Chapter Thirty Seven: Beginning To The End

Chapter Thirty Seven: Beginning To The End

“I don't like having my family so close to the kingdom while all of this is going down.” Draven stated as they were going over plans to take on the king. “I promise no harm will come to them or anyone who will be staying at the cabin during the fight.” Brody replied.

“How can you be so sure?” Draven questioned. “My pregnant mate, daughter, mother, sister, niece's and nephews along with others will be there so trust me their safety will be first priority if for some reason I don't feel they are safe there I will move them to a new location.” Brody answered.

“Honey, Brody won't let anything happen to us besides we will have Sarah and her mother there helping protect us by using their fairy abilities.” Solara said wrapping her arms around his neck.

“We will be fine there as long as we all stick together besides the king thinks we are all dead so he won't even be looking for any of us.” Bianca added. “She has a point the only ones he will be looking for will be the twins seeing as they were to be spared when I took Bianca and Hope.” Draven said rubbing his mate's arms.

“They have already made their back to the castle to report that Draven made off with Hope and Bianca.” Brody added. “Do they know the truth?” Samuel asked. “No they still think I am still out on royal business as I was sent on by our father.” Brody smirked.

“Damien knows what is going on, I had to tell him he was going crazy as my emotions have been all over the place.” Sarah chimed in. “Can we even trust him?” Bianca asked looking towards Brody. “Of course we can he is my mate he wouldn't do anything to put us into harms way.” Sarah spoke up.

“That may be true but he did plot against me and Brody for quite sometime before coming clean how do we know that him coming clean wasn't part of their plan?” Bianca asked. “B come on now you know he wouldn't do that I mean he helped get your through the tunnels when you pretty much collapsed.” Sarah frowned.

“You're right and I'm sorry I think all of this is finally starting to take it's toll on me.” Bianca smiled hugging her. “It's okay it has me as well.” Sarah agreed. “Why don't we let the women head on to bed while we hash out all the details?” Samuel smiled as he kissed Abigail on the cheek.

“I agree you need to get your rest it has been a very strenuous and emotional day.” Brody smiled pulling Bianca to him. “I want to help with the plan to take that evil man down.” she whined. “I know sweetheart and I promise I will fill you in on everything in the morning but you need your rest not only for yourself but for the little one.” Brody smiled laying his hand on her belly.

“Oh alright at least come tuck me in.” she grinned. “I think I can do that.” he smiled as he picked her up into his arms carrying her upstairs to their room. “Promise not to stay up too late I miss having you in bed with me.” Bianca said as he laid her in their bed.

“I promise as soon as we get the basics figured out I will be up here holding you in my arms.” Brody kissed her. “I'm holding you to that.” she grinned as he tucked her in. He leaned down and kissed her one last time before leaving the room.

“Now that they are all in bed we need to start planning how we attack.” Draven said as soon as Brody took his seat. “I know it will be a surprise because I am going to go along with whatever my father has to say as to why my mate and daughter are no longer in the castle.” Brody said.

“So you think he is going to give you some lame excuse as to their whereabouts?” Samuel asked him. “Of course he is I mean he can't just expect me to return from the crazy hunt he sent me on and just accept that my mate and daughter just aren't there anymore.” he replied.

“That's true, I think it is bes tyou do play the role of loving son just returning from whatever it was he sent you to do all the while we will be getting into place preparing to attack.” Samuel smiled.

“We need to be prepared for anything so I want to make sure we have enough people on our side to counter who ever may fight for him.” Draven added. “I'm not sure how many will take his side especially once I challenge him.” Brody replied.

“What about the royal guards?” Samuel asked. “Only a few will stay true to him, he has been extremely cruel to just about anyone he comes into contact with which should make it easier to overthrow him.” he answered him.

“That does help us in the long run then, I say you get into contact with your brothers, Bianca and Sarah's families along with castle servants who will for sure help us and see about having a meeting somewhere in the woods where no uninvited guests will show up.” Draven said pouring himself a drink.

“That's a great idea especially for all those people who will be borderline between him and I we should allow my mother to appear before them showing them that she is alive and let her tell them what he did to her and Solara, most of the kingdom looked up to her more than him.” Brody said as Draven handed him a drink.

“I think that will be our best bet to ensure more join us.” Samuel agreed. “I think we can even use my mother as part of our attack strategy.” Brody smiled. “What do you have in mind because I'm not going to let her get involved in any part of this that could cost her her life.” Samuel stated.

“I think maybe having you and Draven show up with my mother out of the blue will be enough to spook him which should throw him off guard giving me the perfect chance to subdue him.” Brody said downing his scotch.

“What are we going to do with him once we have him chained up and under our control?” Draven asked. “I figure we can banish him to the dungeons of the castle or somewhere far away where he won't be able to hurt any of us again.” Brody suggested.

“I say we behead him and be done with it.” Samuel smirked. “He is still my father if it weren't for him I wouldn't even be here.” Brody stated not sure he even felt comfortable standing up for the cruel man that helped give life to him.

“You better not back out of this at the last second and let him go free because it that happens I assure you I will kill him myself.” Draven promised. “I won't let him go free he ordered for my mother, sister, mate, and daughter to be killed I can assure you I won't be giving into my emotions and letting him go free.” Brody reassured them.

“I say we take out tomorrow and head to the cabin where we will stay a couple nights ensuring our whereabouts aren't known by him or any of his informants then we move into the castle and round up all those who we think will be useful and we setup a meeting somewhere opposite of where the cabin is so they won't be anywhere close to our mates and kids.” Draven said.

“That sounds great to me and from there we will work out how we attack once we have everyone on board.” Samuel smiled. “Works for me now if you gentlemen don't mind I'm going to head up to bed with my mate with whom I haven't spent the night with since before we found out she's expecting.” Brody grinned shaking their hands before leaving the room.

“How'd everything go?” Bianca asked as he crawled in beside her. “Great, we have the initial planning worked out and we are going to leave Harmonia tomorrow and head towards the cabin where we will all stay for a few nights.” he told her as he wrapped his arms around her.

She nodded to acknowledge what he said before snuggling into his warm embrace that she had been missing. He smiled knowing that they were both going to sleep well for the first time since he left to investigate his father's lie.
