•♥Chapter 5♥•

Adams pov

I was walking down the corridor of the schools halls, completely exhausted with all the assignments and stuff.The hallway was peaceful and relaxing,more of a contrast to what I'm normally dealing with.My ears aren't ringing due to the silence so that's a win.It was the afternoon and the dismissal of school.But I didn't feel like leaving for some odd reason.

I decide to go to the music room and once i open the door i gaze at the scenery placed in front of me.A Grand piano was placed in the middle of the rickety wood floor.

An Acoustic guitar was placed off to the side,Seeming to hide behind the cardboard boxes filling the room.This room hasn't been in use for a bit.I thought,As I notice the room was also gathering dust while seeming to attract cobwebs to the space aswell.

I take my phone out of my stripped hoods pocket and check the time.I should probably get going,I probably should pretend I was at a certain club or class to avoid suspicion.I pick up my bookbag and dust off the bottom of it.I quickly make my way back to the ground floor so that I don't miss the crowd.

As I'm going down the last flight of stairs I hear a loud shouting noise.As I got closer to this sound I hear that it sounded more like screeching then actual shouts.My ears should've started ringing cause I'm normally very sensitive to this due to...Never mind BUT I turn the other corner and try to see what the commotion is.I couldn't see cause a crowd of students were blocking my view.So I push through the crowd and see it's 2 blonds.

I recognize both of them to be Cindy and Felix.They were having a sort of fight.Cindy is in her pink tank top,black silky skirt,black leggings and heels.Her Face was quite blatantly a beet red as her mascara was spilling off her face,screeching spitefully at Felix.Felix was wearing his light baby blue Dress shirt And Black pants with black dress shoes.He had a more calm and Composed posture and expression.

"You can't just break up with me?!" Cindy keeps on retaliating,seeming to try to convince herself then Felix at this point."Whether you like it or not,I'm breaking off this relationship and there is nothing you can do about it.I'm not at all attracted to you,I never was and never will."

Cindy brings her shaking hand with her fake ass nails almost to his face to seemingly slap him.He just lowers her hand down and placed it away from his face,brushing off where he grabbed the hand.I let a snicker leave my mouth when I saw him do that.

Felix notices me and smirks back at Cindy."Actually,Imma show you what I actually am in to,or to be more exact who I'm into."

Felix starts walking towards me,the tap of his dress shoes fill the eerie silence that was placed in this room.He pulls me in a sort of embrace.Placing his hand on my hip and his free hand onto my chin.

"Can I kiss you?"

My face is completely beat red and my heart is basically falling out of my chest.While I was sorta paralyzed by the sudden question I was able to nod my head ever so slightly.He pulled my chin and closed the small gap that was between us.His lips placed onto mine,I felt a sort of reassurance. He suddenly bites my upper lip.Causing my mouth to become a gap. He deepens the kiss as he pulls me into a dip.It felt as if it were just us two,alone together..
I sit up on my unwelcome bed,feeling incredibly warm on my face.I notice my quickened beating heart.I took few breaths,helping me with my heart situation.I'm just sit there,replaying the kiss in my mind,feeling my surroundings get a whole lot warmer.I lay back down and yell into my pillow while the words just replayed in my mind.Can I kiss you?What was my dream making me dream about???I finished yelling into my pillow, feeling a little bad for making it suffer for a couple minutes.Maybe I just need water..Mhm!That's all I need.I slide out of my bed and open my door,making sure to not wake up my dog,Buttercup.I make my way down stairs and grab my glass of water.By now the dream isn't as vivid.

I should try to sleep.Not that I actually need it...

I reluctantly place the glass down and make my way to my room.

I hope I can get through tomorrow

Hey there,Author here!

I'm back,sorry to those that wanted me dead.

I finally updated, sorry for the hiatus.

That's all honesty I gotta say,stay safe yall.

Author left the chat..
