the boxing duelist

we now se yua and mina walking true the woods

yua:for how long have we been walking

mina:1 2 3 hours maybe i dont know i lost all concept of time at this point

yua:o yeah youre right 

as then they stay silent tired


mina:interrupts her,shhhhh hear that

yua:what shoul i hear nature or something because i dont know what you want me to lisen to

mina:shhhh,as she lets there be silence

as then thumps are heard in the distance 

mina:north east 20 feet away  near a waterfall,as she heads on that direction

yua:slayer did you understand how she got that  ffrom thumps

slayer:yeah im as lost as you are but go before she leaves you behind

yua:runs behid her following her

5 minutes later 

mina:what took you so long,somehow not tired

yua;how are you not tired,breathing heavely

mina:the motivation kicked in and i got way to mutch reserved 

as then a red haired guy aproches them

kirishima:can i help you two

yua:yeah were can we find civilitation people something please

kirrishima:o yes i can i know were a camp is


kirishima:yes but in 1 conditiion

yua:that is

kirishima:if you can beat me in a duel were in a tournament after all do we have a deal

yua:what happens if i lose

kirishima:you have to cook diner because i have not eaten


both:shake hands on it

mina:i feel sudenloy excluded

both:get in position,duel

yua:ill take the first move if you dont mind

kirishima:i dont mind

yua:i activate the spell pre-preparation of rights it allows me to add 1 ritual spell from my deck to my hand andif it list the card it soumons i can add him to my hand

as the duel disklets 2 cards out

yua:grabs them,the i soumon vendread remenants in attack position

remenant:comes from the ground and growls

kirishima:zombies bery cool

yua:thankyou now i activate its effect of remenants i can special soumon 1 lv3 vendread monster but is effects are negated and atk become 0 scretching call

remenant:does a loud screetch

as then the wolf zombie comes out of the wood and 

houndhord:makes a defensive position

kirishima:zombie wolf thats so cool

yua:thankyou well now i activate the spell card vendread revendread origin origin and now i ritual soumon soumon

as then the revenant and the houndhord and are brought back to the ground

yua:come foward savior of the people from this infection and holder of truth holder of justice REVENDREAD SLAYER¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

slayer:hops from the ground up to the field

yua:i set 1 card and i end my turn

kirishima:my turn i draw i activate the spell card hand destructionny we both discard 2 cards then draw 2

both:discards 2 and draw 2

kirishima:now i soumon battling boxer switcher is atk position 

Yua:is that a robot boxer that is awsome 

Slayer:looks back at her

Kirishima :thanks now I activate the effect of battlin boxer switchitter I can target  1 battlin boxer monster in my grave but I can only special soumon battling boxer monsters for the rest of the turn

Yua:he only plays battling boxer  so there is no  Drawbacks for that effect 

Kirishima:exactly  now come foward battling boxer headgear

Yua:two lv 4 monsters then that means

Kirishima:I overlay lv 4 headgear and switcher I xy soumon lead yoke
