The slayer

yua:extends her hand,need help getting up

girl:yeah,as she grabs her hand

yua:pulls her up,hy im yua whats your name

girl:mina is nice to meat you,as she shakes her hand 

yua:the pleasure is mine

as then they stand there for 15 seconds

yua:youre gona challenge me for a duel arent you

mina:yes i am now are you rady to lose,holding her hand tightly

yua:on your dreams,holding her hand tighter 

both:shake on it as the let go and walk 5 feet apart

mina:ready to duel,as she puts her duel disk on

yua:yes,as she puts hers on 


status of the duel

live points:4000


cards on field:0 cards

mina:ill take the first move first i activate the field spell venom swamp

as then the field turns into a swamp vines growing from every trea in sight and mudy water covering the entire floor 

mina:i set 1 monster face down in defende position and 1 card face down and end my turn

yua:my turn i draw,as she draws a card,i activate my own field spell vendread nights

as a abandoned city forms buildings whit broken windows  tons of broken buildings a city full of light behind them that the city then grows vynes and moss everywere

mina:get a chill

yua:then y normal soumon vendread revenants in attack position

as then this sounds true the city

as then thiscomes from behind her

mina:gulps shivering

attack:1800 def:200 type:zombie type of monster:effect

yua:i activateits effect if there the only monster i control i can special soumon another vendread lv 3 monster from my hand but its attack become 0 and its effect is negated so come vendread houndhord

as then a howl is heard as the come from a allley

But they take a defensive pose 

attack:0 defense:2100 type of monster:effect

yua:in defense mode

mina:good puppeys,backing away

yua:dont be scared there holograms and they wont stay hear for long 

mina:o yeah....what do you mean there not o i se 

yua:yeah now i

as she gets interrupted

mina:a link soumon

yua:confused,what no im not doing a link soumon

mina:then a synchro soumon

yua:no neither one of this guys are tuner monsters 

mina:a xyz soumon

yua:there not the same lv

mina:ok then continue

yua:as i was saying i activate the ritual spell vendread origin 

mina:ritual soumon

yua:come foward savior of the people from this infection and holder of truth

as then two bone spikes pierce both the hounds and revenants as the are turn to core as the this land from the sky and stands  there 

yua:holder of justice 

REVENDREAD SLAYER¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

attak:2400 defence:0 card type:effect

mina:thats it

yua:what do you mean is that it

mina:2400 attack points that dosent seem like mutch

slayer:makes a scofing motion feling ofended

mina:did it youst scof at me

yua:you will pay for those  words and no its a hologram silly now battle vendread attack her face down

as then it is fliped reviling venom cobra

mina:you fell for it i activate the trap ambush fangs i end the battle face and put a venom counter on your monster

yua:sorry but thats not going to happen i activate the effect of vendread houndhord from the grave 


yua:if it was use for the ritual soumon of a vendread monster i can target 1 spell/trap on the field and banish it howling aftertough

houndhour:bite the trap to shreads

nina:still not gona do mutch next turn

yua:o im not done


yua:i activates slayers effect i banish 1 copy of himselve to gain 600 atk points  and gains the defence of the defense position monster menaing 5,000 atk but i lose live points equal to vendreads attack power integration 

slayer:eats a blue orb as he rushes for the cobra

mina:thats i

yua:dont you ever learn to let me finish i activate  vendreads at nights effect if vendread slayer   battles a opponents defense posiion monster he can inflick damage to his attack to my opponent

mina:i had to open my mouth

yua:executioners end

slayer:launches his spince at the snake pnpailing it and then righthooks mina to a building


minas live point s:0000

as then a sing saying yua wins as a 1 of the kings cards

yua:are you ok

as the holograms stop

mina:that was awsome again again

yua:ok but lets only if you join me it will get lonely

mina:yeah sure

"really her"

a voice said

yua:murmurs,slayer stop it i need friends and she sems nice

mina:what was that

