
(Back to Addyson's p.o.v)

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I could already feel her blood running down my fingers after I cut her throat as her eyes stare into mine and the life leaves them.

I walked closer and closer to her and the fear on her face made my entire day.

I told you alice, your day will come.

"Please grayson make her stop, your freaking me out" she cries but he just walks over locking the door and turning on the music to cover up her screams.

A smirk appeared on his face as he watched me closely. He totally enjoyed the crazy side of me.

"Go on baby, show her what you do to people who fuck with us" he says crossing his arm.

It was like a show to him and I'm the lead star. His star.

I walked over gliding my blade across her bare chest as I dug into her skin earning a cry from her.

She was weak. Just like I imagined.

I gripped onto her hair as I threw her to the ground and straddled her.

Punch after punch after punch.

I wanted her to beg to scream for me to stop, this darkness inside of me was taking over and I couldn't stop myself as I kept throwing punches. The blood running down her face made me want to do it even more.

"Not so fast A" that dark twisted voice echoed through my ears snapping me out of my dark thoughts.

I stood up hovering over her as she layed at my feet covered in her own blood.

"You're fucking crazy" she spit making me chuckle.

"Oh sweetheart you haven't seen crazy" I spit through gritted teeth.

I stood back pulling my gun out of the back of my pants and pointing it at her. Her eyes went wide and she cried for me not to kill her.

But it was just music to my ear.

I felt graysons body standing behind me as I gripped the gun tighter. Her cries filled the room but I blocked it out allowing that darkness in me to take full control over me.

"Do it" he whispers softly but so dark and evil in my ear.

My eyes connected with hers as a smile formed on my face.

I pulled the trigger again. And again. And again.

I watch the floor cover in her blood as the life left her body. I looked up at grayson and he was already looking back at me with his devil eyes.

He saw the darkness in my beauty, and I saw the beauty in his darkness.
