

Blitzø & Mammon were on their way back to Loo Loo Land

"Blitzø, you alright, mate?" Mammon said

"Yes sir, I'm fine." Blitzø said

"I have to admit, you really took a lot of balls to call Lucifer a false ruler & slap the shit out of Paimon like that, that was pretty impressive." Mammon said

"Am I in trouble for it?" Blitzø said

"Nah, as a matter of fact, I knew it would turn out like that." Mammon said

"Hm..." Blitzø said

"...Blitzø, I'm not trying to irritate you or anything, but...I think you should find someone to train you." Mammon said

"I'm already being trained by Monty." Blitzø said

"No, mate, I'm not talking about your physical strength, what I mean is you need to have someone to help you train your powers." Mammon said

"So you're saying I should accept Paimon's training?" Blitzø narrowed his eyes

"I didn't say that, there are others who you still trust like Charlie, Seviathan, & Alastor for example. So they might be able to help you in getting stronger with your powers." Mammon said

"I don't know, Mammon, I don't want them to get involved in my problems." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, if you wanna win the battle against Azrael, you're gonna have to find someone whose power matches yours to train you." Mammon said before scowling "Because if you don't, I promise you you'll be homeless & jobless for the rest of your days."

"Okay, Mammon, I'll try." Blitzø said

"Good." Mammon said before sighing "Blitzø, look, I don't mean to be hard on you, I'm just concerned that's all. Your life is basically on the line since you're gonna be fighting the Angel of Death next year. Tell you what, once you gain some muscle from your physical training within a few months, you need to start looking for someone to train your powers, alright?"

"Yes sir." Blitzø said

"Okay." Mammon said "Oi, listen, I have a clown pageant coming up in a few months, so I thought maybe you could compete in it."

"Mammon, you know I'm not good at circus acts such as juggling, balloons, & shit comedy." Blitzø said

"That's because you're holding back on your true talents, & I'm not talking about your powers." Mammon said "Deep down, I know there are other talents you have hidden other than making stuffies."

"But Mammon–." Blitzø said

"Don't interrupt, what I'm trying to say is you don't have to juggle, comedy, or any of that shit in the pageant. Just do your own thing." Mammon said

"Are you sure?" Blitzø said

"Positive, mate." Mammon smiled with encouragement

"Hey Mammon, can I ask you a question?" Blitzø said

"What?" Mammon said

"Well, look." Blitzø lifted his hand showing his ring

"Hang on, is that an Asmodean Crystal?" Mammon said

"Yes sir." Blitzø said

"Where'd you get it?" Mammon asked

"I found it in a present that was left at my door, weren't you the one who left it there?" Blitzø said

"No mate, it wasn't me." Mammon said "But if you're planning on keeping it, I'm only gonna warn you this once. You can go to the living world to do whatever, BUT no more killing humans, if you're caught doing that again you'll be in deeper shit."

"I know sir." Blitzø said

Back with Lucifer & Lilith who were meeting with Azrael

"Your apprentice?" Lucifer said

"Did I stutter, Luci?" Azrael said

"Azrael, you can't be serious." Lilith said anxiously

"This is not a joke, Lily-dear." Azrael said

"But you can't take him as your apprentice." Lucifer said

"& why not?" Azrael raised an eyebrow

"Because...because I say so!" Lucifer said

"That's not your decision to make, it's Blitzø's." Azrael said

"I demand that you call off this promise!" Lucifer said

"No can do brother, I'm willing to fight Blitzø in the battle next year, also you know that Blitzø can't back out on the promise since he'll die if does." Azrael said

"Azrael, don't do that." Lilith said

"Why? Is it because you regret what you did to him or is it because you're scared of what will happen if he accepts becoming my apprentice." Azrael smiled sinisterly

"He won't because I'll order him not to as the King of Hell." Lucifer glared

"If memory serves me right, Blitzø called you a false ruler & lost his respect for you, so he won't listen to you even if you ordered him to." Azrael said

"You–." Lucifer said

"You know, none of it would have happened if you hadn't disowned Blitzø along with taking away his company, & he worked so hard to create it only for his hard work to go completely down the drain." Azrael said

"So what, he shouldn't be your concern since he's no longer my godson!" Lucifer said

"That's where you're wrong, brother, because like Charlie, I didn't disown him. So he's still a part of my family." Azrael said as he smirked "Isn't that what Charlie said before she cut you out of her life."

"You better watch your damn mouth, Azrael." Lucifer seethed in rage

"Why? You know it's true." Azrael chuckled

"Azrael, please, we'll give you anything you want, just don't take Blitzø as your apprentice, please." Lilith begged

"Ohoho, you really are scared." Azrael said amusingly

"Please Azrael, I'm BEGGING you!" Lilith said desperately

"Well, you two better start making it up to him, then again, it's far too late for forgiveness. I must be going now." Azrael said "Oh & one more thing, don't think about killing Blitzø, because the promise prevents him from death until the day of the battle, also don't think about locking him away & hiding him, unless you want the Extermination to come early. Ta-ta brother, hehehehahahaha!"

With that Azrael disappeared back to Heaven

"Lucifer, we have to make it up to Blitzø." Lilith said

"Are you fucking serious? I'm the Sin of Pride, I can't swallow it & apologize." Lucifer said

"But don't you realize what's gonna happen if Blitzø accepts Azrael's offer of becoming his apprentice? We'll be fucked!" Lilith said

"How was I supposed to know he made a promise with Azrael? Even as a child, he fucked us over." Lucifer said frustratingly

"But he didn't know that was Azrael, he was seven, he didn't know better back then. You can't expect a child to know that an angel was in disguise." Lilith said

"Whatever, why can't we just kill him after the promise is fulfilled." Lucifer said

"Are you insane!? Do you really want us to face Azrael's wrath!?" Lilith exclaimed. "Besides, it'll only make Charlie hate us even more, & we'll never be a part of her life again."

"Damn it! Just what we fucking need! Things aren't bad enough!" Lucifer said angrily

"Dear, maybe we were too hard on Blitzø." Lilith said

"Too hard on him? Honey, he literally risked the exposure of our world." Lucifer argued

"Well, you're the one who gave sinners & demons freewill here in Hell." Lilith argued back

"Yeah, but I didn't give him the freewill to go up there & start killing humans without wearing a human disguise, I mean didn't he have an Asmodean Crystal." Lucifer said

"No, we never gave him one, we gave one to Barbie & Fizz a long time ago, but we never gave one to Blitzø." Lilith said

"What? But I was told he already had one." Lucifer said

"Who told you that?" Lilith said confusingly

"His father, Cash." Lucifer said

"& you believed him!?" Lilith said incredulously "Lucifer, you know Cash never gave Blitzø shit his entire life. As a matter of fact, nobody ever paid attention to him while he was growing up except his mother & paternal godfamily. Have we ever been decent godparents to Blitzø?"

"Well...not really." Lucifer said

"Exactly, that's all the more reason for us to make it up to him." Lilith said

"There must be some other way to prevent him from becoming Azrael's apprentice." Lucifer said

"That's our only option, Lucifer, you can try to figure out another way if you want, but it's only gonna make things worse." Lilith said "You know, you shouldn't have told him that it would be better if he was more like Fizzarolli, you know how he feels about that."

"Oh, as if you're any better." Lucifer glared

"Well, I'm not gonna stand here & do nothing, I need to figure out a way to make it up to him." Lilith said as left

"I gotta tell the others about this." Lucifer said

Meanwhile Moxxie & Millie were recovering at the hospital as they had gotten the worst torture of their lives. The Murder Family had dropped them off there when they were done with them.

"Moxxie, Millie, you have a visitor." A nurse said

Entering the room was Barbie Wire who was glaring angrily at them

"You must be the twink & his bitch who decided to fuck with Blitzø." Barbie said

"Who are you?" Moxxie said

"My name's Barbie Wire, I'm Blitzø's twin sister." Barbie said "You two couldn't just leave him alone, could you? Haven't you already done enough damage?"

"..." Moxxie & Millie laid in silence

"I didn't think so, at least you'll think twice before doing stupid shit like that again." Barbie said "Now where the fuck is Loona?"

"Isn't she with Blitzø?" Moxxie said

"No, that ungrateful bitch walked out on him the way you did on the same day." Barbie said "You wanna know why he always found you outside of work, it's because he was envious of your relationship."

"He was envious...of us?" Millie said

"Of course he was, Blitzø had never experienced love in his life. He was in a relationship with Verosika but it didn't work out because he was scared. He has been hurt so many times in the past to the point where he doesn't even know how to love & to the point where he's afraid to love back." Barbie said

"But doesn't he have Stolas?" Millie said

"That feathered prick? Hell no, turns out that bastard was only using him to get out of his shit marriage with the racist bitch." Barbie said

"What? But we thought–." Moxxie said

"Well, you thought wrong, & no thanks to you two along with him & Loona, Blitzø is hurt to the point where he can't love at all since he has no emotions. So congratulations, you broke my brother!" Barbie said angrily as she began to leave "Next time you wanna fight Blitzø, DON'T."

A few months have passed & much has happened, the next day after the confrontation with Azrael, Lucifer had told the other Sins except & Demon Royalty except Stolas & Stella about Azrael's intention.


"What do you mean Azrael wants Blitzø to be his apprentice!?" Paimon said incredulously

"Shit, this is really bad." Asmodeus said

"Is there anything we can do to prevent that from happening?" Satan said

"I don't know, we can't kill Blitzø because the promise prevents him from death until it's fulfilled, & if we imprison him they'll send Exorcists to cause havoc until we release him." Lucifer said

"There must be some way to prevent Blitzø from accepting Azrael's offer." Bael said

"We're left with little choices, Bael, Blitzø never had an easy life growing up here in Hell." Lilith said

"Where the hell is Mammon." Leviathan said

"I tried to call him over, but he's ignoring my calls." Lucifer said "Also, where's Stolas & Stella."

"They didn't want to be included if it's regarding Blitzø." Andrealphus said

"Fuck! This is a very serious matter & they're not even here." Lucifer said frustratingly

"This is all your fault, Lucifer, if you hadn't chosen that low rank imp as your godson, then we wouldn't be in shit right now!" Paimon said

"What does that have to do with what's happening now!?" Lucifer glared along with Lilith

"For your information, Paimon, Lucifer & I were very close friends with his mother." Lilith said

"So what? I stand by what I said." Paimon said

"I believe that wouldn't make a difference if Lucifer & Lilith were chosen as Blitzø's godparents or not." Andrealphus said "After all, it wouldn't stop Azrael from gaining an interest in Blitzø due to his powers."

"I agree with Andrealphus, plus you two disowned him at a very bad time." Octavia said

"What do you mean we disowned him at a bad time?" Lucifer said

"He was at his darkest hour before you made things worse by disowning him & taking away his company. That will give him all the more reason to accept Azrael's offer." Octavia said

"They shouldn't have disowned him AT ALL." Satan said

"Exactly." Octavia said

"Alright everyone, let's not lose hope, does Blitzø have anyone who is still his friend or family?" Anath asked

"Yeah, he's got to have at least someone who still cares about him." Zepar said

"Well, there is Charlie, her girlfriend Vaggie, my son Seviathan, my daughter Helsa, Wally Wackford & Horvitz who work with Blitzø in Loo Loo Land." Frederick said

"What about those two other imps who used to work for Blitzø, Moxxie & Millie?" Lucifer said

"Yes, there's also his daughter Loona, maybe she along with those two can be Blitzø's reason to refuse Azrael's offer." Lilith said

"Lucifer, Lilith, I'm afraid Loona, Moxxie, & Millie are out of the question." Beelzebub said

"What?" Lucifer said confusingly "But aren't they his family & friends."

"No, you stupid clown, they're his enemies!" Andrealphus facepalmed

"What are you talking about? What happened?" Asmodeus said

"& why do you suddenly want to know, Asmodeus?" Octavia glared

"..." Asmodeus stood in silence

"That's what I thought." Octavia said "Anyway, Blitzø is on good terms with me & my granddaughter Via, I also heard that he's reconnecting with his sister Barbie Wire."

"Yeah, & I think he's cool with my boyfriend Vortex." Beelzebub said

"Thank goodness." Lilith sighed in relief

"Anyone else?" Anath said

"Well, there's his paternal godfamily, speaking of them, I called Henroin over to ask for help." Lucifer said "Asmodeus, can you find a way to fix Fizzarolli's friendship with Blitzø."

"Are you crazy! Fizzarolli hates him! How the hell am I supposed to fix their friendship!?" Asmodeus said incredulously

"You've got to at least try, the fate of Hell is on the line, Asmodeus." Lilith pleaded

"...Alright, I'll try, but I'm not making any promises." Asmodeus said

"Does Blitzø know about Azrael's intentions?" Satan asked

"I don't think so?" Lucifer said

"Don't you think we should at least tell him?" Belphegor said

"I don't know, to be honest, I don't know what will happen if we do tell him." Lucifer said

"I see." Belphegor said "Lucifer, Lilith, I suggest that you two give him some space."

"SOME space? They should give him A LOT of space since Blitzø scared the shit out of Lucifer along with throwing a knife at him." Satan said

"I wasn't scared, asshole!" Lucifer glared

"Heh, could've fool me." Satan rolled his eyes

"I agree with Satan about giving Blitzø a ton of space, it will give Blitzø time to cool down." Bael said

"Indeed, & Paimon, I believe you along with your son & daughter-in-law should stay away from him." Anath said "The last thing we need is for you to make things worse."

"Fine, not like I give a shit anyway." Paimon muttered

"Lucifer, Mr. Henroin is here." Lucifer's servant said

"Okay." Lucifer said. "Before you go, I need all of you to try to be decent with Blitzø, but whatever you do, do not do anything that will give him more reason to accept being Azrael's apprentice. Dismissed."

The Sins & Demon Royalty left as Henroin entered the room

"Henroin, we're so glad to see you." Lucifer said

"I'd be lying if I said the same thing." Henroin said bitterly "Now what the fuck do you want, because I don't like being in the same room with you regarding what you did."

"Well, you see, that's just it, we need your help." Lucifer said

"Help? With what?" Henroin raised an eyebrow

"We need your help in making it up to Blitzø." Lilith said

"Are you shitting me? You disowned & berated him & now you wanna make it up to him?" Henroin glared "Why? Have you had seconds thoughts since you found out he had powers?"

"No, it's something else." Lilith said "You see, the reason why Azrael wants to battle Blitzø is because he wants him to be his apprentice."

"Oh, well that's great." Henroin said

"No Henroin, it's not great, don't you realize what would happen if Blitzø becomes Azrael's apprentice." Lucifer said

"So?" Henroin said

"What do you mean 'So'?" Lucifer said incredulously

"I don't see what's the problem." Henroin said

"Henroin, can't you see that this is a bad situation!?" Lucifer said

"It's bad for you, I'm actually happy for Blitzø since someone as powerful as Azrael acknowledged him." Henroin said

"This is serious! If that happens, Hell will be fucked!" Lucifer said "That's why we need your help in making things up to him."

"I ain't the one who disowned Blitzø here! The only ones in Hell who will be fucked are you, your wife, & the other bastards who turned their backs on him & fucked with him for the last time!" Henroin said

"So, you're not gonna help us?" Lilith said

"Nope, this is your problem, not mine." Henroin said. "Besides, I doubt Blitzø will forgive you, because not only did you disown & berate him, you also did a SHIT job on being his godparents. After the fire that happened years ago, what did you two do? You just assumed that he became some kinda pyromaniac terrorist & locked him up without giving him a chance to defend himself. Blitzø never meant to cause that fire, it was an accident. But you didn't care, just like you never cared about him."

"We always cared about Blitzø" Lucifer defended

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you spent time with Blitzø when he was under your roof, you name me one time, & I will take it all back." Henroin said

Lucifer & Lilith tried to think of something, but they couldn't since they hardly ever spent time with Blitzø when he was a kid, they even know little to none about him

"Uh-huh, I didn't think so, my wife & I made time for him when he was under my roof, we made sure to spend every minute with him while putting aside our work so that we could make memories with him that we cherish forever." Henroin said "But you...you just casted him aside just like his father, you casted him aside because you were 'too busy'. Hell, you didn't need to disown him as your godson, because you already stopped being his maternal godparents a long time ago."

"..." Lucifer & Lilith stood in silence & regret

"You know, he'll probably move to Heaven if he accepts Azrael's offer, at least Heaven is more accepting than down here in this shithole. Plus, Molly & Lucie will be up there with him, so he won't be alone. Hell, he might be turned into an Angel if he starts living in Heaven."

"Don't say that." Lilith said

"Why not? The reason you want to make it up to him is because you're scared, scared of what he would do to you if he became Azrael's successor which he SHOULD." Henroin said

"Henroin, please–." Lilith said

"No, you dug your own graves, you lie in them. I'm getting outta here, I've wasted enough time talking to you privileged idiotas." Henroin said as he left

"He's right." A voice said from behind as Lilith & Lucifer turned

"Frederick, Bethesda, I thought you two left?" Lucifer said

"Now where would the fun in not watching you being chewed out by Henroin be?" Frederick said "As I was saying, Henroin is right, Technically, you two made a mistake in disowning Blitzø."

"Don't you think we already know that?" Lucifer glared

"We do, we just like rubbing it in." Frederick smirked. "Do you recall a few days after you locked him up, I made a deal that you give him to us as a servant. Well, now's the time to tell you that we never did use him as a servant."

"You what?!" Lucifer said surprisingly "What were you doing with him all this time."

"Feeding him, clothing him, giving him an education, making memories with him, we were practically raising him until he went to college." Bethesda said "He often helps around the castle, but that's only because he wants to."

"Indeed, he also has been a wonderful babysitter to Seviathan & Helsa, just like he was with Charlotte." Frederick said

"But you were supposed to punish him! That was not part of our deal!" Lucifer said in outrage

"Now why would we want to do that? It was just an honest accident like Henroin said." Bethesda taunted "Blitzø told us so himself, when we took him home & sat him down to talk. You can't be mad at us for being patient & understanding, unlike you."

"You know, I wonder how Tilla would react to how you neglected, mistreated & disowned her son." Frederick said

"Don't you fucking mention her name." Lucifer growled

"Ooh, did I strike a nerve?" Frederick smiled mischievously "Good, because I know she would be rolling in her grave by now."

"If anything, Tilla should've chosen us as his maternal godparents." Bethesda said "How's it feel that someone had taken the role of a replacement mother for Blitzø, Lilith?"

"Yes, & you could've been a father figure to the boy, but you threw that out the window & gave it to me." Frederick said

Lucifer & Lilith looked down in silence as Lucifer clenched his fist in anger & Lilith's eyes were filled with tears

"Well, we must be going, good luck in trying to fix things with him." Frederick chuckled as he & his wife left

Flashback End

During the 3 months of physical training with Monty Python, Blitzø had gained some muscles & Monty taught him how to properly fight in hand to hand combat along with teaching him his tail techniques. They also gotten to know each other as well


"Good job, Boyo, you have improved a lot." Monty said "I mean look at you, you're nearly as ripped as I am."

"Thanks Monty." Blitzø said

"You know, this is me last day of training you." Monty said

"Yeah, guess my physical training is complete, now all I gotta do is find someone to help train my powers." Blitzø said

"Who might that be?" Monty asked

"I don't know, but I'll think of something." Blitzø said

"You know, since this is me last day, I want you to know that I'm staying at the Hazbin Hotel with me mother." Monty said

"You're planning to get yourself redeemed so you can be with Molly?" Blitzø said

"Precisely, that & me Mammy is too pure-hearted to be here in Hell." Monty said "You should come over & meet her sometimes, you'd love her."

"I wish I was allowed up there in Heaven, so I come see you & Molly." Blitzø said

"I know, we do too." Monty said

"Hey Monty, can I ask you something personal?" Blitzø said

"Sure boyo, what is on your mind?" Monty said

"Your opponent, The Mongoose, do you...do you regret erasing him?" Blitzø said

"...Shite, no one's asked me that before...but to be honest I...I do regret it." Monty said guiltily "As a matter of fact, I made a lot of regrets in me life & afterlife."

"Why'd you erase him in the first place? You spared him in the first match you had with him, why kill him then?" Blitzø asked

"I had a job offer from Vox." Monty sighed

"Vox? The Overlord?" Blitzø said

"Yes, he offered me to be a bodyguard, I took it because I wanted to make something of meself & I wanted more of a challenge than what I did in the arena. Ever since I took that job I...I changed." Monty said

"Changed?" Blitzø said

"Yes, I eventually earned the position of hitman, I had become selfish, egocentric, & corrupted." Monty said sadly "I never realized it until it was too late."

"You really had it rough, Monty." Blitzø said

"You can say that again, but I'm no longer working for him anymore." Monty said "There's another reason why I want to go to Heaven, the first thing I'm gonna do when I get there is to speak to God & ask Him to bring Mongoose back."

"Wow, that's a considerate & thoughtful gesture." Blitzø said

"Thanks, boyo." Monty smiled

"...Look, I don't know how much Molly told you, but I didn't have the best childhood." Blitzø said

"Was it true that you were a circus imp when you were a wee lad?" Monty said

"Yeah, but I was pretty useless at it, I couldn't juggle, couldn't make an audience laugh, I couldn't even make a proper balloon animal." Blitzø said "My Dad was the ringleader & he didn't like me that much, he was always crushing my dreams, kept putting me down, he never gave me an ounce of fatherly love, he neglected me for my ex-best friend Fizzarolli who he considered his son."

"Shite, he sounds almost as bad as my dad." Monty said

"The only ones in my family who loved, cared, & supported me were my sister &...my Mom." Blitzø said

"What was your mother like?" Monty asked

"She was a wonderful person, she was smart, very kind, had a beautiful voice, she was the best mother anyone could ever ask for." Blitzø said

"Molly told me about the fire, I'm very sorry for your loss." Monty apologized

"It's fine, but the whole thing was an accident & I blame myself for it, I should've paid more attention to my surroundings, I had no idea that guy I shoved was carrying a lit birthday cake." Blitzø said "Everyone thought I did it on purpose all because I was jealous of Fizzarolli. Nobody listened to me, not even my maternal godparents Lucifer & Lilith. The ones who listened willingly were Barbie, my paternal godfamily, Charlie, & the Von Eldritch."

"Hm, you know if she was alive, I'm sure both our mothers would become good friends." Monty said

"I agree." Blitzø saud

"You're not the only one who had a shite father ya know, me father was abusive, he beat my mother & I all the time, I became a fisherman at a young age to work to support me & my family. When I was older, I came home & found me mother weeping. I discovered she killed my father which is why she ended up here in Hell. I was so ashamed about how I didn't protect my mother due to me own fear of my father that I commited suicide." Monty said

"Monty...I...I'm sorry." Blitzø said with guilt

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize, but that's another reason why me & Mammy are getting ourselves redeemed into Heaven; so that my father won't find us." Monty said "No doubt that he's here in Hell with us."

"Monty, I can take care of your dad, let me help you." Blitzø said

"No no no, I appreciate that, but I don't want you getting involved." Monty said "You worry about your troubles & I'll worry about mine."

"Are you sure?" Blitzø asked

"Yes." Monty nodded

"Okay...Monty, it has been a real honor knowing you these past few months, you've been a good friend to me & I thank you for training me in my physical strength." Blitzø said

"You're welcome, Blitzø, I'm glad I got to know you as well." Monty smiled. "Take it easy, & don't stop working out, alright?"

"Okay, also please take good care of Molly & make her happy." Blitzø said

"I will, she's in good hands." Monty said as they shook hands & gave each other a bro hug

Flashback End

As for working in Loo Loo Land


Mammon had just walked outside from his office to see Loo Loo Land empty

"Huh?" Mammon said as he looked around "Where is everybody?"

Mammon wandered around looking for somebody until he heard the sound of people murmuring. He followed the source of the sound & found a large group of people surrounding the Fizzy Eats restaurant

"Oi, what's going on here?" Mammon said

"Mammon sir, you've got, I say I say, you've got to try this." Wally said as he was holding a bowl of soup

"What is it?-Mrph!" Mammon said Wally jammed a spoonful of soup in his mouth before having a starry gaze "Crikey! This tastes like I just reentered Heaven! Who made this?"

"Come with me, I'll show you who." Wally said

Wally led Mammon to the kitchen, where he saw Blitzø cooking.

"Blitzø?" Mammon said

"Hey Mammon, sir." Blitzø said

"Did you make all this?" Mammon said

"Yeah, I was wandering around this kitchen, I had a taste of it, then I added some ingredients. The chef caught me, so I let him have a taste & he loved it." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, I had no idea you could cook, you have really been holding back on your true talents." Mammon said "I mean who taught you how to cook?"

"My maternal grandparents taught me." Blitzø said "The other food I served out along with the soup happened to be their recipes."

"What were they like?" Mammon asked

"My grandma was just as kind as my mother was & she was doting as well. As for my grandpa, he was a very wise man. I'm sure my grandparents would've wanted me to serve their recipes to hungry customers." Blitzø said

"They would be very proud of you." Wally said admirably

"Also, Mammon, I have a surprise for you." Blitzø said

"Surprise? I love surprises!" Mammon said as he was blindfolded

Mammon was lead where the surprise was

"Okay Mammon, you can look now." Blitzø said as Mammon took the blindfold off

"Oi! An infirmary!" Mammon exclaimed surprisingly "Did you build this?"

"Yes sir, it didn't take long to finish it." Blitzø said

"My boy, with your skills, this will definitely make Loo Loo Land more profitable." Mammon said "I'm so happy I decided to rehire you! There's so much to do, so much to plan, you think you can repair the rides that are broken?"

"Yes sir." Blitzø nodded

"Then let's get started!" Mammon said

Flashback End

On the day of the Clown Pageant, Blitzø had arrived with Wally & Horvitz.

"Ya nervous?" Horvitz asked as they walked down the carpet

"Me? I lost that a long time ago." Blitzø said "Although I hadn't been to a clown event in years."

"Mm-hm, not since you gave up on being a clown." Horvitz said

"I say you'll do just fine, we'll be here to support you all the way." Wally smiled

"Hey Blitzø." Someone called out

Blitzø looked to see Mimzy as she wearing a Mammon shirt & a pair of jeans & high heels

"Hey Mimzy." Blitzø said

"How's it going, I hadn't seen ya since after your company went down the drain." Mimzy said


Mimzy was working at her club until she heard the door entry bell ring & saw Blitzø

"Oh Blitzø, what can I–." Mimzy said as she saw the emotionless look on his face. "Oh...oh boy, I know that look, come to my office."

Mimzy took Blitzø to her office

"Alright, what happened?" Mimzy said as she pulled out a glass & a bottle of liquor

"Turn on the TV." Blitzø said

"Why?" Mimzy asked

"Just turn it on." Blitzø said

Mimzy was confused as she turned on the TV

"Good morning, I'm Katie Killjoy." Katie said

"& I'm Tom Trench." Tom said

"& We're here to announce that the Immediate Murder Professionals has been shut down & disbanded." Katie said, much to Mimzy's shock

"That's right, Katie, that's means for every sinner who had been fucked over when they were alive will be denied revenge." Tom said

"Yes, now that IMP is no more, what will this mean for the former founder & former manager Blitzø who made it happen, find out on 666 News." Katie said

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry to hear that." Mimzy said sympathetically "I'm assuming this will be a drink to forget kinda day?"

"Pretty much." Blitzø said "Not only that, my employees & daughter said very hurtful things to me & abandoned me. Also I found out Stolas was only using me the whole time"

"That's even worse." Mimzy said "What else?"

"My maternal godparents disowned me." Blitzø said

"Oh now they decide to disown you." Mimzy said sarcastically "They didn't need to do that since they neglected you when you were a kid along with locking you up without defending yourself."

"I wonder what took them so long to make that decision." Blitzø rolled his eyes.

"You know, Blitzø, I didn't like Loona, she was too disrespectful & had a major attitude problem. I'm surprised you didn't snap & put your foot down." Mimzy said

"I thought I would end up pushing her away if I disciplined her." Blitzø said as he sighed "I seriously have a lot to learn when it comes to parenting."

"Hey, you tried your best at that, just don't adopt an almost 18 year old." Mimzy said "I mean, it's really thoughtful that you brought her because she needed a family, but it turns out she wasn't the right kid for you."

"Yeah..." Blitzø said

"As for that Moxxie, I always thought he was a fucking know-it-all." Mimzy said "& need I say more about Millie."

"Hm." Blitzø said

"Look, if you have a problem, you're not gonna find the solution at the bottom of a bottle." Mimzy said "Husk told me that, & he's been looking there a long time since he lost his title as Overlord."

"I know that, Mimzy." Blitzø said

"The first thing you need to do is look for a new job." Mimzy said

"I don't wanna worry about that right now." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, ya can't just stay at home all day & do nothing, you'll end up homeless." Mimzy said "Can ya at least try to look for one later."

"Okay fine." Blitzø said

"Ms. Mimzy, the news station is here & they're looking for Blitzø." One of the workers called out from the other side of the door

"Oh shit, here, go to the secret exit under my desk, quickly." Mimzy said

"Okay, I'll see you later, Mimzy." Blitzø said as he went into the secret door

Flashback End

"Good to see you too, Mimzy, it's going great." Blitzø said

"I saw that you got yourself a job like I told ya." Mimzy said

"Actually Mammon was the one who offered me to work in Loo Loo Land again." Blitzø said "I had to take it since I knew you would kill me if I didn't."

"I knew you would." Mimzy giggled

"Hey, there he is." Mammon said as he appeared "I knew you would be here, are you ready for your big break?"

"I guess so, but if I win this, I don't want any sex bots of me." Blitzø said

"Alright, it'll make me a lot less money, but fine." Mammon said before noticing Mimzy "Oh, who's this chickie babe."

"Mammon, this is Mimzy, she's a friend of mine." Blitzø introduced

"& what a lovely little beauty you are, Miss." Mammon flirted

"Oh, Mr. Mammon, you're such a charmer." Mimzy blushed. "Thank you so much for giving Blitzø a job at Loo Loo Land."

"Ah, no problem, love." Mammon said "Rehiring him happened to be the best decision I ever made."

"No doubt." Mimzy giggled

"Anyway, I'll see you on stage, remember what I said a few months ago, & do your best." Mammon said as he teleported

"We'll see you on stage as well, Blitzø, break a leg." Mimzy said

"Good luck, I say, I say." Wally said

"Knock 'em dead." Horvitz said as they left

"Blitzo!?" A voice said

Blitzø turned & saw Fizzarolli with Asmodeus

"What the hell are you doing here?" Fizzarolli said

"Here to compete in the Clown Pageant, of course." Blitzø said

"Why? You can't juggle or make balloons or any of that stuff." Fizzarolli said

"I never said I was gonna do that." Blitzø said

"What?" Fizzarolli said

"I'm gonna be doing my own thing." Blitzø said

"Blitzo, you can't just do your own thing, that's not even allowed." Fizzarolli said

"I don't recall that being in any rules." Blitzø said "Besides, Mammon was the one who told me I could, as a matter of fact he was the one who suggested I compete." Blitzø said

"What? Why would he—?" Fizzarolli said

"Best of luck to you, Fizz." Blitzø said as he disappeared in a swirl of darkness

So, the Clown Pageant began, the first round was juggling, but instead Blitzø threw knives at targets which landed on perfect bullseyes & he shot balls that were tossed into the air with his guns which made the balls explode into fireworks.

Next was the pie gag, but instead Blitzø baked giant Mammon cake at a fast pace, then he sliced the cake into pieces with a katana before serving it to the audience & contestants, but Fizzarolli rejected his piece.

Then there were balloons, Fizzarolli made a Mammon head balloon while Glitz & Glam made a crown balloon which they put on the Mammon head balloon. As for Blitzø, he made a giant plush of Mammon's body wearing a king's outfit before putting the crowned Mammon head balloon on top.

Later, there was a meet & greet with finalists which presented Blitzø, Glitz & Glam, & Fizzarolli, but Fizzarolli was absent at the moment.

"Hey, we don't usually say this to our competitors, but we have to admit you did alright." Glam said

"Yeah, I especially love that cake, you should open a fucking bakery, hehehaha." Glitz giggled

"Thank you, so you two are sisters?" Blitzø said

"Yeah, we're actually twins." Glam said

"I have a twin sister." Blitzø said

"Really, we should teach you two our art of synchronization." Glitz said

"Yeah, maybe someday after my battle with Azrael." Blitzø said

"So, you planning on winning this pageant?" Glam asked

"Not really, I just came to compete under Mammon's recommendation." Blitzø said "I don't really care if I win or not, I mean I already work for Mammon."

"It's not about that, Blitzø, it's about becoming Mammon's new brand figure." Glam said

"Yeah, Fizzarotty already won 10 fucking times." Glitz agreed

"I know that." Blitzø said as he stuck out his hand to them "May the best demon win?"

"Definitely." Glitz & Glam said in unison as they took his hand & shook it

"Um, E-excuse me." A soft voice said with a tap on Blitzø's shoulder

Blitzø looked & saw a demon woman with blue tentacle-like hair, pale skin with white freckles & horns, wearing pink eyeshadow & pink lipstick.

"May I have your autograph, please?" The woman asked politely

"Okay." Blitzø said as he tried to sign his name "Ah crap, out of ink."

"Here you can have mine." The woman said as he pulled a pen out of her pocket before accidentally dropping it "Oh shit, I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy."

"It's alright I can get it." Blitzø said

Both reached down to grab the pen only for their hands to touch. They both looked up at each other & stared for a moment.

"U-um." Blitzø blushed inwardly as the woman smiled before he picked up the pen & signed his name "Here you go."

"Thank you, good luck." The woman said as she left

Meanwhile, Mammon, Horvitz, & Wally were talking to Mimzy

"So Mimzy, you & Blitzø are friends?" Horvitz asked

"Of course we are, Blitzø & I met when I was getting chased by loan sharks, he made clean work of those bastards with those guns of his." Mimzy said "Not that I'm bragging or anything, but I was the first sinner he's friends with."

"Really, I say, I say, really?" Wally said with interest "You two must be pretty tight, huh?"

"Tight as a knot, sweetheart." Mimzy said "Blitzø always has my back when it comes to my troubles with loan sharks, so he takes good care of me just like Alastor. He also comes to my club from time to time."

"Did you know about his powers?" Wally asked

"Of course I knew." Mimzy said

"Um Mimzy, do you know why Blitzø had kept his powers a secret? A few months ago we were at a meeting, he was asked that & he said something about him being only a man & not a weapon." Mammon said "Does that mean he didn't wanna be used as a weapon?"

"Well, that's only part of the reason." Mimzy said

"Oh yeah? When did he decide to stop using them?" Mammon asked

"After the fire. He told me the main reason he stopped using his powers is because he wanted to protect his family & friends." Mimzy explained

"What did he mean by that?" Horvitz said

"I don't know, but whatever it is, something else must've happened during that fire." Mimzy said

"Mammon." Asmodeus approached them

"What can I do for you, Oz?" Mammon asked

"Can I talk to you in private?" Asmodeus said

"Yeah yeah sure." Mammon said

Mammon & Asmodeus went to a dressing room to talk

"Alright, what is it?" Mammon said

"Lucifer called you over the day after the meeting, why didn't you respond to his call?" Asmodeus said

"I didn't wanna hear his bitching about Blitzø's behavior & actions at the meeting." Mammon said

"It wasn't about that, Mammon, it was about something else." Asmodeus said

"Then what was it about?" Mammon asked

"It's Azrael, he wants Blitzø as his apprentice after their battle." Asmodeus said

"Oh, I bet that'll be a dream come true for Blitzø to be the next Angel of Death." Mammon said

"No Mammon, it's gonna be a fucking nightmare, Hell is gonna be doomed when that happens." Asmodeus said

"Well, what do you want me to do about it, cuz I'm sure as Hell not gonna stop him." Mammon said

"Mammon, can you please work with us, we're very anxious about what will happen." Asmodeus said

"Then maybe you shouldn't have helped Fizzy humiliate him at your restaurant." Mammon said

"& Another thing, why would you have Blitzø compete in this Clown Pageant." Asmodeus said

"Because he has been holding back on his true talents like the things he did in the rounds." Mammon said "I can't wait to see what he will do in the Finale."

"Mammon, you know how Fizzarolli feels about him." Asmodeus said

"So? That's his problem." Mammon said

"Also, Why is Blitzø working for you, what are your plans with him?" Asmodeus said suspiciously

"He's working for me because unlike you, I gave him a chance." Mammon said "Need I remind you of the promise you made long ago."

"You motherfucker, you really gonna hold that against me?" Asmodeus glared

"Why not, you were supposed to do what you promised to do, but like everybody else, you chose Fizzarolli." Mammon glared back

"You did the same thing!" Asmodeus raised his voice

"Yeah, but at least I gave him a chance after he lost his company, better late than never." Mammon said "I may be the Sin of Greed, Asmodeus, but I at least got a heart."

"You know what, talking with you is pointless." Asmodeus said

"For once, we both agree." Mammon said as he stepped out with Asmodeus following

Blitzø was signing autographs & greeting people until he felt a tug on his coat. He turned & saw an imp boy with his broken horns, Blitzø went on his knees to the child's height as the boy began talking in sign language

"Mr. Blitzø, my name is Oliver, I loved your performance, your accuracy with your throwing knives & guns was awesome & the cake you made was the best thing I ever tasted. I'm very sorry about your company, & I'm looking forward to your battle with Azrael & I'll be cheering you on. I know you'll be able to survive through it, I believe in you." Oliver signed

Blitzø stared at the child as he understood every word he signed, then Blitzø did something he hadn't done in a while.

"Huh? He smiled." Mammon said surprisingly as Blitzø was smiling

"Quick, Wally, take a picture." Mimzy said

"Oh yeah, right." Wally said as he quickly took a picture of Blitzø & sent it to the others

(The Hazbin Hotel)

Charlie & the gang along with Ms. Mayberry, Molly, Monty, & his mother Mary Python(OC by Axelgear & Dommato1) were in the Hotel watching the Clown Pageant on TV as it went to commercial.

"Was that the one you & Molly have been telling me about, pet?" Mary said

"Yes, Mammy, he's the one I trained." Monty said

"That was a smashing performance Blitzø made." Alastor said

"That cake looked so yummy, I wish I could've been there to taste it." Niffty said

"Don't worry, Niffty, we can have Blitzø over & he can make a cake for us." Molly said

Just then, Charlie felt her phone vibrating, she pulled it out & looked at it, before gasping while covering her mouth which the others noticed

"Charlie, what's wrong?" Vaggie asked as tears began to form in Charlie's eyes

"Is everything alright, sweetie?" Mayberry asked in concern

Charlie showed her phone to the others as they saw a picture of Blitzø smiling which surprised everyone.

"There's the smile that fully dresses him!" Alastor said enthusiastically

"Charlie, please tell me this isn't a joke." Angel said

"It's not." Charlie choked with tears of joy

"Yes!" Angel said happily as he along with Molly hugged Charlie with tears of joy "Thank you, God!"

"Looks like Blitzø is returning to his old self." Mayberry smiled

"Mm-hm, but only slowly, it's gonna be a while before he's back to the way he was before." Husk said

(St. An's Hospital)

"Christ on a stick, there really is a God." Barbie smiled "Looks like I'll be getting my brother back soon enough."

(Octavia's Mansion)

"Grandma!" Via said

"What is it, love?" Octavia said

"Look, Blitzø is smiling." Via said as she showed the picture on her phone

"Oh, thank goodness, it appears he's not completely broken after all." Octavia smiled in relief

(Henroin's Mafia)

Henroin, Lucie, Grandpa Longlegs, Nonna, & Arackniss were also watching the Clown Pageant on TV

"That was molto bene, Blitzø did very good." Grandpa Longlegs said

"Yep, I was the one who taught him how to use a gun like that." Henroin said

"Mm-hm, he had a great teacher." Lucie winked

"Heh heh heh, Grazie, amore." Henroin chuckled

"I remember one time he baked a cake for me on my birthday, he was such a cute fucker back then." Nonna said

"A shame he didn't want to join our mafia." Grandpa Longlegs said

"That was his decision to make, Papà, not mine." Henroin said "We just have to accept it."

"If only there were a way to bring his company back." Nonna said

"I still say we should've whacked those two bastardos along with that cagna." Grandpa Longlegs said

"Blitzø told me he hadn't seen them since he turned them into his former targets." Arackniss said "As for Loona, he hasn't seen her since she walked out on him."

""That's good news, that reminds me, did you cut off the deal with him after what happened?" Nonna said

"I most certainly did." Henroin said

Just then Arackniss felt his phone vibrating, he pulled it out & looked at it

"Hey Pops, look at this." Arackniss said as he showed his phone

"Hey, he's smiling." Henroin smiled

"Oh, my happy little dragon's back." Lucie said adoringly

"Well, it's about damn time, it's been like what, 3 to 4 months?" Nonna said

"Indeed, it's only a matter of time before he's completely healed." Grandpa Longlegs said

(Clown Pageant)

"Thanks, kid." Blitzø said as he pet Oliver's head

"You fucking suck!" A voice said

Everyone looked & saw Fizzarolli with an imp wearing glasses, Blitzø recognized the imp as Burnie who was a fan of Fizzarolli

"Seriously Fizzarolli, isn't there a single original idea in that head of yours." Burnie said

"Listen I—." Fizzarolli said

"No no no, you listen to me, all you do is work at that overpriced sleaze joint & you come back here to put us through the same tired, old routine every year." Burnie said

"I uh..." Fizzarolli said nervously

"You know, I'm actually glad I'm no longer a fan of you, because if I still was, I'd possibly get bored of you because of the shit your doing." Burnie said

"I...l..." Fizzarolli stammered as he fell back on the floor

"You what? Spit it out already! Are you too pathetic to—AH!" Burnie yelped as a scythe landed in between him & Fizzarolli

They looked & saw Blitzø with a cold glare, he approached them before picking up his scythe & looking at Burnie.

"Look buddy, I get that you hate Fizzarolli & s***, but you're making a scene & my boss Mammon ain't gonna tolerate that. So, if you want Fizz to hurt really badly, you can do that by watching me or Glitz & Glam beat him at his own game & taking his place, if that's a fair deal." Blitzø said

Burnie opened his mouth & pointed before closing his mouth & thought about it for a moment

"Alright Blitzø, but only because you have better talent in the competition so far & I'm getting quite fond of you. Plus I got 500 bucks for you to win & please watch your aim, you almost cut my fucking face off." Burnie said

"Alright." Blitzø said

"Good." Burnie said as he left

Blitzø then looked down emotionlessly at Fizzarolli, then he twirled his Scythe & pointed its handle towards Fizzarolli to help him up. But Fizzarolli just scoffed before pushing it away before standing up on his own & walked away. Blitzø sighed disappointedly before going back to the meet & greet.

Later was the final round, after Glitz & Glam had sung their song, it was Blitzø's turn. Icy mist spread throughout the stage as Blitzø appeared.

(Nirvana by Adam Lambert)(I don't own this song)


When the stars are too cold

Frozen all over the globe

On the edge of the night

Blitzø made a small ball of light from his hand which levitated

We can be their light

Everyone became shocked, surprised, & in awe that Blitzø could sing

So give me more than your touch

The light became a womanly figure

& give yourself to the rush

Blitzø & the figure of light reach out to each other

Just keep holding my hand

They take each others' hands as the figure of light glowed brighter

As we're taking off

I know where we'll land

The figure of light & dispersed into little sparkles all over the room

We can escape to a higher plane

In Nirvana state

Where the dreamers lay

I'll lay you down, lay you down

Safe on a higher plane

In Nirvana state

Where the dreamers lay

I'll lay you down, lay you down

Through the dark there's a way

Blitzø's hands become surround in black aura & makes the entire room pitch black

There's a love, there's a place

Multiple hearts shine in different colors

Where we don't have to hide

We can dream all night

So follow me through the sky

Blitzø's hands becomes surrounded in glowed white as clouds & birds of light appear & fly around

& watch the oceans collide

Blitzø's hands become surrounded in blue light & crosses them as two waves crash into each other making small water droplets

Just keep holding my hand

As we're taking off

I know where we'll land

We can escape to a higher plane

In Nirvana state

Where the dreamers lay

I'll lay you down, lay you down

Safe on a higher plane

In Nirvana state

Where the dreamers lay

I'll lay you down, lay you down

Blitzø then became surrounded in light purple aura & started levitating in the air

Oh, we don't need any diamonds or gold

Watch the mystic & cryptic unfold

As we fly high

Just as Blitzø hit the high note, black feathery wings sprouted from his back which shocked everyone, Mammon nearly choked on his popcorn as Wally, Horvitz, Asmodeus, Mimzy, & Fizzarolli eyes widened. Then Blitzø began flying around the audience

We can escape to a higher plane

In Nirvana state

Where the dreamers lay

I'll lay you down, lay you down

Fizzarolli began shaking & ran away as Asmodeus went after him

Safe on a higher plane

In Nirvana state

Where the dreamers lay

I'll lay you down, lay you down

Blitzø landed on stage with his feet as his wings dispersed

Yeah, I'll lay you down, lay you down

The audience went wild as Blitzø took a bow while others were having a reaction

(Hazbin Hotel)

"Wow." Charlie said in awe

"Dios mio." Vaggie said shockingly

"Well fuck me, blind." Monty said shockingly

"Angel, Molly, did you know that he had wings?" Husk asked

"No, we didn't know he had them." Molly said

"Neither did I." Charlie said

"Now this is my kind of entertainment." Alastor said

(Morningstar Castle)

Lucifer & Lilith stared at the TV screen in shock & horror as if it's like their nightmare was about to come true.

(Moxxie & Millie's house)

"Oh what the fuck! He has wings too!?" Moxxie exclaimed in outrage

"Let it go, Moxx." Millie sighed

(With Loona)

Loona was glaring & growling angrily at the TV

"Loona, you good?" Hellhound 1 said

"No, I'm not! I want that fucker DEAD!" Loona said

"Don't worry, Loons, you'll be able to put him in his place soon." Hellhound 2 said "Other than that, we got some info that Beelzebub is throwing a party next week, so how would you like to join us & crash it."

"I fucking love too." Loona smirked

(Goetia Mansion)

Stolas & Stella were stunned as they we nervously sweating & having second thoughts about having him assassinated

Back at the Clown Pageant, Mammon was on stage with Blitzø, Glitz & Glam

"Ladies & Gentlemen, according to some circumstances, Fizzarolli will not be performing in the final round." Mammon said "Anyway, we have had fantastic performances for this year's Clown Pageant, but this was the most Exceptional one yet, don't we all agree!?"

The crowd cheered in agreement

"Now, without further ado, the winner of the Clown Pageant is..." Mammon said "BLITZØ!"

The spotlight shined on Blitzø's as the crowd went wild, Blitzø stared as he felt a bit proud on the inside. Later, Blitzø was backstage with Glitz & Glam.

"Congratulations on winning, Blitzø." Glitz said

"Shame we didn't win." Glam said with her arms crossed

"Hey, don't worry about it, I'll talk to Mammon & see what he can do with the both of you." Blitzø said

"Thanks, if you wanna meet again & hang out, call us." Glam said as she & her sister gave Blitzø their numbers

"Later tater." Glitz giggled as she & her sister left

"Blitzø, congratulations, we're proud of you, I say I say." Wally said

"Thanks guys." Blitzø said

"We didn't know you had wings as well." Horvitz said

"Well, truth be told, I didn't know either." Blitzø said "That was a first for me."

"How did you know how to use them?" Horvitz asked

"Sort of went with the flow I guess." Blitzø said

"Are you happy now?" Fizzarolli said from behind them as he was glaring at them "You took everything away from me, you bastard!"

"Fizz, calm down, it was just a harmless little loss." Horvitz said

"Harmless, this job meant everything to me, now I lost everything because of you, Blitzo!" Fizzarolli said "You weren't even supposed to compete here in the first place!"

"Stop, I say, stop that, you still have your job as Ozzie's." Wally said "Besides there was no rule about not allowing Blitzø to compete."

"Just shut up, Wally!" Fizzarolli said "You couldn't have just stayed out of the way, huh Blitzo? You were always jealous of me because I had the spotlight, now you just stole the spotlight & once again ruined my life just like you did in the past!"

"Fizz, that's enough!" Horvitz glared

"You know, I bet if Tilla were here, she—." Fizzarolli smirked


Fizzarolli was sent flying into a wall with a bruise on his cheek, he looked up & saw Blitzø with a cold emotionless glare surrounded by dark aura. Blitzø approached Fizzarolli before picking him up by the neck & pinned him to the wall

"Look, Shittarolli, I don't give a fuck if I took shit from you or ruined your life. You've been doing this shit for far too long, it's about time you retire & let someone else have a turn. So, don't go bitching to me about your petty fame being stolen just because I decided to not hold back on my talents anymore. Also you better watch what you say or do, because if you don't, I'll make you wish you died in that fire." Blitzø said threateningly "Got it?"

Fizzarolli became frightened as he nodded his head making Blitzø let go of him & walked away as Horvitz & Wally look at Fizzarolli in disappointment

"That was way out of line, Fizzarolli." Wally said

"But back at the meet & greet, he said—." Fizzarolli said

"Blitzø only said that to get that creep off your back!" Horvitz scolded "He also tried to make amends with you by giving you that piece of cake he made & helping you up on your feet back there, but all you did was reject him!"

"Exactly, Fizz, Blitzø has blamed himself everyday ever since the fire & he wishes to make things right, but you're too busy being pissed at him. Think about that." Wally said as he & Horvitz left

"Fizz, are you okay?" Asmodeus said as he approached him

"No, Ozzie, I'm not." Fizzarolli said as he stood up

"Fizz, I told you to congratulate him, not gaslight him." Asmodeus said

"So what? It's not like it's gonna work things out between me & him!" Fizzarolli sulked

"Listen I hate to say this, but I think you losing this pageant was for the best." Asmodeus said

"Excuse me?" Fizzarolli glared

"Fizzarolli, for the past 10 years, you became extremely stressed about winning, perfecting yourself, & being Mammon's brand figure." Asmodeus said

"Are you saying you're happy he won!?" Fizzarolli said angrily

"Technically yes, because that amount of stress is bad for your health, Fizzarolli." Asmodeus said "Froggy, I know you hate Blitzø for what he did, but don't you think it's about time you two talk things out?"

"What is there to talk about?!" Fizzarolli said

"Well, what if that fire was an accident?" Asmodeus said

"An accident? Are you kidding me!?" Fizzarolli said angrily

"Listen to me, can you just at least try to make amends with him? You've been holding this grudge for 15 years." Asmodeus said

"Why are you so worked up on me & Blitzo making amends?" Fizzarolli said

"I—." Asmodeus said

"Actually I don't care, you know whatever Azrael wants with Blitzo, he can have him!" Fizzarolli said

"Fizzy, don't say that!" Asmodeus raised his voice

"No! I just...I just don't care anymore." Fizzarolli said as he left

"Fizzarolli wait." Asmodeu called out "Fizzarolli!"

Back with Blitzø, he along with Horvitz & Wally found Mammon talking to Mimzy

"Then maybe we can go dancing after dinner, what do you say?" Mammon said

"Oh, I would be delighted." Mimzy said

"Excuse us." Blitzø said

"Oh Blitzø, congratulations, sweetie." Mimzy said as she kissed him on both cheeks "Mwah! Mwah!"

"Thanks Mimzy." Blitzø said

"Now that you're the new brand figure, we're gonna make some big changes in Loo Loo Land, VERY big changes." Mammon said

"With my clones & building skills, I can finish that in no time." Blitzø said

"Great!" Mammon said excitedly

"Well, I'll catch you guys later." Mimzy said as she left "Toodaloo!"

"Oi, Blitzø, I got a date with Mimzy coming up, so I was wondering if you would." Mammon whispered

"I gotcha covered." Blitzø pulled out a Mimzy plushie & gave it to Mammon

"Thanks mate." Mammon said as he left "See ya Monday!"

"We gotta go too, Blitzø." Horvitz said

"Bye, I say, bye Blitzø." Wally said

"Take care." Blitzø said as Wally & Horvitz left

"Blitzø." A voice said

Blitzø turned & saw Asmodeus

"Blitzø, that wasn't an okay thing to do & say to Fizzarolli." Asmodeus said

"Then maybe he should've kept my mom's name out his fucking mouth." Blitzø narrowed his eyes

"I know, I apologize for that." Asmodeus said

"Then don't expect me to apologize, I tried being nice to him, but he pushed me to my fucking limit." Blitzø said "Now, what do you want, Asmodeus."

"Well, I don't wanna say this, but...I don't think you should work for Mammon anymore." Asmodeus said

"...What?" Blitzø clenched his fist

"Now Blitzø, I'm only saying this because I'm looking out for you." Asmodeus said

"By making me jobless?" Blitzø said

"I can give you a job at Ozzie's." Asmodeus said

"Why? So Fizzarolli can fire me there?" Blitzø said

"He's not gonna fire you." Asmodeus said

"What makes you think I would work at the same place I was humiliated at? So you can make me the restaurant fool who people can shit on?" Blitzø said

"No, that's not the case." Asmodeus said "Look, you don't know Mammon like I do, he's a selfish manipulative piece of shit who uses people for his own benefit."

"Then why did he offer to rehire me at Loo Loo Land? At least he cared enough to give me a chance." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, I'm giving you a chance now, isn't that enough?" Asmodeus said

"No, you're far too late on that." Blitzø said "Besides, it won't matter if what you say about Mammon is true or not, I don't care anymore."

"What do you mean you don't care?" Asmodeus said incredulously

"I lost my ability to care months ago." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, I know you don't wanna work at my club because of Fizz being there, but this could be an opportunity to settle your—." Asmodeus said

"Forget it." Blitzø said as he walked away

"Hey, don't walk away when I'm talking to you." Asmodeus scolded as he grabbed Blitzø's arm

Blitzø glared as his fist glowed light purple & punch Asmodeus in the stomach sending him back a few feet from him

"Agh!" Asmodeus held his stomach in pain as he was on the ground

"I advise not to ever touch me like that again, Asmodeus." Blitzø said with a cold glare as he walked away

"Why are you acting this way, Blitzø!? What happened to you!? Why do you act so broken!?" Asmodeus said as Blitzø stopped

"You really wanna know what happened to me?" Blitzø said as he turned around & slowly approached Asmodeus "You remember that night you saw me & Stolas, did you think what we had was lust? Well, you were wrong, Asmodeus, it was never about lust or love. I was nothing but a fucking pawn so that his marriage could break off. But I should thank you, if you hadn't called me & Stolas out, he would have never revealed his true colors to me the morning after that night."

"W-what?" Asmodeus said shockingly

"& Another thing, you couldn't let Moxxie & Millie enjoy their little anniversary in peace, could you? You just had to kick their asses out? Well, because of that night, those two turned their backs on me because of how big of a f*** hypocrite you were." Blitzø said much to Asmodeus' shock "So tell me, Asmodeus, are you happy that you helped Fizz humiliate me in front of the whole restaurant?"

"Blitzø...I never-." Asmodeus said

"Save your breath, I hope you're proud of yourself." Blitzø said as he left

Asmodeus stood up as he stared in shock, then he sighed sadly & left. Later, Asmodeus was at his office, as he pulled out a picture of a female imp with messy black hair black & a red skull charm around her neck from his desk

"Ozzie, I don't have much longer, but can you watch over my children when I'm gone, especially Blitzø because I know he'll be going through very rough times, but will you be there for him?"

"I promise."

"Tilla I...I'm sorry." Asmodeus said solemnly

Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoyed it. Anyway, I had watched the Hazbin Hotel a couple of months ago, & I gotta say I absolutely loved it. I can't wait for the next season. Ever since watching Season 1, I ended up having so many ideas for it. I thought since Mimzy had a tattoo on her back which would imply her to be a fan of Mammon, I thought why not let her attend the Clown Pageant. Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter, Morpho Out.
