erebus is the mc for once (The First-Born)

The morning started out cold and bleak. The sky gray with cloud, the air stale with the dread of over a hundred male students.

One in particular, with shining gray eyes, soft black hair, and firm feline features, walked into the doors with his own group of friends, consisting of A Nekomata, the only girl in school, A Fox Hybrid, Two Humans, and another Feline Hybrid like himself.

His Gray uniform seemed to stick to his pale skin, a bright purple scarf wrapped around his neck and partially covering his mouth.

"You have no idea how lucky you are, Koemi!" The Fox Hybrid, Eros, whined. He was pretty attractive, from his syrup-colored hair and cinnmon highlights, To his wine-colored eyes, to his tanned completion. Fox ears swayed around on his head, his bushy tail barely sticking out from the uniform coat. "I wish I could get some privacy from the guys in my dorm! A guy has his own things to keep private too!"

Before Koemi, A Female Nekomata with two tails could respond, another jumped im.

"Eros, You literally keep nothing to yourself. You're underage and you've made out with how many guys?" Avarice, or Blade, The other feline hybrid, remarked. His bright green eyes peered from his fluffy dark hair, as he pulled up his own purple scarf to hide his forming smile.

"HEY! YOU LITTLE-" Eros began, But was yanked back by his bright blue scarf, Rai holding the other end.

The silent male wagged his finger as a warning, and adjusted his mask and own blue scarf.

"Ugh. Fine." Eros scoffed, crossing his arms. "You have a point. But still, don't slut-shame me for finding it fun to mess around."

"Don't think he was slut-shaming you Eros. Just pointing out that you don't have much room to talk." Jensen shrugged. He shivered and pulled his pastel yellow scarf from his coat pocket, wrapping it around his neck. Even though Blade had to adjust it to fit right, he was still grinning.

Yes, For such a Variety of Beings, Koemi, Eros, Erebus, Blade, And Jensen fit together just fine.

But their bond would be tested in the worst of ways in only a few moments.

"Will Erebus Sinnincox please report to the Headmaster's Office immediately. Erebus Sinnincox to the Headmaster's Office Immediately."

"OOoOOoO~. What did His Royal Highness do?" Eros Teased. "I like the good ones that can be bad~."

Koemi slammed the heel of her boot onto his toes, forcing a smile towards Erebus.

"We'll wait right outside for you." She offered, as all five nervously went to the Headmaster's Office.


"Erebus! Thank you so very much for coming!" Mrs. Loretta chattered. She pushed him the bowl of candy on her desk. "Please, Take what you will!"

"Headmaster Loretta, Why was I summoned?" Erebus frowned, getting straight to the point. "I don't recall being in the fault at any point recently."

"Oh, Darling. You aren't the problem.... I just... I need to tell you something... About your sister...." She tapped with her fingers, every part of her body twitching.

"Nekomai?" Erebus frowned. What had his little sister done that was so important his strict Headmistress was fidgeting like a toddler?

"Ah.... Yesterday, On her way home from school, Nekomai Rengo Hadosai and a friend were struck on the sidewalk by a drunk driver. One of them did not make it, But the Other is in a Coma. It was not specified to me who was who.... But Last I've heard, Your sister was in an awful state."

Erebus' world began spinning, faster and faster. His sweet little sister? The same sister who had never done anything bad in her life? His only sibling that had made it past infant stage? The only family he had a stable connection with?

"We've arranged for you to go back home. Your studies will be completed online until further notice.... Do you have any requests of us?" Loretta smiled sweetly. Tears pricked at her eyes upon seeing one of her favorite students so devasted.

"We're coming with!" Eros burst in, the other four furiously trying to drag him back out.

"Pardon?" The Headmistress frowned.

"We're Erebus' Best Friends. He's going to need someone close to him to keep an eye on what he does!" Eros continued, before a hand clamped over his mouth.

"Very well then. Jensen, Avarice, you two shall be accompanying Erebus back to his home." The Headmaster decided with a final nod.

"Well.... That's good enough." Eros sighed.

"Erebus, I've contacted all of your teachers. For today, you are in attendance and passing with flying colors. I'll give you the day off to think about all this before you go home tomorrow night." Mrs. Loretta gently informed him, offering Candy to the other four in the room.

"Yeah.... Thanks." Erebus smiled fakely, getting up and walking out.

He didn't make it very far before collapsing on the floor, His friends screaming when they realized he was out cold.

I hope it's my sister in a coma...

I don't want her dead....

Erebus shot up in bed and smacked his cheeks, startling Avarice, who was in a chair next to him.

"Bad Thoughts, Bad Thoughts, Bad Thoughts...." He chanted quietly, before grabbing the blanket and turning right over to face the wall.

Avarice sighed, moving to sit on the bed. He reached over and gently scratched one of Erebus' ears, prompting him to crawl out from the covers.

"Calm down. You won't be relaxing anytime soon if you keep up with this maniac chanting. Honestly, 'Bad Thoughts' isn't as creepy as 'Sleeping Forever.'"

"Yeah, I know." Erebus sighed

They both shot one another knowing glances, before tears welled up in Erebus' eyes, startling Avarice into moving over to give him a hug.

"Erebus... Erebus things will turn out just fine... I promise you...." The elder whispered gently.

"I can't lose her too..... She's all I have.... I can't.... Lose her too....." Erebus fretted, pulling his comforter tighter and tighter until he could barely breath, tears spilling all over his face and causing his eyes to sparkle and shine like polished silverware.

Avarice quietly wiped his tears away, barely glancing up as the door opened to show the rest of their three friends.

"Whoa..... Uh...." Koemi coughed. "We can..... Come back later?"

Eros stood next to her, holding a small box that had been taped and wrapped shut.

Erebus pushed out of Avarice's grasp, leaving him with open arms for a hot second before he crossed them. Moving across the room and wiping at his tears, Erebus stared at the box.

"It's something I whipped together. Only open it when you find yourself missing us too much, ok?" Koemi instructed once Erebus took the box.

"Alright." He smiled, barely having time to set it aside before she practically tackled him.

"I'll miss you..." She whispered quietly, nuzzling him for a moment before letting go and slipping back.

"Same." Eros winked, giving Erebus finger guns before slipping off, leaving Koemi to chase after him.

"Nervous?" Avarice whispered quietly, pulling their luggage from the closet.

"Are you kidding?" Erebus laughed. "I am absolutely terrified!"
Erebus stood on the sidewalk in front of 3427 Priscotta Drive.

Avarice and Jensen stood on either side of him, and stared up at the house with him.

The Teenage boys shot each other glances, before Erebus took a deep breath, and decided to go first.

Erebus clutched the small journal to his chest, staring straight at the lab coat in front of him.

"Car Crash a Few days ago. My sister was involved."

That's all he had to say before the man had a solemn look, and let them through the winding corridors.

Avarice walked beside him like a shadow, holding a small box in his hand.

The door was pushed open to show several nurses crowding in a small circle, murmuring among one another.

The man cleared his throat, and they all looked up, eyes glancing over at the two teenage boys.

"Visitors. Big Brother."

Hands flew to mouths, skin paling and eyes widening.

One nurse pulled the sickly green curtain back, the others shuffling out of the room past the two boys.

Eventually, it was only them and the nurse.

"Amber Vonesque.... Didn't make it. I'm so sorry." She announced, before pushing the curtain back.

Erebus stumbled forward in joy, terror, relief, and horror. He fell to his knees, grasping onto the pale hand laying on the bed and pressing the knuckles to his forehead, whispering prayers to the ancients.

On the bed, lay his pale and fragile little sister with tubes going in and out every which way, her face bruised and cut and her left hand in a cast. Her chest rose and fell gently, the oxygen tanks nearby humming peacefully.

He reached an arm over to hug her, to try and squeeze some warmth into her, to feel a sign of life.

She was ice cold, and he could feel where her ribcage caved in on the left. Raising his head, he studied her face, before glancing to the other side of the bed, where Avarice was also kneeling.
