chapter 5

The trio was walking out of the canyon towards the cave. Eep furiously kicked a rock which almost hit Grug "Hey!" There was a lot of tension in the air and Vanessa did not like it at all. Up ahead the rest of the Croods can be seen. 

Ugga saw them and ran towards the two girls "Eep! Vanessa!"



Ugga checks the two for any injuries. "Grug what happened?"

"You know what, I am so mad right now that I can't talk to any of them"

Ugga sternly looked at the two girls "Eep! Vanessa!"

Vanessa couldn't look her I eyes "Well you won't believe it"

"We found," Eep finished off excitedly. Vanessa sighed and facepalms. 

Once the words new came out of Eeps mouth, the Croods panicked "NEW!" They snatched up stones and formed a defensive circle which is called the family kill circle. Grug was the first to express his disgust "New's a problem!"

EEp and Vanessa were trapped in the middle of the family kill circle. Eep tries to squeeze "Wait! Wait!"

Ugga pushes Eeep back "Eep stays in the family kill circle with Vanessa."

Vanessa decides to speak up "It wasn't bad."

"New is always bad," Grug says.

"No, he was nice," Vanessa protested.

Grug stopped and turned to look at her "What!? Excuse me? He?"

Eep decided to answered "Oh. Well, I thought he was a warthog but then he turned into a boy," she says while twirling a strand of her hair. Vanessa noticed this 'She must like him, I mean he's cute. To be honest I want to see him again.' she thought. Vanessa felt her heart pound from thinking about him maybe when she sees him again she'd go on an adventure with him. 

"Strange. Usually, it's the reverse," Gran says. Grug raises an eyebrow at her remark. 

Thunk looked smudged "Eep's got a boy hog! Eep's got a boy hog!" Eep elbowed him at the back of his head to shut him up. Vanessa cringed at thought of how painful that must have been.

"There was a boy. Watch I'm going to call him," she says determined to convince her family so she pulled out the shell and so did Vanessa. As she did that, the family backed off while dragging Vanessa with them, they hadn't noticed the fact she has one as well.

As soon as Eep blows on it, they smacked it out of her hands and smashed it with a rock. Eep looked devastated, her first gift from someone other than her family was destroyed. Vanessa looked horrified, she held the shell she had close to her afraid they'd do the same thing to hers.  As the dust clears the Croods are satisfied now the object was reduced to nothing.

Eep looked at the broken shell and held it close to her. Vanessa could only watch, she wanted to yell at them for their ignorance but there was no use, they'll never listen. 

Eep was outraged by her family's actions "What is wrong with you?"

"It was dangerous," Grug answered. He fully believed what he did was right. 

Eep was angry "It was beautiful. You want dangerous?" She picks up a rock "Here!" She pelts Thunk with a rock with hits his nose, which was intended for Grug.

"OWWWW! My sniffer," He cried out.

Grug and Ugga have had enough of her behaviour. Grug puts his foot down " Okay Eep, that's it. We're going back to the cave and you're going to stay in there until you're  older than..," Grug spots Gran and points at her "Her!"

Eep was in disbelief "What?! You can't keep me inside forever!" Eep throws a tantrum, she picks up a rock and smashes it against the ground. 

When she was down she goes completely silent a strange groan is heard from underground. Then a small amount of sand falls from up above. Everyone hears this and look up frightened.  A crack starts to splinter under their feet

Vanessa looked at the crack "He said this would happen," she said softly. Grug gasps.  There was a boom and the ground started shaking a  bigger crack formed under them. 

Rocks started to fall from the canyon "Get to the cave!" He shouts making sure everyone was ahead of him. "GO!" The Croods and Vanessa race through the canyon narrows, fighting their way through falling boulders and shifting ground, heading towards the safety of their cave. 

They see the cave entrance. The canyon walls above their home start to crack. Grug sees this from above. "Look out! Stop!" Grug picks up a rock and throws it which thankfully hits Thunk which causes him to trip and the rest tumble with him.  Grug sprints in front of them and holds them tight shielding them from the mass of tricks crashing down. 

The dust clears a bit revealing the Croods in a tight ball, covered by Grug. As Grug stands, so do the others. "Is everyone okay?" he asked checking on everyone.

"Yes." Ugga says then looks around "Grug, the cave, it's gone." Grug looks behind him "No," he searches the rubble for anything that the cave might still be there. He finds a handprint, split in two.  He carefully fits them back together.  Emotional, he lowers his head. 

It took a minute for Vanessa to process what happened she check a mini pouch she always carried, the last thing that her parents gave her. She noticed she lost the shell that Guy gave her. She coughs up some dust and steps forward, a shaft of light filtering through the dusty veil from the wreckage crosses her face as the dust descends, Vanessa sees a whole new world beyond. 
