and not letting go.

    Ni Xinyue looked at her, then at the park, and persuaded the child with some understanding: "I'm not here to play today. The sisters are looking for something, so you leave it in the car.

    " . His brows were also furrowed inconspicuously.

    "Does she want to go to the toilet?" Jiang Qishan tilted her head to observe, leaned closer to Yiqiao's ear, and whispered, "Baby, do you want to take a shit?" "..."

    Ni Yiqiao exerted force on his hands.

    Ni Xinyue: "Pull gently! The clothes are going to be torn!"

    Shi Yu suddenly said at this moment: "The kid has a strong premonition, did she expect it, oh!"

    His next words were instantly shared between Chen Shuwang and Qiu Shu's two slaps turned into howls.

    Ni Yiqiao let go of Ni Xinyue. It was time to grab Ji Shiling and Li Lizhou. Before they could react, he let go again, and then grabbed Jiang Qishan and Ye Lan... doing the same thing, dragging everyone again


    Ni Xinyue thought for a while, then lowered her head and asked solemnly, "Do you want us to act together?"

    Ni Yiqiao took Ni Xinyue's hand and exerted a couple of strengths, as if to answer.


    Ni Xinyue looked at the gate not far away, and murmured, "Is it dangerous in the park?"

    Under the sun, there was not a single zombie in the square, and the metal gate was quiet. Reflecting light. Like a pair of eyes watching them.
