Chapter 9- Typical

After the reunion with Grillby (well they exchanged a few words while Grillby worked) the rest of the day was fairly uneventful and as typical as usual:

Sans grabbed something quick to eat at the bar, mainly because Grillby insisted he tried out his newest burger recipe and offered free ketchup. To be perfectly honest it was the best he'd ever tasted!

Afterwards he walked to his post at Snowdin's border. A small, four walled, wooden hut in which he was supposed to watch for humans however he'd usually fall asleep at his station, how in the name of Asgore did he always manage that?

At around 3 o'clock he decided to visit the lady behind the large door (Toriel, not that she ever told him that... at least not in this timeline) that was hidden deep in the forest, and practice some puns and knock knock jokes with her. He can remember when he first came across this door, the confusion he felt, however he just thought 'fuck it' and began practicing jokes. It wasn't until days later (after he heard a laugh escape from it) that he realised he wasn't alone.
That's how he met this 'mysterious' lady, after he sat for hours taking turns telling jokes. Despite everything this Toriel never failed to make his day better, he sincerely hoped that one day he would have the pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her better.

He left at around 6, finally making his way back home to watch Mettaton's daily cooking show with Papyrus.

And finally, to bed.


Notice how I say 'to bed' and not 'to sleep'.

Hours and hours of tossing and turning was futile, sleep was not going to come easily. The soft(ish) snoring of Papyrus next-door did not help, in the slightest.

'Welp, looks like it another sleepless night for me. Wonder if Grillby's is still open?'

Clawing at his face in frustration Sans threw the blankets of of him and began to groggily stumble down the stairs. Flipping on the living room light, he rummaged through a basket of newly washed clothes, grabbing his trademark jacket and blue sneakers along the way.

He can't sleep so he might as well catch up at
Grillby's, he did get to speak to the fire monster much earlier anyway.

He grasped the handle to the front door and braced himself for the snow that often accompanied Snowdin.
'Heh, funny that is, I wonder if the pun is intentional?'

Now he can finally catch up with his dear friend at the place that once was his home.
