Smells Like Teen Spirit

'The chains are broken, but are you truly free?'


After spending all morning talking to Damon he eventually apologized to sage for leaving her behind. They managed to talk over a deal. Sage helps protect Elena and she can stay in mystic falls and eat whoever she wants whenever she wants. And in her eyes. That's a pretty damn good deal.

And all of that leads up to where she is now. Helping Alaric teach Elena how to kill a vampire.

A white dummy sits in the middle of the forest as Alaric punches it in the chest, successfully injecting two stakes into it.

"The pressure of your punch ejects the stakes." Alaric steps back allowing the doppelgänger to step forward.

"Easy enough."

She sighs before pulling back and punching the dummy. In a result, nothing happens. Once again she tries as sage silently laughs in her head.

"That's weird. It must be jammed or something."

"You're not strong enough," Sage states causing the two to turn to look at the girl leaning against a tree.

"Sage is right. You gotta start lifting some weights, get some meat on your bones." the hunter grunts as he bends down to pick up the grenade.

Elena looks at both of them. "Thanks for not sugar-coating it."

Immediately the smell of vervain hits the black-haired girl's nose.

"You know what this is?"

"A vervain grenade. I've used one before."

Just the thought of Elena weakly throwing a grenade at a vampire makes sage let out a silent chuckle.

"Then you know the element of surprise is your only advantage when it comes to fighting a vampire." He states as he takes the cap off and tosses it to the shocked girl. "Surprise."

Quickly Elena tosses the grenade away from them yet towards sage. Luckily the girl remembers to keep her cover as she speeds behind Elena just before it explodes and rains down vervain.

"What the fuck?" She glares at Elena.

"Sorry." She sheepishly says before glaring at Alaric. She rips the stake launching weapon off her wrist. "This isn't a joke to me rick."

"You think I'm joking? Vampires will take whatever they want, they will hurt whoever they want, and they will do it without remorse. It's their nature. Just ask sage." The teacher gestures to the zoned-out girl scrolling through her phone. "Sage." He shouts catching the girl's attention.

"Yes?" She looks up from her phone.

"How many people have you killed?"

"Rik!" Elena slaps him on the shoulder.

She blows a raspberry before answering. "Who the hell counts that sort of thing?"

Alaric gives Elena an 'I told you so' look.


"Beks I'm home!" Sage yells in a sing-songy tone as she opens the front door to her new home. Last night she and Rebekah went house hunting and found a house for sale so naturally, Rebekah compelled the relator to give to them fully furnished.

However, a frown makes its way onto the woman's face as she notices the blondes bags on the floor. Soon enough the original come down the stairs with another.

"Your leaving?"

Rebekah lets out a sigh. "My idiotic brother called and said that I need to keep an eye on Stefan and Elena." She sets the bag on the floor and crosses her arms. "And he was pissed to find out in living with you so, you can imagine how that went."

Sage nods her head in understanding. "Well, I'll miss having a roommate around here."

"We've been roommates for no more than eight hours." The blonde laughs.

"It feels like a lifetime." Sage lets ours dramatically before joining Rebekah in laughter.

"If it makes you feel any better I'm planning on staying at the Salvatore's and annoying Stefan every minute of every day."

"Oh, that will be fun to watch." They both smirk evilly before bidding their temporary goodbyes.


Sage sighs as she looks up from her drawing at the room full of people who a currently planning on trapping Stefan. Like idiots.

"I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire then when he's distracted-"

"I'll shoot him." Alaric cuts the doppelganger off.

"Can't Bonnie just juju him?" Damon suggest.

"I'm trying to keep Bonnie out of this. Stefan will hurt her. Caroline, are you covered?"

"Yes I'll make sure that the old Forbes jell cell is prepped and ready."

"I don't see why you guys just won't let me stake him." Sage groans.

"You're not staking my brother."

"So I brought mr.pointy for nothing."

Everyone besides Damon looks at the girl confused.

"Who-" Damon cuts Alaric off.

"Mr.pointy is her favorite stake. But ignoring that what are we going to do about Rebekah?"

"What about bitchy Beks?" Sage looks at him warily.

Elena ignores the girl and turns to Damon. "you're going to keep her away."

"How? She's an original. Last I checked we're out of daggers."

"So then, preoccupy her with your charm."

"We might have better luck finding the dagger."

Sage let's out a laugh and high fives the history teacher.

"You ever not going to be mad at me rick?"


At this time the newly turned hybrid puppy decides to make an entrance.

"Sorry, I'm late. What's going on?"

Elena looks to him. "We need you to raid your mom's vervain supply. Enough to keep Stefan down for a while."

"You can't do that to Stefan."

Everyone looks at the teen confused however sage just rolls her eyes having seen this kind of thing happen thousands of times.

"Why not?" The blonde asks her boyfriend.

"Trust me Tyler it's in his best interest." The doppelgänger reassures.

"But it's not in Klaus's."

"But Klaus is the bad guy Tyler."

"Is he though?" Sage mutters causing Damon to send her a glare.

"Why are you like some freaky hybrid slave minion?"

"Uh oh." Damon lets out as he slowly stands.

"Klaus made me who I am Caroline. I owe him everything."

"Here we go." Sage chuckles.

"Ok, can we cool it on the commentary please."

"What is going on?" Elena asks as Damon slowly picks up the vervain filled syringe.

"I'm just gonna go." Tyler slowly backs away only for Damon to vervain him as soon as he turns around.

"What are you doing?" Carolina rushes to her boyfriend's aid.

"He's been sired."


Groaning sage decides to speak up. "Sired. It means he feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus is the one that turned him."

"Loyal how?"

"To seek acceptance from his master." Damon states.

"Like a little puppy." Sage smirks as they all glare at her.

"It's rare but maybe not in hybrids."

"So how do we fix him?" Caroline looks at both sage and Damon.

"Get a new boyfriend." Sage shrugs.


Damon takes a seat beside the blonde original that's currently burning the poor innocent marshmallow.

"What? No friends your own age?"

"Like you can talk."

She quickly blows out the fire before looking at the vamp next to her. "I have sage." She smirks before looking at her marshmallow. "Is this supposed to be fun? I've been through ten of these."

"You're just looking at it all wrong." He grabs the stick from the girl and peels off the burnt part. "It's a little ruff on the outside, but on the inside. Yum."

Sage can't take it anymore. "Oh god please stop. This is disgusting." Both the vamps turn to see the girl covering her eyes causing Rebekah to let out a small laugh. She uncovers them and sends them both the look a child gives when they see their parents kiss.

Damon rolls his eyes before turning back around and starts making a snore. Rebekah scoots over allowing sage to sit next to her.

"I can't believe you've never had one of these before." Damon states as he hands the blonde the smore.

"Well, I've been in a casket for 90 years."

"That's no excuse." Sage tried her best not to barf as she watches her two friends practically eye fuck each other.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Sage catches onto her suspicions tone and prays she's caught onto his trick. She may be protecting Elena but Rebekah was still her friend. Besides she opuses no threat to the doppelgänger. "You hate me. You're supposed to be mean."

"Mean? That's what you're into?"

Sage fake gags causing Damon to glare at her and shove a s'more in the girl's mouth. Happily, she eats it and says a thank you to Damon causing him to cringe at the fact her mouth is full.

"You're distracting me." Rebekah stands to cause Damon to stand with her. However sage continues to eat. "Why?"

"Just trying to be a good housemate." Sage let's out a laugh. Sage doesn't catch the next part of what Rebekah says as she stabs Damon causing the girl to wince. Rebekah sends sage a friendly smile before leaving.

"Little help here?" Damon groans.

"You deserved that." She smirks before standing and roughly yanking it out of her friend's stomach. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go watch some Netflix."


Sage let's out a groan as she trudges into her new room. Quickly she strips out of her clothes and into her pajamas. As she's brushing her teeth her phone begins going off causing her to spit out the toothpaste and rinse her mouth.


"Sage" once again that creepy voice was back. Although sage hated to admit it, it startled her.

"Ok, who the hell is this?"

The voice doesn't speak for a moment. "Turn around."

As the phone hangs up sage whips around only to be met with nothing.

"Ok, that's not creepy at all."

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Once again this is a short chapter since sage doesn't fit into a lot of scenes. I promise they'll get longer!

Who's the voice on the phone?

What should Klaus and Sage's ship name be?
