The Stranger

"Who are you and what do you want," I said.
He didn't say anything, he just stared right at me. Everyone hates me, but it's also hard for them to hate me. I always hear women on the streets talking about my natural beauty but it's her relatives that ruined her life. He still didn't say a word.

"I asked you a question and it would be nice for you to answer it," I said sharply.
I am not playing any games.
"Well, I am here for you of course. The mayor wants to talk to you," said the man.
"Why would the mayor want to speak to me, he hates my family,"I said
"Just follow me ma'am," said the man

I hate when people do that. They tell me to do stuff but don't tell me their reasoning. I am my own person and I don't need that man to tell me what to do, but I did it anyways. We walked the way there, and everyone stared. Most people knew my story but have never seen me in person or knew what I looked like. Jaws drop.

Finally, we reached the mayors house. What a site it was to see the house. After the fire they just rebuilt the whole thing over again. I heard it wasn't good enough for the mayor but they workers didn't want to do more. What a pest the mayor is, always wanting more.

"Why does the mayor want to see me?," I ask.
If he does not answer the question I'll walk straight back to the shop. I don't care whatever the mayor wants to talk to me about. I could care less about that adult brat.
"I don't know he just sent me to get you," he replied.
"What's your name by the way?," I ask. "My name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex if you would like," said Alexander. We stopped at the front gates. He seemed a bit nervous but I don't care about other people's feelings, just things I shouldn't worry about. "Alexander, did the mayor tell you anything about why he wanted me," I ask.
"Nope, now follow me to his office," said Alexander.

As we walked in, everything was just as I imagined. Stupid shiny portraits of him on the wall with his family. None of them smiled in any of the paintings. As we turned the corner, I was about to explode with utter frustration. There was a door with the word "Dungeon" on it, and we went in it.
