
My mind and my spirit tend to be running two different races
My mind is a short distance runner
While my spirit prefers to run slow and steady

My mind tends to be so selfish it takes over my entire body
It begins to program me
Not allowing my spirit to have a say
It's like my mind doesn't even want to hear it

That makes me fear it
My mind is always sprinting through life
All it does is strive to be superior
My mind is always working fast
It wakes up and is already in a rush

Hurry up and get dressed
You're taking to long
You're wasting time
Don't be late
Don't be a family disgrace
You're almost late to class
Look at what you did
You couldn't even get a decent grade on the test
Next week you're going to study more
You're going to stop talking to your buddies as much

In such manner
When will my spirit ever get a chance
To just have an input
My spirit feels like it's a stranger in it's own home
Like it's alone in a dark room
Like no matter what mark it makes
It won't even matter

Only a few ways help me understand how to
Make my Ying and Yang come into peace
I know a few ways to find common ground
To increase my spirit's ability to speak
To decrease my mind's ability to control

I close my eyes and close myself from the world
I sit down and downwind
I relax my mind and relax my auras
My crown chakra flows
Like aqua in Niagra my stress falls
I become one with myself
My chakras unite

Meditate don't medicate
