Chapter Twenty Nine: What is Going On?

Chapter Twenty Nine: What is Going On?

Bianca awoke to people screaming in terror. She jumped out of bed and ran into the hall to see the staff running up and down the halls. She immediately ran into to Hope's room grabbing her out of her bed and taking her into the bathroom that was joined to Sarah's room.

After beating on the door a few minutes Sarah opened it letting them into her room. “What is going on?” she asked seeing how frantic Bianca looked. “I don't have a clue but the staff has been screaming and running through the halls, I didn't want to take a chance so I grabbed Hope and came in here so we are all together.” she replied as they all decided it was best to hide in her closet.

“Damien and the twins are on their way here with mom and dad.” Sarah said after a few minutes of silence. “Okay good we need to all stick together in case this is some kind of ploy by the king to separate us from each other.” she said wrapping her arms around Hope.

A few more minutes went by and someone was knocking on the door. “Is that them?” Bianca asked Sarah. “Yes Damien said to open up before he breaks it down.” she laughed heading to her door.

“What is going on?” Bianca asked Damien as soon as they were all secure in Sarah's closet. “I'm not sure I think we might be under attack or something.” Damien replied trying to contact his father thru their link.

“Brody something is going on here at the castle.” Bianca sent thru their link. “What are you and Hope safe?” he asked. “For now, we are in Sarah's closet with her, our parents, the twins, and Damien.” she replied.

“Okay good I will contact Damien and see how things are going and see if he can tell me what is going on.” Brody replied. They sat quietly in the closet waiting to see what happened next but nothing seemed to be going on anymore.

“Babe Damien is going to help you guys get out of the castle through an old underground tunnel system we used to play in as kids.” Brody finally said. “Why, what is going on?” Bianca asked. “For some reason there are hunters attacking the castle which doesn't make sense because father just signed a peace treaty with their leader last year.” Brody replied.

“So where are we supposed to go? Are you coming home?” she asked him frantically as Damien showed them a secret passage way in Sarah's closet. “Yes I am on my way home as we speak but it's going to take me a good three or four days to get home so please stay together, Damien and the twins will protect you at all costs.” he replied.

“We will I promise I love you.” she said as they were getting ready to enter the tunnels. “I love you too.” Brody said before their link was cut off due to the tunnels being so far underground.

“Mommy I'm scared.” Hope whined as she clung to Bianca's neck. “I know sweetheart but it'll be okay your Uncles are going to keep us safe.” Bianca reassured her. After they had been walking for a good three hours Bianca was beginning to become tired to the point she was having problems staying on her feet.

Travis had already taken Hope to help her but it seemed like she just couldn't go on anymore. “We need to take a break I don't think Bianca is going to be able to make it much longer.” Sarah said as she helped steady her.

“We can't stop we have to keep going we need to get as far from the castle as we possibly can.” Damien said. “I know but she can't even stand on her own anymore babe we have no choice.” Sarah said. “Why is she so weak she's an Alpha's daughter and she's mated to a prince?” Damien said stopping to check on Bianca.

“I don't know it's not like her but she can't go any further someone is going to have to carry her.” Sarah said holding her up. “I will carry her.” Lance said picking her up into his arms. “Thanks.” Bianca whispered as she did her best to wrap her arms around his neck.

They had finally made their way out of the tunnels and into the woods. Damien was leading everyone to a cabin that was enchanted and only those of royal blood could see it. They found it just as the sun was rising. Once they were inside they immediately started a fire and secured the windows and doors.

“Babe I'm on my way I know you're to the cabin now take it easy Damien told me that you practically collapsed in the tunnels. I know we promised to tell everyone together but you may have to tell them all before I get there especially if you are so weak it will help them to know what to do for you.” Brody sent her.

“I will tell them if I feel like it is absolutely necessary but only then right now I just needed to rest that's all once I get some rest and eat I'm sure I will be just fine.” she replied. “Okay sweetheart I will let you get some rest just know I'm not that far away just hit me up on our link as soon as you wake up.” Brody said before switching back over to make a plan with Damien.

“Damien you have to keep a close on Bianca she is so stubborn that she won't tell you guys when something is wrong I know she is weak right now and I also know why but I am leaving it up to her to tell you guys.” Brody said.

“What do you mean how are you communicating with her?” Damien asked him. “Our mind link opened up finally.” Brody replied. “Does that mean...” “That she is carrying my pup, yes it does.” Brody beamed cutting him off. “Oh wow congrats man that is just awesome.” Damian replied.

“Just promise me to keep this between us I can't take a chance on the wrong people finding out and using it against us. I am trusting you brother not only with my daughter and mate but also with my unborn pup.” Brody said knowing that he could count on Damien.

“I promise I won't let you down I will keep them safe until you arrive.” Damien replied. “I know you will now I have to go I need to go underground for a bit to get to you guys faster I will be in touch as soon as possible.” he said before shutting his link off.

The plan was for everyone to stay in the cabin until Brody arrived which was going to be just fine until the King arrived. He had no clue that they had escaped to the cabin until he opened the door and being tackled by his sons.

“Father what are you doing here?” Damien asked shocked to see him. “I came to seek refuge here just as I'm sure all of you did.” he replied as they helped him up. “We tried to reach you through our link father but we couldn't get through we had to make a run for it when the castle became over ran with those hunters.” Damien said.

“I'm sorry I'm so used to keeping my link closed that I forgot to open it up.” he replied sitting down on the sofa. “It's okay father I just sprung into action and figured it was best to get all of these guys to safety because I knew you had your guards protecting you.” Damien replied as he sat beside him.

“You fool they were supposed to be captured in the attack on the castle that was part of the plan to get rid of them.” the king sent Damien through his mind link. “How was I supposed to know you haven't told me any of the plans in a long time.” he replied. “I know that is because you seemed to be getting a little too close to the halfling.” the king replied.

“I had to father it was either that or blow my cover.” Damien replied. “I know son now I need to figure out a new plan one that you will be in on.” he replied before cutting his link off.

“Brody I have something you need to know please if you can hear me reply.” Damien sent him. “What is Bianca and Hope okay?” Brody responded. “They are fine for now but apparently the attack on the castle was a setup by father to get rid of them.” Damien replied.

“Oh man Bianca was right this whole disappearing pups things was just a trick to get me away so he could do his dirty work.” Brody said kicking himself. “You had no way of knowing if it was true or not.” Damien replied.

“So how did you find this out?” Brody asked him. “Father showed up here and was very surprised when he seen we were all here.” Damien answered. “You keep that traitor away from my family do you understand me?” Brody snarled. “I plan on it but there's something else he is working on a new plan one that he wants me involved in so should I follow what he wants to appease him until you get back or do you want me to go against him now?” Damien asked.

“Appease that bastard until I can get back just make sure to stall whatever the plan is to ensure I am there before he can do any harm to them.” Brody said letting his wolf take over who was extremely pissed off at the king.

“Okay will do brother just hurry please.” Damien pleaded. “I am going as fast as I can I will be there soon.” Brody replied before shutting his link off to Damien. Damien decided to talk to Sarah through their link who had made her way along with her parents into the bedroom with Bianca when the king arrived.

“Babe we have to watch what we say or do my father has a suspicion that we are seeing each other but he is going to include me in his new plans and Brody has told me to go along with them just stalling them as much as I can until he can get here. I promise to keep you all safe.” he sent her.

“Okay should I inform Bianca of anything or do you want to keep her out of the loop and calm?” Sarah asked him. “Brody will let her know what he wants her to know.” Damien replied realizing what he just did.

“How can he do that unless, is she pregnant?” she asked him. “Yes but you can't say anything to her or anyone else we aren't supposed to know but Brody told me in case something happens that way I could keep an eye on her which you can help with that now that I let it slip.” he said.

The next couple of days were rough because not only did Sarah and Damien have to hide the fact that they knew Bianca was pregnant but they had to ensure the king stayed far away from her and Hope which was proving to be a chore seeing as they were all stuck in a small cabin in the woods.
