Chapter 4 - Misunderstandings

He broke inside. Every dam he had built to ignore past timelines and every coping mechanism invented to deal with the never ending nightmares, crumbled. This huge flood of emotion and a perpetually weakening mental state, caused Sans to snap. He couldn't lose him, not again.

Loud sobs escaped his mouth as his body collapsed to the floor, trembling, as he finally let his emotions lose. Large, glowing, colbolt tears began to flow rapidly, like a waterfall, down his grief stricken face. Each tear nestled itself carefully on Papyrus' signature scarf, absorbing into the the soft red fabric that was the embodiment of his now murdered brother.

The self hate began rebuilding itself inside him, this was his fault he could have prevented this. He began half sobbing, half laughing in insanity. He could deal with the nightmares, the guilt and the self loathing... but this was reality, he was gone.

"Brother ?!"

A sudden manic scream interrupted Papyrus' antics in the kitchen. He frantically re-entered the living room to a startling sight. The ice cold air hit like a bullet while the room slowly froze over his own brother at the center of its destruction. Glacial, blue cracked patterns extended from the area below Sans, almost as though his very soul was connected to the house. The sobs gradually grew more pained, desperate, and yet quieter. Why was his brother crying? Why was he clutching desperately at his dirty scarf?  Did he think... oh god!


Only ragged breathing remained as the blue cracks grew and a flame erupted from Sans' right eyesocket. Hyperventilating and shaking uncontrollably Sans was stuck in a terror enduced daze.

Papyrus allowed his soul to beat rapidly in response to his brothers meltdown. He allowed himself to become panicked in hopes that sensing the taller's soul reaching out in comfort would calm Sans down. Orange heat began to flow from Papyrus. Almost like silk flowing in a gentle breeze, his warmth held Sans in a comforting hug as he shouted his name one last time.


"P-pap? Papyrus !?"

Sans snapped back from his daze. Eye sockets wide in shock and terror as relief visibly washed over both brothers. Sans' look became almost crazed as a huge smile slipped on to his face, fire blue magic still flailing in the current created by their various magic. Papyrus moved to Sans' side instantly to comfort his older brother as tears of grief morphed into tears of joy.

"Sans, shhh. It's okay now, you're safe. I'm okay."

"Papyrus, oh my god. Papyrus ! I thought... I thought..."

"Shh, it's alright."

"Papyrus, Oh thank god!"

The two sat there in a comforting embrace, the souls canceled each others temperature out creating a perfect middle ground between the both. Not too warm. Not too cool. Perfect. The shaggy, royal purple and bright orange carpet beneath them returned to normal as the glowing tracks retracted back into its sender. The tension eased and the shorter has fallen asleep in the others grasp. Yet Papyrus' mind was still racing.

It was perfectly normal for Sans to react the way he did, right?
The dust on his scarf... He was cleaning, got some ketchup on his glove and went to go wash it off.
Why was Sans so quick to assume he was dead?
Is there something bothering his brother?
Something he's hiding from him?
No, he was just paranoid, right?
Sans was the laziest monster in the underground and Papyrus' only family. He knew he would be distraught if he lost Sans. So it's only natural that Sans would feel the same. Even the prospect of life without Sans was unbearable, Sans did everything he could to keep Paps safe as a child, he got a job at a young age, went without food, and fought any monster who dared taunt or hurt him in any way.
Sans gave up his own childhood and happiness for him, for that he was truly grateful...
But the biggest question still remained, who or what was Sans so afraid of?

Who was the one that Sans believed murdered Papyrus ?
