House of Cards

The House of Cards

Prerna got up in the morning a bit groggy but ready for the day... today was the day when Bajaj would be presented to the court.

Anupam Rashid Anurag all had their minds preoccupied with the case... Bajaj was brought to the court from the asylum...

When allowed to speak he denied all the allegations against him. But the doctors report talked about repeated hallucinations ...and other major problems including physical harm to his fellow mates. Bajaj's lawyer was no less he tried to show it was all simply due to the stress of his wife losing their kid in miscarriage and then his wife accusing him of attempting and murdering their child along with business stresses has made him short tempered and a bit....

Prerna interrupted the lawyer mid sentence.You mean to say my child was lost just like that...and he didnt do anything... that he didn't make business houses fall illegally..... that he didnt frame Anurag Basu in a false case of murder to get me married to me right?

Anurag and their lawyer wanted to interrupt Pree but she requested the Judge for permission to present few things ... one by one she presented videos...photographs ...documents and video clips of several people aiding her case that Mr. Rishab Bajaj was a Psychopath who would go to any length to get what he wants. At last she produced the reports of her miscarriage where the slow poison was the reason....

When Bajaj tried to manipulate things by saying he had no idea about the baby and the medications taken by Pree... Prerna presented the nurse who was made to change medication ...and at last she was about to say something when Prerna fainted for a bit... and then she claimed that she was still being given slow poison somehow because she felt the same symptoms. And she started to bleed from the mouth ... the doctor who had come as a witness confirmed that Prerna was dying on the floor of the courtroom because of the copious amount of poison she had been given.

Judge was stunned and Bajaj had lost everything ...but he was happy that Prerna died as his ...Mrs. Prerna Bajaj... but he remembered very clearly that he had said to stop the slow poisoning immediately after the miscarriage then who had been poisioning her still.

But nothing mattered to Anurag... the love of his life was dying in front of his eyes...he rushed her to the same hospital and crashed in front of the Operation theatre... His Pree was dying and she has fulfilled her promise of being with him till her last breath. She had been dying while he had been angry and in pain. All he could think of was that nothing was enough at the end of the day neither love nor revenge... till its accompanied by trust...

He kept praying and pleading... sometimes he made deals and other times he just despaired and abused and lost hopes. Rashid and Anupam felt helpless and were truly up for killing Bajaj if that could bring Prerna back.

Anurag suddenly got up and started towards the exit, he couldn't let her slip through his fingers. Anupam rushed after him when Rashid held him back he offered to go after Anu himself. The blood lust that he saw in Anurag Basu's eyes didn't bore well for Mr. Bajaj.

Anurag reached the asylum and directly got to Bajaj's room but before Anurag could say anything Bajaj took out a gun. Rashid had stayed out to keep an eye on who was coming in or going out. But he heard the clicking of the gun so he rushed to enter from the other side to help Anurag.

Bajaj was pointing the gun at Anurag... yes i killed the baby. That was intentional but after that i have no idea why the poison was not stopped. I had no intention of killing Prerna....she is beautiful lady and I like having her as my wife. I had to get rid of the baby because its all She focused on. I wanted her to think about us... toh kya galat kiya maine bolo? Tum bhi toh yahi chahte ho ki woh sirf tumpe focus kare.... And i paid up big time to have her ...or rather snatch her away from

Anurag moved to hold his gun away from him and then punched Bajaj on his gut. After removing the gun from him and holding his neck in his grip...

Pree... I want to know the name of an anecdote to the poison NOW... See if she is lost then I have nothing more to lose... i might as well kill you now and kill myself too.

Bajaj ... but Prerna always said that you are the most principled man she has ever known... hoe can a gentleman like you harm me...and Bajaj was about to laugh when Anurag casually put the gun on Baja's forehead and shot...

Bajaj lay there on the floor stunned to see Rashid had actually saved him at the last moment. He had pulled anus hand towards the ceiling.

They got the name of the anecdote reached hospital... and by the end of the day around midnight Prerna whispered the only name she lived by....ANURAG.

P.S....As the story is progressing i am finding you all equally excited and restless about the plot. Cant tell you all how your fear, excitement angst nd anger all of your reactions are such source of positivity for me. I never Imagined this story will get so much love. Thank you all🙏🙏❤❤ and kisses hugs to all of those cute readers who has been showering votes and comments or even shares...

Bless you all n loads of prayers and love for you all...

P.s. i am still waiting for more response for my upcoming new story ... its coming very soon... Till about Midnight today ...i will answer any questions about this new ask me plz..😊😊😋😋
