Chapter 7

The Croods burst out of a mountain of popcorn "Still alive!" On the base of the popcorn, pile Guy pops out, gasping for air. He looks around to check to see if he's been spotted.  He started to run towards the mountains. 

Eep looked around to notice the boy was nowhere to be seen "Hey, where's Guy?" Eep jumps off the pile of popcorn and notices Guy in the distance, she pounces on Guy like a tiger. She caught him by his pants and help him up.  "No!" Guy yelled out, as Vanessa caught up to the two. 

"Going somewhere?" Eep asks, tilting her head. 

"The mountain? High ground? End of the world, remember?" He says, trying to get free from Eep's grip.

Eep scoffs "That happened already. It destroyed our cave."

Vanessa decided to speak up "Umm... Eep, I don't think that was it."

Guy nodded to confer what she said"That was just the beginning of the end. The end is still coming."

Grug walks up behind them and sees Eep with Guy "Eep. Drop it." Eep sets him down. Guy takes the chance and bolts but Eep hadn't let go of him go, she yanked him back and held him by the waist as he struggles to get free. 

"We can't let him go! What if we don't find a cave before sunset? What if it takes a few days? What if the birds?!" Eep protested, her grip on Guy tightens as he tried to escaped.

"We might need help along the way," Vanessa added. 

Gran walks up to them "We need his fire, dummy!"

Grug thought about it and smiled at Guy. Guy notices and panics, he tries to get away but Eep had a tight grip on his head. Grug quickly grabbed a log "Fine. You're staying with us till we can find a cave." Grug quickly grabs Guy and shoves him in the log. Guy tries to run away but Grug hoists the boy in the log over his shoulder.

The Croods start to walk in the opposite direction of the mountains. Guy starts to protest "What?! No, I'm not. Don't make me part of this. Stay here if you want but let me go. I've got a dream, a mission, a reason to live!" He looks at Vanessa with pleading eyes. Vanessa looked at him and felt bad, she knew she had to do something. Before she could say anything Eep looks at him and smiled brightly "Not anymore."

Vanessa was irritated by this and wanted to help Guy "Umm... I've got an idea. Let's go to the mountain," everyone looked at her and watched as she points to a very tall mountain in the distance. Grug barely looks and turns back to the opposite direction"It's too far."

"Sorry, Grug has his heart set on a cave," Vanessa apologises.

"Uh, there, are caves on the mountain," Guy suggested 

Eep's eyes lit up "Have you been there?"

Grug starts to walk in the opposite direction of the mountain "It's a mountain. The mountains are safe. Mountains have caves and water and sticks."

The last word caught Thunk's attention "Mom? Did you hear that? I can get my own stick?"

Guy nods and started naming other things "Yes. Sticks. and sticks. Crazysticks. Let's go." Grug shushes Guy quickly. 

On cue, there was a rumble, this gets Grugs attention. Grug stops. The Croods wait to see what was going on, in the distance a mammoth falls out of sight in the distance swallowed by the ground. 

Belt pops up "Da da daaaaaa." Sandy notices him and tries to attack but was caught by Ugga. 

Belt turns around "Ugh. That thing is weird," Thunk says with disgust written all over his face. Belt antagonizes Sandy by sticking his tongue out at her, Sandy goes at Belt again.  Vanessa tries to calm down Sandy. " No no, it's okay. That's just belt." Grug takes a step back and turns towards the family

"I've made a decision. We're going to, that mountain! Don't ask me why. It's just a hunch. It just feels right," he points towards the mountain, Guy was going to.

Ugga looks at the mountain and frowned "I don't know Grug. We've never travelled that far."

"I don't think my feet can do that," Thunk said.

Gran sighed "I'll never live long enough to get there."

Grugs eyes lighten up "Let's do it." Gran looked at him shaking her head angrily, the croods looked towards Gran understanding Grugs enthusiasm.

"Oh come on, just think. Our whole family, packed together a on a long, slow trip across country Days and nights with just each other. We'll tell stories. We'll laugh." He glanced at Eep and Vanessa "We'll be closer as a family." This causes a raised eyebrow from both Vanessa and Eep.
