

After Lunch, Blitzø had gone back to work, he was sowing a doll together until he heard someone clear their throat.

"Ahem." A voice said

Blitzø looked & saw Millie's Family, they had neutral & sympathetic looks on their faces. Blitzø stared emotionlessly at them before going back to sowing, Joe sighed as he remembered what they learned about what Moxxie & Millie did.


"You did WHAT!?" Joe shouted

"How could you two do that to him?" Lin said shockingly

"Why not? He was a creep who would never stay out of peoples' business & he always pry into our personal lives." Millie said

"Did you at least let him explain?" Lin asked

"Why should we, we lost all care about that insufferable idiot since it was his fault for ruining our 1st marriage anniversary." Moxxie said


Joe had punched Moxxie in the face which sent him flying to a wall

"Moxxie!" Millie gasped

"It was not Blitzø's fault, it was YOUR fault!" Joe said angrily

"My fault?" Moxxie repeated

"For your information, you're the dumbass who sang a love song at a lust-based restaurant." Joe said before turning to his daughter "As for you young lady, you're the one who assaulted the host, so y'all ruined ya own anniversary."

"Then why did he publicly announced that he seen us fuck many times?" Millie argued

"Because he was trying to stand up for you two!" Lin argued back "Moxxie was already making a dumbass out of himself, but Blitzø stepped up & took the humiliation instead.

"Y'all have a funny way of showing gratitude after what he did for you two." Sallie May glared

"Well, what's the point of showing someone like him gratitude?" Moxxie said as he got up

"If that's what you think, then get out." Joe said

"What?" Moxxie said

"You heard him, you get out of our house & out of our ranch, you are not welcomed here anymore." Lin said

"Also Moxxie, consider the respect I was starting to have for you gone & Millie, you are no longer our daughter." Joe said

"But Pa—." Millie said

"No, you failed to take responsibility for your actions, so we don't want to see you two ever again, now GET THE HELL OUT!" Joe shouted

Flashback End

"Blitzø?" Joe said, but Blitzø ignored him "Look, we know you ain't looking forward to seeing us after what Moxxie & Millie did to you, but we don't agree with what they did."

"Mm-hm." Blitzø said in disbelief

"Are you okay?" Lin asked

"Your daughter & son-in-law blamed me for their ruined anniversary, berated my personal life, & abandoned me." Blitzø said as he gave them a cold glare which scared them "Does it look like I'm okay?"

"Whoa there, easy, we don't want any trouble." Joe said

"Then what do you want?" Blitzø asked

"We were just concerned about ya after hearing what they did to ya." Sallie May said

"Yeah, & why aren't you blaming me for them being kicked out of Ozzie's on their first anniversary along with kicking my ass." Blitzø said bitterly

"Blitzø, that wasn't your fault & we would never do that to you." Lin said worriedly "Listen, is there a reason why you always find Moxxie & Millie outside of work?"

"Why would you care? I'm just a creep like Millie said." Blitzø said

"No, you're not." Lin said

"Besides, why should I tell you since Moxxie & Millie never gave me a chance to explain." Blitzø said

"Well, we're giving you a chance to explain." Joe said

"..." Blitzø stared in silence

"Blitzø, we can tell that's not the reason why you do that, so tell us, why do you do that?" Joe asked

"...Because I'm afraid to love." Blitzø said much to Millie's Family's surprise "I push others who get too close until they resent me for being a selfish shitfuck. Everytime, I see them together, I just wanted what they had...but I couldn't because it's impossible for me to love someone."

The family were shocked to hear Blitzø's reason, they felt sad for him to know that he couldn't love because he was scared.

"Blitzø, you remember when we told ya that the Pain Games was a competition to be the roughest toughest bastard in Wrath?" Joe asked

"Yeah..." Blitzø said

"When you won the last competition, you had proven yourself, sure you weren't from Wrath, but you became the roughest toughest bastard we know & you still are." Joe said

"Moxxie was a fool to not appreciate you taking the fall for him at Ozzie's, that was very brave & selfless thing you did." Lin said

"You are always welcomed at our home, you don't have to worry about Moxxie & Millie, you won't see them again since they ain't welcomed anymore." Joe said

"...Okay." Blitzø said

Lin walked around Blitzø's stand, held his face & gave him a motherly kiss on his forehead

"We love you." Lin said

"...I love you too, Mo—I-I mean Lin." Blitzø said as it nearly broke Lin's heart when he almost called her Mom.

Later, after Millie's Family left

"Nice place ya working." A voice said

Blitzø looked & saw an old enemy

"Striker." Blitzø glared coldly

"Hello Blitzø." Striker smirked "I heard ya lost your company & that vermin & his bitch along with that mutt left you in the dust & that ditzy blueblood stabbed you in the back, am I right?"

"What's it to you?" Blitzø said bitterly

"I also heard that you are, or should I say was a family friend of the Morningstar Family until they disowned you for risking the exposure of Hell." Striker said

"..." Blitzø sat in silence

"Y'know, my offer is still open, we can start killing the unkillable & get revenge on those who betrayed you, does that sound good?" Striker said

"...No." Blitzø said

"What?" Striker frowned "Don't tell me you still care about them even after what they did to you."

"No, it's because of Charlie." Blitzø said

"What about her?" Striker said

"I couldn't bear it if she knew that I killed her parents. I loved her as if she were my little sister & I took care of her whenever her parents were away from home. I also don't have the heart to kill her & I would never forgive myself if I did." Blitzø said

"Heh, you honestly think that prissy little bitch is a ball of sunshine?" Striker scoffed

"Watch it." Blitzø snarled

"Come on, we both know that fun-loving kindness of hers is just a mask." Striker said "There's no way she would want sinners to be redeemed considering she's Lucifer's daughter."

"I'm warning you, Striker." Blitzø warned

"Y'know, I bet the hotel thing is just a ruse, she's just trying to lure sinners so she could trap them & torture them for her twisted desires." Striker said tauntingly

Suddenly Striker was grabbed by the collar & a needle was in front of his eye

by Blitzø as he gave him an menacing glare

"You listen to me, I have known Charlie for years & she's a very kind & compassionate person, her dad is calling her a failure because of her redemption project & she's busting her ass to get sinners into Heaven. So, if you ever insult Charlie in front of me, I will sow your eyes & mouth shut before ripping them open, you got that?" Blitzø threatened

"...Alright." Striker said affirmatively

"Good." Blitzø said as he let him go

"So that's it, you're just gonna let them get away with what they did to you?" Striker asked

"You can call me soft if you want, but I'm done with killing." Blitzø said

"...Fine" Striker growled as he started to walk away before he stopped & sighed "Hey Blitzø?"

"What?" Blitzø said

"Here." Striker said as he tossed Blitzø dagger with a piece of paper wrapped around the handle which he caught. "It's my dagger & my number wrapped around the handle, if you ever need help with something, give me a call."

"...Alright." Blitzø said

The next day

"Blitzø." A voice said

Blitzø looked up & saw Vortex, they both stared at each other as Blitzø gave him a cold glare & Vortex remembered when he found out what Loona did


"Why the fuck would you do that?" Vortex asked

"Because he was the reason why I was made fun of at the party last night." Loona said

"Loona, I told you I was gonna take care of them." Vortex said

"Whatever, I lost my one chance of making friends & it was all his fault." Loona said

"How the fuck was it his fault, he never told anyone that you were daughter at the party, as a matter of fact, he wasn't even there." Vortex said

"Well, it would be better if he never adopted me." Loona said

"If he never adopted, you would be out homeless in the streets, you ungrateful bitch." Vortex growled which shocked Loona "Loona, first it was the beach incident & now this. That's the problem with you, Blitzø was nothing but a caring parent to you, he fed you, put clothes on your fucking back, put a fucking roof over your head, he even gave you a fucking job & this is how you repay him? What would you do if he never adopted you?"

"..." Loona said

"That's what I thought, y'know what, get out." Vortex said

"What?" Loona said

"I said get out, you wanna start becoming friends with those assholes who laughed at you by bragging about how you abandoned him, then go ahead." Vortex said

Flashback End

"Blitzø, I know you ain't happy to see me—." Vortex said

"So, tell me, Vortex, what the fuck happened?" Blitzø asked

"What?" Vortex said

"You know, when I let Loona come to this party you invited her to, I wanted her to make friends, NOT to be a laughing stock. So answer my question, how the fuck did they know I was her adoptive father?" Blitzø said

"I don't know." Vortex said

"Don't lie to me." Blitzø said sternly

"I swear man, I didn't tell anyone." Vortex said

"How could you let that happen?" Blitzø said

"I didn't mean to, I just—." Vortex said

"You wanna know something, Vortex, I was really beginning to trust you after Loona talked me into giving you a chance even though you worked for my ex. I really thought you were a great guy, but I guess I was wrong. Because of you, you cost me my daughter." Blitzø said

"Blitzø...I...I'm sorry." Vortex apologized "I never wanted that to happen & I never wanted Loona to abandon you."

"Why should I believe you, since you hated me for the shit I did to your employer." Blitzø said as he got back to work

"I never hated you because of that." Vortex said as Blitzø stopped

"...What?" Blitzø said

"I never hated you at all, Verosika's beef wasn't mine, I always thought you were a great father to Loona but she decided to throw you away because of something that you had no control over. If you were my dad, I'd be damn lucky & damn proud." Vortex said

"..." Blitzø sat in silence

"I'm sorry to disturb you at work, I'll go now." Vortex said

"...Tex?" Blitzø said as Vortex stopped

"Yeah?" Vortex looked at him

"...Thank you." Blitzø said

"Hm, no problem." Vortex smiled as he left


"Blitzø?" A voice said as Blitzø was working on the fabric with the sewing machine

Blitzø stopped as he looked up & saw Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Husk, & Niffty. They had sad & sympathetic expressions except Alastor as he had a small smile, Blitzø stared emotionlessly at them before going back to working on the sewing machine. Charlie looked sadly at him as she remembered what her parents told her.


"How could you say that to him?" Charlie said shockingly

"Charlotte, he has broken the laws between Hell & Earth & risked the exposure of our world, we couldn't let things slide." Lilith said

" & Besides, he has become a complete disgrace & caused total embarrassment to us, not to mention he never had any succession in his life." Lucifer said "So from now on, he's no longer a part of our family."

"No, he's no longer a part of YOUR family." Charlie said

"Excuse us, young lady?" Lilith said

"For your information, you two were the ones who disowned them, not me, so he's still a part of my family." Charlie glared

"Charlotte, are you really going to continue with this rebellion?" Lucifer said incredulously

"Yes, last I checked, I am also a failure because of my redemption project." Charlie said "Despite his mistakes, I'll stay by his side no matter what."

"Darling, please be reasonable." Lilith said

"You know, maybe it would be better if you two were more like Eve & God." Charlie said as she walked out leaving her 'parents' shocked to the core

Flashback End

Charlie walked around the stand, went over next to him, & placed a hand on top of his causing him to stop.

"Blitzø, it's okay, I'm not mad at you, none of us are mad at you." Charlie said "I know what Mom & Dad said to you & I want you to know that I don't agree with them, I don't want you to be more like Fizzarolli."

"Why not?" Blitzø said

"Because I don't want you to become anyone because you are not them, you are you & I love you just the way you are." Charlie said "I know they disowned you, but I didn't, you're still my family no matter what."

Charlie hugged Blitzø before he slowly hugged her back

"Hey Blitzø, Horvitz told us what you're former employees & daughter did, we're so sorry." Vaggie said

"It's fine, I don't need them in my life anymore." Blitzø said as they broke the hug "Are you sure you're not mad at me for what I did with my company?"

"To tell you the truth, I was mad at you." Vaggie said "When I saw your commercial jingle, I wanted to come over & scold you, but Charlie stopped me. Because even though she didn't approve of what you did, she still supported you."

"Charlie." Blitzø sighed "You really shouldn't have stopped her."

"I know, but I only did that because I love you." Charlie said

"Beside, if she hadn't stopped me, I wouldn't have scolded you because I hated you, I would only do that because I cared, I never wanted you to get in trouble." Vaggie said

"Thank you..." Blitzø said

"You know, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't call me over to your company, I would've been very entertained with you massacring humans." Alastor said

"It's no surprise that you liked my idea for the company, even though it was illegal." Blitzø said

"It may have been illegal, but it was a helluva genius idea, I mean I should've thought of it before but you've beaten me to the punch." Alastor said "I was sure Lucifer would've been impressed with the idea, but it turns out I was wrong."

"Yeah..." Blitzø said

"Ahem." A voice said

Everyone looked & saw Henroin, Molly, & Arackniss.

"Molls? Niss? Pops?" Angel said surprisingly

"Hey Angie." Molly said

"How's it going, Tony?" Arackniss said

"Anthony." Henroin said neutrally

"What are you guys doing here?" Angel asked

"Here to see Blitzø." Henroin said

"Pops, please, don't be hard on him, he didn't—." Angel said before Henroin raised his hand in a stop gesture as they approached him

"Mr. Henroin, why are you here to see Blitzø?" Charlie asked

"What, I'm not allowed to see my own godson?" Henroin said

"Godson?" Vaggie said confusingly

"My parents are Blitzø's godparents." Angel said

"I thought Lucifer & Lilith were his godparents." Husk said

"They were, Pops & Ma are his paternal godparents & Lucifer & Lilith were his maternal godparents." Angel said

"Could you all give us a moment?' Henrion said

After everyone left with exception of Angel, Molly, Arackniss & Henroin

"Niss, chair." Henroin said as Arackniss pulled out a chair & placed it in front of Blitzø's stand

"You here to disown me too?" Blitzø said bitterly

"No, no, of course not." Henroin said as he sat down "So, your back where to working here, huh, I remember how much you griped about how much you hated it here."

"Yeah, I just thought since I'm gonna work here again, I might as well shut the fuck up & get over it." Blitzø said

"Heh heh heh, yeah that's just the way it is." Henroin chuckled

"How's Ma?" Blitzø said

"She's fine, she told me to tell you that she loves you & she's sorry about your company." Molly said

"Nona & Grandpa Longlegs also sent their condolences." Arackniss said

"That's good to know." Blitzø said

"Hey Blitzø, since you lost your company, I was thinking that you might wanna work at mafia with us, how about that?" Henroin said

"...I'll pass." Blitzø said

"What?" Henroin said

"I'm sorry, Pop, but my days of killing people are over." Blitzø apologized "I just don't have it in me anymore."

"...Molly, Arackniss, give me & Blitzø some privacy while you catch up with Anthony" Henroin said

"Sure Pops, come on you two." Arackniss said

"Wait, will Blitzø be okay?" Angel said in concern

"Don't worry, he'll be fine, Pops is just gonna talk to him." Arackniss said

After Molly, Arackniss, & Angel left, Blitzø & Henroin sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

"...You ain't gonna believe this, when you use to fit right here, I'd hold you up & say to your mother 'This kid is gonna be the best kid in the world, this kid is gonna be somebody better than anybody I ever knew.' & you grew up good & wonderful, it was great just watching you was like a privilege & the time come for to take on the world & you did, but somewhere along the line, you changed, you stopped being you, you let people stick a finger in your face & tell you you're no good & when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow." Henroin said "Let me tell you something you already know, the world ain't all sunshine & rainbows, it's a very mean & nasty place & I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees & keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit & keep moving forward, how much you can take & keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

Blitzø stared as he was listening to every word Henroin was saying

"Now if you know what you're worth, then go on & get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits & not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody! Cowards do that & that ain't you! You're better than that!" Henroin said

Blitzø sat there in silence as he hung his head in shame until he felt an arm wrapped around him, he looked up & saw Henroin with a sympathetic look.

"I'm always gonna love ya no matter what, no matter what happens." Henroin said "You're the best thing in my life, but until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life."

Henroin hugged his godson as Blitzø shedded tears & hugged him back

To those who don't know what maternal & paternal godparents are, maternal godparents are people who the mother chooses to be her child's godparents while paternal godparents are people who the father chooses to be his child's godparents. I don't know if that's a thing or not, but who knows. Stay tuned for the next chapter, Morpho Out.
