Chapter 28

Chapter 28

    Although Dai Yingjie had many enemies, the tingling pain in his calf made him look around for a week, and soon he locked his eyes on Ni Xinyue.

    He was full of hostility, and was about to walk over to make trouble for her, when there was a burst of laughter.

    "Who is this, why does it look so familiar?"

    Ni Xinyue looked, and it was Chen Shuwang who was smiling.

    Ji Shiling on the side was still looking at the poster, reading the content word by word like a primary school student, and asked, "Is this true?" Chen Shuwang: "It should be true, after all, it is said that a good person

    lives Be safe."

    There were quite a few classmates who were holding back their laughter, but they were the best.

    Dai Yingjie directly pointed the finger at the two who spoke: "What did you two do?"

    Chen Shuwang blinked innocently: "What?"

    Ji Shiling turned to look at the poster, then at Dai Yingjie, as if matching the characters , showing an expression that just came to him.

    Someone in the crowd of onlookers couldn't hold back and let out a laugh.

    Dai Yingjie turned around and scolded: "Laugh again!"

    The boys and girls in the cafeteria kept a certain distance from Ni Xinyue and Qiao Siyu since they heard Ni Xinyue and Qiao Siyu's story about Dai Yingjie and his party. Afraid of being remembered by him, they all avoided their eyes.

    "This kind of disease should not be rushed, and we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

    Ji Shiling's eyes still fell on the large characters on the poster, as if he was only expressing his opinion on this disease.

    Chen Shuwang: "Oh? Will it get better?"

    Ji Shiling: "

    It always needs a little faith support." Chen Shuwang: "The fact that he can bravely admit it and seek social help shows that his faith is not small."

    Ji Shiling nodded : "You're right."


    Dai Yingjie took a step closer to the two of them, but stopped abruptly when Ji Shiling raised his hand to touch the tail of the bow and arrow behind his waist.

    He came in haste, without any weapons. It's no good to go head-to-head with two people.

    Dai Yingjie gritted his teeth and cursed softly, "You two wait for me."

    He turned to tear up the posters on the wall, but there were too many posters, and he couldn't tear them off by himself.

    I didn't see Ling Qirui, but I saw He Jun standing behind without any reaction, and I couldn't help venting my anger on him: "Hurry up and help me!" The glue on the poster was firm

    , Dai Yingjie, He Jun After tearing it for a long time, there are still some leftovers that have not been torn off.

    The large group walked back cheerfully.

    Dai Yingjie's angry voice came from behind from time to time, but the more he scolded, the happier Chen Shuwang was.

    Looking back and forth, Chen Shuwang found that someone was missing. Chen Shuwang smiled: "Why did Shi Yu go to avenge him, and didn't come to see the scene.

    " Not as many as the two of you, if you confront Dai Yingjie directly, you will definitely suffer." "

    If you two didn't talk just now, Ni Xinyue will be hated." Li Lizhou stood closer to Ni Xinyue's team and saw it clearly. .

    "I can't help it." Ni Xinyue didn't care, and made a gesture of holding a knife with her hand, "I did it really hard. He may never forget it for the rest of his life." Li Lizhou smiled: "But now there are

    books I hope this guy will cause trouble, and Dai Yingjie's list of enemies, you will be at the bottom."

    He patted Chen Shuwang on the shoulder: "You are really good, you have all the garbage on you, and you have carried it for so many days."

    Chen Shuwang said: " I wanted to post it a long time ago. You guys really thought I was climbing the pillars for excitement. This kind of small advertisement is looking for poles and pillars." "If it wasn't for the outbreak of zombies,

    I would have posted them all over the school that day."

    "You're still regretful, aren't you?" Li Lizhou tapped him, reminding, "Next, be careful, don't be fooled by him."

    Chen Shuwang turned around and followed Ji Zhenling: "Did you hear that, don't be fooled by him."

    Ji Zhiling: "I didn't say anything." Li Lizhou wanted     to kick

    him: "It's just that you worked hard just now, it's nothing."

Harm pure good.

    Seeing that the boys really didn't take Dai Yingjie too seriously, Ni Xinyue relaxed a little.

    Thinking of Dai Yingjie's kidney deficiency in the poster photo, Ni Xinyue said, "Do you think he has a particularly strange personality because of his flaws?" "Is that so..." Jiang Qishan suddenly realized


    "No wonder..." Qiao Siyu suddenly realized.

    Yuan Meng: "You two..."

    "Cough, cough, cough."

    Li Lizhou coughed dryly several times amid Chen Shuwang's "hahaha".

    Ji Shiling beat Chen Shuwang, only then did Chen Shuwang stop laughing, and waved his hands to explain: "No, no." "

    They held a mini-marathon in the gymnasium before, and that guy wanted to show off and run first, so I purposely squatted beside him. I took a sneak shot at the end of the run. That guy simply has a flaw in his personality. As for whether he is flawed or not, the main reason is that I took good shots and took good shots.”

    When they heard that it wasn’t really bad, the girls felt a little regretful.

    Back to stronghold.

    Qiu Shu was sitting there eating, and brought back the leftover dishes from the back kitchen, with Yiqiao sitting next to him.

    Shi Yu sat opposite them with his hands tied.

    Seeing everyone coming back, Shi Yu raised his head and said, "Sister Xinyue, your sister is very obedient. Every time I feed her, she smiles at me." Ni Xinyue and others looked

    at Yiqiao instantly, and the mask was taken off as expected , I took a deep breath.

    Chen Shuwang didn't realize there was any problem, and praised: "You are not bad. The major is not in vain, and you have the temperament that children like." Ni Xinyue and others: "..."

    This is not fun!

    When he was worried that Yiqiao would reveal his secrets, Qiu Shu gave them a look, expressing that it was all right with him watching.

    Only then did Ni Xinyue feel relieved.

    Chen Shuwang didn't pay attention before, but now he squatted down, looked at Ni Yiqiao at the same level, and asked suddenly: "But why is she wearing small sunglasses all the time?"

    Jiang Qishan, Qiao Siyu, and Yuan Meng blurted out.

    "Because it's trendy."

    "Because it's beautiful."     "

    Because children like it."     Chen Shuwang raised his head in confusion, "

    Huh?" Qiu Shu: "..."     Chen Shuwang pointed to Ni Yiqiao's temple: "You guys misunderstood, I just want to ask, why are the 'small' sunglasses, I think it makes a mark."     Ni Xinyue: "..."     Jiang Qishan: "..."     Qiao Siyu: "..."     Qiu Shu: "..."     Chen Shu looked away.     Ni Xinyue quickly took off Ni Yiqiao's sunglasses, and several people squatted down to look at them, and sure enough, the two red marks were eye-catching.     I usually wash Yiqiao's face at night when there is no light. This sunglasses can be worn by Yiqiao when she was 7 or 8 years old. For her 10-year-old, it is indeed one size smaller.     It is also difficult for the children to be obedient and never make a sound.     Qiu Shu said silently, "I thought she had this face shape."     Ni Xinyue: "...It's my fault."

    She hugged Ni Yiqiao's head, rubbed it for her, and sighed: "When looking for supplies, let's find a bigger pair of sunglasses..."

    Yuan Meng suddenly said, "Wait, I saw her blink."

    "It's just that the frequency is very slow. "

    As soon as the voice fell, several people looked at it one after another.

    They observed Ni Yiqiao before, and they only came to the conclusion that Yiqiao does not speak, but can understand a little bit of instructions, and has a slower metabolism than ordinary people, and heals wounds faster. Now they find that her blink rate is indeed much slower than ordinary people.

    Jiang Qishan silently counted the time: "Is this blink frequency about 20 seconds?"

    Yuan Meng's heart moved: "Maybe we can make her speed up a little bit? It will look no different from a normal person."

    Who is Ni Xinyue compared to ? They all wanted Yiqiao to look like a normal person, and this possibility made Ni Xinyue's heart beat a little faster, so she tried to give an order.

    "Qiaoqiao, blink your eyes once a second."

    Ni Yiqiao didn't move.

    Ni Xinyue was a little disappointed, Jiang Qishan suddenly guessed: "Is your sister not good at counting?"

    Ni Xinyue: "?"

    Jiang Qishan: "Maybe she can't figure out what a second is with her brain now... just say 'quick! Blink, try?"

    Ni Xinyue: "..."

    Thinking about Ni Yiqiao's usual homework, Ni Xinyue was persuaded: "Quickly blink."

    After a brief sentence, Ni Yiqiao's eyes blinked, the frequency Visible to the naked eye, the eyelashes are trembling.

    Jiang Qishan called out first: "Slow down, Xiaobao, your eyes will turn into butterflies and fly away."

    Ni Yiqiao was still blinking quickly, looking a little funny, Ni Xinyue couldn't restrain her smile, holding Yiqiao The face said: "Slow down, slow down."

    Now, Ni Yiqiao's blink rate is slightly normal.

    Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

    Yuan Meng: "It's okay, it's okay, next time you meet someone, Yueyue can just say this."

    Qiao Siyu: "It's better for children to be obedient, and adults should take care of you."

    Jiang Qishan: "I'll tell you later It's cured, we have to catch it..."

    Qiu Shu also smiled: "It's a big deal, let's continue playing cards? Let her sleep?"

    "Okay!" Jiang Qishan enthusiastically supported.

    However, Yuan Meng patted Jiang Qishan's hand that wanted to touch poker, and said: "Once or twice is almost enough. Playing cards in front of children all day long is such a dangerous environment to grow up in.

    " By the way, our place is considered the cradle of greenhouses, right?"

    Jiang Qishan teased Ni Yiqiao's chin while talking.

    "Then finish the work with me before you fight."

    Yuan Meng hooked Jiang Qishan's shoulder and walked away.

    "Where are you going?" Jiang Qishan didn't understand, so she was dragged away.

    Qiao Siyu looked at the rest of the three big ones including her, took the poker that Jiang Qishan didn't go along, flipped it over loudly, and said seriously: "I think what Mengmeng said makes sense, so I think, why not Let me join the battle now, learn to count cards, and improve my calculation skills..."

    Qiu Shu: "..."

    Ni Xinyue drew out Qiao Siyu's confused cards and reshuffled them.

    "Being an individual, if four players can't play Landlord, we can play three players."


    Li Lizhou and others returned to their stronghold, and Shi Yu asked them what they had just done.

    Although he showed no signs of turning into a zombie in the past day, some people said that he might have a relatively long incubation period, and he was not allowed to enter and exit crowded places.

    "My hands are going to go numb again, help me shake them quickly."

    Li Lizhou shook his hands while telling him about Chen Shuwang.

    Shi Yu was immediately moved to tears, and his voice moved with his body: "Book~Wang~brother, I~know~know~you..." "I don't even look at who I am."


    Shuwang was complacent for a while, and suddenly Seeing that Ji Zhiling was not there: "Where is Ji Zhiling, he just grabbed me and asked me to go outside to pick up arrows."

    Li Lizhou: "I was called away on the way back. Tell me about you, and your eyes are on the ground. The sky is gone, and there is no one in the team who doesn’t know.”

    Chen Shuwang felt strange: “Is there anyone looking for him?”

    Li Lizhou thought for a while: “When we just ran into the cafeteria, he saved a girl. I guess he should thank you "

    You saved a girl?"

    Hearing what Li Lizhou said didn't look like Ni Xinyue, Chen Shuwang scratched his head: "This kid, save a few a day."
