•♥Chapter 4♥•

Felixs pov

Once I got back to my residence I got a massive scolding from my father and worried comments from my mother and Teddy.

While my father was scolding me however,all I could feel was . . .joy?Though I had my head down I could feel a smile on my lips while I was staring at the ground.

I was sent up to my room,while I closed the door my father loudly spoke to my Mother about my "irresponsibility" or something like that.

I changed into something more comfy.I switched from my formal wear to a dark grey t-shirt and jeans.I wasn't exactly allowed to wear these clothes to school by my father.He believes we should always dress to impress.

I climb onto my bed.I just lay there for a while, replaying the memory of the brunets soft smile.I feel my face burning, feeling like it might explode almost.
I don't know why my body reacts like this,I hope I will find out.

I pull my blanket over me and slowly drift into a deep slumber..


Hey there!
I'm back with a very short chapter,im so sorry inspiration has been crap recently, I will add more to this chapter once I have the ounce of inspiration back with me.

Still hope you enjoyed!

Author has left
