Yes? Or No?

All day I kept thinking about Jackson. Should I go out with him? Should I not? He is pretty cute and has a sense of humor. I couldn't help but look into his chocolate brown eyes and want to eat them. Ugh! Why can I not stop thinking about him! I don't need to go on a date, but why shouldn't I?

I go to the flower shop to get all this off my mind. I don't know why he escorted me home. Maybe Jackson wanted to know where I live. That's pretty cute.

I get the watering hose and start to water some of the flowers. I open the shop and a ton of people start to pour in. "What's happening?" I wonder. Duh! Today's Valentines Day! No wonder he asked me out! I have to go out with him. It's destiny.

Today, in total, I made about $700. Holy cow! That's a lot of money in one day. I wish Valentines Day was everyday, then I would be rich. But I can only dream.

I get a text from an unknown number. "Hey, do I have an answer yet? It's almost 5:00, and if you don't answer before 5:15, I'm just going to take it as a no." I know just who it is. Jackson is texting me! Being the the flower shop definitely took him off my mind, but also made me forget about him asking me out! I quickly write;
"Yes, I will go on a date with you." He immediately wrote back; "Meet me @ Raspberry Garden @ 6:00 sharp. C u there!"

He's so cute it's hard not to say no to this. I start to close up shop and get ready to go. I walk home and go into my closet. "What should I wear?" I wonder. I search the closet for a nice dress, then I finally found one. It was a black tight dress, and it fit perfectly. I don't remember when I got it, but good thing I did. I put on my best pair of black heels and headed out the door.

I text Jackson; "Can U come pick me up at my house?" He texts back; "Sure. On my way!"

I wait outside a bit and then I see his car. Well, not his. It looks like he went all out and got a limousine. "Fancy" I say.

"Well, you certainly look nice," says Jackson.
"I can say the same for you. Can I call you Jack instead of Jackson? It's just easier to say," I ask.
"Sure, as long as I'm allowed to call you Honey," he smirked. Wow. I don't know what to do. No one has ever flirted with me before. What is this feeling? My stomach feels like butterflies are fluttering around everywhere. This feeling I get whenever I'm around him. Oh my gosh. I think I'm in love!

We get into the limousine and watch the Tv. My favorite show was on: "Scream Queens" I love that show. I wonder how he knew.

We get to Raspberry Garden and we walk inside. I have never been in a place so fancy before in my life.
"Table for 2 please," says Jack.
"Okay follow me," says the waitress. We sit down and I can't help but notice that the waitress keeps glaring at Jack. He kinda starts to have a bit of a worried look on his face.

"What can I get you guys to drink?," she asks.
"I'll have a water please," I asked.
"I will also have a water please," says Jack.
"Okay. I will be back with your drinks in a sec," says the waitress.

"What's up with her? She keeps glaring at you?," I ask.
"Well.... that's my Ex, Saraphina," says Jack.
"Your Ex? Dang, she must not have taking the breakup very well then," I said.
"Nope. She did not take it well at all. She was taking advantage of me and would always go out with her friends. It's like I never existed to her, so I had to dump her," said Jack.
"How did you break up with her?," I asked.
"Well, one time when she was out drinking, I packed my stuff up and moved into an apartment. I couldn't put up with her anymore. I know that's a bad way to break up, but her feelings didn't matter to me anymore," said Jack.

"Her are your drinks, a water for you and a water for...oops!," the water spilt all over Jacks lap. Then suddenly, my reflexes cane in. I stood up and slapped her right in the face and yelled
"Screw you jerk!," I took Jack by the hand and stormed out. I did not want to have anymore crappy service from that pinhead.

"Woah Cate, that was amazing, how you stood up and slapped her. Thanks, she got what she deserved," thanked Jack.
"I still do have a question for you," said Jack. "Will you be my girlfriend?,"
