Before sunset

"How do you keep going when the worst things happen?"


Klaus nervously sipped on his bourbon as he waited for sage to come out of her room. All night she had been up there panicking, Klaus could feel it but she refused to let anyone inside, not even Jeremy.

Klaus had ended up waiting outside the door all night after only getting a two-word response from her. "I'm fine."

But she wasn't, no her brother's mind games had worked on her, her mind was plagued with worry. She knew her brother, she knew that as long as he lived everyone she ever cared about was as good as dead.

Sighing she quickly makes herself look like she actually slept and heading downstairs.

Klaus heard the creak of her door opening thanks to his supernatural hearing and immediately got off the sofa.

Sage walks down the stairs to find Klaus waiting for her. He opens his mouth to speak but she cuts him off before he has a chance.

"I'm fine. Hungry but fine." She walks past him and grabs a blood bag from the fridge.

Klaus knew that she didn't want to speak on the matter of her brother so he decided to change the subject.

"You never did tell me why you drink blood." He states as she greedily finishes off the bag. He was definitely curious about it since she wasn't a vampire yet depended on human blood to live.

"I'm a blood dragon. In order to keep my strength, I need to feed on human blood. It's why my eyes turn red."

He hesitates about asking his next question but he needs to know. "Why were your brother's eyes blue?" Sage takes a shaky breath in causing Klaus to take a step towards her. "You don't have to answer kitten."

She shakes her head before speaking. "No, it's fine." She bunches the bridge of her nose before continuing. "His eyes are blue because he's an ice dragon. You see there were four types of dragon shifters, the blood dragons which were very rare hence why my brother labeled me as a monster, ice dragons, fire dragons, and shadow dragons. Any female dragon shifter can have a different species no matter what specie she or the father is."

"You talk as if your sure all dragon shifters are gone."

Sage looks in his eyes. "They are, I think. I mean even if there are still some left there in hiding."

Klaus's face lights up with an idea. "Then let's find them." Sage looks at him confused. "When we leave this bloody town we can find more of your kind. See if there are any left."

She gives him a saddened look "But my brother-" Klaus cuts her off.

"We will destroy. He won't bother you again."

"Nik you don't get it I'm not as strong as him I can't-" she lets out a frustrated sigh while running a hand through her hair. Klaus slowly takes her face in his hands.

"But you can. I know it. Your one of the strongest people I've met in my thousand years of being on this earth. You can kill him."

Sage looks in his eyes allowing herself to get lost for a few moments. She can't help but stare at his baby blue orbs that remind her so much of the sea. You'd be surprised to know that in all her time on this planet she had only ever seen the ocean once in her travels.

A huge smile breaks out onto her face. "Then let's kill the bastard and get out of this manky town."

Klaus hides his flinch at the word he was all too familiar with. However sages bright smile causes one of his own to form. At that moment the two had forgotten their troubles. They had forgotten their scars and pain.

In that one single second, they were whole.


Sage and Jermey enter the gym to find both Caroline and Rebekah have already started the cleanup.

"I see your done flirting with my brother." Rebekah laughs at the girl's bewildered look.

"I was not flirting with him." She rolls her eyes and begins to pick up trash as Jermey walks over to the blonde original.

The air was filled with tension, sage and Jermey had immediately felt it when they entered, they just assumed the two blondes had a little chat before they both arrived.

"I'm going to get started on the gym." Rebekah states as she walks out of the cafeteria leaving sage Jeremy and Caroline.

Rebekah walks out into the hallway to find the dead history teacher.

"You're supposed to be dead."

"I am." He speeds her into the lockers holding the white oak stake in his hand. Pulling his arm back he prepares to stab her but sage and Caroline yank him off and pushes him into the locker. As sage and Caroline hold him down Rebekah grabs the stake from his hand and stabs him in the heart.

He groans out as he grips the stake, the three back away in shock as he pulls the stake out.

They look at each other before speeding out, Sage grabs the teenage boy along the way.

As Rebekah sage and Jermey leave there stopped once again in the hallway. Axriel blocks the three's path as he waves tauntingly at them. Sage spots the familiar dagger in his hand causing her heart to drop.

"Rebekah take Jermey and run, get Nik," Sage whispers to the blonde.

"what? no!" Jeremy says, refusing to leave his newfound family member.

"But sage-" Rebekah tries to reason but the black-haired girl cuts her off.

"Go!" She screams as her eyes flash a vibrant red. Rebekah nods and grabs the protesting teen before reluctantly leaving her friend.

Axriel chuckles at his sister's antics before speeding to her and slamming her head into the locker, effectively knocking her out.


Rebekah and Jeremy enter the mikaelson mansion to find Klaus packing.

"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me," Rebekah says in fear.

"Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." He states as if it's obvious.

"Well he's not and he's a vampire who's teamed up with Axriel with a white oak stake that can't kill him." Klaus pauses in his packing at the mention of sage's brother causing Rebekah to continue. "He's strong Nik. Too strong."

"Where are they now?"

"Alaric is stuck in the school without a daylight ring but Axriel can still leave."

"I'll collect Elena and sage and we'll be on our way."

"He has sage," Jermey says causing the hybrid to freeze. Slowly he meets his baby sisters' eyes.

"Is this true?"

She nods causing a dark look to cross Klaus's face. "And you left her there!" He screams at his sister in anger.

"She told me to get Jermey and leave. I did what she asked and now we need to help her."


Sage awakes to find herself tied to a classroom chair wrapped in barb wire. She winces in pain as the metal digs into her flesh.

The sound of whimpering causes her to turn her head to find Caroline in the seat next to her, wooden pencils through her hands staked into the desk with a vervain soaked gag tied around her face.

"Look who's finally awake. I was getting a wee scunnered waiting on ye." A Scottish accent rings through sage ears causing shivers to run down her spine as her eyes widen in fear. Slowly she turns her attention away from Caroline and to the front of the room.

Alaric sits at his desk while Axriel stands a few feet from sage, a taunting smile layered upon his lips.

"Axriel." She swallows down her fear allowing her eyes to flash there brilliant red. Anger fills within her at the sight of him. Memories upon memories plague her mind at those brown eyes she once loved, she once trusted.

Elena enters the room and holds in her gasp at the horrific sight. She rushes over to Caroline and quickly comforts her friend. She struggles to try and pull the pencils out of her hands only for Alaric to come behind her and slam it back down. The blonde lets out a scream of pain as the wood repeirces her flesh.

Elena stands in front of her friend in fear. "You said that you would let her go!"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires."

Axriel laughs darkly at the fear pouring off of them.

Elena hesitates before taking a seat between the two girls. Alaric slowly and painfully removes Caroline's gag revealing the burns on her face.

Once again he dips the cloth into the vervain filled beaker as Caroline begs for him to stop. Elena gets up to stop him only to be pushed back down.

"When I get out of here I'm going to kill you both," Sage growls as she struggles against the barbed wire only resulting in it digging deeper into her.

Axriel speed to his sister and places a hand on the side of her face. Frostbites cover it as she screams in pain, Caroline's screams falling upon deaf ears as Axriel laughs at his sister.

"Kill her." The sound of Alaric's voice rings through her ears causing her to glance over to see him handing the doppelganger the white oak stake.

Axriel notices how his sister seems to block out the pain to focus on the teacher. Angrily he rips the barbed wire off causing Elena to jump in shock and sage to scream as it tears chunks of flesh out. Axriel grabs her by the hair and drags her out of the classroom.

"No more distractions for ye sissy."

Sage takes a deep breath before twisting his arm causing a sickening crack to ring through the air.

Using his distraction she speeds down the hall only to be slammed into the lockers once again.  Sharp pain rings through her side as her brother stabs his dagger into her.

"Remember this wee thing?"

Sage gasp in pain as she uses her strength to kick him across the hall. She yanks the blade out with a grunt before dropping it in shock.

"No. I destroyed it." She stares at the ancient dagger in shock.

"Ester made me a new wan. I quite like the wee thing. A lot better than my auld one aye?" He speeds to her having grabbed the dagger along the way. He digs it into her neck as he presses her into the lockers.

Blood spills begins to spill from her skin. She can feel her energy draining but the faint sound of the hybrids voice reaches her ears.

"I'm getting sage and if you get in my way I won't hesitate to kill you."

Her brother seems to hear as well as he begins to chuckle darkly.

Klaus's words from this morning echo through her head. She's had enough of living in fear of this man. She's done running.

A dangerous growl rings from her throat as her face morphs. Her bright red eyes glow as fangs elongate from her teeth. Her once pedicured nails lengthen to claws as black veins travel up her arms.

She head buts Axriel before sending a swift kick to his abdomen. Not giving him a chance to recover she rushes over and throws him across the hall. He groans in pain as his back hits a beam effectively breaking it.

Once again she runs over and kicks him in the jaw. Quickly she speeds away from him.


Outside Klaus and Stefan lean against the good of the car as they wait for Bonnie. The sound of footsteps reach the vampire's ears causing them to turn only to find Jeremy running to them both.

"What are you doing here mate?" Klaus questions knowing that sage would kill him if he allowed the teen to come to harm's way.

"I'm helping you get sage."

"No your not Jeremy go home." Stefan states.

"Klaus let me help I can handle myself. And I can't sit inside that house knowing sage is in danger." The teen ignores the broody vampire.

Klaus groans at the boy's stubbornness yet he had to admit it was admirable.

"Look I'm going in and getting sage out. You go home and when she gets there make sure no one but me and Rebekah exits or enters."


Sage runs through the halls making sure to look behind her. Suddenly shes grabbed from behind by a pair of arms. A hand covers her mouth causing her to struggle in the hold.

"Shh it's ok it's ok, it's me." The familiar British voice rings through her ears causing her to relax. "It's ok. Your safe."

"Nik." She turns around in his hold and pulls him into a hug.

"I'll take care of Alaric and Axriel you go straight home and stay inside. Rebekah and Jeremy are there. Do not leave no matter what." He pulls away from the hug with a serious face.

"No nik I can help I can-"

"I can't risk you getting hurt kitten. I can handle this ok. Go."

Klaus goes to leave but sage pulls him into a hug once more.

"Thank you." She whispers into his ear before speeding away.


Klaus arrives back at the mikaelson mansion with Elena. Sitting here in a chair a compelled nurse comes and begins to draw her blood.

Sage rushes downstairs and sighs in relief. Quickly she pulls him into a hug. Jeremy follows down the steps and smiles at the sight before spotting his sister. Instantly his face forms into disgust.

"Why the hell is she here?"

Sage and Klaus pull away from each other, the girl just now taking notice of the doppelgänger.

"I need her blood to make more hybrids. She should be waking up soon so if you don't want to talk to her you may want to leave."

"No I'll stay, I want to see her face when she sees me here with you two."

Klaus smirks at the boy before taking notice of the blonde presence missing.

"Where's my sister." He looks around listing for the girl.

"Once I got here she left. Said she needed to go before you got her killed."

She gestures to the doppelgänger who begins to stir. Yes, sage was somewhat mad that Klaus couldn't see everyone he had around him, he couldn't see that he was far from alone yet she also understood why. He's been alone his whole life. He finally is getting a chance at a family and he's making sure to take it. She doesn't blame him really.

Elena groans in pain as the nurse sticks the needle into her arm.

"Be careful. Moving only makes it hurt more." She states in a monotone voice as she removes the tarnit.

"What are you doing?" Elena tries to escape the ropes.

"Draining you of all your blood." Klaus looks to the floor solemnly. Sage looks to him in shock. She had expected the hybrid to bring the doppelgänger along with them so she could keep supplying blood, not this.

"What?" Elena struggles in the chair before spotting her brother. "Jeremy don't let him do this please."

The boy rolls his eyes and takes a seat on the sofa. Tyler enters the room with a box but pauses in shock.


"Tyler. Help me." Elena pleads causing the boy to drop the box and rush to her. However, Klaus stops him.

"He can't. He needs to go fetch me more empty blood bags. About three liters worth please Tyler." Tyler looks back and forth between the two.

"Tyler, please. Get Stefan. Please."

"Now Tyler get the bags." Klaus orders. The hybrid puppy turns to Jermey trying to get his help only to find the boy playing a game on his phone.

Tyler tries to run towards Elena only for the hybrid to speed in front of him. "Forget the girl and get the bags. Now."

Tyler grits his teeth before leaving.

"So that's it?" Elena questions as Klaus walks to the back of the chair. "You're just going to bleed me dry?"

"Yes. Don't worry though. It will be complete painless. As the last drop is drawn you'll simply fall asleep."

Jeremy places just phone down and stands. "Well, this is boring. I'm gonna go finish packing."

The teenager leaves the room causing a saddened look to fall upon elenas face.

"What did you expect lass? That he forgives you after all you've done?" Sage mocks.


Sage had left the doppelgänger and hybrid to finish packing her things leaving the two to chat.

"What about your hybrids?" Elena weakly asks as the nurse collects another blood bag. "You'll need more than this to create your army."

The nurse passes by Klaus but is stopped by him grabbing a bag of blood. He begins examining it.

"These last few liters will have to suffice. You see, by attempting to kill us my mother strengthened the bond between my siblings and I. I don't need hybrids. I have my family and soon enough sage and Jeremy will join."

"If you believe that then why take my blood at all?" she pauses. "You want a backup family because you know that they will never trust you again."the doppelgänger attempts to get under his skin but fails.

"You know Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother but I think we both know who really put a strain between them, you. That's why you won't choose. You know once you pick a Salvatore you'll destroy that bond." He speeds in front of her, grabbing both her wrist in a painful grip. "Consider this me Doing a favor. Once your dead you won't have to choose." Elena gulps. "No broken hearts, their family stays intact." He smirks. "But just between us girls who would you have picked?"

Elena takes in a deep breath. "Rot in hell."

Klaus scrunches his eyebrows together. "Hm, your welcome." He releases her wrist and stands back up. "Sweet dreams Elena. It's been fun."


The sound of Klaus screaming causes both Jermey and sage to run downstairs. The two arrive to find Elena passed out on the floor while Damon and Tyler hold Klaus, Stefan's hand in his chest.

"No!" Sage runs over only for To be thrown across the room. Axriel stands there smirking.

Jeremy grabs his crossbow and goes to shoot however the dragon shifter rushes over and snaps his neck.

Sage stands only for a stake to thrown into her shoulder. Klaus screams once again in pain causing sage to lock eyes with him.

He sends her a fearful look as Axriel approaches her. The man grabs her by the hair and drags her over to the hybrid. He smiles as the two look fearfully at each other before snapping her neck for Klaus to watch. He glares at her brother already planning the mans death once he's awakened. His heart begins to slow down allowing Damon to let go of him and grab Elena.

The hybrids skin slowly turns grey as black veins crawl over his skin. He sends a look of betrayal to Stefan as tears fill his eyes at the betrayal of his old friend.

Klaus's heart stops causing him to fall to the ground causing the Scooby gang to sigh in relief.

Damon grabs Jeremy's body as Axriel grabs sages.

He sends one last look to the Salvatore. "Thank you for the help mate."



